Damn Reincarnation

Chapter 260: The Dragon Duchess (6)

It was only after Raimira promised in Draonic not to tell anyone about the intruder and the plan of escape from the Dragon Demon Castle that she was finally allowed to return to the castle.

“You’re here.”

All of the Four Divine Generals had gathered to greet her at the wide-open gates. They, who had been vassals of the Black Dragon since three hundred years ago, were among the most loyal of the Black Dragon’s vassals. Two hundred years had already passed since the disappearance of the Black Dragon from the castle, and the Four Divine Generals had led the Dragon Demon Castle together by acting as the deputy lord of the Dragon Demon Castle.

Raimira’s brows furrowed with confusion as she surveyed the crowd of subjects lined up inside the gate.

“What is going on?” she asked.

Though she recognized the Four Divine Generals among the throngs of people, the rest were strangers to her. It was clear that all the retainers of the Dragon Demon Castle had gathered on the road leading to there, but for what purpose, she could not fathom it. As she took in the scene before her, Raimira’s expression remained inscrutable, betraying nothing of her inner thoughts.

“The arrival of a new lord must be announced to all the vassals of the castle,” replied one of the Four Divine Generals, a hulking demonfolk with a thick layer of fat around his abdomen. Despite his size, he spoke with a polite, measured tone. “Now that you have taken your rightful place as lord of the castle, it is only proper that all know of your noble existence.”

Raimira regarded the demon thoughtfully, weighing his words with caution. This demon’s role as one of the Four Divine Generals marked him as a formidable warrior and leader. In fact, he was considered the strongest of the four. Nevertheless, two hundred years of peace had clearly taken a toll on his physique.

The hulking demonfolk added, “It’s not just the vassals either. Everyone living in the city will come to know today that Your Grace has become the new lord of the castle.”

“The preparations for your arrival have been meticulously planned,” announced one of the other Four Divine Generals. “We have even provided a splendid mount for you so that all may behold your grace and beauty.”

His fellow generals nodded in agreement, adding their own praise for the preparations made in Raimira’s honor. Raimira could not help but feel a sense of pleasure at their words, despite the lingering doubts she felt about what she had heard from the intruder. She had made a promise in Draconic, but a nagging voice in her mind continued to question whether she could trust the stranger’s motives.

“I have heard rumors of an impending war,” said Raimira, her tone measured as she addressed the Four Divine Generals. “Is that why I have been chosen as the new lord of the castle? To prepare for battle?”

She knew that her question was not an audacious one, as the atmosphere in the city outside the castle made it clear that something was amiss. Furthermore, if the Four Divine Generals had truly intended to keep the looming conflict a secret from her, they would not have allowed her to leave the castle in the first place.

“Have you come from personally inspecting the city? As expected of Your Grace!” replied one of the Four Divine Generals.

“Why did you not inform this lady about the war? I…. I am not able to understand this situation very well,” said Raimira.

“Your Grace,” began one of the Four Divine Generals who had yet to speak to Raimira directly, addressing her with a deep bow. “For three hundred years, the Black Dragon has been the master of this castle, and all who dwell within, including ourselves, are his loyal vassals. However, it has been two hundred long years since the Black Dragon vanished without a trace.

“During that time, as the Four Divine Generals, we took it upon ourselves to lead the Dragon Demon Castle while we waited for the return of our lord. Yet, due to lacking the proper qualifications, we were only able to maintain the castle by the skin of our teeth.” 𝑙𝒾𝒷𝘳𝑒𝑎𝒹.𝑐𝑜𝓂

“Your father, the Black Dragon, was a great and powerful demon, and for the past two hundred years, we have been able to preserve the peace in the Dragon Demon Castle in his name. However…,” the General trailed off, his expression grave. “Two centuries is no small span of time, even for demons. As such, the demonfolks of neighboring territories have come to realize the absence of the Black Dragon, and they see it as an opportunity to invade our castle and claim it as their own.”

The Four Divine Generals surrounded Raimira and spoke without rest. They did not plan to give her any time to think or respond to their words.

