Damn Reincarnation

Chapter 120 The Hearing (1)

Chapter 120: The Hearing (1)

“Basically, I’m a supplementary device for your magic, Sir Eugene.”

Mer’s eyes sparkled as she sat on the chair.

Right now, since Eugene had been given the control formula, Mer was no longer bound to Witch Craft, but to him. Therefore, Mer couldn’t use the various spells that she had been able to use while she was linked to Witch Craft.

“So…Hmm… Sir Eugene, you prefer spatial magic, right? That kind of magic requires a high level of coordinate calculation when you are using a formula. No matter how smart you are, it won’t be easy to calculate spatial coordinates perfectly while the mana fluctuates.”

Blink played an important role in magical combat. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that the speed and proper usage of Blink determined the winner in magical combat.

“I will be doing such calculations for you. Of course, there are other things I can do as well. Sir Eugene, you can currently record and utilize Fifth Circle magic using the Ring Flame Formula, right?”

“That’s right.”

“Under ordinary circumstances, it’s impossible to use magic belonging to a circle higher than the user’s level. But you can use magic up to the Sixth Circle, right? If I assist you, you will be able to use magic two circles higher than your level. That means up to the Seventh Circle. Of course, I’m just saying this without having done an in-depth analysis, and it would still definitely require you to know the technique and perform the incantation. Still, it will be a lot easier than doing it with no support,” Mer bragged. “Especially if you cast different kinds of magic at the same time and want to harmonize the spells… Umm, it will be better for you to try it yourself, rather than me explaining it.”

Mer grumbled as she climbed down the chair. She took a look around a couple of times, then scurried toward Eugene. “Open it, please.”

“Do we have to go inside and do it?”

“Sir Eugene, as you can see, I’m not a fighting familiar. I can be repaired when I’m broken, but still, I’m not built for direct magical combat or hand-to-hand fighting.”

Mer pouted and fluttered the Cloak of Darkness.

“I am simply a magic-assisting familiar. If you have a problem with that, you can build me a combat body, Sir Eugene.”


Eugene stared at Mer for a moment.

‘Combat body, huh…? So basically, Mer will take care of using magic, and she is asking me for a body that is suited for combat.’

…Eugene thought about Gargith and Evatar’s muscular bodies. Well, their muscular bodies were suited for combat, all right. If he put Mer’s face on top of that ripped body….

Eugene almost puked at the disgusting mental image. He took a couple of steps backward as he covered his mouth.

While flapping the cloak up and down, Mer frowned and asked, “Why are you frowning so suddenly?”

“I imagined something terrible.”

“That’s random. Anyhow, open your cloak please.”

Like Mer requested, Eugene lifted the Cloak of Darkness and let her in. No living being could enter the cloak, but that didn’t affect Mer, who was a familiar.

“What kind of magic will you be using?”

“Scorching Flameball.”

On the eighth floor of Akron, there was the Hall of Scorching Heat. The magic of the most powerful fire wizard in the history of Aroth was stored there. The Scorching Flameball Eugene wanted to use now was one of these spells — a piece of Seventh Circle magic.

The technique was in his head. He also knew the theory: where to start and how to let the mana flow in order to perform it. However, he had never actually used it. Seventh Circle magic’s power and impact were similar to a natural disaster, so it was something very difficult to control.

Mana fluctuated. Only sticking out her head from the cloak, Mer closed her eyes as the technique in Eugene’s head was shared with her.

Although the magic was two circles higher, the mana flowed smoothly due to Eugene’s inborn calculation ability and mana control skill. His calculation ability was fast already, but Mer’s assist shortened the time to several seconds.

Eugene continued to chant.


A small flame appeared in front of Eugene. The flame wasn’t terribly impressive at first glance — it was just a wisp that couldn’t even be considered a fireball. Still, when it appeared, the room’s temperature skyrocketed.


Mer exhaled. Her eyes sparkled as she stared at the flame floating in front of Eugene.

“…We did it.”

This spell had almost drained Eugene’s Cores. Eugene focused on the flame as it slowly moved forward. Its movement was slow, but the flame got exponentially bigger as it moved.

