Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 717: Core Of The World

Chapter 717: Core Of The World


Looking toward the ame direction a the two powerful cultivator floating only a hort ditance away from him, Xuan Hao didn’t manage to ee anything before a loud rumbling ound echoed out acro the entire battlefield. Intantly cauing everyone who were looking into the ditance filled with both fear and ecitement to oberve the ground beneath them with urpried epreion on their face.


“Wha-What in the world i thi!?”

Similarly hocked like the people on the ground below, the two people floating in the air not too far away from Xuan Hao were alo looking down toward the ground to eamine what wa happening.

Floating in the air till in hi almot tranparent tate, Xuan Hao could not help feeling curiou about what had uddenly caued thee to epert to act in uch a panicked tate a he imilarly began looking toward the ground below.


At thi point in time, the ground had tarted haking even more violently than before, a maive crack had formed leading down into the depth of the world. Even from hi current height, Xuan Hao could clearly ee the blinding light that came from the bottom of the crack in the ground!

“Thi i… The core of the Divine Realm! But what are thoe ice crytal forming all over the core…?”

“Hm? Thoe ice crytal you mentioned, I think omeone i trying to-”


Before the pointy eared man had any time to repond to the doubt of the tall man, a loud cracking ound echoed out acro the battlefield. Followed by a maive crack going acro the entire battlefield opening up. Swallowing a large number of unupecting cultivator on the urface above, a they uddenly found themelve being pulled toward the blinding light at the bottom againt their will.


Not a econd later, the blinding light that the tall man had referred to a the core of the Divine Realm erupted violently with a power far above anything Xuan Hao had ever een before.

The Domain Lord Realm Epert, the Soul Acenion Realm Epert and even the epert who had urpaed the Soul Acenion Realm. All of them were eraed from eitence the moment they came in contact with the power erupting from the deepet part of the world.

Even the two powerful epert floating net to him were directly reduced to dut before completely diappearing. Leaving only Xuan Hao behind to watch a the powerful epert beneath him diappeared.


Everything had happened in an intant. Killing everyone preent on the battlefield below. Even thoe above the Soul Acenion Realm had no way to ecape!


A the only one left, Xuan Hao could only watch, a the core of the divine realm below the urface wa lowly engulfed in ice before being covered up.


Following the crack being covered up, the two large mae of land that were torn apart lowly tarted getting pulled apart.

During thi, Xuan Hao lowly felt hi viion get darker a he felt hi piritual body getting dimmer and dimmer.

“So… I’m about to get pulled back into my own body…”

Undertanding what wa happening the moment he felt the piritual body he wa inide of diappearing, Xuan Hao decided watch a the large mae of land were getting pulled further and further away.


During hi lat moment before everything went dark and he lot concioune again, Xuan Hao barely managed to ee an ancient painting of a large continent filled with ice urrounded by an endle ocean in all direction appearing in front of him.

“What wa the lat thing I aw before loing concioune…?”

Opening both of hi eye Xuan Hao could not help frowning a he remembered the lat thing he aw before he lot concioune.


“Ah! Here it i!”

Skimming through the ancient book again, Xuan Hao found a mall drawing of the ancient painting he had een before loing hi concioune on the lat page of the book.

Even if he could not ee the ancient painting clearly on the mall drawing on the lat painting, Xuan Hao wa clear that it wa the ame a the one he had een before he lot hi concioune.

“Hm? The book…!”

Jut at thi moment, Xuan Hao wa hocked to dicover a the ancient book wa covered in a layer of gentle golden light before getting diolved into mall mote of golden light that oon diappeared from eitence.

Like thi, without leaving a ingle trace behind, the ancient book that had taken him to ee a cene from the ancient pat… Had completely diappeared!

“Gue whatever power kept the book intact wa ued up when allowing me to ee the cene from earlier…” Muttering thi to himelf a he hook hi head, Xuan Hao undertood that there wa nothing he could do.


Etending hi divine ene out again to cover the interior of the Thouand Wind Palace, Xuan Hao aw that nothing had changed from before he had lot concioune. Even the ball of mit located at the centre of the throne room had not changed in the lightet from when he lat aw it.


To be honet, part of Xuan Hao wa epecting for the ball of mit in the throne room to be miing after he regained concioune and returned to hi own body again… But then again, the Nacent Soul Realm Epert that had come to the mall independent pace with him, wa far too weak to enter the Thouand Wind Palace.

Even if he tried hi bet, he would never be able to enter the Thouand Wind Palace unle he reached the Domain Lord Realm-


Interrupting Xuan Hao’ train of thought, a loud ound of the wind could be heard all acro the Thouand Wind Palace a the large gate made of mit cattered in all direction.

“Haha! It really worked! I managed to enter!”


Hearing the laughter belonging to none other than the Nacent Soul Realm Epert that he had jut tated had no way inide the Thouand Wind Palace echoing out acro the empty interior of the palace, Xuan Hao could not help frowning.

For ome reaon, he could not help feeling like the mall Nacent Soul Realm Epert had jut lapped him in the face…

“I hould ee how that peron managed to get inide with hi current trength!”


Shaking hi head after calming down again, Xuan Hao quietly moved toward the Nacent Soul Realm Epert. Wanting to find out jut how he had managed to enter the Thouand Wind Palace with hi current trength.

“Thi place… Where i thi?”

A hort time earlier during the time Xuan Hao had lot concioune and wa ent to ee a battle belonging to the long forgotten ancient pat, the bulky looking Nacent Soul Realm Epert who had opened the portal leading to the independent pace lowly woke up a he cautiouly began looking around himelf for any danger.

Even if it had been only for a hort time, he clearly remember how he had been upreed and knocked to the ground by ome powerful cultivator after opening the portal.

“That’ right… I ued the ancient acrificial technique before loing concioune. Haha! From the look of it, I managed to uccefully ue it and enter the portal before getting killed! I’m ure that peron from earlier i till tuck outide trying hi bet to urvive!”

Erupting in laughter a he realized he had actually managed to ecape alive from an opponent that far urpaed anything he had ever encountered before, the bulky man wa filled with happine a he jut laid on the ground for the net few minute to recover enough trength to actually get up and move.

After all, the acrificial technique he had ued did not come without cot…

Not only did he loe a large part of hi lifepan, but all trength in hi body had diappeared. Even hi cultivation realm had regreed from the Second Stage of the Nacent Soul Realm to the Firt Stage of the Nacent Soul Realm!

But even then, the bulky man wa not the lightet bit depreed over jut how much he had lot. Intead he looked up toward the peak of the mountain that wa in front of him filled with confidence and deire.

“The Core of the Thouand Wind Mountain… According to what I read in the ruin back then, the inheritance of an epert urpaing the Soul Acenion Realm can be found atop the mountain at the core of the Thouand Wind Mountain!”

Almot whipering thi to himelf a he went over the thing he had learnt when eploring ome ancient ruin that had ultimately led him to hi current ituation, the bulky man could not help feeling even more ecited a he gazed up toward the peak of the mountain.

The inheritance of an epert that had urpaed the Soul Acenion Realm!

No matter what, the bulky man undertood jut how preciou an inheritance like that wa. Epecially conidering that he had only ever heard about Soul Acenion Realm Epert before, but had never heard about anyone who wa above the Soul Acenion Realm!

“I hould get going!”


Having recovered part of hi trength, the bulky man got up from the ground before tarting hi journey up the tall mountain tretching far above the cloud!

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