Damn Reincarnation

Chapter 257: The Dragon Duchess (3)

Eugene had not planned to run into anyone as soon as he arrived at the Dragon Demon Castle, but it had been inevitable in some ways. In Eugene’s opinion, the plan to infiltrate the Dragon Demon Castle was unpolished and full of holes. As such, he had made preparations for the possibility of running into unexpected situations.

He was prepared to respond immediately to whatever the situation called for, but when someone started shouting at Bhud, Eugene cursed inwardly, ‘Fuck.’ It hadn’t been within his expectations to run into a problem immediately after arriving.

So, what could he do? Well, what was there to do, really? There was only one thing he could do. He would kill Bhud as well as the unknown demon. Then he would infiltrate the Dragon Demon Castle as if nothing had ever happened.

After making up his mind, Eugene inspected his opponent through the keyhole. The ostentatious woman referred to herself in third-person and spoke in a ridiculous manner. As he studied her appearance, he noticed that she looked only a few years older than Mer. Her hair was parted in the middle. It revealed her forehead, which had a horn sticking out from the center as well as a glinting red jewel embedded in it.

‘No way.’ Eugene was astonished.

According to Noir’s information, the Dragon Duchess had not made an appearance in two hundred years. Yet, there she was, standing right in front of him at this very moment.

“This lady is the legitimate master of the Dragon Demon Castle and the only flesh and blood of the Black Dragon!” the girl shouted valiantly while extending her palm toward Bhud.

Upon hearing this, Eugene no longer harbored any doubts. “My name is Raimira! You wicked soul who dared to touch the offerings to the Dragon Demon Castle! As the master of the Dragon Demon Castle, this lady commands you! Immediately end your own life—”

Eugene didn’t require any further explanation. Raimira had claimed to be the true heir of the Black Dragon and the rightful master of the Dragon Demon Castle. Considering the absurdity of the situation, he couldn’t help but question the veracity of her claim, but he resolved to kill her regardless.

“W-What?!” Bhud exclaimed.

The pig-faced demonfolk had not been cautious of the human enclosed in the box, as Eugene had skillfully concealed his mana and abilities while inside. Eugene’s sudden emergence caused Bhud to turn around, his face twisted with a mixture of shock and terror.

Bhud’s eyes followed Eugene’s ascent into the air. Although this was a development that differed significantly from Eugene’s original plans, he doggedly executed the part of his strategy that concerned Bhud just as he had planned. The moment Eugene burst out of the box, he seized Bhud’s head and yanked it clean off his body.

“Kyaaaaah!?” Raimira’s piercing shriek reverberated through the space.

Bhud’s head was detached from his body, with his spine still attached. Despite this, Bhud did not succumb to death immediately, possibly due to his accumulated mana.

Instead, he opened his mouth wide and emitted a high-pitched, pig-like squeal, “Kyweeeeeek!”

The deafening screams were abruptly silenced as a blaze erupted from Eugene’s fingertips and consumed Bhud’s body. This was no ordinary flame; it was infused with the power of the sword-force. The power manifested as a sphere of intertwined and razor-sharp emissions that relentlessly tore apart Bhud, who was trapped at the heart of the tempestuous vortex.

Bhud desperately tried to regenerate his body time and time again. Nevertheless, stuck within the confines of the Infinite Purgatory, his efforts were in vain. Each time his body began to take form again, it was immediately ground to dust by the relentless onslaught of the skill. Eugene had honed Infinite Purgatory to perfection in his previous life, making it the perfect weapon for eliminating demons with powerful regenerative abilities.

Bhud’s body continued to be torn apart by Infinite Purgatory, reducing him to unidentifiable pieces. Despite still being alive, his regeneration abilities were failing rapidly, and it was only a matter of time before he met his final demise. The screams that had once echoed throughout the chamber were now silenced, and the only sounds that remained were the crackling of the flames and the swirling of the Sword-force. Eugene looked away from Bhud and stared straight ahead.

“Hiek…!” Raimira was retreating with a pale expression, her large eyes quivering with fear.