The Scorching Flameball was one of the strongest flame-ball spells, second only to Hell Fire. The flame had merely moved a little bit forward, but it had already become so big that it almost filled up half of the laboratory, and it now exuded blazing heat.

“Then next…let’s try harmonizing it with the polar opposite type of magic. Sir Eugene, you also know the Hall of Icy Chill’s magic, right?”

“Wait,” Eugene said as he turned his head. He felt a presence on the other side of the laboratory door.

Behind the closed door was standing the Chief of the Court Wizards, Trempel Vizardo. He wasn’t surprised when the door opened on its own, but he was indeed perplexed when he saw the flame that filled the laboratory. People outside couldn’t see what was going on inside, nor feel the mana in this underground laboratory when its door was closed. Therefore, Trempel had no idea what Eugene was doing when the door was closed. His jaw dropped.

“… The Scorching Flameball? …From the Hall of Scorching Heat? Seventh Circle… magic?”

Trempel couldn’t believe it, and his eyes were trembling in shock.

The five Tower Masters were at the Eighth Circle, and so was Trempel. In the entire history of magic, there was no wizard who reached the Ninth Circle aside from the Wise Sienna. No matter which generation it was, reaching the Eighth Circle was enough to be accredited as an Archwizard.

There was one circle difference between the Seventh and the Eighth Circle, and that gap was truly wide indeed. But…so what? As far as Trempel knew, Eugene was just twenty years old. There wasn’t a single wizard who had reached the Seventh Circle at twenty — not now, not ever. Even among Aroth’s royalty, who were born to be wizards, there wasn’t a single person who had reached the Seventh Circle at this age.

“…Lord Eugene…what…how…no, when have you reached the Seventh Circle…?” Trempel asked, trembling. He was an Archwizard, and ever since he was young, people had called him a genius. However, even he had only been at the Fourth Circle when he was twenty.

“I haven’t. I’m still at the Fifth Circle.”

The heat from the Scorching Flameball distorted the air around it. Eugene waved his hand and scattered the Scorching Flameball.

“…Did you say…you are a Fifth Circle wizard? Then how could you use the magic that is two circles higher…” Trempel trailed off as his eyes widened. After the spell formula was scattered, the disintegrated mana didn’t disappear, it returned to Eugene.

Everything was far beyond Trempel’s understanding. Eugene cast a spell that was higher than his circle. Not just a bit higher, but two whole circles higher. And as for retrieving mana without waste while dispelling the magic… was this even possible?

It was definitely impossible for Trempel. He was at the Eighth Circle, and could never use Ninth Circle magic regardless of how hard he tried or what method he used. Moreover, when a wizard dispelled their magic in the middle of casting it, they could retrieve some of the mana used, but it was impossible to recover most of it the way Eugene was. On top of that, he was doing it with such high-level magic!

Grabbing onto his dizzy head, Trempel took a few steps backward.

‘…If a Fifth Circle wizard can use Seventh Circle magic… can that wizard be called a Fifth Circle wizard? Wouldn’t it be more accurate to classify a wizard’s Circle according to the magic they use?’


This greeting did nothing to clear Trempel’s discombobulation. Seeing Mer sticking her head out of Eugene’s cloak, Trempel’s legs turned into jelly and he collapsed on the floor.


“Sir Trempel, I understand your surprise. Don’t worry, the only reason Sir Eugene could use Seventh Circle magic was that he had the assistance of Lady Sienna’s familiar, me.”

Mer pompously lifted her chin high.

“He can’t use it without my assistance. I’m cool, aren’t I?”


“Are you here for the hearing?” Eugene spoke as he patted the humming Mer’s head.

Trempel belatedly came to his senses and picked himself up.

“…Hmm…Yes, Lord Eugene. Your hearing will be held today.”

“Today? It’s faster than I thought. I thought it would take a few more days.”

“…The agenda is quite serious.”

Originally, Trempel was planning to act solemnly and high-handedly. He was going to browbeat Eugene and bring him to the hearing nice and tender… but he had instead disgracefully fallen on his buttocks.

“Where is the hearing held? Is it going to be held in the Abram palace as usual?”

“…We were planning to do so, but the Red Tower Master ardently refused.”

Frowning, Trempel walked through the laboratory’s hallway.

