Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 824: Resolving The Crisis

Chapter 824: Resolving The Crisis

The fight to push back the demonic cultivators that had managed to pass through the border of the Sky Empire and enter the kingdom just next to the Frozen Wastelands, was already approaching its ends. At this point in time, the only way for the disciples of the Star Shattering Sect to find any demonic cultivators, was by moving closer to the border, where the demonic cultivators came from…

As the disciples of the Star Shattering Sect were all fighting against the constant stream of demonic cultivators that came from the Frozen Wasteland, the Nascent Soul Realm Elders from the sect were busy doing their best in helping make sure that none of the disciples ended up getting attacked by a First Demonic Transformation Realm demonic cultivator or get overwhelmed by the sheer number of demonic cultivators that were coming out from the Frozen Wastelands.

Due to this, the elders from the Star Shattering Sect ended up helping the people from the Sky Empire in ensuring that no powerful demonic cultivators could enter the small kingdom located behind them.

The appearance of the young disciples and elders from the Star Shattering Sect had caught the people from the Sky Empire by surprise, they were happy knowing that the demonic cultivators that had made it past them had already been dealt with and they didn’t have to worry about hunting them down in the future.

Shu Yao who had been fighting alongside the three Domain Lord Realm Experts from the Sky Empire was also someone from the Star Shattering Sect. Giving not only the soldiers from the Sky Empire fighting on the ground the impression of the Star Shattering Sect being a powerful sect, but also gave the three Domain Lords from the Sky Empire the impression that the Star Shattering Sect was a powerful sect.

As for the reason why such a powerful sect had not been known before, the three Domain Lords had far more knowledge about the world compared to the Nascent Soul Realm soldiers fighting on the ground and guessed that the Star Shattering Sect was an old reclusive sect that had kept to itself without interfering with the outside world.

pdα-| Although they were not certain whether or not this was the truth, they felt that this was the most likely reason for a powerful sect like the Star Shattering Sect with multiple Domain lord Realm Experts to suddenly pop up inside the Sky Empire without them having any prior knowledge of it before today.

After all, for a sect to reach the level of the Star Shattering Sect, a lot of time was needed. Not to mention, a lot of resources would also be needed to allow their disciples to reach their current realm and the same could be said about the elders of the sect!

Even if the group of Domain Lords from the Sky Empire knew that Shu Yao was only in First Stage of the Domain Lord Realm, they had already witnessed the power of another Domain Lord Realm Expert from the Star Shattering Sect back when Feng Chen had slain a Third Demonic Transformation Realm demonic cultivator.

Although the group of Domain Lords from the Sky Empire had no idea about the true strength of this demonic cultivator, nor the fact that it had only just broken through to the Third Demonic Transformation Realm when Feng Chen had attacked it, they still understood that the Star Shattering Sect was among the most powerful sects inside the Sky Empire… And that was not mentioning their encounter with Xuan Hao earlier on their way to the border.

Taking him into account, this group of Domain Lords from the Sky Empire understood very well that the current strongest set inside the border of the Sky Empire was likely to be the Star Shattering Sect!

Even if the sect itself might not compare to the most powerful kingdoms beneath the imperial family, the appearance of such a powerful sect in the current chaotic environment of the Sky Empire was sure to make the larger kingdoms start panicking at the prospect of such a powerful new competitor. Not to mention the fact that this new sect was not tied to any kingdom and was fully independent from what these three Domain Lord Realm Experts had seen so far.

“I wonder how his majesty will react when he learns about the appearance of such a powerful sect…” Secretly glancing towards Shu Yao as he muttered this to himself, the general from the Sky Empire could not help wondering just what kind of reaction the imperial family would have to such a powerful sect inside their territory. Especially considering the current unstable situation between the imperial family and the three religions…


Turning his attention away from Shu Yao and focusing on dealing with the powerful demonic cultivator in the Third Demonic Transformation Realm that was single handily beating up his two subordinates, the general and two other Domain Lords from the Sky Empire did not take long before they managed to heavily injurie the demonic cultivator and force him to escape back into the Frozen Wasteland.

All because Shu Yao had managed to hold back the three remaining Third Demonic Transformation Realm demonic cultivators that were trying to interfere with the short three on one battle. After all, they understood very well what would happen if one of them ended up getting heavily injured without any way to join the fight again…



Because of this, the moment they realized that their friend had been knocked back without any possibility to join the fight again, the three Third Demonic Transformation Realm demonic cultivators turned around and escaped back into the Frozen Wasteland. Not daring to stay behind and fight against the combined might of Shu Yao and the three Domain Lords from the Sky Empire… Although, there was also the option of them deciding to leave due to their injured friend, without much ability to fight left in him, provided a great opportunity for them to further increase their strength!

In the end, Shu Yao and the Domain Lords from the Sky Empire would never find out which of these were the cause for the demonic cultivators retreating so fast. In the end, they were all rather happy that the close to month long struggle at the border of the Frozen Wastelands had come to an end.




As for the weaker demonic cultivators that were still trying their best to make it through the defensive line formed by the soldiers of the Sky Empire and the elders of the Star Shattering Sect, they all did their best to escape back towards the Frozen Wasteland after discovering what had happened. Understanding very well that they would get targeted by the terrifying Domain Lord Realm Experts floating in the air above them now that the group of powerful Third Demonic Transformation Realm demonic cultivators had disappeared.


However, before they had a chance to run too far, the terrifying might of the general’s domain descended on them. Locking the demonic cultivators trying to escape in place without a single way to resist.

“Hmph! Think it’s that easy to leave?” Snorting coldly as his eyes filled with killing intent while looking at these demonic cultivators, the general from the Sky Empire didn’t bother wasting any more words before directly killing all of the demonic cultivators that had been locked in place inside of his domain-



Following what the general did, the two other Domain Lords from the Sky Empire followed his lead, as they began killing the demonic cultivators that had yet to escape. Not intending to let any of them leave alive. After all, even if the soldiers of the Sky Empire had managed to hold back most of the demonic cultivators now that they had the help of the elders from the Star Shattering Sect, it didn’t mean that they didn’t suffer any losses.

In fact, the soldiers from the Sky Empire ended up losing more than three people that had all reached the Middle Stage of the Nascent Soul Realm. Even worse, they had also lost a Peak Nascent Soul Realm Expert due to a Third Demonic Transformation Realm demonic cultivators trying to sneak by the general and the rest of the Domain Lord Realm Experts being stopped by this Nascent Soul Realm Expert.

Although the arrival of Shu Yao had prevented any more casualties from this sneaky demonic cultivator, it had still ended up killing the Peak Nascent Soul Realm Expert from the Sky Empire that had ended up revealing it before being restrained.

Even in the Sky Empire, a Peak Nascent Soul Realm Expert was a rare existence that was hard to come by under normal circumstances and the general especially, would feel the pain of losing one of the most powerful subordinates under him. Even possibly losing out on a future Domain Lord Realm subordinate!

Considering all of this, the anger shown by the general from the Sky Empire was reasonable…

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