Eugene looked around to make sure there were no other demons lurking nearby before turning his attention to her. He examined her carefully, taking note of her appearance.

As Eugene took a closer look at Raimira, he realized that while she didn’t bear an exact resemblance to Raizakia, there were certain similarities. Of course, this was to be expected. Raimira’s current form was the result of Polymorph, an ability commonly used by dragons. While her human-like appearance differed from her true form, some traits remained. For instance, dragons using Polymorph often retained their true eye and hair color to distinguish themselves. Raimira’s black hair and purple eyes were a clear nod to her lineage as the Black Dragon. 𝒍𝓲𝒃𝙧𝓮𝙖𝒅.𝓬𝙤𝓶

Raimira exclaimed in a panicked voice, “Y-You! What are…. Who are you!?”

The word Intruder! came to her mind, causing her legs to tremble and her heart to race faster. Meanwhile, Inspector Bhud’s body was being ripped apart into a shapeless mass behind the intruder, and the intricate and robust flow of mana used to disintegrate Bhud’s body only added to Raimira’s shock and unease.

Her expression stiffened. Truth be told, Raimira was afraid. However, she did not express her fear — or at least, she thought she wasn’t letting it show. Contrary to her belief, both her legs were trembling. Unfortunately, Raimira was too nervous and frightened to recognize this truth.

“You dare…. How dare you! How could you bring harm to a servant of the castle in front of this lady, the master of the Dragon Demon Castle!? You will not be able to pay for this, even with dozens — no, hundreds of deaths!” Raimira cried loudly.

Although she was a hatchling, a dragon was still a dragon. As such, her cry carried the weight of her heritage, Dragon Fear. Nonetheless, her Dragon Fear was so weak that it couldn’t even hold a candle to the Dragon Fear that Ariartel had exuded.

[What is she doing?] Mer wondered.

In fact, Raimira’s Dragon Fear was so weak that not even Mer felt threatened.

Obviously, Raimira’s Dragon Fear failed to affect Eugene’s body and mana, so Eugene didn’t hesitate and jumped at Raimira.

‘Attack!’ Raimira was struck with shock, but she swung her hand reactively.

It was a sloppy attack, but the power contained in the blow could not be ignored. Eugene had no intention of allowing Raimira to hit him, so he took the Strom Sword Wynnyd out of his cloak.

[It is I, Tempest, the Wind Spirit King! I have come to Helmuth!]

Eugene had been relying on the Holy Sword most of the time in recent battles, so he had rarely used Wynnyd of late. In fact, today was his first time finally drawing the blade once again ever since his arrival in Helmuth. So, Tempest screamed as if he had been waiting an eternity for this moment. Wynnd was only used as a conduit in the beginning. Ever since he signed the contract with Tempest, it could talk to Eugene whenever it wanted… so Tempest screaming like this every time he held Wynnyd was Tempest being strange and stubbornly insisting on making his presence known.

‘Be quiet,’ Eugene told Tempest in his mind.

[Hamel! My shouts can only be heard in your head anyways.]

‘I know, I know, but just be quiet.’

Eugene’s cold response seemed to have an effect on Tempest’s winds, as they slackened slightly. It was almost as if Tempest was trying to convey his displeasure by sulking. However, not all the winds weakened. Only the winds surrounding Eugene weakened, while the winds opposing Raimira’s attack intensified into a violent storm.


The air shook with a loud explosion, but the noise didn’t reach far beyond its point of origin. Instead, the sound reverberated as if Eugene and Raimira were standing in the depths of a cave. The magic Eugene had cast was muffling any sounds from escaping the area.

If Raimira had been more level-headed, she might have noticed the magic enveloping the space and attempted to dispel it. Unfortunately, she was far from being calm and collected at the moment.

Raimira’s voice shook with fear as she stumbled backward several steps.

She stuttered with a pale face and quivering lips, “W-W-What is it!?”

Raimira was in utter shock and unable to compose herself.

