Damn Reincarnation

Chapter 132: The Preparations for the Hunt (1)

Chapter 132: The Preparations for the Hunt (1)

Carmen and Ciel weren’t the only ones who had suddenly returned to the Lionheart Clan’s main house. Led by their captain, Carmen, the entire Third Division of the Black Lion Knights arrived at the house.

Still, there are only ten people in the division,Eugene thought as he scratched his head.

Only the members of the Lionheart Clan could become Black Lion Knights. That was why they had an overwhelmingly few number of knights compared to other elite orders.

However, Eugene was also well aware that the power of a knightly order wasn’t decided by the number of members. The party that had killed three demon kings only had five members, Hamel included.

“If you’re talking about the best knights on the continent, six orders must be mentioned,” Carmen said. “The Blood Cross Knights of Yuras, the Violent Tide Knights of Shimuin, the White Dragon Knights of Kiehl, the White Fang Knights of Ruhr, the Sand Scorpion Knights of Nahama, and us, the Black Lion Knights.”

These knightly orders had one thing in common: they worked for the royal families of their respective countries. The only exception was the Black Lion Knights of the Lionheart Clan. Eugene couldn’t grasp Carmen’s intention in bringing up the story and stared at her blankly.

“Some boneheads say that the Black Lion Knights aren’t as skilled as other knights who work for the royal family, but I don’t think so. We may have fewer men, but the Black Lion Knights are the best, skill-wise.” Carmen proudly finished her speech.


“Would you like to join the strongest knights?”

“I don’t want to,” Eugene answered with a disgusted face. He had already declined several times, but Carmen hadn’t given up yet.

“I can’t understand you.”

“I can’t understand you either, Lady Carmen. How many times do I have to say no before you give up?”

“How many times do I have to offer before you accept? I am putting aside a lot of my pride when I make you this offer, you know?”

“I am very aware how much you love the Lionheart Clan and are proud of the Black Lion Knights, but I don’t wish to devote my entire life to the clan as a Black Lion Knight.”

“You are as stubborn as a mule.” Carmen lifted her cup, frowning. At first glance, she was drinking a cup of black coffee, but the coffee was mixed with many, many spoonfuls of sugar. She changed the subject.

“I am interested in your Lightning Flash.”

Pfffttt,” Eugene almost spat out his coffee.

“I heard your Lightning Flash is truly something else. Every time you use the skill, lightning stirs up…”

“Who did you hear it from?”

“When I asked the elves in the forest about you, they answered right away.”

Eugene’s fists trembled from the humiliation. In all honesty, the name Lightning Flash wasn’t that embarrassing to him. Compared to Asura Rampage or Poltergeist Aegis, there was a nice simplicity to it.

However, he had become embarrassed about the name after Melkith had teased him. Her teasing had made him regret putting a name on his skill; he felt like he shouldn’t have named it in the first place. However, he couldn’t really change the name now, because it felt like Melkith played him if he did so.

In the end, it was a matter of pride for him.

“I have a similar skill…its name is Lightning Strike,” Carmen said in a serious tone.


“They both have Lightning in the name. Why don’t we compete with each other and see whose Lightning is better?”

“…I’ll decline.”

Eugene had heard about Carmen’s Lightning Strike from Genos before.

—Lord Carmen’s ultimate attack is called the Destiny Breaker.

—Her Iron Fist Combo is a combination that starts with Eclipse, then uses Emperor Blow and Lightning Strike, before finishing with Destiny Breaker. It has a reputation for being particularly fierce and powerful, even among the Knights of the Black Lion.

He didn’t know what kind of skill Lightning Strike was, and also had no idea what the rest of the skills were — Iron Fist, Eclipse, Emperor Blow, and Destiny Breaker. He was curious, but he didn’t want to compete with her right now.

“I am pretty sure you aren’t visiting here to talk about such stuff.”

The Third Division’s visit was too abrupt. From what Eugene had heard, they had just notified the main house’s servants to activate the warp gate an hour ago and used it right away.