“As you may know, Lord Eugene, aside from the royal family and the court wizards, no one can use magic in the Abram palace. The restriction also applies to Tower Masters.”

“Yes, I heard so.”

“…According to the Red Tower Master, it was wrong to hold a hearing when you didn’t commit any sins and it was even more wrong to hold it on Abram where magic is forbidden… Hmph! The Red Tower Master…that guy is too untrusting… It’s not like the royal family and Aroth’s court wizards will persecute you using the hearing as an opportunity, right?”

“I don’t necessarily see it that way,” a new voice interrupted.

The air in front of them distorted and then parted as Lovellian stepped out from it. “I just thought that it didn’t make sense, Trempel. I believe you are a righteous man, and the royal family is fair.”

Trempel grunted.

“My disciple, Sir Eugene, hasn’t committed any crimes. So why should he be summoned to a hearing? And why should the hearing be held in Abram, where wizards become powerless?”

“Stop it, Lovellian. Didn’t the location already change from Abram to the annex palace at the outer lake because of your adamant opposition?”

“You were going to hold it in the tribunal. It only changed to the annex palace because I opposed the idea.”

“Goodness gracious…why would you say such unnecessary stuff? Lord Eugene, don’t get any wrong ideas. I…do not agree with the hearing. I don’t like the idea, whether it’s done at Abram or at a tribunal.”

“I understand.”

“The prime minister is just too stubborn about it. Well…as you know well, Akasha is a meaningful treasure for Aroth in many ways.”

“It’s not Aroth’s treasure, it’s Lady Sienna’s treasure,” Lovellian snapped as he glared at Trempel.

“Oh, dear! Why are you taking it out on me? Did I do it? Huh? Damn it, I already feel bitter about me, the Chief of the Court Wizards, becoming an errand boy…!”

“Don’t get too angry. That means Aroth’s royal family trusts you very much.”

“…Hmm…right, that’s right.”

Trempel’s anger calmed in no time as he stroked his beard.

* * *

The five Tower Masters, the Head of the Wizard Guild, and the Chief of Court Wizards attended the hearing. It wasn’t an exaggeration to call these seven wizards the symbol of Aroth.

“…Do you know what I saw?”

As he sat down, Trempel’s face crumpled into a frown.

“Lord Eugene casting the Scorching Flameball of the Seventh Circle.”

“…Is that true?”

The Head of the Wizard Guild, Edgard Giron opened his two eyes wide and stared at Trempel.

“That’s unbelievable…Isn’t Eugene Lionheart twenty years old? How could he reach the Seventh Circle…?”

“…He did say he is actually at the Fifth Circle….”

“How could the Fifth Circle wizard use Seventh Circle magic?”

“How should I know?” Trempel blurted out with a frown.

With trembling eyes, Edgard turned to stare at Lovellian, who was sitting across. However, Lovellian didn’t give Edgard any explanation. He just watched Eugene with a proud look on his face.

“You must feel soooo uneasy right now,” The White Tower Master, Melkith El-Hayah, smirked as she watched Edgard.

“Aren’t you still at the Seventh Circle? You must be three times older than that kid…”

“…There is only a thin wall ahead of me.”

“Didn’t you also say that five years ago? You busted your ass for five years and you still failed to reach the Eighth Circle. But when I ask, you always talk about that ‘thin wall.’”

“With just a small bit of enlightenment, I can go over that wall. White Tower Master, don’t insult me too much. Are you comparing me to that young child right now?”

“Well, it’s not really an insult, but…yeah, I am comparing you.” Melkith giggled and clapped.

Edgard’s hair rose, and he was ready to shoot out all kinds of curse words. However…he couldn’t really say them to Melkith. That annoying, frivolous woman was an Archwizard at the Eighth Circle and the only grand spirit summoner who had contracts with two Spirit Kings.

“…The Seventh Circle, huh… Did Akasha make it possible?” The Green Tower Master, Jeneric Osman looked the most vicious among the seven wizards. Watching Eugene who was sitting on his chair, Jeneric blurted, “If it wasn’t for Akasha, it would be impossible to reach the Seventh Circle at his age.”

