Damn Reincarnation

Chapter 208: The Dark Room(1)

Chapter 208: The Dark Room(1)

Ciel Lionheart glared at the corner of the drill hall with dull eyes. There stood Auxiliary Bishop Kristina, who had arrived several days ago as a guest of the Lionheart family.

Since the competition against the White Dragon Knights, the Knights of the Black Lion were brimming with motivation and training nearly every single day. While sparring, it was common to hold back one’s skills in consideration of the opponent, such that they weren’t injured. While this method worked to diminish the injuries, it didn’t serve the actual purpose of the spars — to improve one’s skills and techniques. Thus, the Knights of the Black Lion held mock battles while allowing the knights to barely skim over their opponents with their weapons.

As a result, quite a few knights were injured each day. Although most knights managed to avoid fatal injuries due to their excellent skills, it was pretty common for blades to leave light grazes on the skin.

Naturally, the Lionheart family possessed a variety of treatment methods befitting their family name. Even without a high-ranking priest, they had numerous types of potions they provided to their knights, and academically qualified medical staff with a plethora of experience were always on standby to treat anyone.

In addition, the Lionheart family made sure to always give large donations to the temple in the capital in case of any emergencies. It ensured that a high-ranking priest could always be mobilized if any accidents occurred that required divine magic.

In truth, little cuts did not warrant doctors, priests, or any potions. Those belonging to the Knights of Black Lion were as resilient as they were strong. They would recover from most wounds unless their organs were crushed or their bones were broken. The knights themselves knew this, so they did not care about minor, surface-level injuries.

Even so, the same knights were lined up in front of Kristina with their extremely minor injuries. It wasn’t that Ciel failed to understand their train of thought. It wasn’t as if the healer was a simple priest. She was the only Saint Candidate in the Holy Empire of Yuras.

‘If there is only one candidate, couldn’t they just call her the Saintess?’

Whatever the case, she wasn’t an ordinary priest, and although none of Lionheart’s knights were devout believers baptized in the Religion of Light, it wasn’t as if they were skeptics who doubted the existence of the God of Light. It was undeniable that the God of Light was an existence that granted the believers the power to create miracles and was revered by countless people. Therefore, it was only natural for the knights to want to personally experience the miracle of the Saintess Candidate at least once.

“I don’t like it,” grumbled Ciel.

“Neither do I,” agreed Mer. She fervently licked the lollipop she obtained from Ancilla’s room earlier, but her cutting gaze never left Kristina.

So what exactly did they not like?

On the one hand, Mer knew the truth about Kristina, so she knew it couldn’t be helped, while on the other hand, Ciel did not know the truth about Kristina. So she wasn’t aware that Kristina’s smile, which looked unshakeable, was only a mask and that all her pretense was a result derived from a miserable past. She didn’t know what Eugene had been up to in the Holy Empire the last few days, nor did she know anything about the Fount of Light or that inside Kristina Rogeris resided the soul of Anise the Faithful from 300 years ago.

But there was one thing she did know. Eugene had departed for Yuras immediately after receiving a letter. And although she didn’t know exactly what he had done there, it just so happened that the most spectacular and magnificent festival celebrating the birth of Anise the Faithful had overlapped with the days of his absence. Also, Eugene had returned with Auxilary Bishop Kristina promptly after the festival ended. 𝑙𝒾𝒷𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥.𝒸𝑜𝘮

And what was the reason he gave? To cure an incurable disease inflicting the elves. Ciel liked the elves of the forest, and she felt truly sorry for those who were running out of time due to the Demonic Disease. Hence, it was convincing enough that Kristian Rogeris, the Auxilary Bishop of Alarte and the sole Saintess Candidate, was staying at the Lionheart family’s main house to treat the elves.

However… something about her just didn’t appeal to Ciel. She noticed that Kristina spent her days treating the knights when they had finished their training, then headed straight into the forest at sunset. Was it really to treat the elves? It certainly looked like it, but… strangely enough, Ciel saw Kristina spending more time with Eugene than with the elves. It wasn’t as though the two were doing something special together.

From her time sneaking, no, observing the two people, Ciel noticed that when Eugene was meditating in the middle of the forest, Kristina would sit a few steps away and stare at Eugene with a faint smile. That was all. Even when Eugene finished meditating and proceeded to train his body, Kristina would watch from a distance so she wouldn’t interfere with his training, but still with the same faint smile.

Ciel glared at Kristina in the distance with squinting eyes. Kristina had a faint smile as she treated the knights with divine magic. However, her smile differed from the one that hung on her lips when she was with Eugene in the forest.

Kristina’s smile was definitely different from when she ran into Eugene earlier in the hallway of the mansion, when she greeted him, saying, ‘Sir Eugene, do you have anything special planned for today?’ and when she asked, ‘Sir Eugene, why don’t we eat together today?’.