“That was one of my reasons, but I have two primary reasons.”

“Two primary reasons?”

“One is to protect the people of the main house.” Carmen sipped on her sweet black coffee. “The elders of the Black Lion Castle aren’t planning to find fault with you for bringing the elves without authorization. I only found out about it a bit late… that you asked the Council Head himself for permission to visit Samar with Auxiliary Bishop Kristina.”

When the Head of the Council of Elders was mentioned, Eugene’s face turned serious.

“The Lionheart Clan’s ancestor is the Great Vermouth, so this family is also Wise Sienna’s sworn friend even after three hundred years, and it will be so even three thousand years from now. If Wise Sienna has requested to protect the elves, we will do so, of course.”

‘Sworn friend, huh?’ Eugene thought after listening to Carmen.

With much difficulty, Eugene stopped his lips from scornfully twisting. Vermouth was the one who put a giant hole in Sienna’s chest, his sworn friend. Besides, the elves had been persecuted for hundreds of years. With that said, he knew that Carmen couldn’t be blamed. Elves were an entire race, and three hundred years was a long time.

“I personally think it would be better to move them to the Uklas Mountains, rather than the main house’s forest, but the elves said they will stay in the forest here when I asked them.”

“It seems like they really love this forest,” Eugene calmly answered.

“You changed the forest to suit their taste. I lived in the main house a long time ago, but the forest at the time was nothing like the one I saw just now.”

Carmen pulled out her cigar case, chuckling.

“I’m not planning on prying on the cause of the change. I am also elated about the change in the forest. This business trip is going to be a great chance for me to cultivate myself.”

“Will you also be protecting the main estate?”

“I hope no incident occurs where I have to protect someone, if possible,” Carmen answered, crossing her legs. After cutting off the tip of her cigar, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the smell as she put it close to her nose.

Eugene witnessed Carmen frowning at that moment.

‘The cigar must be musty.’

“Do you know about the Rakshasa Princess?” she asked after getting sidetracked by the musty cigar.

“I have heard about her in Aroth. Specifically, about how she might visit the Lionheart’s main house to negotiate.”

“Then I can cut to the chase. Although it’s given, the Lionheart Clan has no intention to negotiate with her.” Carmen bit the cigar. “Still, we can’t slam the gate on her face. If she does visit, we are going to greet her.”

“Do you think the people in the main house can’t handle Rakshasha Princess?”

“No way. We have the White Lion Knights in this place. They might not be as good as Black Lions, but they are also elite knights.”

Carmen stopped talking for a moment.

“However, we don’t have the Patriarch or the First Division of the White Lion Knights, the best elites. That is why I came.”

“I’m curious as to why the Patriarch didn’t return to the house in a situation like this.”

“He is at the palace now.”

“Pardon?” Eugene asked instantly.

This was his first time hearing about this. When Eugene looked shocked, Carmen continued, chewing on the unlit cigar.

“He went to the palace fifteen days ago. Of course, he’s not there to attend parties or something. He is there to have a talk with the emperor.”

“For fifteen days?”

“The Demon King of Incarceration had been silent for a whole three hundred years, but now he is warning us. Fifteen days are far from enough to have a proper discussion.”

Indeed, he hadn’t been just killing time.

“Anyway, the second reason is to deliver the Chief’s message.”

“What’s the message?”

“It’ll be hunting season soon for the Black Lions.”

‘Hunting season?’

He had never heard about this. When Eugene tilted his head in confusion, Carmen continued explaining.

“Black Lions’ hunting season is in spring, around the New Year. Of course, we aren’t hunting animals. Black Lions hunt demonic beasts and monsters that are roaming around in the Uklas Mountains.”


“The early Coming-of-Age Ceremony, that you and Cyan experienced, was designed to avoid demonic beast nests on purpose. We had to, since those nests are too dangerous for children who haven’t even become adults yet.”

Without saying anything, Eugene stared at Camren. She could feel what he wanted to say. She put down her cigar, quietly chuckling.

“…Although I’m pretty sure it doesn’t apply to you.”