“Don’t judge him as you please,” Lovellian spoke. “Sir Eugene already knew how to use magic of the higher circles before he became Akasha’s master.”

“Hmph. You are trying awfully hard to stick up for your disciple, Lovellian Sophis. Oh wait, is it because he is the son of Lionheart, not because he is your disciple?” Jeneric’s sharp eyes turned to Lovellian. “Well, that’s understandable. You saw the idiotic first son before him, so who wouldn’t look better than him? But you are going too far, Red Tower Master. Akasha is Aroth’s treasure. To think that a Lionheart is taking it away—no, the Kiehl Empire is taking it away….”

“You have no right to insult Sir Eward.” Red energy stirred up like a hurricane in Lovellian ’s eyes. “And, I believe you aren’t angry just because Sir Eugene took away Akasha, aren’t you? You are angry because you wanted Akasha for yourself so desperately, but it chose someone else as its master. ”

“…That’s some hell of a love for your disciple. You are well aware I can never let that kind of comment just slide with a smile, right?” Jeneric said.

“Of course, I do. How long have we known each other? It’s at least been 40 years. I know how much you obsess about your title of ‘Wise Sienna’s disciple’ and I know that you look down on me and the Red Tower, thinking only the Green Tower is the rightful successor of Lady Sienna.” Lovellian snorted and turned his eyes away from Jeneric. “However, Lady Sienna was the Green Tower Master three hundredyears ago. Isn’t it ridiculous for the Green Tower to obsess over that and brag about your self-proclaimed title of successor of Lady Sienna? No matter how much you argue and insist, Akasha chose Sir Eugene!”

“You bastard…!” Unable to hold his anger anymore, Jeneric sprang right up from his seat.

Melkith clapped and cheered as if she had waited for this exact moment. “Fight! Fight!”

The Blue Tower Master, Hiridus Euzeland, clucked his tongue as he glared at Melkith. “What in the world are you doing right now? Aren’t you embarrassed in front of the young man?”

“I have no intention of fighting.” Lovellian smirked as he shrugged. “The Green Tower Master was inappropriately carried away by his feelings, that’s all.”

Jeneric gritted his teeth as vast mana swarmed around him. Lovellian sneered and called upon his own mana to fight back against the Green Tower Master.


The immense mana stirred up by the two shook the entire annex.

‘He is tougher than I expected.’

Sitting in his seat, Eugene watched the whole scene unfold. His teacher, Lovellian, never lost his temper in front of Eugene. He had met Lovellian when he was thirteen, and back then as well, Lovellian was pleasant and gentle with the children, a kind and benevolent teacher.

Still, that did not mean that he was weak. He was very strict with the Red Tower’s wizards. If they made a single mistake during the magic experiment, Lovellian would suddenly appear and severely rebuke them. Even right now, Lovellian quarreled with Jeneric without letting the latter’s words slide.

‘…Why does that bastard keep watching me? That’s uncomfortable, Eugene thought.

The Black Tower Master, Balzac Ludbeth, was also attending this hearing. Lovellian and Jeneric were fighting with mana right under his nose, but Balzac paid no attention and just gazed at Eugene.

“Crown Prince Honein has arrived.”

The guards outside the annex palace announced the arrival of the crown prince. The mana in the air, which was becoming larger and larger, as if the two wizards were going to devour each other, subsided instantly. All wizards, including Eugene, rose from their seats.

“To be honest, I didn’t want to attend this hearing.” Honein Abram entered the hall with an awkward smile.

“It was just a tiff,” Lovellian said as he bowed. “Is His Majesty not attending?”

“Hmm, That’s right. His Majesty allocated this matter to me and the prime minister,” Honein answered, turning back to look at the old man who followed him. “Frankly, His Majesty does not feel pleasant about this matter. However, the problem should be treated fairly, so the royal family can’t put their personal feelings first. On top of that, if a king personally handled this matter, then it would put Lord Eugene in an awkward position.”

‘Is the king really being considerate?’ Eugene thought without lifting his head. ‘…He just doesn’t want to take responsibility.’

Of course, he couldn’t say that out loud in front of Honein.