Her current smile was also different from when she asked, ‘Sir Eugene, how did you sleep? What will you do for breakfast? Ahh… at the family table with the rest of the Lionheart family? Then I guess I will have to sit at a different table. Please eat with me next time.’

“Lady Ciel?” Dezra called out while returning from training in the forest, spotting the backsides of Ciel and Mer. The two had never seemed to get along well, so what were they doing hiding behind the pillar together? What on earth was responsible for the sparks in their eyes? Dezra approached Ciel out of pure curiosity.

“Oi, oi, Dezra, don’t do it. Just go…!” The voice belonged to Cyan. He had called out from the third-floor window of the mansion as quietly as possible. He had been looking down at the drill hall while hunching behind the window. However, he failed to stray Dezra from her path.

But it wasn’t because she had not heard his voice. Rather, she had heard him but couldn’t understand why she had to stop walking. She was approaching the two out of curiosity, so what was wrong with that?

“Lady Ciel, what are you doing over there? Are you spying on Auxilary Bishop Kristina?” said Dezra. Cyan’s face turned a shade whiter when he heard the question. He quickly closed the window and even drew the curtains, losing all courage to continue watching.

“You stupid pig…!”

Thus began Ciel’s curses.


Four people were seated in the spacious office of the family head: Gilead Lionheart, Gion Lionheart, Carmen Lionheart, and Eugene Lionheart. Of the three seated across Eugene, Gion looked the most shocked. It took him quite some time to realize that his jaw was practically touching the floor as he stared in astonishment, and when he did come to the realization, he promptly closed his mouth. He then took a moment to digest what he had just heard. It wasn’t that he failed to comprehend the literal words, but it was hard for him to fully understand.

“Hahaha!” So Gion chose to laugh instead. He laughed briefly, then shrugged with a sigh. “This makes me look crummy,” said Gion.

He was born the youngest of three brothers. The eldest brother had cared for his younger brothers since childhood, and he was born with the character and qualities suitable for the eldest son. His second brother was warm and generous. He neither possessed the ambition to compete with his older brother nor the characteristics that qualified him to do so. The youngest brother, Gion, was born with all his brothers’ advantageous and disadvantageous qualities. He was endowed with talent sufficient to compete with his eldest brother, and he was a man of unblemished character. Simultaneously, he was humble and generous.

In short, he was a genius. Just like Gilead, Gion had been praised as a genius since he was a young child, though he never acted arrogant. Moreover, after forfeiting his claim to the spot of the family head, he was given the opportunity to live freely. So he wielded his sword as he wished, wandering around many different countries.

He first swung a sword at the age of seven, and after training for thirty years, he barely managed to reach the Sixth Star of the White Flame Formula. It was similar for Gilead and Carmen as well. Both had dedicated a good portion of their lives to the sword.

“When you suddenly called for me, I naturally assumed it was to celebrate me becoming the captain of the Fifth Division,” said Gion.

“That is definitely something to celebrate, Gion, but it was only a matter of course. It wasn’t a surprise either,” answered Carmen with a dry cigar in her mouth. The thick cigar hung at an exquisite angle on Carmen’s lips, neither too tilted nor pronounced. Now, this was a truly remarkable feat, thought Eugene.

Gilead chimed in, “However, it’s certainly surprising that he managed to reach the Sixth Star of the White Flame Formula at the age of twenty.”

“You say twenty,” said Gion while shaking his head with a flabbergasted expression. “Eugene has only been training in the White Flame Formula for seven years.” Even now, he still remembered the events as clearly as daylight. After the Bloodline Continuation Ceremony, when Eugene was adopted into the main family, Gion had guided Eugene to the Leyline deep within the forest. Eugene first resonated with mana there and was guided in the White Flame Formula.

Who could believe it? Thirteen years old was already slightly late to learn to control mana. Even though the Leyline’s mana was incredibly dense, Eugene had immediately sensed mana upon sitting down and succeeded in manipulating it. Then, as soon as he was taught the White Flame Formula by Gion, he succeeded in wielding it without any help.

“I thought everyone was well aware that he’s a monstrous genius,” snorted Carmen while placing down her cigar. She and Gilead had been informed of Eugene’s accomplishment a few days ago. She had been sufficiently surprised then, so she could maintain her composure now.

“Of course, but it’s still hard to believe,” responded Gion before clearing his throat. Presently, there were only three people in the Lionheart family who had managed to reach the Sixth Star of the White Flame Formula: the family head, Gilead, the captain of the Fifth Division of the Black Lion Knights, Gion, and Eugene. Carmen was the only one who had broken through the ceiling and reached the Seventh Star. The entry to the Sixth Star of the White Flame Formula was an incredibly difficult feat. Even Klein, Carmen’s younger brother and elder of the family, was stuck at five Stars.

“Have you already explained the changes that come after reaching the Sixth Star?” 𝘭𝑖𝑏𝘳ℯ𝑎𝑑.𝒸ℴ𝘮

“Yes,” answered Gilead in a calm voice before raising his head.