“As Your Grace saw, war clouds are currently approaching the Dragon Demon Castle.”

“The one responsible is Count Karad — the lord of the Ruol Fief, which is located adjacent to the Dragon Demon Castle. He is an abominable demon who knows not how to show respect and honor to his predecessors, a child who was barely babbling during the time of the Black Dragon’s reign.”

“Count Karad is planning a war, knowing that the Black Dragon is currently absent from the Dragon Demon Castle. However, if Your Grace is crowned as the new lord of the castle, Count Karad will have no reason to declare war.”

“Your Grace is the only flesh and blood of the Black Dragon, one of the two dragons in the vast Empire of Helmuth and the successor to the lineage of the Demonic Dragon. Even if Count Karad is crazed for war, he will not dare to wage war if Your Grace becomes the new lord.”

Their words finally stopped for a moment. Raimira was finally given a chance to take a breather, and she nodded in response.

“If peace comes to the Dragon Demon Castle once again, His Majesty the Demon King of Incarceration will personally bestow a title upon Your Grace.”

“You might even get to succeed the Black Dragon and become the Duke.“

Raimira’s heart was still swaying as she listened intently to the words of the Four Divine Generals. She carefully considered their words, wondering if they could be telling the truth. Their argument was certainly plausible. What if they were right? Raimira didn’t have much experience with wars, but she knew that starting one was no small feat. She couldn’t help but consider the possibility that Count Karad might be using the absence of the Black Dragon to his advantage. Maybe becoming the new lord of the Dragon Demon Castle could indeed prevent a war.

“Hmm. Indeed, all of you speak the truth. This lady does not know who this Count Karad is, but he will not dare to wage war if he comes to know about this lady’s existence, the blood of the Black Dragon.”

“I’m sure.”

“Now, Your Grace, please enter the palace. We have a splendid banquet and march prepared to welcome you tonight.”

Raimira entered the Dragon Demon Castle confidently with her shoulders wide. She didn’t need to really worry about that terrible intruder, and with the promise in place, she couldn’t talk about him anyway.

‘I will leave you as insurance, just in case.’

The intruder had been violent and rude, but there was no need to get rid of him right now. She could simply find him and have him pay for his sins once it became certain the war would be avoided. However, if it turned out that war was unavoidable, she could still escape the Dragon Demon Castle with his help.

“This lady is truly smart.” Raimira wore a pleased smile at her own worldly wisdom.


As the sun began to rise, word of the Raizakia’s hatchling taking temporary rule spread through the kingdom. The news originated from the palace and reached far and wide. Count Karad, a keen observer of the Dragon Demon Castle’s affairs, was among those who heard the rumor. From a distance, he gazed upon the looming castle with a troubled expression, his brow furrowed with concern.

Count Karad was a formidable creature, a mix of Giant and Daemon, making him a Giant Daemon. However, his true form brought with it a host of inconveniences, so he had opted to reduce his size to a mere two meters for the time being. Despite his smaller stature, there was no denying the sheer power he possessed. While he couldn’t quite measure up to the legendary Earthshaker, Kammash, in terms of size, Count Karad’s true form towered over most creatures at well over five meters tall.

The man who stood by Count Karad’s side was neither a Giant nor a Giant Daemon. Nevertheless, the man was larger than Count Karad, and the grayish-brown fur that covered his whole body was thick and sharp. Rather than fur, it looked more like sharp iron needles.

Despite the thick fur that covered the man’s body, every muscle in his body was well-defined. His arms and legs resembled ancient trees, thick and knotty with power. However, it was his hands that were truly intimidating. They were large enough to crush the head of Count Karad, a powerful Giant Daemon, with ease.

A putrid odor of stale blood emanated from the man, evidence of his routine of killing and devouring others. He was a predator in every sense of the word. In fact, he had been feasting upon the flesh of four demonic beasts and two demonfolks just a few hours ago.