“Ehem, hmm…” Eugene cleared his throat.

“You surely have a strong pride in yourself, kiddo.”

“I’m not a kid.”

“You do have a point.”

“The Coming-of-Age Ceremony is already over, so what does Black Lions’ hunting season have to do with me?”

“A lion pushes its cubs off a cliff,” Carmen spoke in a serious tone, not chuckling anymore. With a solemn face, she crossed her arms since she didn’t want to bite onto her bitter cigar, and she stared at Eugene.

“Do you know what that means?”

“The story of a lion pushing its cubs off a cliff is a groundless rumor. What kind of animals throw their cubs off a cliff?”

“That means…beasts…umm…put their children through trials and tribulations…to raise them as predators…”

‘Lions do not push their cubs off a cliff? Really?’ Carmen’s thoughts fell into chaos.

As she had spent her entire life believing that story, her eyes lost focus for a moment. However, she didn’t ask Eugene about the story in detail, since she had to preserve some face.

“Anyway, the point is that the Demon King of Incarceration delivered a warning, and we are the Lionheart Clan, the most prestigious warrior family on the continent and the descendants of the Great Vermouth. We don’t know the future ahead of us, but we have to make the necessary preparations so we can live up to our bloodline.”

“Aha.” Eugene chuckled as he nodded. Since he had heard this much, how could he not know what Carmen was trying to say?

“So you are saying you will make me participate in the hunting season, because the young lion needs training, huh?”

“Like a lion pushing its cub off a cliff.”

So what if the story was a groundless rumor? Carmen liked the story. No matter what the reality was, the lions in Carmen’s mind pushed their cub off a cliff. They had to.

“Is it mandatory?” Eugene asked.

“We are not forcing anyone. If you wish to become a real lion, you are going to willingly participate…”

“Yeah, then I’m not gonna go,” Eugene instantly answered and stood up.

However, Carmen urgently reached out and grabbed his wrist.

“…It’s optional for everyone else. Not for you.”

“Why is it different when it comes to me? To be honest, I think I am already a great lion without getting pushed off a cliff.”

“All the more reason for you to do it! You have to set an example for the other lions.”

“Let’s stop beating around the bush and be honest, shall we? It seems many collateral descendants will participate in the hunt. You are hoping I will maintain the main house’s dignity and become a source of motivation to the collateral descendants, aren’t you?”

Carmen didn’t answer Eugene and just scowled at him instead, with a dissatisfied look on her face.

“I am curious about one thing, though. Is it you or the Chief who wants me to participate?”

“…I have been asked to persuade you to participate,” Carmen answered bitterly.

Figuring out that his guess was correct, Eugene smiled and sat back in his seat.

‘I did expect him to contact me soon, but was this his way of contacting me?’

He wasn’t certain, but he had a suspicion that it was the Council Head who had ordered Barang to kill him. If Doynes was really the villain behind all this, he would try to contact Eugene, who had returned alive and in one piece, in one way or another.

Uklas Mountains are large, and on top of that, it’s a demonic beast nest. Anything can happen in such a place…assassinating me, perhaps? Eugene smirked internally.

“Well…it does sound interesting. I would like to hear more about it.”

Only the young lions who had participated in the Bloodline Continuation Ceremony seven and seventeen years ago could attend the hunt. The Bloodline Continuation Ceremony seventeen years ago had taken place without any children from the main house.

“Some of the people who distinguished themselves at the time joined the Black Lions Knightage. However, there are two people I wanted as my subordinates, to be honest.”

“And those are?”

“One is Genia Lionheart, Sir Genos’ daughter.”

He never heard her name, but he knew that Genos had a daughter. If his memory served him correctly, she was twenty-seven years old now.

“Genia has been in Shimuin to cultivate, but she is returning to take part in this hunt. The other person is Hector Lionheart,” Carmen said.

“Ah.” Eugene had heard about him. Gerhard had talked about him several times before Eugene had to participate in the Bloodline Continuation Ceremony a long time ago.

