Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 912 Dealing With The Nascent Soul Realm Demon Beasts

Following the Foundation Establishment demon beast disappearing, it did not take long for one of the Nascent Soul Realm demon beasts to notice the fact that it had disappeared without a trace. Making it realize that there might be another path out of the underground space, that did not involve fighting with the swarm of spiders that was blocking the path it and the rest of the demon beasts had used to enter the underground space.


Not wasting a second after realizing this, the demon beasts did not bother informing the other demon beasts. Instead choosing to use all of its strength to climb up the cliff towards the place where the weak Foundation Establishment Realm demon beast had disappeared just moments earlier. Knowing very well that it might lose this chance to escape in time if any of the more powerful demon beasts present discovered that there was a way out.

After all, its strength was only around the earlier stages of the Nascent Soul Realm and could in no way compare with some of the more powerful demon beasts present, who had reached the Later Stages or even the Peak of the Nascent Soul Realm!


Even then, it did not take long for the rest of the demon beasts below to discover it climbing up the cliff. Not taking long to realize what had happened before they also started rapidly making their way up the cliff, some of the more powerful ones even directly using their strength to jump all the way to the top before mysteriously disappearing like the Foundation Establishment Realm demon beast from earlier had. Looking like they had moved through solid rock in the eyes of the rest of the demon beasts below.


Before long, these demon beasts who had been prepared to fight it out with the spiders all began climbing up the cliff. Leaving behind the weaker demon beasts who were far too weak to try and climb up the cliff with all the powerful demon beasts around. Resulting in them having to face the terrifying spiders all by themselves.

Although the demon beasts had no idea what would meet them after climbing up the cliff, none of them thought it would be worse than staying behind having to face the endless swarm of spider demon beasts.

"It didn't take them long to notice…" Muttering this to himself as he saw the first demon beast in the Nascent Soul Realm make its way through the entrance to the mystic realm before appearing directly in front of him, Xuan Hao could not help narrowing his eyes focused on the formation that trembled for a short moment after the demon beast passed through it.

Although the slight trembling was far from enough to give him an opportunity to slip past and enter the mystic realm, it was still more than enough to confirm that the demon beasts from inside the mystic realm leaving did have some kind of weakening effect on the formation. Not only that, but the effect caused by stronger demon beast in the Nascent Soul Realm leaving, was obviously far stronger than the effect of a Foundation Establishment Realm demon beasts.

The main difference being that the Nascent Soul Realm demon beast leaving had actually caused the formation to tremble, something that he couldn't even do with his current strength in the Intermediate Stage of the Dao Domain Lord Realm!

Different from Xuan Hao who did not pay too much attention to the demon beast after he confirmed that the demon beast from the mystic realm had the ability to momentarily weaken the formation by passing through it, the demon beast who had just managed to pass through the formation and leave the mystic realm was filled with confusion as it suddenly found itself on top of a strange mountain.

However, the most important part was not this, but the fact that it was unable to move no matter what it did. Even trying to use the qi flowing through its body was impossible, as it seemed like it had been completely sealed up.

This strange situation was more than enough to cause the demon beast to start panicking as it looked around itself filled with fear.


Spotting Xuan Hao standing only a short distance away from it, the demon beast suddenly felt a shiver run down its spine. Understanding at a single glance just how terrifying the person standing in front of it was. Even if it had not personally witnessed the other party to anything, it instinctively understood that the reason why it couldn't move and had its strength sealed was because of this person!

As for what this person wanted to do with it…? It could only lay down submissively on the ground and pray that the other party didn't want to eat it!


Only a short time following the Nascent Soul Realm demon beast accepting its uncertain fate, the rest of the Nascent Soul Realm demon beasts started emerging from the mystic realm one after the other before getting stuck in a similar fashion without being able to move. Soon filling out the entire mountain peak with all sorts of unique demon beasts that could not move a single muscle. Only capable of looking towards Xuan Hao who was standing beside the entrance to the mystic realm filled with fear.


It was at this moment, a cracking sound echoed out across the entire mountain.

"A chance!"


Hearing the cracking sound and seeing the small crack that had formed on the formation blocking his path into the mystic realm, Xuan Hao directly used his domain to forcibly keep it open before the formation had a chance to repair it.

Allowing him to momentarily establish a small passage leading into the mystic realm without having to pass through the formation-


Although, from the fact that the formation was still trying its best to repair the crack he was forcibly keeping open, he doubted he would have more than a few minutes to enter before the chance to enter the mystic realm would be gone.


Glancing over the Nascent Soul Realm demon beasts who were all fearfully looking towards him, Xuan Hao soon pulled out his communication talismans before contacting his lovely pet, the winged lion.


No more than a minute later, the excited roar of the winged lion echoed through the entire Flying Sword Sect-

It can be hard to make great work when its stolen from 𝗯𝐞𝗱𝐧𝐨𝘃𝐞𝐥.𝗼𝗿𝐠.

"W-what is that!?"

"A-a-a giant lion! A-and it has wings!"

"Are we under attack!?"

Instantly scaring the elders and disciples present in the sect. The only people capable of keeping themselves calm in the face of the giant winged lion that suddenly appeared, being the elders who had already been to the main sect and had a chance to see this lion lazing around somewhere.

Although, the unquestionable majesty and power exuded by the winged lion made them doubt it was the same lazy winged lion they had seen lazing around in the Shattered Star Peaks…


Ignoring all of the elders and disciples who had stopped what they were doing and looked up towards it filled with both awe and fear, the winged lion landed a few meters away from Xuan Hao before letting out a small greeting roar before turning to curiously look at all the demon beasts covering the entire mountain peak.

Although it had been called over by Xuan Hao, it had no idea what it had been called over for and could only guess that it should have something to do with the demon beasts around it.

Could it be all of these demon beasts are for me to eat!?

As this thought ultimately emerged in the head of the winged lion, its gaze towards the demon beasts on the mountain peak slowly changed.

Making all of the demon beasts start shivering in fear.

Even though they might not have understood Xuan Hao and why he had captured them, they understood full well the gaze of a fellow demon beast. Especially when said demon beasts started salivating while looking towards them!


"They are not for you to eat!" Slapping the large paw of the winged lion as it was about to grab a large horned sheep demon beast, Xuan Hao stopped the winged lion before it started getting any more ideas. "The reason I called you is to watch over these demon beasts, I plan for them to become part of the sect. After all, the sect has been lacking in stronger demon beasts with its current rapid growth."


Hearing that the demon beasts were not for eating, the winged lion let out an unwilling roar as it looked towards the horned sheep demon beast filled with regret.

"Don't look like that, if you do a good job in watching over them while I'm gone, I will let you take a demon beast of your choosing when I return." Knowing that there would be no way for the winged lion to do a proper job without a reward, Xuan Hao decided to give up one of the demon beasts in exchange for it watching over them. In the first place, it was not like he was lacking Nascent Soul Realm demon beasts…𝒷ℯ𝓭𝓷ℴ𝓋𝓮𝓵.𝒸ℴ𝓶

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