Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 659 Worry of the Nearby Powers

Chapter 659 Worry of the Nearby Powers

A few hours after Feng Chen had been sent back to stabilize his cultivation base by Xuan Hao, the elders and disciples of the Star Shattering Sect slowly started calming down before returning back to what they had been doing before Feng Chen’s breakthrough.

However, deep down, all of them felt happy knowing that the sect had gained another powerful expert at the Domain Lord Realm to support. Not to mention, the person who had broken through was none other than the sect master!

When talking about a sect, the person who would normally be mentioned would always be the sect master. Even if he was not the strongest person in the sect…

For this reason, the elders were especially happy that Feng Chen had broken through to the Domain Lord Realm.

Following Feng Chen’s breakthrough to the Domain Lord Realm, the simplified version of the Codex of the First Four Mortal Realms was passed on to the Outer Sect Elders and Sect Elders. Allowing the elders already in the Nascent Soul Realm to improve their strength, while the elders stuck at the Peak of the Core Formation Realm slowly started breaking through to the Nascent Soul Realm.

Of course, the people benefiting from the simplified version of the Codex of the First Four Mortal Realms was not only the elders, as the elders who learned the codex began using it when teaching the disciples under them. In turn, this also caused the strength of the disciples of the Star Shattering Sect to experience a period of rapid growth, as all of them benefited from the Codex of the First Four Mortal Realms.

Outside the Star Shattering Sect itself, the different sects and kingdoms located closest to the Star Shattering Sect had already begun sending their envoys over in an attempt to submit before the Star Shattering Sect started expanding.

The main reason for this was that the kingdoms closest to the Star Shattering Sect were not much stronger than what the Heavenly Sky Kingdom had been in the past before its fall, Elder Song who was in charge of talking to the envoys from these different kingdoms and sects was more than happy to accept these different powers submission.

Doing this would not only allow the Star Shattering Sect to expand more easily in the future without having to waste a lot of time and resources on taking control over these powers, but it would also put pressure on the different powers still considering whether or not to submit to the Star Shattering Sect before they even started expanding…

Even if the Star Shattering Sect was a power with several Domain Lords in it, the number of elders and disciples in the sect itself was far smaller compared to what other Domain Lord Realm level powers had. This was also one of the reasons why the Star Shattering Sect had to wait until they had more Nascent Soul Realm Experts before expanding.

After all, the people who would keep peace inside the territory of the Star Shattering Sect in most cases would not be the Domain Lord Realm Experts, but instead the elders and disciples of the sect.

Elder Song who had been in charge of the management of the Flying Sword Sect for many years understood this very well, as back then, the Nascent Soul Realm Experts would only guard important locations or the sect itself.

The elders and disciples would be the ones to keep the different smaller sects and powers in order while dealing with the different small problems that appeared. From demonic cultivators to demon beasts, the elders and disciples of the sect would normally be the ones to deal with these as long as the problem didn’t involve anyone too powerful for them to handle!

The new contribution system that was set up together with the new Grand Mission Pavilion in preparation for this.

The Grand Mission Pavilion would serve as a place for the disciples to find missions on different problems inside the territory of the sect, completing these missions would reward them with contribution points that could be used for different things like buying pills and artifacts.

However, even if there was a proper way to get the different missions to the disciples and enough rewards to encourage them to take on these missions, it could not change the fact that there were still far too few disciples in the Star Shattering Sect.

To solve this problem, Elder Song ordered the Flying Sword Sect and the Spring Flower Sect that was now turned into branches of the Star Shattering Sect to start accepting disciples. Not forgetting to transfer some elders over to teach these new disciples.

The most talented of these disciples could work their way into becoming disciples of main sect in the Shattered Star Peaks, while the less talented could work to become elders of their respective branches. If they grew strong enough in the future, there would of course also be a chance for these people to enter the main sect in the future.

The news of this quickly spread and many disciples that had failed to enter the main sect of the Star Shattering Sect rushed towards one of these two branches. Having remembered what Elder Song had told them about being able to enter the Star Shattering Sect in the future if they worked hard enough and were able to make up for their lack of talent with hard work.

At the same time that the Star Shattering Sect had started accepting a massive number of disciples through the two large branch sects that had once been the main sect of the Flying Sword- and Spring Flower Sect, the different powers that wanted to stay independent from the Star Shattering Sect could not help getting nervous.

All of them understood that the Star Shattering Sect was recruiting a large number of disciples in preparations for expanding their territory, alas, there was nothing they could do about it, as the Star Shattering Sect was back by two Domain Lords. Not knowing that Feng Chen had broken through to the Domain Lord Realm as well.

The pressure on the ancestors of these different powers that were trying their best to breakthrough to the Domain Lord Realm increased further, as the time they had left before they would have to deal with the Star Shattering Sect seemed to grow closer.

“Looks like the Star Shattering Sect is starting to make preparations for expanding their territory…”

Inside a large empty manor located on a small hill inside the capital city of the Flame Sky Kingdom, Elder Sheng Mei who had been trying her best to convince the king about the benefits of joining the Star Shattering Sect could not help muttering this to herself as she looked towards the large palace at the centre of the capital city.

“Haa… Even if that old man manages to break through to the Domain Lord Realm, it won’t be any good for our Flame Sky Kingdom to be independent with what is coming… Without the support of a powerful power, there will be no way for out kingdom to survive what is about to come…” Muttering these words as she turned away from the palace in the distance, Elder Sheng Mei’s face was filled with pain for a brief moment before she moved towards a small inconspicuous room in the manor.


Using her divine sense to activate a small hidden formation inside this room, a small pair of stairs leading down soon appeared in the middle of the room.

Step~ Step~

Not saying anything after the appearance of this path leading down below the manor, Elder Shen Mei soon came to a small room filled with all sorts of ancient texts and books written in a long-forgotten language that was no longer spoken on the current Ewaria Continent.

If Xuan Hao was present, it would not take him long to recognize that the language of these ancient texts and books was none other than the ancient language of the forgotten past that he was trying to learn.

Picking up one of the ancient books on a small table inside the hidden room below the manor, Elder Sheng Mei moved towards a small bookshelf before placing the ancient book inside it.


Placing the ancient book on the bookshelf activated a small formation hidden inside the ancient book, as the bookshelf itself seemed to turn into a mirage before disappearing completely. Revealing yet another hidden path.

Step~ Step~ Step~

Walking along this hidden path, Elder Sheng Mei soon found herself in front of a massive space that was several miles wide. Looking closer, it was easy to see several scars of battle radiating a powerful killing intent left behind inside the massive underground space.

“Great Lord Kubera… If only you were still around…” Letting out a sad sigh as she muttered this to herself, Elder Sheng Mei gazed sadly towards something inside the massive underground space in front of her-




Trying to enter the wide underground space in front of her, Elder Sheng Mei could only let out a scream of pain before rapidly retreating.

“Looks like I’m still far too weak to enter…”


Shaking her head as she said this, Elder Sheng Mei turned around and left. Resealing the hidden paths behind her.

The powerful killing intent left behind from the battle that had once taken place inside was enough to force a powerful Nascent Soul Realm Expert like Elder Sheng Mei away even countless years after the battle that had once taken place had ended.

From this, it could easily be imagined how powerful the people fighting back then had been!

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