“Y-Y-You, intruder! H-How dare you attack this lady!? If you stop now…. R-Right! If you stop immediately, this lady will forgive you, so…” Raimira spoke frantically without taking a single breath.

Eugene did not push her further but paused instead. He had sensed it after colliding with her. No, he had, in fact, sensed it before exchanging a blow with her, but he became certain after.

‘This isn’t Dark Power.’

Dark Energy was a powerful force that was harnessed by the demons, including the Demon Kings. It was a type of mana that had been infused with the dark essence of demons, and when purified, it became known as Dark Power. Raizakia, the fallen Black Dragon, had channeled the boundless mana of his Dragon Heart into Dark Power.

When Eugene clashed with Raimira, he discovered that, despite being his offspring, Raimira did not possess Dark Power. Rather, her mana was as pure as that of any other dragon.

[Hamel. She’s—]

‘I know.’

Eugene’s expression crumpled. He knew what Tempest had been about to say. There was no way Eugene was unaware since he had been the one to actually exchange a blow with Raimira. Nevertheless, given the present circumstances, he couldn’t afford to divert his attention toward this unexpected detail about Raimira. Despite everything, the fact remained that she was a dragon, and he could not afford to lose vigilance.


Even though Raimira fumbled as if she had never fought in her life and even though her screams contained not a shred of dignity that belonged to dragons, Eugene did not let his guard down.


Apart from her personality, tone, and endless screams, it was clear that Raimira wasn’t an opponent to be taken easily. It was being proven to him right now.

Eugene carefully calculated each strike of his sword, aiming not to deliver a lethal blow to Raimira but to subdue her and use her to find Raizakia through Akasha’s Draconic spell. He had to hold back his full strength and limit his strikes to only cut what they touched. His plan was not to end Raimira’s life but to sever her limbs to immobilize her.


Despite that, things weren’t going as Eugene wished. Even though his blade made contact with Raimira’s body several times, the only things that the fierce flame and the sword-force severed were parts of her clothes. His sword and Sword-force had definitely made contact with her skin, but there weren’t any scratches on it, let alone a cut.

Raimira was also surprised by the outcome. She couldn’t believe it herself, and her eyes filled with wonder as she looked down at her unscathed skin.

“Ah…. Ahahahaha! Ahahahahaha! Look! You lowly human intruder! Your weak blade couldn’t even pierce this lady’s skin! You won’t even get me to shed a single drop of blood!”

Raimira immediately changed her attitude and proudly puffed out her chest. Then she reached out her hand toward Eugene, allowing her sleeve to flap as if to show off.

“Repent for your sins, beg for forgiveness and your life! T-This lady is merciful, and if you sincerely beg for mercy… she will reconsider forgiving you!”

“Hmm….” Eugene’s disappointment was palpable as he frowned at Wynnyd and the sword-force, paying no attention to Raimira’s nonsensical words.

Instead, he stared at Wynnyd and the sword-force with a frown. Wynnyd’s wind intensified as if responding to Eugene’s disappointed gaze. Tempest was conveying that his pride had been hurt.

Then Eugene’s expression darkened as he shifted his stare to Raimira, who was quivering in fear. He had been holding back during their fight, but it was clear to him that he would have to use lethal force to subdue her.

“It won’t do unless we intend to kill her,” Eugene said with a steely resolve.

Raimira’s jaw dropped in shock, and she stumbled back a few steps. Her legs were still shaking, and she could feel the cold sweat on her forehead.

“Intend…. Intend to kill? S-S-So, you came here with the intention of assassinating me! Do you know who this lady is? D-Do you know what you’re saying when—”

Eugene disregarded Raimira’s stuttering words. He placed Wynnyd back in his cloak and stretched his fingers, making a chilling crackling sound that sent shivers down Raimira’s spine. Raimira felt the urge to flee, but her pride as a dragon forbade her from turning her back to the enemy and showing a sign of weakness. Even in the absence of witnesses, she couldn’t allow herself to run away from a mere human invader.

Meanwhile, Eugene lowered his posture without any knowledge or consideration of Raimira’s conflicted thoughts. A flash of purple lightning from Lightning Flash blinded Raimira’s line of sight, and her nervous, frightened mind reacted with a delay.

