Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 762: Descending Sea Of Flames

Chapter 762: Descending Sea Of Flames

I should leave this place and find a good place to observe what is going to happen next before things start getting troublesome…

Not wanting planning to interfere with the demonic formation that was about to activate, Xuan Hao decided to leave the underground room with the demonic formation and the seventh young master of the Hollow Thunder Family inside of it.

In the first place, it was not his problem to deal with the demonic formation and he didn’t really want to give away his identity to mess with a powerful demonic cultivator that dared to set up a demonic formation in the backyard of the imperial family.


Silently making his way out of the large estate before finding a good place to observe the situation from afar, Xuan Hao could not help frowning as he thought about what kind of reason a demonic cultivator would have to set up such a large scale demonic formation inside the imperial capital of the Sky Empire.

Even if most of the large demonic formation and the four smaller ones had been constructed by others, the core of the large demonic formation would still have to be made by the demonic cultivator who was behind the entire thing… Entering the Sky Empire to do something like this, the demonic cultivator had essentially put his life on the line to set up the demonic formation!

After all, even if the other party might be a powerful True Demon Realm demon cultivator, Xuan Hao doubted that the other party would be able to escape alive if he got trapped by the terrifying formation that guarded the capital city of the Sky Empire… And that was not mentioning the Soul Ascension Realm Experts present in the capital city…

“Still setting up a demonic formation with this risk… Just what is the goal of this formation… Harvesting the life force of the powerful cultivators residing in the noble district?” Muttering this to himself as he was left completely bewildered about the true purpose of the demonic formation, Xuan Hao could only shake his head and continuing keeping an eye on the large estate waiting for the demonic formation to activate.

All things considered; Xuan Hao doubted that the purpose of the formation was to harvest the life force of the powerful cultivators in the noble district. After all, for something like that to be possible, the demonic cultivator behind the formation had to be present to absorb the life force himself…


Waiting around for what felt like an eternity watching the large estate of the Hollow Thunder Family, Xuan Hao could not help narrowing both of his eyes as the entire noble district began shaking violently like it had just experienced a massive earthquake.

“Wha-what is happening!? An earthquake!?”

“Ah-! T-the formation is actually showing signs of breaking!”

“Is the capital under attack!?”

Watching as the nobles and servants moving around the noble district all began panicking as everything around him lit up as countless formations activated to protect the different buildings, Xuan Hao could not help feeling a bit surprised as some of the formations guarding the different buildings of the noble district began breaking apart under the violent earthquake.

Normally, it would be hard for something simple like an earthquake to destroy a formation… But after investigating what had happened with his divine sense, he discovered that most of these formations were nothing more than a good light show. Only there to intimidate others and show off.

As for him using his divine sense inside the noble district now, Xuan Hao wasn’t the slightest bit worried about doing this now. After all, at this moment, hundreds of different divine senses belonging to different experts swept over from all directions of the capital city the moment the earthquake took place to find out what had happened.


As the different divine senses began to investigate the earthquake that had taken place and trying to find the source, another more violent earthquake hit the noble district-

“W-why is the earth shaking…?”

“What is this- is the capital under attack!?”


“Ah-! Where did that brick fall from!?”

However, different from the first earthquake caused by the demonic formation, this earthquake spread beyond the noble district and affected the area surrounding!


The moment the earthquake started affecting the area outside the noble district, a terrifying will suddenly descended upon the noble district before locking on to the large estate that was hiding the demonic formation below it.

This is the current emperor of the Sky Empire… Or perhaps the rumoured ancestor who already surpassed the first minor realm of the Soul Ascension Realm…?<novelnext></novelnext>

Feeling the terrifying will descending before it locked on to the demonic formation in an instant, Xuan Hao could not help feeling a shiver run down his spine before retracting his divine sense to not get noticed by the other party.

Even if he was confident that the he would not get noticed due to the sheer number of people that had already begun showing up inside the noble district after the first earthquake took place, Xuan Hao didn’t want to take any risks. Especially considering that the other party was someone who had reached the Soul Ascension Realm!


Not wasting any time after locating the demonic formation, the terrifying will that had descended gathered together into a sea of flames that directly descended towards the large estate that the demonic formation was hidden below.

“Ah-! M-mercy!”

“D-don’t kill me!”


The people inside the large estate who had just managed to regain some sense of awareness after the two large earthquakes, could only scream in fear and beg for mercy as the sea of flames descend from above without giving them any chance to escape.

Given the sheer power of the sea of flames, everyone inside the estate were reduced to ash the moment they came in contact with it-

“Why is this happening!? Ahhh-!” “I should have taken another missio-“

The only two people who managed to stay alive for a little over a second inside the sea of flames, were the two spies who had both used a talisman that allowed them to form a shield strong enough to defend against an all-out attack of a Fourth Stage Domain Lord Realm Expert.

Shortly after burning through the large estate and the people inside of it, the sea of flames came into contact with the demonic formation located below it before starting to slowly burn through the protective barrier that had been created by the formation to protect itself from the descending sea of flames trying to destroy iUUUUMBLE-!

As the two clashed with each other, the entire capital city and the area around it began shaking violently.

If not for the fact that the formation guarding the capital city had already activated to some degree and helped stabilize the situation to prevent the capital from suffering any more damage than it already had, it was obvious that the clash between the sea of flames and the demonic formation would have ended up reducing the entire capital city to rubble!

After all, this was a clash between two powers that had reached the Soul Ascension Realm…

“This… What in the world is the idea behind this demonic formation…”

Watching this scene taking place from afar, Xuan Hao could not help feeling confused as he watched the sea of flames slowly starting to break through the barrier that had been formed by the demonic formation.

Considering how difficult it had been to set up the demonic formation in the first place, it made no sense for it to just cause a few earthquakes before forming a defensive barrier to defend itself against the inevitable response it would get from the top experts of the Sky Empire…

Don’t tell me… Is this perhaps a distraction…?

As this thought occurred to him, Xuan Hao quickly shook his head and dispelled this thought.

The demonic formation being a distraction did not make any sense. After all, it only caused a single Soul Ascension Realm Expert to act. Not to mention, there was far easier ways to cause a distraction that did not involve the demonic cultivator behind this matter risking his life to set up a formation inside the capital city! enl.

“But… If it’s not a distraction… Then what is the use of this formation other than wasting the time of one of the Sky Empire’s Soul Ascension Realm Experts?”

Feeling that the formation had not fully been activated yet and it had another purpose outside of wasting the time of one of the Sky Empire’s Soul Ascension Realm Experts, Xuan Hao narrowed both of his eyes as he focused his attention towards the large hole in the ground that had appeared in the place where the large estate had been seconds ago.

The sea of flames were simply far too terrifying, the large estate of the Hollow Thunder Family had been directly reduced to a hole in the ground in the span of a few seconds…

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