“Umm…. Raise your heads, everyone. And please take a seat.” Honein sat in the center seat. “First, I would like to clarify the purpose of this hearing. This hearing is not about Aroth and Kiehl’s relationship. It’s also not about persecuting the Lionheart clan using the royal family’s power,” Honein continued as he stared at Eugene. “The Lionheart clan shouldn’t be persecuted, and there is no reason to do so. As the Red Tower Master stated, it’s not like Lord Eugene has committed any crime.”

“…Your Majesty,” the prime minister sitting beside him whispered. “Akron had been storing Akasha for 200 years. Akron is Aroth’s royal library, and everything in Akron belongs to the Aroth royal family.”

“That’s right,” Honein continued as he nodded. “However, it’s not like Lord Eugene stole Akasha. Although Akasha belonged to Aroth indefinitely, it’s master was the Wise Sienna and Lord Eugene stated that the Wise Sienna personally handed Akasha over to Eugene.”

“That is the purpose of this hearing, to check the validity of his claim,” the prime minister said as he turned to Eugene. “200 years have passed since Lady Sienna secluded herself. But he is now telling us that Lady Sienna is ‘alive’ and handed Akasha’s ownership to another person. It’s hard to blindly believe his claim.”

“Cannot believe it?” Lovellian blurted as he squinted his eyes. “Prime Minister Conrell. Does that mean my disciple is lying?”

“I’m just talking about possibilities,” Conrell said as he stroked his beard. “200 years is a long time. We have been desperately searching for Lady Sienna, but we failed to find even a trace of her. How could she just hand over the ownership of Akasha? Even if it’s true, Akasha has belonged to Akron, to Aroth for 200 years. So wouldn’t it be right for the Aroth royal family to claim Akasha?”

“Claim something that they can’t even use?” Melkith chuckled. “Well, yes. It’s true that Akasha has belonged to Aroth for 200 years. But to claim that Aroth is Akasha’s master…isn’t it rather ridiculous?”

“White Tower Master—”

Conrell tried to interrupt her, but Melkith continued. “What, am I wrong? For over 200 years, no one could become Akasha’s master. From former kings to every wizard in Akron, Akasha recognized no one as her master.”

“I’m not a wizard,” Conrell answered as he snorted.“I am aware that Akasha is the Archwizard’s staff, but I can’t really feel it. Still, I can feel that it is the royal family’s ‘treasure.’ Everything in Akron belongs to the royal family. No one could become Akasha’s owner, but despite all that, Akasha belongs to the royal family. The hermit from 200 years ago reclaiming her ownership… I feel like that’s a very shameless act.”

When Conrell said that, Lovellian sprang right up from his seat. Lovellian fiercely glared at Conrell. However, Conrell didn’t flinch even facing Lovellian’s sharp eyes. “Don’t glare at me too much. I serve the royal family and I am responsible for Aroth’s state affairs. It is only natural for me to act for Aroth….”

“Can I say something too?” After being quiet all this time, Eugene spoke.

“…Go ahead.” Conrell nodded.

Eugene stood up as he quietly cleared his throat. “Lady Sienna is alive.”

Staring at Conrell, he continued, “And she said to me that she will return to Aroth and knock over the entire whole country.”

“…What?” 𝙡𝙞𝓫𝙧𝙚𝓪𝒅.𝒄𝒐𝓶

“I swear on my mana that everything I said just now is true. Lady Sienna is not only alive, but also furious with Aroth.”

Honein dropped his jaw.

“I am not sure how she will vent her wrath…. Hmm… As far as I know, the Abram palace was a gift from Lady Sienna…. The lake that surrounds the palace was also made by Lady Sienna. Isn’t the palace’s devil-seal circle also the work of Lady Sienna? So… she might drown the whole palace….”


“Or else…she might pour a meteor shower on the palace. It’s none of my business, though…” After that, Eugene sat in his seat. 𝓁𝑖𝘣𝘳ℯ𝘢𝘥.𝒸ℴ𝑚

“…Sir Lovellian.”

“…Huh…Yes?” Lovellian flinched.

“I will put in a good word about you to Lady Sienna so that you and the Red Tower of Magic won’t suffer any damage.”

What was Lovellian supposed to say to that? He opened his mouth to answer a couple of times, but ended up just nodding instead. “…Thank you?”


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