Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 929 Demon Beasts Gathering

As the ringing in his ears subsided, he slowly took a deep breath, Xuan Hao soon felt his tensed-up body starting to calm down as he regained control of his qi and began healing the damage it had ended up causing during the short time that it had gone out of control.

Although the damage that had been caused by his qi going out of control was only superficial, it would still take a few minutes to heal. During which he decided to ignore the empty scroll still firmly grasped in his hand and the empty void that had replaced the stone pedestal. Understanding that it was far more important to recover in his current dangerous environment. Especially considering that the loud sound caused by the true spatial collapse, would inevitably end up drawing demon beasts to his current location from all directions. Making it close to impossible for him to leave without encountering a demon beast.

Even if he could have been lucky enough to run away from the scene without encountering any demon beasts, part of him also wanted to stay and comprehend the mysteries of the Dao of Space contained inside the void left behind the true spatial collapse… And with his current strength, he was more than confident in escaping from any Soul Ascension Realm demon beast.

This confidence not only came from his current Intermediate Stage Dao Domain Lord Realm that put his strength on the same level as someone in the Fourth Tribulation of the Soul Ascension Realm, but also from the fact that he had managed to comprehend the Dao of Space, further enhancing the power of his Drifting Cloud Steps. Allowing them to reach a brand-new level in terms of speed…


Only a few minutes after having closed his eyes and focused on recovering from the superficial damage caused by being too close to the true spatial collapse, Xuan Hao once again opened both of his eyes as he looked down on the empty scroll that he had taken from the now gone stone pedestal.

"Spatial Shift? Maybe I should…"

Reading the words that had appeared on top of the now not-so-empty scroll, Xuan Hao felt tempted to read through the scroll and immerse himself in learning just what would be written inside a scroll that had to be protected by something like a stone pedestal that had the ability to trigger a true spatial collapse-

No, I should focus on trying to comprehend the Dao of Space from the void left behind by the true spatial collapse while I still can.

But in the end, he stopped himself and instead turned his attention towards the empty void left behind by the true spatial collapse. Understanding that he would always have time to read through the scroll in the future, while the same was not true about the empty void that acted as a scar that even the world itself was unable to heal.

Although his current cultivation base and comprehension was far too low to fully grasp the mysterious hidden inside, it would still be beneficial to try and understand, as it might prove helpful when trying to reach the next realm of comprehension in the Dao of Space.

Not caring too much about this, Xuan Hao dedicated almost all of his attention towards the empty void in the middle of the opening. Only using a small part of his divine sense to keep an eye out for any demon beasts that might end up showing up…


Unfortunately, he did not have to wait for more than a few minutes before the first demon beast showed up. Even worse, the demon beast was not in the Domain Lord Realm, but had instead reached the Soul Ascension Realm. Even if its strength was far below his own, he also understood that fighting with it would only attract more demon beasts to his current location. Not to mention the fact that he wouldn't be able to comprehend the Dao of Space from the empty void while locked in a fight with a Soul Ascension Realm demon beast.


Discover the complete story on 𝗯𝐞𝗱𝐧𝗼𝐯𝐞𝗹.𝗰𝗼𝗺.


For this reason, Xuan Hao decided to release his aura of someone in the Intermediate Stage of the Dao Domain Lord Realm, while at the same time using his Dao of Fire to further enhance the strength of his aura in an attempt to scare away the demon beast or at the very least stop it from attacking him-


Luckily the demon beast in question was only in the earlier stages of the Soul Ascension Realm and collapsed into a trembling mess filled with fear after sensing his powerful aura.

Not too surprising considering his Intermediate Dao Domain Lord Realm together with the Dao of Fire gave off a pressure similar to that of someone at the Sixth Tribulation of the Soul Ascension Realm. An existence that the demon beast that only barely had the strength of someone in the Soul Ascension Realm had no plans of offending. Knowing very well that it would stand no chance fighting against someone that strong.

Ignoring the demon beast after seeing it trembling in the cover of a few trees, Xuan Hao turned his attention back towards the empty void left behind by the spatial collapse.

Following the first demon beast showing up, more and more demon beasts slowly began appearing around the opening in the forest over the next half hour. All of them having at least reached the Domain Lord Realm, while the strongest among them had reached the Third Tribulation of the Soul Ascension Realm.



Even then, none of these demon beasts dared approach him after feeling the terrifying aura surrounding him. All of them keenly aware of just how dumb it would be for them to attack without any spiritual herb or similar to fight for.

As for the empty void in the middle of the opening… Although these demon beasts were all interested in it, they also inherently understood that the empty void was something dangerous.

The only reason why they had not decided to leave was because they had also felt that staying around the empty void would be beneficial to them and would improve their strength.

The powerful spatial energy constantly leaking out from the empty void acting as a powerful tonic that helped strengthen the bodies of the demon beasts when they came into contact with it over an extended period of time. 𝚋ed𝚗𝚘𝚟e𝚕.𝚗et

In the future, the empty void that had been created by the spatial collapse was bound to turn into a hotspot for powerful demon beasts to gather and try to claim control over it in a bid to increase their own strength to the next level. Maybe it would even allow some of the more powerful demon beasts already at the Peak of the Soul Ascension Realm to finally break through to the next major realm!

At the same time Xuan Hao was focused on trying to comprehend the Dao of Space from the empty void, a demon beast somewhere deep inside the forest that spread out across the entire mist covered mountain range, opened its large eyes before they filled with confusion before a trace of fear flashed past them.


Hesitating for a short moment as it seemed to think about something, the demon beast slowly got up-


Resulting in the surrounding trees collapsing as its body slowly revealed it to be a massive turtle the size of a hill, its shell still having a small forest on top of it following it standing up.

Bang! Bang!

Having already decided on something before getting up, the massive turtle demon beast slowly began making its way in the direction of the empty void where Xuan Hao was currently located. Each step causing the ground beneath it to tremble under its weight.

The aura around it indicating that it had already reached the limit of the Soul Ascension Realm and was only a single step away from breaking through to the realm beyond the Soul Ascension Realm. Even then, it was obvious that this single step had kept the massive turtle demon beast trapped for a long time.

Even now, the only thing that made the turtle wake up was that it sensed the spatial energy leaking out from the empty void and the fact that it had a beneficial effect that allowed its body to start improving again after countless years of stagnation.

No matter how much the turtle demon beast wanted to remain stationary without doing anything, it could not give up a chance to break through after spending such a long time without any progress.




Similar to the turtle demon beast that had begun making its way towards the empty void created by the spatial collapse, a large number of similarly powerful demon beasts that had remained stuck at the peak of the Soul Ascension Realm for countless years, all began making their way towards the empty void. All of them feeling excited at finally seeing a glimpse of possibility of surpassing the Soul Ascension Realm.

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