The man’s name was Jagon — the Beast of Ravesta. 𝘭𝑖𝘣𝓇ℯ𝘢𝒹.𝘤ℴ𝘮

Truth be told, Count Karad was afraid of him. The stakes were high in the impending battle against the Dragon Demon Castle, including the fate of Count Karad’s fief and his very life. That’s why he had spared no expense in hiring Jagon and his subordinate Beastfolks as mercenaries. Count Karad had brought Jagon here and offered the demons from his own territory to him every day as a meal.

Despite being the one who had hired Jagon with his money, Count Karad couldn’t truly consider himself an employer. Jagon had no official title, but he was the vassal of the infamous Demon King of Incarceration — an unfilial son who had even killed his own father, the Depraved Oberon. Even as they stood together, Count Karad was acutely aware that if Jagon suddenly decided to turn on him, Jagon could easily rip his head from his shoulders.

‘He’s dangerous… but also sharp.’

A smile played on Count Karad’s lips as he shot a quick glance at Jagon. He knew that the Black Dragon was the biggest wildcard in the upcoming war, and he had long suspected that the powerful dragon was nowhere to be found. Now, with the confirmation of the Black Dragon’s absence, Count Karad felt a surge of confidence.

He pondered over the fate of the Black Dragon, but what he knew for sure was that the current lord of the Dragon Demon Castle was not Raizakia but rather his offspring, who had lived for approximately two hundred years.

“Jagon, I wanted to mention that a letter arrived from the Dragon Demon Castle,” said Count Karad.

Jagon had been standing in place for a while, staring at the Dragon Demon Castle. Even though Count Karad came to stand right next to him, Jagon did not spare him a single glance.

After clearing his throat, Count Karad continued, “There are four old demons in the Dragon Demon Castle. They call themselves the Four Divine Generals. They were quite famous three hundred years ago, but they were bred into complacency by the Black Dragon, likened to pigs because of peace and comfort. They say that they have no intention of fighting this war.”

Jagon listened to the situation silently.

“They are willing to surrender unconditionally. To prove that, they are going to give us the Black Dragon’s daughter, who has just ascended as the castle’s lord…. If they are willing to forfeit that much, I think this might be a good proposal. Rather than going to war….”

Jagon’s expression remained impassive as he turned his head to face Count Karad. His face consisted of a blend of bear and human features, and his black eyes gave no indication of the thoughts racing through his mind.

“I came all this way to go to war,” Jagon declared in a low voice, his words almost a growl. No emotions could be found in his black eyes as he stared at Count Karad. “If you are not willing to wage war, I have no choice but to go to war with you instead.”

“Wait, wait! Calm down, Jagon. A war with me—”

“I will kill as many people of your fief as the number of people residing in that floating castle,” declared Jagon.

‘Crazy bastard!’ Count Karad thought before forcing a smile onto his face.

He said, “Calm down, Jagon. I said… that it was a good offer, but I have no intention of accepting it. The purpose of this war is also to wipe out those old pigs who sent me this letter.”

Count Karad wasn’t saying this just to appease Jagon, as he had his own ambitions and beliefs. He was considered a young demon in Helmuth, and he had not participated in the war three hundred years ago. However, he knew from stories that the massive war had been terrible. Almost all of the high-ranking demons of Helmuth were those who had actively participated in the war, and the Three Dukes were heroes from the war who had survived for three hundred years after it.

Count Karad didn’t believe that everyone who had survived the war had become obsolete. Nevertheless, he knew that there were certainly demons among Helmuth’s upper echelons who had grown weak and entitled over centuries of peace. These OBs [1] had no real qualifications or authority, yet they demanded respect and special treatment.

The opulence of the ostentatious Noblesse was hard to ignore. They resided in a grand castle and enjoyed their privileges while the non-privileged inhabitants labored in Karabloom, working for the benefit of those who lived in the sky.

In this structure, the hierarchy was completely corrupted, starting from the top. It was probable that the Black Dragon had been absent for more than a century, but what had the Four Divine Generals accomplished during his absence?

They had been tasked to manage the territory in the lord’s absence, but they had done nothing at all. Instead, they had indulged in luxury like fat, lazy pigs. The war against the Dragon Demon Castle would be a significant step toward Count Karad’s ambitious future.

