Damn Reincarnation

Chapter 343: Ciel Lionheart (2)

Chapter 343: Ciel Lionheart (2)

The weapon Ciel chose from the family treasure vault was the Phantom Rain Sword Javel.

Although Javel was a sword, it could also be wielded like a whip. Its attacks were light yet swift and sharp. As intricate as its features were, mastering it proved challenging. But, in the hands of a true master, it allowed for unpredictable attacks infused with various techniques.

Even to Eugene, Javel’s attributes seemed to align perfectly with Ciel. From a young age, Ciel had shown an interest in lightweight and swift swords, delighting in striking down enemies by aiming at their weaknesses with precision.

“You didn’t use it in the Coliseum?” Eugene remarked.

“Well, one typically saves their ultimate move, don’t they?” Ciel responded with a smirk.

Indeed, Ciel had never drawn Javel in competition. It wasn’t a matter of underestimating her opponents, but objectively, she’d never met an adversary worthy enough to warrant the blade’s use. Had there been such a foe, Ciel would have imagined it would be someone ranked within the top five.

“We’ve sparred countless times since our youth,” Ciel muttered, drawing the Javel from its scabbard. “When I think about it, I’ve never managed to wound you,” she added.

“Likewise,” Eugene replied with a smirk.

“Yeah, but you did that on purpose. You’ve always won without injuring me,” said Ciel.

While not as often as their bouts at the family manor, Ciel had crossed blades with Eugene numerous times. They had often trained with each other in the snowy plains leading to the Knight March.

A victory? Ciel had none. She had never managed to inflict any injuries on Eugene. Duels with Eugene always ended the same way. No matter the tactic Ciel chose, she was inevitably destined for defeat. Eugene’s blade always halted right in front of her throat before she knew it.

At those moments, there was but one thing Ciel could say.

I lost.

Each time, upon acknowledging her defeat, Eugene would sheathe his blade and flash Ciel a cheeky grin.

‘This time,’ Ciel thought, ‘I want to see a different expression.’

She didn’t want to see a smile belonging to someone praising a child, but a genuine surprise. She wanted to push Eugene, even if just a bit.

‘If you think about it, I’m his elder sister, right?’

For by birth, Ciel was born a few months before Eugene. Of course, Ciel never truly considered herself Eugene’s elder. It was just that she detested being treated like a child by Eugene.

Yes, being treated like a child was tiresome. Even during their snot-nosed days, Eugene acted all grown-up, treating Ciel as if she were the younger one. While it had not bothered her in their youth, Ciel started resenting that patronizing demeanor once she matured.

‘A shift.’

Eugene sensed an emotional disturbance from the tip of Ciel’s blade. Was it nervousness from their long hiatus? No, this wasn’t mere agitation from anticipation.

‘It’s ambition,’ Eugene realized.

Longing to show more…. Or was it the yearning for acknowledgment? Once upon a time, Eugene, too, understood such feelings. In days long past, during his time as Hamel, his blade had trembled under the weight of such emotions. For Hamel, the focus of these sentiments had been Vermouth. He yearned for Vermouth’s acknowledgment, wishing to astonish him.

For several years after becoming Vermouth’s comrade, such emotions tormented Hamel. Reflecting upon it, those feelings had been essential for Hamel, guiding him to grow stronger.

The reason he could be so engrossed was that Vermouth was a formidable adversary, someone to be surpassed. Vermouth had crushed Hamel’s spirits many times, but he was also the object of Hamel’s envy and admiration.

A chuckle unknowingly escaped Eugene’s lips.

Was it because they were twins? Cyan had harbored such feelings toward Eugene, and Ciel was no different. In fact, could it be that Ciel’s craving for recognition was even more profound than that of Cyan or even Hamel?


The tremor at the tip of the blade vanished. Ciel could not believe she had allowed her blade to quiver from a mere desire for acknowledgment.

‘With this, it’s no wonder he treats me like a child,’ Ciel rebuked herself.

Desire or not, Ciel’s breathing steadied.

Should I take it easy?

It was a fleeting thought, but Eugene squashed it down immediately, ‘No.’

Such consideration might be perceived as a grave insult by the other. Eugene knew this all too well. On reflection, Vermouth had been quite the bastard. His so-called considerations were nothing but humiliation for Hamel.

—With a bit more effort, you can do much better.

Not long after they became comrades, Vermouth uttered these words to him. They might have been intended as words of comfort for the defeated, but Hamel did not take them as such.

That arrogant brat. How dare you speak such words? How good do you think you are?



‘Well, in the end, those words did help me,’ Eugene acknowledged mentally.

He had swung his blade even more furiously. The words had fueled his desire, though it was mostly due to Hamel’s prideful nature.

Instead of stepping back, Eugene took a step forward. At this action, Ciel smiled brightly. Her sword transformed into a whip. Multiple split blades flew towards Eugene’s neck, following a curved trajectory.

It was an attack so fierce it couldn’t merely be deemed a duel. However, Eugene was pleased to see Ciel wielding her blade with such determination. There was no hesitation in the strike, no childlike feints.

