Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 652 End of Disciple Assessments, 1000 New Disciples!

Chapter 652 End of Disciple Assessments, 1000 New Disciples!

“Next up is… Chun Hua! You managed to comprehend the thirty-first level of the palm technique and your official ranking for the third assessment is 14 out of 3000! Congratulations on successfully becoming a disciple of the Star Shattering Sect!”

As the third assessment came to an end, Chun Hua passed the third assessment without any problems and successfully became a disciple of the Star Shattering Sect.

Although her ranking was among the lowest of the Foundation Establishment Realm participants, Chun Hua did this in an attempt to get the elders of the Star Shattering Sect’s attention away from her without being too obvious.

In the end, this worked perfectly, as other that the Peak Core Formation Realm Outer Sect Elders, none of the Nascent Soul Realm Elders kept their divine sense focused on her for a long time.

The person at the centre of these elders was instead a young boy and girl, who had both managed to comprehend the fiftieth level of the palm technique in such a short time with their Foundation Establishment Realm cultivation base.

“If only these two could feel just how many different divine senses are locked onto them, I’m sure they would be scared to death!” Muttering this to herself while feeling grateful for these two’s help in taking away the attention of all the Nascent Soul Realm Elders watching over the assessment for the new disciples, Chun Hua found a place to sit down and relax until the announcements of who among the three thousand remaining participants would enter the Star Shattering Sect…

“Last, in the number one thousand place and having successfully comprehended the… Fifth… Level of the palm technique is… Wai So Dim! Congratulations on becoming an Outer Sect Disciple of the Star Shattering Sect! Even though your performance during the comprehension assessment was the worst among everyone present, your performance in the rest of the assessments is enough for you to barely enter…”

“Yes! I managed to get in!” Following the final participant being named, a cry of happiness could be heard from the person in question ignored what the elder said. Only focusing on the fact that he managed to get into the Star Shattering Sect.

“Damn, how can a dim fellow like him get in, but I, who comprehended the twenty-first level of the palm technique can’t!?”

“That’s right! Even if I wasn’t great, I should at the very least be better than that guy!”


Although the people failing to become disciple was talking badly about him, it by no means meant that the young man called Wai So Dim was weak in any way.

On the other hand, he was someone who had reached the Foundation Establishment Realm and could be considered one of the strongest among all the participants!

The only thing dragging him down was the fact that it looked like his comprehension was abysmal…


Before the participants who failed to become disciples of the Star Shattering Sect started attacking the young man who had placed last to vent their feelings, a kind looking old man appeared in front of the large stone monument.

“Everyone, this marks the end of the disciple acceptance of the Star Shattering Sect! For the one’s who failed to become disciples, if you still want to join the Star Shattering Sect and think you still have what it takes, you are all welcome to join a branch sect and enter the Star Shattering Sect this way. The elders will help you with any question regarding the branch sects and their locations on your way out!”

Watching the old man appearing before calming down the participants who failed to enter the sect, Chun Hua could not muster any admiration for the old man’s ability to calm the crowd of young people.

The reason for this was simple, as she clearly felt that the old man was someone in the Nascent Soul Realm.

“Before we get any further, I would like to introduce myself, I’m the current Vice Sect Master of the Star Shattering Sect and I will be giving all of you a brief introduction to the Star Shattering Sect and will be answering any questions you might have-“


Not daring to stand out knowing that the other party was a Nascent Soul Realm Expert, Chun Hua tried her best to make herself invisible as she listened to Elder Song explain the rules of the Star Shattering Sect and what they would be doing. From new disciple tournaments, choosing a profession to train and so on.

“-With this, the new disciples of the sect, all of you can make your way up the Ninth Star Peak where a group of elders will guide you towards your new home!”

Time slowly passed and Elder Song’s introduction to the Star Shattering Sect came to an end. Soon, Chun Hua found herself making her way up the Ninth Star Peak together with the thousand young people who had successfully managed to pass all the different assessment to officially become disciples of the Star Shattering Sect.

However, she couldn’t keep herself from shaking all over the closer she got to the Ninth Star Peak. From past experiences, she understood very well how terrifying the formation guarding the Shattered Star Peaks was.

Back when she had first encountered it, if not for an ancient sacrificial artifact activating by itself, saving her life and teleporting her away in time, Chun Hua didn’t doubt that the formation guarding the Shattered Star Peaks would have killed her without her having any time to resist.

Exactly because of this, Chun Hua only got more and more nervous the closer to this terrifying formation that she got. Wondering if she should just turn around and forget about entering the Shattered Star Peak…

No! I can’t turn around now! If I give up now, how will I be able to reach the central region with my own strength? Even if I get stronger and eventual make my way there, it will all be far too late at that point in time!

Thinking about her reason for entering the Shattered Star Peaks, Chun Hua showed a determined expression on her face as she walked the final distance and officially crossed the invisible barrier separating the Shattered Star Peaks from the outside world.



Not able to stop herself from letting out a small exclamation of surprise after crossing through the invisible barrier formed by the terrifying formation, Chun Hua soon showed a relieved expression on her face as she realized that she had successfully made it into the Shattered Star Peaks without getting killed by the formation.

“W-what is this?! Why is the qi in here so dense!?”

“T-this is the qi inside an immortal sect…? A true holy land for cultivation!”

“Just cultivating here for a few days will be the same as a month on the outside… No wonder the Star Shattering Sect is said to have more than one Domain Lord Realm Expert!”

Around her, the rest of the disciples all showed a similarly surprised expressions on their faces, the reason however was a bit different than her…

“This dense qi…”

Calming down from the happiness she felt after having safely entered the Shattered Star Peaks, Chum Hua also began feeling the dense qi all around her as a frown slowly appeared on her face.

For the qi here to be this dense… The person in charge of the Star Shattering Sect should not be someone who is just in the Domain Lord Realm! But how is this possible!? A power with an expert at this level should be located close to the central region. Not close to the borders of the continent!

Having far more knowledge than the rest of the young people present, Chun Hua could not help feeling a shiver run down her spine as she realized that the person behind the Star Shattering Sect might be someone above the Domain Lord Realm.

If that was really the case, there was a high chance that the other party had already noticed her…


Thinking this to herself, Chun Hua could only pray that this was not the case and try to find what she came to the Star Shattering Sect for before leaving.

“Hm? Looks like she might have guessed that someone might already know about her.”

Chun Hua was not surprised at the dense qi inside the Chaotic Qi Formation, but instead just showed a terrified expression on her face. Meaning that she had likely already experienced such a blessed environment before and had some idea about what kind of existence could create such an environment.

Knowing this, Xuan Hao felt even more curious about her and where she had come from. Even if the Chaotic Qi Formation was still far away from its full potential when it came to the density of qi inside it, it was still not something that Xuan Hao could achieve with his current strength.

To create something similar, he guessed that the strength of at least a Soul Ascension Realm Expert was required!

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