Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 689 Target, Demonic Formation!

Chapter 689 Target, Demonic Formation!

689 Target, Demonic Formation!


Having come up with a plan on how to destroy the demonic formation, Bai Ning and Hui Ying only ended up spending a few minutes recovering before both of them moved towards the town square-



Ignoring the demonic cultivator at the centre of the town square looking disdainfully towards them as he prepared to throw another blood red orb towards them, as they instead attacked the different parts of the town square where the core part of the demonic formation covering the entire small town had been engraved into the ground with the blood of the inhabitants that had once lived inside there.

“Wha-!? HOW DARE YOU!”

Not taking even a second to realize what Bai Ning and Hui Ying were up to, the demonic cultivator yelled loudly filled with killing intent before using all his strength to condense close to a dozen blood red orb.


Not caring about the consumption required to condense so many of the blood red orbs at once, the demonic cultivator was filled with killing intent after seeing Bai Ning and Hui Ying trying to destroy the demonic formation. Not holding back in the slightest as he went all out trying to kill them off before they had a chance to do any significant damage to the demonic formation.

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The care that the demonic cultivator showed the demonic formation was obviously far above that of the two demonic cultivators that Bai Ning and Hui Ying had killed earlier…




Seeing the demonic cultivator condensing so many of the blood red orb’s at once, Bai Ning and Hui Ying moved like they had already predicted the actions of the demonic cultivator. Not wasting even a single second before both of them had already started retreated back outside the town square ahead of the red orbs even getting close to them!



Realizing that he had been dupped by Bai Ning and Hui Ying into wasting his energy on a powerful attack, the demonic cultivator did not even have time to curse before the blood red orbs landed around the place where both Bai Ning and Hui Ying had been standing only a second earlier.

Looking at where the blood red orbs were landing, the demonic cultivator could not help frowning. However, his frowning expression soon turned into a panicking one after recognizing one of the blood red runes eteched into the ground around the place where the blood red orbs were landing.

“Wait… That… Isn’t that a blood storage rune-“


Not having time to finish what he was about to say, a massive explosion far surpassing the strength of the previous explosions caused by the blood red orbs of the demonic cultivator swept through the small town.


Instantly cracks spread all across the demonic formation before-


The demonic formation fully shattered. Triggering an even larger explosion in the process.


Located at the centre of the demonic formation where most of the energy from the demonic formation had gathered, the demonic cultivator could only forcefully cut his connection before using all his strength to protect himself from the terrifying explosion caused by the destruction of the demonic formation.

Even if he could stay alive, there was no doubt that he would end up seriously injured after the explosion of the demonic formation!


Not too far away from the town square where the core of the demonic formation was located and the massive explosion took place, Bai Ning and Hui Ying had no way to fully escape in time, as both of them were thrown dozens of meters back by the explosion.


Only coming to a stop after crashing into a small hill located just outside the town square.

“Looks like you plan worked and there really was a gathering point for the energy of the demonic formation there… But… To think he really ended up destroying his own formation in the end…”

Being the first to get back up, Hui Ying could not help looking towards Bai Ning filled with both surprise and amazement after having witnessed the demonic cultivator destroying his own formation.

“Don’t get happy yet, we only destroyed the demonic formation… The demonic cultivator is still alive… And I don’t doubt he wants nothing more than to kill both of us at this point in time!”

Reminding Hui Ying that their battle was far from over, Bai Ning narrowed his eyes before looking towards the town square in the distance.

At this point in time, the centre of the town square where the demonic cultivator had been standing had already turned into a small crater after the demonic formation blew up. The only sign left of the demonic formation was a few dim red symbols barely floating around the outer edges of the town square.

Looking towards the small crater at the centre of the town square, Bai Ning could not help feeling a shiver run down his spine. No matter how injured the current demonic cultivator was, he could not help wanting to escape after sensing the terrifying killing intent leaking out into the surroundings from the crater!


Getting up from the ground before standing beside him, Hui Ying also looked towards the small crater without saying anything after feeling the terrifying killing intent from the demonic cultivator.

Even without Bai Ning saying anything, she understood that the fight ahead of them would not be easy in any way…

Heavily injured, unstable foundation and a less than optimal state of mind after being tricked into destroying his own formation. Even with all of these things helping them, the demonic cultivator had still reached the Higher Demon Realm!



Just as Bai Ning and Hui Ying were staring toward the small crater at the centre of the town square, a crazy laughter echoed out from inside the small crater followed by the demonic cultivator covered in blood from head to toe rushing directly towards them!


The difference in power between both of them was obvious!

Having to face the demonic cultivator first hand for the first time since their encounter, Bai Ning could not help feeling a tremor run through his body as he stepped forward to block the attack of the demonic cultivator with one of his artifacts.

Even if the demonic cultivator was heavily injured and could not display his full strength, Bai Ning had no way to fight back against the overwhelming physical power of the demonic cultivator.

The only thing allowing him to even face off against the demonic cultivator in the first place was the fact that he carried a large number of artifact that he had crafted during his time in the sect…



As a result, Bai Ning ended up on the losing side after only a short exchange!

If not for the fact that the strength of the demonic cultivator was far lower due to his current bad situation and Bai Ning had a large number of defensive artifacts on him that could help mitigate some of the power contained in the demonic cultivator’s attack, it was easy to imagine how a fight between the two of them would have gone…


At the same time Bai Ning and the demonic cultivator were clashing with each other, Hui Ying remained standing without knowing what to do in the current situation.

Not only was she weaker than Bai Ning in terms of cultivation, but she also had no way to protect herself against the attacks of the demonic cultivator with defensive artifacts like Bai Ning.

With this in mind, there was no way for her to interfere in the battle without causing more trouble for Bai Ning by endangering herself…

No! I can’t just stand around doing nothing!

Unwilling to just stand and watch as Bai Ning’s situation started growing worse with each defensive artifact that the demonic cultivator ended up destroying, Hui Ying showed a determined expression on her face before slowly making her way towards the place where Bai Ning and the demonic cultivator were fighting with each other.


Having reached an area less than a dozen meters away from where Bai Ning and the demonic cultivator were fighting with each other without being spotted, Hui Ying narrowed her eyes as she focused her full attention on the demonic cultivator.

Closer… Closer… Just a little closer…

Watching as Bai Ning and the demonic cultivator got closer and closer to the place where she was hiding, Hui Ying started tensing up as she tightened her grip around the sword firmly held in her hands.

Given that she could not fight the demonic cultivator head on like Bai Ning, Hui Ying decided to go for a riskier approach… A sneak attack!

Even if she understood that failing might end up causing a lot of trouble for her, Hui Ying didn’t want to just sit around doing nothing while Bai Ning was fighting with his life on the line!



Seeing an opportunity appearing, Hui Ying used her movement technique to the limit as she stabbed towards the demon cultivator-


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