The trajectory of the blade shifted as he evaded the attack, targeting Eugene’s neck once more.


Blade met blade. Moments ago, Eugene had been unarmed, yet now, he held a sword.

Though he had repelled the initial onslaught, the assault did not cease. Blades swirled toward Eugene like a storm. With subtle shifts of his sword, Eugene deftly deflected each strike. Ciel observed Eugene’s movements with wide, startled eyes. Her initial plan had been to slowly wear Eugene down, but she quickly realized the futility of such an attempt.

‘He’s on a different caliber.’

She had known this fundamental truth for some time now.

But was the gap truly this vast??Ciel took pride in her dueling prowess, but when she faced Eugene, she found she couldn’t even begin to read or anticipate his moves. That unassuming man wielded his sword as if calculating every outcome.

Ciel thought perhaps a weakness might show up if she kept up the pressure. But even as she increased the intensity of her attacks, it proved fruitless. Even at her fastest, Eugene’s blade remained precise, cutting through the rhythm of Ciel’s strikes at critical moments and disrupting her flow.

Clang. Clang. Clang.

The sound of clashing metal echoed in Ciel’s ears.

The rhythm of her offense was broken, the momentum stolen. And by the time she realized it, the tides of the duel had turned.

Just moments before, Ciel’s aggressive strikes had pressed Eugene, but now, she found herself no longer able to advance. She had no choice but to reluctantly step back. To stubbornly move forward or stand her ground was no longer a viable option.

Facing Eugene, Ciel felt as if she stood before an insurmountable wall. She yearned to scale it, to stand toe-to-toe, but that towering barrier wouldn’t allow it.

‘I hate this.’

She despised being overshadowed, having to look up, and watching from afar — a sentiment that haunted her sleepless nights.

Biting her lower lip, Ciel reminded herself this was merely a duel. She hadn’t expected to defeat Eugene or even inflict a minor wound after only a year of training. But still, she didn’t want to lose the same way she used to.

That would mean she hadn’t changed since her younger days.

Even now, she was being pushed back, with that towering wall ever looming, looking down on her.

Biting her lower lip again, Ciel relinquished the idea of finding any logical advantage with his blade. From the moment she was forced on the defensive, nay, from the moment she drew her blade, she had already lost.

If she didn’t wish to accept defeat with a sense of resignation, she only had one option: to thrash with all her might.

With a loud clash, Ciel’s elongated blade tangled with Eugene’s. In that instant, Ciel threw away her sword hilt and lunged at Eugene with bare hands.

‘What the hell?’

Eugene was momentarily taken aback. He hadn’t expected Ciel to abandon her weapon and charge at him unarmed.

Ciel’s primary weapon was the sword. Yet, that didn’t mean she was ignorant of wielding other arms. Born of the Lionheart lineage, it had been expected for her to master the use of most weaponry from a tender age. However, Ciel’s most adept skill, following the sword, wasn’t with another weapon.

Instead, she was most adept at using her fists and legs. 𝒍𝙞𝙗𝒓𝒆𝙖𝓭.𝙘𝒐𝒎

This was an influence of her mentor, Carmen Lionheart. Carmen had taught Ciel to fight with her body, and Ciel’s fists and legs were as sharp as a blade.

A clenched fist flew towards Eugene’s face. Eugene was caught off guard for a fleeting moment. He, too, relinquished his sword as the fist came into view. However, it wasn’t only Ciel who was confident in hand-to-hand combat. Eugene had been as familiar with martial arts as with weapons from his previous life.


Ciel’s left punch brushed past Eugene’s ear. Simultaneously, Ciel’s right hand twisted in the air, targeting Eugene’s chin. Eugene’s left arm collided with Ciel’s right, but in response, Ciel forcefully pushed her right arm and entangled it with Eugene’s left. 𝓁𝘪𝑏𝑟ℯ𝒶𝑑.𝑐ℴ𝘮


Ciel attempted another punch with her left, but it, too, was caught by Eugene’s right hand. Their hands locked together. Ciel thrust forward, leaning into Eugene with all her might.

Should the two engage in a test of raw strength, it would be impossible for Ciel to prevail over Eugene. Pushing forcefully could lead to Ciel’s injury.

Eugene was well aware of this fact. Hence, instead of engaging in a power struggle, he stepped back as Ciel pushed forward.

In a fleeting moment, Ciel’s waist twisted, and her sweeping kick landed on Eugene’s thigh. It was a blow strong enough to shatter a sturdy oak, yet Eugene remained unyielding.


Instead, it was Eugene’s counter that sent Ciel flying.

‘Did I kick too hard?’

For a moment, such a thought crossed his mind. The forceful kick squarely struck Ciel’s midsection. Sent airborne, Ciel crashed ungracefully to the dusty floor.

“Ugh…!” Ciel groaned in pain while gripping her midriff.

With an apologetic expression, Eugene approached Ciel. “Let’s….”

In the past, their duels would’ve ended by now. However, Ciel had no such intention today.

Her belly ached as if her muscles were being torn and her insides were contorting.