“Kuagh!” Raimira was winded.

Her enemy had charged at her from the front. Eugene had placed everything into speed without trying to use any complicated techniques. Even if Raimira had not been nervous and scared, she could not have reacted in time. Eugene had barreled toward her in a straight line and slammed his shoulder into her solar plexus while wrapping both his arms around her waist.

Now, Eugene’s feet lifted off the ground, and his body floated in midair, sustained by the mana coursing through him. He wrapped his arms tighter around Raimira’s waist and drove her toward the ground. With a loud rumble, he slammed her back against the ground and continued to push her down.

Eugene had learned from his previous attacks that sword-force couldn’t harm a dragon, even in human form using Polymorph. However, he could use sheer force to restrain her and rob her of her freedom.

Struggling under Eugene’s weight, Raimira shrieked, “Kyaaah! Kyah! L-Let go! Let go! G-Geroff!”

Raimira found herself in a situation she had never experienced before. Despite the lack of physical pain, the weight of Eugene’s body pressing down on hers was overwhelming, and it filled her with fear.

Eugene, on the other hand, was completely unaware of the turmoil inside Raimira’s mind. He couldn’t decipher the meaning of her frantic screams and the word ‘geroff,’ but he did recognize that she lacked proper etiquette and training.

Crack! Craaack!

A manifestation of mana appeared behind Eugene, taking shape and adding even more weight to Raimira’s already restrained limbs.

“Y-You! This lady is… the child of the Black Dragon! I-If you so much as harm a single hair on this lady’s body—! The Black Dragon will not forgive you. Y-You will be vaporized without a trace by his Dragon Breath! A-A-And your soul will suffer forever in….”

“Just be quiet,” Eugene commanded.

His fist connected with Raimira’s cheek Although the blow didn’t cause her any pain, she abruptly stopped screaming as her head jerked to the side.

After a moment of silence, Raimira’s eyes began to fill with tears. With her head still turned to the side, she slowly shifted her gaze toward Eugene.

“Y-You.. h-hit me?” Her voice shook with disbelief and anger. “You… hit me?!”

Eugene lifted his fist again, and Raimira recoiled with a stifled cry. She tightly shut her eyes while tears streamed down her face. However, instead of striking her again, Eugene took hold of her cheeks with one of his hands.

“Bwegh….” Raimira’s lips pursed like those of a carp between Eugene’s fingers.

Eugene glared indifferently at that idiotic face. The dragon’s eyes met the human’s, and she felt a wave of fear wash over her. His golden eyes were cold and unfeeling, like those of a beast that was about to strike its prey.

Raimira’s quivering eyes watched Eugene’s hand. She couldn’t help but wonder what he was planning to do. When his thumb and index finger approached her forehead like a pair of tongs, Raimira’s heart raced with apprehension.

“W-Wait, not that! Stop!” Raimira shouted hastily.

However, with her cheeks being squeezed, her words came out smooshed, and all Eugene heard was gibberish.


As Eugene’s fingers approached the jewel in the center of her forehead, a streak of black lightning crackled.

“Kieeeeeeeeek!” Raimira let out a piercing scream unlike any she had emitted before.

Her previous screams had been out of fear and panic, but this one was a result of real pain, and it ripped through the air.

‘I guess I shouldn’t pluck it out,’ Eugene thought.

The resistance he felt was significant and unusual. So, instead of trying to pull the jewel out, Eugene flicked his fingertip against it.


Raimira’s eyes rolled back, and she stopped screaming, eventually fainting with foam coming out of her mouth. Eugene felt relieved as this made things easier for him. He stood up, took Akasha out of his cloak, and looked down at Raimira’s unconscious form.

“I got lucky,” he said.

Eugene had not expected to encounter the Dragon Duchess immediately after entering the Dragon Demon Castle. With a pleased smile, he pointed Akasha’s Dragon Heart at Raimira’s forehead. The power of Akasha’s Draconic spell began to unfold.

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