A white flame enveloped Gilead’s body. He operated the White Flame Formula and directed the flame with the tip of his finger. However, the appearance of the flame was slightly different from what was commonly seen with the White Flame Formula. The tip of the flickering flame was sharp like an awl, but it also flared like a curved blade.

The White Flame Formula underwent a tremendous change after the Sixth Star. Just as Eugene had guessed, the White Flame Formula synchronized with one’s numerous experiences and battles. No, to be more precise, the White Flame Formula assimilated with the user himself.

Gilead’s White Flame Formula gave off the appearance of many blades surrounding his body rather than actual flames. Although the flames were created from mana that was refined to the limit, as soon as Gilead willed it, the sharp flame would immediately transform into blades of white flame.

“This is wholly my own flame,” muttered Gilead with a bitter grin.

Come to think of it, Eugene had never been taught anything special or grandiose by Gilead. The same was true for Cyan and Ciel. Although Carmen always took Ciel around and watched over her training, she had never taught her any special skills. The only thing the seniors taught the children in terms of being a Lionheart was the White Flame Formula. Although the children were taught how to utilize their weapons, how to fight, and many other things, such lessons could be learned from outside the Lionheart family as well.

Eugene was taught the secret art of the Empty Sword by Alchester, someone from outside the family. Unfortunately, however, the Lionheart family had no such secret arts….

“It can’t be helped,” Gion said with a sigh before activating his own White Flame Formula. His flame possessed the opposite temperament to Gilead. If Gilead’s flame was a sharp blade, Gion’s flame felt like a flowing wave. The flame was clearly optimized only for Gion and incorporated his tendencies and habits.

To put it really simply, they were all changing the nature of the mana that was forming their flame. It was possible for Eugene to imitate their flames, but even he could not replicate the possibilities contained within their flames. Thus, the Lionheart family couldn’t possess a special art or a technique like the Empty Sword.

“The sword will always reflect the nature of its wielder. The White Flame Formula melts and integrates one’s nature into the flame. When one reaches the Sixth Star, their flame will change accordingly. But if anyone becomes aware of this truth before they reach the Sixth Star, they will be conscious of this fact from a young age.”

“It cannot be said to be unconditionally bad, but one may end up insisting on clothes that don’t fit their body while pursuing false images of themselves,” continued Carmen, striking the air with her gloved fist. Her flame wasn’t big, but the mana that constituted her flame was incredibly dense. It was clear that the power contained within her flame was much greater than what appeared on the surface.

“That is why the truth is hidden. It allows one to pursue their own art while growing stronger, without being conscious of it.”

Eugene silently watched the flames of the three people for a while, then activated his own White Flame Formula. The Stars in his heart started to spin, and his flame spurred fiercely. However, his flame was much bigger and brighter than the flames of the three. At the same time, it threatened to devour anyone who dared to venture too close to it.

“As expected,” commented Gion with a bitter smile.


He extinguished his own flame before shaking his head. “Now I understand why you summoned me as well, brother.”

“It’s impossible to eyeball it,” murmured Carmen. Eugene extinguished his own flame as well while listening to their conversation.

“I haven’t really heard all the details yet,” said Eugene. He had been half-expecting them to throw a celebratory party now that he reached the Sixth Star. Still, after hearing the news and seeing his flame, Gilead and Carmen revealed an unprovoked tension instead of celebrating.

“Do you know about the basement of the main house?” asked Gilead.

“Yes. There’s a food storage in the basement, right? The servants’ quarters are also there, and deeper down… is the treasure room,” Eugene answered.

“Even deeper than that,” asked Gilead. It was difficult for Eugene to understand what he was talking about. As such, he remained silent while staring at Gilead.

After a while, Gilead continued. “In the deep underground of the main house, there is a room known as the Dark Room.”

“The Dark Room?” asked Eugene.

“Like the Leyline of the forest, it is a legacy left by the Great Founder for future generations. It is also one of the reasons why the direct line had to stay in the same location for 300 years…” said Gilead.

“To put it simply, it’s like this,” Carmen interrupted Gilead and continued on his behalf. “Eugene Lionheart.”

“Yes,” he answered.

“Today, you must destroy a world,” she said.


“To be born anew.”

Was this conversation really necessary? Eugene seriously pondered. Wasn’t Carmen just talking to herself? But that didn’t seem to be the case, judging by the solemn expressions on Gilead and Gion’s faces.

“Um…. So…. I will break a mirror… or an egg?” asked Eugene.

“What on earth are you talking about? This is not the time to be joking around,” Carmen rebuked Eugene with a grave expression.


Eugene’s eyebrows immediately scrunched up with irritation.

“There’s nothing to think hard about,” said Carmen before raising her finger toward Eugene. “You will enter the Dark Room, reflect on yourself, kill yourself, and be born anew.”

What was there not to think hard about…? Eugene couldn’t understand what Carmen was saying at all.


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