Ciel screamed, not only in pain but also in frustration, clawing at the ground as she charged at Eugene.


The two collided. Ciel wrapped her hands around Eugene’s waist, leveraging her weight and mana to push Eugene back.


Eugene fell backward.

Ciel knew Eugene had purposely allowed himself to be toppled. She didn’t ponder upon it but mounted the fallen Eugene. She pinned Eugene’s waist with her knees, readying her fists above his head.

Yet, the rain of punches was stopped in their tracks by Eugene’s hands. Eyes wide, Eugene looked up at Ciel. Gasping for breath, Ciel gritted her teeth, trying to force her punches down. However, Eugene’s strength proved too immense.

“So uncharacteristic of you,” Eugene uttered simply.

Ciel barely managed to part her tightly pursed lips, “What exactly do you perceive as ‘characteristic’ of me?”


“Do you expect me to just give up during our duel and laughingly say, ‘Ah, I’ve lost again,’ as if it’s the most natural thing? Is that what’s ‘like me’?”

Eugene didn’t know how to respond to this outburst.

“Should I just smile like a fool when you offer your hand to pull me up? Or when you pat my head, should I feel good if you comment on how much I’ve improved?”

“Why are you acting like this?” Eugene asked, confused.

“Why, you ask?” With a twisted smirk, Ciel continued, “To you, it seems I’m still just a child.”


“I hate that. I’m not a child anymore. But why do you still treat me like one? We’re the same age! Why do you always treat me as if I’m just a brat?”

“I’ve never done that,” came Eugene’s swift denial.

“Lies!” Ciel roared.

Though Eugene no longer held Ciel’s wrists tightly, Ciel didn’t pull away. Instead, she pressed herself closer to Eugene.

Their faces were inches apart when Ciel whispered fiercely, “Look at me, Eugene Lionheart. Don’t see me as a child; just see me.”

“Ciel.” Eugene’s gaze shifted, filled with unease. “Did I hurt your pride?”


“Do you despise being treated like a child?”


“Alright, I understand.”

Slowly, Eugene began to rise off the ground, even with Ciel’s legs gripping his waist and trying to pin him down with all their might. Yet, that couldn’t restrain Eugene.

As he stood up fully, Ciel still clung to him, a hollow chuckle escaping her lips before she murmured, “Would it kill you to just take one hit from me?”

“No,” came Eugene’s blunt reply.

“Why?” Ciel asked.

“You asked not to be treated like a child, remember?”

Caught off guard by the retort, Ciel couldn’t help but laugh. “That’s not what I meant by it,” she chuckled.

She had yearned to be seen as an equal, not as a child, but as a woman.

“I understand,” Eugene said with a bitter smirk.

Ciel’s gaze turned vacant at his words. For a moment, she hesitated, then her shoulders sagged in defeat.



Ciel crashed onto the ground, and Eugene hastily pulled her up.


An exclamation came from a corner. Turning his head, Eugene noticed Sienna and Kristina, who had returned and were watching the exchange.

“It hurts more to watch,” Kristina remarked, recalling how Eugene had thrown Ciel to the ground. Sienna shuddered at the sight.

“Isn’t that a bit too harsh, Hamel?” Anise approached with narrowed eyes.

“By your own words, I might lack finesse. But that was a duel, and Ciel didn’t think of admitting defeat. So—” Eugene started defending his actions before being interrupted.

“When she asked you to not treat her like a child, I don’t think she meant it this way,” said Anise.

“I said I know,” Eugene sighed heavily, casting a glance at the unconscious Ciel. “What should I do now?”

“Why are you asking me?” Anise shot back while reaching out to Ciel. Though she’d been thrown harshly, thanks to her naturally resilient body, Ciel wasn’t severely injured.

“Let’s lay her down for now,” suggested Anise.

“Umm, I might be out of the loop here, but when she said not to treat her like a child, did she mean… you know?” Sienna cautiously inquired. While creeping up toward Eugene, she continued, “You can’t be serious? They’re siblings, right? Oh wait, he was adopted. But is that even possible? S-should you be doing something like that?”

“Why are you asking me?” Eugene retorted.

“Who else am I supposed to ask, you idiot!” shouted Sienna.

“Why are you swearing at me? Huh? What did I do wrong?”

Eugene was genuinely offended. Ciel had always been mischievous since their time together as children. However, he sensed the sincerity behind her actions as time passed.

Unlike the Anise of his past life, Ciel was more straightforward. Even if Eugene was oblivious to such matters, he couldn’t remain ignorant of Ciel’s feelings and intentions.

He thought she was just young, assuming her emotions were fleeting.

Yet, after witnessing her recent behavior and words… he realized he was wrong. As one matures, feelings naturally evolve or fade.

However, Ciel’s feelings seemed to have developed more than he had previously thought.

“That damn Vermouth.”

If only he had reincarnated into a less attractive body, none of this would have happened…. Eugene was frustrated. He couldn’t help but curse Vermouth, who wasn’t even present, as he turned away.

Updated from 𝓵𝙞𝙗𝙧𝙚𝒂𝙙.𝓬𝒐𝒎

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