“It seems you have heard about him.”

“Yes, I have.”

“You must have, since Hector was considered the best among the collateral descendants of the Lionheart Clan before you showed up.”

When Hector participated in the Bloodline Continuation Ceremony seventeen years ago, he had been thirteen years old, just like Eugene when he took part in the ceremony. That must have made Gerhard talk about Hector.

“The Bloodline Continuation Ceremony is a tradition that’s unfair and bothersome in many ways.” Carmen calmly made an unconventional comment.

“Still, we can’t abolish the tradition.”

“Such is the nature of traditions. It’s old and boring, but we can’t abolish it since we have carried it out for three hundred years,” Carmen continued as she tapped on the table. “The Bloodline Continuation Ceremony takes place every ten years. Only the children from ten to fifteen can participate in the ceremony, so… the Lionheart Clan have to time their births. Besides, unlike the descendants in the main house, the collateral descendants participate in the ceremony without any knowledge of how to use mana or wield real swords.”

The restrictions were only given to the collateral descendants. That was why the ceremony seventeen years ago had been fair. Without the children from the main house, who were given a head start, only the collateral descendants competed against each other.

“Hector’s family was quite ordinary among the collateral families and the ceremony seventeen years ago was about wandering in the forest for ten days. The frontrunner was Genia Lionheart. Unlike the other children, who were exhausted after enduring the days in the forest, those two spent the ten days very… well,” Carmen reminisced.

“They competed on the last day, right?”

“Yes, Genia challenged Hector, wishing for the glory of victory. However, Hector won an overwhelming victory in that fight.”

Genos’s family was a special one, even among the Lionheart Clan.

They were the first Black Lions and Lionheart hounds who had been taught the Hamel Style by the Great Vermouth himself.

That meant the family was just as prestigious as the main house, despite it being a collateral family. And the spirit of this warrior family had also been passed down to Genia, who was only ten at the time. Even though she wasn’t able to use mana and had never used a real sword, Genia’s power wasn’t that of an ordinary child.

Still, she had lost the fight. Although Hector also couldn’t use mana and hadn’t wielded a real sword, just like Genia, he had won the fight and the first place in the ceremony.

“Just like Genia cultivated in Shimuin, Hector has been cultivating in Luhr and he is taking part in this hunt. So what do you think? Don’t you wanna change your mind and participate?” Carmen excitedly spoke.

“Not really.”

“Don’t you want to compete with him? Hector was called a genius among the collateral descendants before you showed up.”

“Then, the outcome is already decided. If I was weaker than Hector, he would still have the title of a genius,” Eugene answered, snorting. “If he was better than me, Hector would have been the one who got adopted, instead of me.”


Carmen absentmindedly blinked for a moment, but then broke into laughter.

“That is some cool arrogance. Yes, you are right.”

“Is there anyone else who is participating other than those two?” Eugene asked.

“Out of those who have gone through the same Bloodline Continuation Ceremony as you, there are Gargith and Dezra Lionheart. Of course, the twins from the main house will also participate.”

“Ciel is also participating? Then why did she come to the main house when she was going to participate anyway?”

“She insisted on following me no matter what. Isn’t there only one reason? She must have wanted to see her mother for the first time in a long time.”

In fact, Ciel wasn’t with them right now. Instead, she was spending time with Ancilla and Mer.

“…And there are two more.” Carmen hesitated for a moment

Eugene read ‘perplexity’ from her eyes, so he asked, “Two more?”

The Bloodline Continuation Ceremony seven years ago came to Eugene’s mind. Cyan, Ciel, Gargith, and Dezra had participated. There were also some losers, but they weren’t worthy enough for him to remember their names. Had one of those losers trained themselves over the last seven years and volunteered to join the hunt in the Black Lion Castle?

“Deacon Lionheart…”

It seemed that he had been at the same Bloodline Continuation Ceremony as Eugene, but he wasn’t so memorable. Why had she hesitated to say the name of a nobody?

“…and Eward Lionheart are participating.”

Eugene’s jaw dropped.


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