He could not rob the Black Dragon’s title in his absence. However, if Count Karad could use this war to cause the Dragon Demon Castle to fall, he would receive the attention of all of Helmuth.

‘Then I will be able to achieve a higher rank and title.’

His ambitious plan would start there. Count Karad’s mind trailed off to another train of thought as he envisioned himself standing among the highest echelons of Helmuth’s demon society. He knew he had the cunning and ambition to climb the ranks, and defeating the Dragon Demon Castle would be the first step. Count Karad was determined to show the other demonfolks that he was not to be underestimated — that he was capable of greatness. One day, he would stand at the highest peaks of Pandemonium, the capital city of Helmuth, alongside the Three Dukes.

“This is different from what you said initially,” Jagon muttered, causing Count Karad’s daydreams of ambitious plans to quickly dissipate.

“Count, you promised me a war against the dragon,” Jagon reminded him, his tone unwavering.

“Raimira, the Dragon Duchess. She is also a dragon—”

Jagon interrupted him, saying, “The dragon I wanted was Raizakia, the Black Dragon. The Demonic Dragon from the era of war.”

“Even a dragon… will have affection toward their child. Don’t you think so? Who would have imagined that the Black Dragon would have had a child? Moreover, he made sure to hide his one and only flesh and blood deep in the castle, away from the prying eyes of Helmuth,” Count Karad continued while stealing a glance at Jagon. “If you kill the Dragon Duchess and make it known to the world, the Black Dragon will come out of hiding. And even if the Dragon Duchess is a hatchling, a dragon is still a dragon. She may be lacking for your full enjoyment, but she will indulge you with a rare taste of what you’re seeking.”

“Tomorrow,” said Jagon, “we will attack the Dragon Demon Castle.”

Count Karad felt a jolt of surprise at Jagon’s sudden declaration. They were close enough to the Dragon Demon Castle to launch an attack tomorrow, but Count Karad knew that there were protocols to be followed. He needed to respond to the letter in a way that would show his disdain and report to Babel about the ongoing territorial war. Additionally, there were many other preparations that had to be made before they could launch a full-scale attack.

“An ambush is quick and fast,” said Jagon in an almost indifferent voice.

He was dismissive of Count Karad’s caution. Ravesta, where Jagon was from, was a lawless place, unlike the rest of Helmuth, where rules and orders held sway. This was why Jagon believed in taking swift action without worrying about rules like territorial wars or hierarchical rankings. In Ravesta, everyone did as they pleased; they killed if they wanted to kill and ate if they wanted to eat.

“If we give them time after declaring war, the prey of the Dragon Demon Castle will run away. Count, you hired me and my subordinates to go to war. You will have the honor of the victory, but I will have the war,” said Jagon while tilting his head.

The scent of blood around Jagon overwhelmed Count Karad’s sense of smell.

Jargon declared, “Tomorrow, I will attack the Dragon Demon Castle with my subordinates. I will leap up to the sky and smash that barrier. I will kill and eat everyone in the castle without giving them time to run away.”


Jargon continued, “As promised, I will have the blood, flesh, and heart of the Dragon Duchess. I will destroy the city after killing everyone inside. Then, I will hang the flag of your family. That will conclude my contract with you.”

Jagon could not be persuaded, and Count Karad did not want to peer into Jagon’s eyes at such a close distance.

Count Karad took a few steps back and nodded. “I understand. However, if you want to invade this quickly, I will go with you. I was the one who started this war, and it will be a historic moment for me. So, I should be present.”

“As long as you don’t get in my way,” said Jagon, his lips curling up into a twisted smile.

He turned his head once more toward the Dragon Demon Castle. To him, the floating castle was no different than a dish with a lid waiting to be enjoyed and devoured.

1. The raw gives this word in English as “OB.” The most reasonable guess would be Old Boys, which refers to a long-standing, influential clique. Obviously, in this context, it’s used with a negative connotation. See for more info. ?

This chapter is updated by 𝘭𝑖𝘣𝓇ℯ𝘢𝒹.𝘤ℴ𝘮

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