Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 702 The Name of a Great Sect~

Chapter 702 The Name of a Great Sect~

702 The Name of a Great Sect~

“So, you wanted to ask me about those places since you plan to visit them on your way to the capital of the Sky Empire? Not to mention the fact that those locations are dangerous to someone in the Domain Lord Realm. Even with your current strength at the Ninth Stage of the Domain Lord Realm, some of the more dangerous things hidden in those places would still be life threatening to you!”

Having told Yi Min about the different locations he planned to visit on his way to the capital city of the Sky Empire only shortly after they had started talking with each, Xuan Hao could not help feeling a bit worried after hearing what Yi Min said.

Obviously, the different locations that he had planned to go through were far more dangerous than he had first expected given the little information he had been able to gather through the book Yi Min had given him

Even if it noted down anything important happening in the Sky Empire along with several famous locations and the different experts that existed inside the Sky Empire, it was still not fully capable of describing just how dangerous some of the locations were due to just how rare it would be for someone to truly explore those locations.

After all, all things considered, a location that was dangerous even to a Domain Lord Realm Expert would rarely get fully explored by someone in the Domain Lord Realm due to danger involved in doing something like that.

Given that not all of the dangerous location located across the core region of the Sky Empire had any precious spiritual herbs or other natural treasures inside of them, it was obvious that Domain Lord Realm Experts would not dare risking their lives to enter these locations.

As for those below the Domain Lord Realm that decided to still enter… Well… Most of them would end up dead, while the few who made it out alive would at most have travelled through the less dangerous outer region of those places…

“Hah… Not to mention the fact that some of the places you mentioned are far more dangerous than is noted down in the book I gave you due to it not being public information, some of the locations can even pose a threat to someone in the Soul Ascension Realm!”


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If he really ended up going through one of those places without knowing about the danger he might encounter…

Feeling a shiver run down his spine as he thought about just how dangerous it would be, Xuan Hao could not help feeling happy that he had decided to visit Yi Min before entering the core region of the Sky Empire.

“Then, I will be taking my leave. Thank you for your help!”

“Haha, no problem! Have a safe journey- Ah! Wait a minute!”

Having spent half a day talking with Yi Min about the different locations that would be safe to pass through or visit and which places to avoid in the core region of the Sky Empire, Xuan Hao was just about to leave when Yi Min suddenly seemed to remember something.

“What is it?”

Seeing Yi Min suddenly stopping him before he left, Xuan Hao looked towards Yi Min with a curious expression on his face.

“I forgot to say this earlier, but you have to remember to avoid the seventh prince’s faction when you reach the capital city in the future! The general who attacked me together with someone from a demonic sect are both related to the seventh prince and his faction… Aaaaand… Given what happened back then, I have a feeling that the seventh prince might try something if he gets the chance!”

“I guess I have to thank a certain someone for getting me involved with this seventh prince…”


Rolling his eyes as he saw the guilty expression on Yi Min’s face after hearing what he said, Xuan Hao chuckled a bit to himself.

Although a prince of the Sky Empire was not something an ordinary Domain Lord Realm Expert could deal with, he had already reached the Ninth Stage of the Domain Lord Realm and could be considered to be one of the top powerhouses inside the Sky Empire outside of the Soul Ascension Realm Experts.

Unless it was the crown prince of the Sky Empire, there was no way that the Sky Empire’s imperial family would do anything to him. Not to mention, with his current strength, he didn’t fear the Soul Ascension Realm Experts of the Sky Empire.

Actually… A part of him wanted to fight with one of these Soul Ascension Realm Experts to test out the strength of his new domain!

“I will make sure to be careful.”


Banishing the dangerous thoughts of fighting against a Soul Ascension realm Expert, Xuan Hao took his leave after realizing that Yi Min didn’t have anything more to say.

After entering the core region of the Sky Empire, his journey would get far more complicated.

The main reason for this, was that he would have to make sure he avoided any of the extremely dangerous locations mentioned by Yi Min.

As a result of having to avoid these dangerous locations, the time of around two months that he originally expected for it to take him to reach the capital of the Sky Empire increased to three months!

Although this did not sound like a big deal, the establishment of the sect alliance would take place in another two and a half months!

Originally, Xuan Hao had thought he would end up reaching the capital city two weeks before the establishment of the sect alliance… But instead, he would end up reaching the capital city of the Sky Empire two weeks too late if he ended up spending time exploring the different locations he had originally planned to explore on his way to the capital city of the Sky Empire.

If he wanted to at least have some time to explore the different special and famous places along his path to the capital city of the Sky Empire, it looked like he would have to increase his speed!


With this thought in mind, Xuan Hao rapidly increased his speed after leaving the Iron Sky Kingdom.

Both laying down on a pile of books, Bai Ning and Hui Ying were looking at each other with expressions of despair as they were both trying their best to read through a book written in some sort of ancient language.


“Not to mention a map, there I can’t even understand- Ah!”



Throwing away the book he had been reading, Bai Ning ended up losing his balance as he ended up rolling down the small mountain of books he had been laying on top of.

“What happened- Pft-!”

Curiously peering over the edge of the small mountain of books she was laying on top of, Hui Ying barely managed to hold in her laughter after seeing half of Bai Ning’s body covered in books that had fallen down after he rolled down.

“Ah! Enough, let’s go to the second floor of this damnable book tower! I can’t spend another day in here reading looking through these ancient books written in some language we don’t understand! Even if there are a few understandable ones, they are still only barely readable! Are you coming with me Hui Ying?”

Not able to stop himself from yelling this in an angry voice after having spent the last few days looking through countless ancient books, Bai Ning stood back up as he looked towards Hui Ying waiting for her response.

“Yes! This place is so boring! The only information we even managed to get was that this place was supposedly managed by some sort of ancient sect in the past… Hm… What was its name… The Marriage Sect…?”

“No, it was the Great Divorce Sect, a place that only took in middle-aged men going through a midlife crisis after their wife left them, as their disciples.”


Not knowing what to say after seeing Hui Ying suddenly become all excited, Bai Ning could not help rolling his eyes. Did she really believe there was a sect named the Great Divorce Sect?

“Of course not! The name of the ancient sect that managed this sect was the Mirage Sect.”

“Ah… I see…”

Seeing Hui Ying getting all disappointed after hearing that there was no such thing as the Great Divorce Sect, Bai Ning had no idea what to say.

Hopefully the Star Shattering Sect would not end up getting some sort of weirdly named branch sect in the future if Hui Ying ended up becoming an elder strong enough to manage a branch sect by herself…

“Let’s get going, we can also check up the rest of the floors in this tower before we continue trying to read through any more books!”

Shaking his head as he didn’t dare think about a future where one of the Star Shattering Sect’s branches ended up with a weird name, Bai Ning began making his way towards the still intact spiral staircase leading up to the second floor of the tower.

“Wait for me!”

Seeing Bai Ning leaving, Hui Ying quickly dashed after him as both of them made their way up to the second floor of the tower.

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