Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 809: Approaching Danger

Chapter 809: Approaching Danger

Making his way back towards the inn located close to the edge of the capital city, Xuan Hao could not help feeling a bit surprised that the fact that the elder from the Sparrow Sect did not show up to cause trouble.

Considering how that elder had acted back inside the meeting hall and the clear killing intent he had directed towards him and the rest of the people from the independent sects, Xuan Hao had expected for him to be waiting for them close to the gate that separated the core of the capital city from the rest of the capital city for an opportunity to cause trouble… But in the end, he had been nowhere in sight so far.

Was I worrying too much about that elder from the Sparrow Sect…?

Walking along the streets of the capital together with the people from the independent sects, Xuan Hao could not help thinking this to himself as he carefully scanned his surroundings for any sign of the elder from the Sparrow Sect, but in the end, he found nothing during their journey back to the small broken down inn located at the edge of the capital city.

The small broken inn was in the same state as it had been when they had left it behind earlier in the day, something that helped reassure everyone present that the major sects should not yet have found this hiding spot of theirs.

Although it was inevitable that the small rundown inn’s location would be exposed now that they had travelled to it without hiding themselves on their way back from the sect alliance meeting, it should at the very least give them a little more time without having to deal with anyone from the major sects showing up to cause trouble…

“Everyone! Remember to remain cautious! Even if we have the help of senior to ensure our safety, the capital city is ultimately not a place that we have much power in compared to those major sects!” As everyone slowly started relaxing upon stepping foot into the rundown inn, Elder Scarlet Flame who had been cautiously observing their surroundings during the entire journey from the core of the capital city, stepped forward and said this.


Hearing what Elder Scarlet Flame said, the group of people from the independent sects that had slowly started relaxing quickly tensed up before they started looking around themselves for any possible sign of the major sects that might be lurking just around the corner waiting for a chance to launch a sneak attack on them while their guard was down.

Seeing this scene, Xuan Hao had no idea what to say about these people. The more he interacted with them, the more unreliable they seemed to be. To be honest, it was surprising that the major sects had not managed to deal with them…

“There is no one around here waiting for us, you can rest easy for now.” Not waiting for the group of people from the independent sects after saying this, Xuan Hao walked inside the rundown inn to find a place to relax while waiting for Xu Bao to return from the part of the sect alliance meeting that only involved the four chosen leaders of the sect alliance and the Great General from the imperial family.

“Senior-” Not able to react in time to what Xuan Hao said before he disappeared inside the rundown inn, it did not take long before the group of people from the different independent sects followed after Xuan Hao inside the rundown inn. No longer worried that a possible ambush from the major sects would be waiting for them inside.

“So this is the place where those independent sects have been hiding until the sect alliance meeting…” Arriving at a location not too far away from the rundown inn where Xuan Hao and the rest of the people from the independent sects were staying, the elder from the Sparrow Sect quietly muttered this to himself before a terrifying killing intent appeared in his eyes.

If not for the fact that a terrifying expert in the Seventh Stage of the Domain Lord Realm was present, he would have already sprung on the opportunity to deal a blow to these independent sects while Xu Bao was not around to protect them.


As the elder from the Sparrow Sect was lost in thought thinking about how to deal with the Seventh Stage Domain Lord Realm Expert that had appeared out of nowhere on the side of the independent sects, a young man slowly made his way over while glancing towards the rundown inn in the distance with a similar killing intent.

“Elder… Are we really not going to attack them? Even if they have the support of a Seventh Stage Domain Lord Realm Expert, with the support of the other major sects and the lords, we should not-“

“Impudent! What do you know!?” Not giving the young elder a chance to finish what he was saying, the elder from the Sparrow Sect directly interrupted him before starting to scold him with a somewhat disappointed expression on his face. “This is still inside the capital city and under the strict supervision of the imperial family! Tell me… What do you think will happen if suddenly start such a major battle inside the capital city? Do you really think that the imperial family will just sit around and do nothing?”

“This- I’m sorry elder! I didn’t think this matter through!” Knowing that he had made a mistake in what he said, the young elder quickly apologised. Afraid that he would accidentally end up offending the old elder in front of him.

“Hmph! As long as you know your mistake.” Seeing how sincere the young elder was, the old elder from the Sparrow Sect did not pursue the matter further and instead turned his attention back towards the rundown in where the people from the independent sects were staying.

Like he had said, the problem of dealing with the Seventh Stage Domain Lord Realm Expert was not something that was easy to do without alerting the guards that constantly patrolled the inside of the capital city.

Even if the rundown inn was located at the edges of the capital city, it would not take more than a few minutes before guards started showing up if a fight broke out.

Although this was still considered a long time to someone who had reached the Domain Lord Realm, it was far from enough time to deal with someone who had reached the Peak of the Seventh Stage of the Domain Lord Realm. Even with the help of people supporting the major sects!

For this reason, he to use a different way to deal with the independent sects before Xu Bao returned and it got even more difficult to deal with them…

“Elder… If we can’t attack them head on, why don’t we get them to come to us…?” Hearing the young elder who had gone silent after being scolded, the old elder from the Sparrow Sect could not help narrowing both of his eyes before turning towards him. “Do you perhaps have an idea on how to get them to leave that rundown inn? Do tell me…”

“Actually, it won’t be that hard at all… Earlier today, I happened to overhear that the disciples from a few of these independent sects happened to also be present inside the capital city at the moment. Namely, the Stone Horn Sect and the Tree Flower Sect…”

“Haha! I see! We could indeed use those disciples to force a few of those people inside that inn to come to us. No matter how strong that new expert is, there is no way he would be able to be at two places at once!” Laughing happily as an evil smile made its way on to his face after listening to what the young elder said, the old elder from the Sparrow Sect did not take more than a few seconds to understand what the young elder wanted to do.

Splitting up the different elders from the independent sects was indeed a great way to deal with the problem of having to face off against the Seventh Stage Domain Lord realm Expert.

Not only would they be able to avoid having to deal with him this way, but in case he decided to help out the elders who wanted to save their disciples, they would always be able to target the remaining independent sects hiding away inside the rundown inn.

In case all of the people from the independent sects decided to go to save those disciples, they could always split them up into several different locations all across the capital city. Giving them no way to save them unless they split up!

“You will be in charge of taking care of the young disciples from the Tree Flower Sect and I will take care of the ones from the Stone Horn Sect!”

“Yes, Elder!”



Not wasting any time after having come up with a way to deal a blow to the independent sects, the two elders from the Sparrow Sect did not waste a single second as they both disappeared in two different directions.

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