Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 694 Bai Ning and Hui Ying in Danger!

Chapter 694 Bai Ning and Hui Ying in Danger!

694 Bai Ning and Hui Ying in Danger!


Following behind Hui Ying, Bai Ning could not help feeling nervous as he kept looking around himself for any possible dangers along the way.

From what little he had heard his master explain about secret realms, he understood that they were incredibly dangerous for someone like himself who had only reached the Foundation Establishment Realm.

If he was unlucky enough, he might end up encountering a Core Formation Realm demon beast and in the worst case, a demon beast that had reached the Nascent Soul Realm… Maybe even the Domain Lord Realm!

“Hui Ying!”

Knowing just how dangerous it was for them to stay in a place like this, Bai Ning called out to Hui Ying the moment he managed to catch up with her.

“Hm? Bai Ning? Is something wrong?”

Not understanding why Bai Ning had called out to her with a worried expression on his face looking like he had just faced a life and death battle, Hui Ying tilted her head to the side with a confused expression plastered all over her face.

“This… We have to get out of here as quickly as possible!”

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“Why?! The scared spiritual herb is definitely somewhere in here, there is no way we can just give up and leave now that we have made it this far!”

Not understanding why Bai Ning had suddenly started insisting on leaving after they had just entered the jungle where the sacred spiritual herb, she was looking for was located, Hui Ying looked towards Bai Ning for an explanation.

“If I’m not wrong, this place should be a secret realm, a really dangerous place with strong demon beasts surpassing the Core Formation Realm and-“


Trying his best to give a quick explanation of a secret realm to make Hui Ying understand how dangerous a secret realm was, Bai Ning was cut short as a loud roar echoed out only a few dozen meters behind them.



As even more roars began sounding out from behind them getting closer and closer to their current location, both Bai Ning and Hui Ying turned around to see what was happening behind them


Just as they turned around, a loud sound of fighting could be heard, as both Bai Ning and Hui Ying saw two massive demon beasts clashing violently with each other only a few dozen meters away from where they were standing.



“This- Let’s leave before they notice anything…”

Seeing the demon beast had not noticed them yet and were busy fighting each other, Bai Ning looked towards Hui Ying before whispering to her while signalling for towards an area covered in dense jungle foliage where they should be able to easily escape without the demon beasts noticing them.


Nodding her head filled with fear as she said this, Hui Ying moved closer to Bai Ning before both of them slowly began moving away from where they were standing. Doing their absolute best to not make any sounds that might catch the attention of the two demon beasts busy fighting with each other.

The main reason why both of them did not dare thinking about fighting the two demon beasts clashing with each other in front of them was rather simple… The two demon beasts had both reached the Core Formation Realm!

Not to mention that they had reached the Core Formation Realm, both Bai Ning and Hui Ying could clearly feel that the two demon beasts were had not simply reached the earlier stages of the Core Formation Realm… But should instead have reached the later stages of the Core Formation Realm!

If not for the fact that they were busy fighting with each other, it was doubtful whether they would even have a chance to escape to begin with given their current strength-


Just as they were about to reach the area with dense jungle foliage where they should be able to hide themselves better and increase their speed, the sound of a random twig being stepped on echoed out during the short silence after the two demon beasts had separated from each other to contemplate their next move…




Not to anyone’s surprise, the two demon beasts both turned towards the origin of the sound and soon made eye contact with Bai Ning and Hui Ying who now awkwardly stood frozen a few meters away from the dense jungle foliage from where they would have been able to use their movement techniques to escape without being noticed by the two demon beasts.


Not daring to waste any time after seeing that the two demon beasts had spotted them, Bai Ning grabbed hold of Hui Ying before using his movement technique to its limit and dashing towards the dense jungle foliage.


Caught off guard by Bai Ning suddenly pulling her along, Hui Ying could only let out a weird scream as both of them soon disappeared into the dense jungle foliage before the demon beasts did anything.



Realizing that Bai Ning and Hui Ying had run away, the two demon beasts seemed to have forgotten about their earlier life and death fight-



As both of them charged after the two escaping humans who had suddenly appeared in front of them.

Flying high above the ground on top of a Nascent Soul Realm demon beast at the same time that his disciple was desperately escaping for his life, Xuan Hao had taken a short break from repairing his dantian, as he decided to take some time to watch the scenery below him.

“Hm… I wonder how Bai Ning is doing in the Azure Sky Kingdom with that little friend of his. Now that I think about it, he did improve quite a bit over the past few weeks…” Muttering this to himself as he flew over a small battle taking place between a group of demonic cultivators and normal cultivator, Xuan Hao casually unleashed a stream of sword light towards the demonic cultivators.


Before they even had a chance to react, all the demonic cultivator who had all reached the Higher Demon Realm were all reduced to dust without even knowing what had killed them. Much to the surprise of the cultivators fighting them, who soon fell to the ground and began thanking him.

Well… They couldn’t really see him with how high up he was and the fact that he had hidden himself by using his domain power to create a small cloud below him, but at least they had some clue that some expert had passed by and had helped them.

As for why he was using a cloud he had condensed to hide himself instead of using his domain directly, it was rather simple, he had no way to keep his domain active all the time to hide himself before his dantian had fully recovered.

Not to mention, using a cloud was far easier. Although… It looked rather weird from below if one paid attention, as the cloud moved far too fast to be considered a normal cloud. At least it would be less obvious compared to the flying demon beast flying past, it was far easier to spot compared to a fast cloud speeding across the sky high up in the sky that could only be spotted if someone with powerful enough strength happened to look up.

“Hm? That is… Rather odd…”

Suddenly turning his attention away from the people prostrating towards the sky on the ground, Xuan Hao looked towards a weird cloud flying in his direction.

For some reason… This cloud… Looks similar to the one I made-


Before Xuan Hao had any chance to finish his thoughts, the odd cloud in question passed by him and as he got a chance to see it up close, he noticed that someone was similarly sitting on top of a flying demon beast while also using a cloud to not get noticed by anyone below like him.



As they passed by each other, Xuan Hao and the person who did the exact same as him to hide their presence from prying eyes below, silently made eye contact for a short moment.

The person in question was a young woman who had reached the Nascent Soul Realm and the flying demon beast below her had similarly reached the Nascent Soul Realm and was even slightly stronger than her. Giving away the fact that she was someone with a rather high status to get her hands on such a powerful flying demon beast.


Not a second later, the young woman disappeared in the distance without them talking to each other.

Looking a bit surprised in the direction that the young woman was heading, Xuan Hao could not help wondering why someone like her would go towards the border region.

Perhaps she is someone from the Sky Empire and is there to check up on the recent surge of demonic cultivators from the Frozen Wastelands?


Not thinking too much about the young woman after she disappeared, Xuan Hao signalled for the flying demon beast below him to increase in speed as he resumed his journey towards the capital of the Sky Empire.

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