Damn Reincarnation

Chapter 355: Ivic (2)

Chapter 355: Ivic (2)

The relationship between Ivic and Carmen started around forty years ago. When Carmen had yet to become a Black Lion, she first met Ivic, who even then was a mercenary, when she was wandering around the continent under the pretext of training to be a knight.

The strong are said to be able to recognize each other on sight. They had both been strong from a young age and saw it in each other as soon as they met. Although it might sound funny, through the clash of her fist against his blade, a bond was established between Carmen and Ivic.

Ivic, who was defeated in their clash, accepted his defeat without any reservations and swore to respect Carmen as his big sis.

Following this, they had several other entanglements.

The Knights of the Black Lion were responsible for the Lionheart clan’s dirty work. However, that wasn’t the only significance of the Black Lion Knights’ existence. The duty assigned to the Black Lion Knights by the Kiehl Empire was to guard the empire’s southern border along the Uklas Mountain Range.

Although the knights had no need to borrow the strength of mercenaries to fulfill their duty, they often sought the help of skilled mercenaries to act as a foreign invasion force during simulated drills.

Because of this connection, Ivic had quite a deep relationship with Carmen, no, with the Lionheart clan.

“I see there are some new faces here,” Ivic commented.

During Carmen’s birthday a few months ago, the Lionhearts hadn’t thrown any lavish parties, but Ivic had still visited them in their mansion with a few carefully selected gifts. After all, it wasn’t like they were strangers, and since this was the birthday of the person he respected as his big sis, shouldn’t Ivic at least bring her a present?

Ivic had already become familiar with Carmen’s disciple, Ciel, and her squire, Dezra, a while back, so it wasn’t awkward for him to visit them. He had given Carmen a pleasant gift of an antique and elegant ashtray, then, after having a few drinks together, Ivic had politely departed from the mansion.

Ivic clearly remembered all the faces of the servants he had seen in the mansion at that time. Those servants had been hired upon the Lionhearts’ arrival in Shimuin, not brought along with them from the Lionheart clan. Ivic was sure that he couldn’t recall seeing the faces of the three women standing behind Ciel.

“They don’t seem like your average servants either,” Ivic said assessingly.

Even with Ivic’s experienced eyes, he couldn’t fully see through the magic cast by the Wise Sienna. However, even though there was nothing strange to be seen in their outward appearance, Ivic’s instincts, which had been honed through his real-life combat experience as a mercenary, could detect that there was something strange about these three.

The feeling wasn’t too obvious. It was just to the extent that he could easily tell that each of these three women had a slightly different air to them compared to ordinary people.

However, that was already suspicious enough.

‘Especially that one,’ Ivic thought to himself.

Each of the three women had individual characteristics, but the one who caught Ivic’s attention was a tall woman with golden hair and blue eyes. Her angular features that possessed a strange ability to attract a man’s attention had definitely caught his eye, but it was the way she stood, looking as sharp as a drawn sword, that made her seem especially beautiful to him.

Ivic eyed her carefully, ‘Although it’s covered up by her clothing, so I can’t get a good look… just from the outline of her body, I can tell that this woman is a warrior.’

For a woman to have trained hard enough to possess physical definition, she didn’t seem like just a simple servant. Once that suspicion had arisen, Ivic couldn’t help but turn his gaze to the other two women.

One of them had lush brown hair and eyes of the same color, but just by standing there quietly, she gave off a feeling of grace and nobility.

And the woman standing next to her, with black hair and green eyes, was cutely blinking her wide eyes as she turned her head this way, trying to assess the situation.

Ivic turned back to Eugene, thinking, ‘So this woman is their leader.’

He had noticed that the other two women were both looking at the first woman for their cue. Indeed, as a warrior of her level, it made sense that she was their leader.

Having made these judgments, Ivic grinned.

“Hm…,” Carmen pondered for a few moments about how she should answer his question.

She wasn’t good at this sort of thing, no, with lies as a whole.

Ciel, well aware that Carmen had that kind of personality, quickly spoke up, “As expected of you, Sir Ivic. As you can see, the three behind me are no ordinary servants. They are the personal attendants of the main family who have undergone special training from the Lionheart clan.”

“Personal attendants?” Ivic repeated curiously.

“Yes,” Ciel confirmed. “But to think that you would be able to see through them with just a glance.”

‘What on earth is she talking about?’ Eugene thought as he stared at Ciel in confusion.

However, as if Ciel had already thought all of this through beforehand, she continued speaking without any hesitation, “For this expedition, we Lionhearts aren’t in a position to lend our support with our independent force. That is because, as Sir Ivic may already know, the Shimuin Kingdom is determined to subdue Iris employing only their own armed forces.”

Ivic considered this, “Hm… that’s true. After all, no matter how great the Lionheart clan may be, they still belong to the Kiehl Empire. And in fact, from the Emperor of Kiehl’s point of view, he should be happy that Shimuin has decided to sacrifice their own blood and flesh for this.”

Ciel smiled, “Yes, that’s right. That’s why, instead of sending our own independent troops, the Patriarch has sent his support in the form of a few individuals who are just as skilled as knights while not actually being knights.”

“As skilled as knights while not actually being knights…. Ciel, I’m curious about what your standard is for these ‘knights’ that you’re speaking of,” Ivic admitted, making no attempt to hide his intention of gaining their measure.

But Ciel just smiled brightly in response to his frank questioning, “Naturally, my standards are based on the knights that I have seen while growing up.”

Ivic laughed, “Hoho…. If that’s the case, that means these young ladies are just as powerful as the Knights of the White Lion.”

Ivic had never actually been to the Lionheart clan’s main estate. However, the Lionhearts were known as the strongest martial clan of all the clans on the continent. If these truly were personal attendants who had been trained directly by the descendants of the Great Vermouth from a young age, Ivic thought that it would indeed make sense for them to be skilled enough that they could look down on ordinary knights.

Of course, this was a misunderstanding on Ivic’s part. Among all the personal attendants who served the main line, there was not one who possessed exceptional martial skills at or above the level of a knight.

For example, Nina, who had been lucky enough to be chosen as his personal attendant by Eugene when they were both younger and who now served him as the head maid of the annex; even though she possessed exceptional skills with a kitchen knife, she had never once held anything longer than a knife in her entire life.

Ivic sighed, “Indeed… I understand what you’re trying to say. However, I’m a bit disappointed. I was hoping that the famous Eugene Lionheart would come to take part in this expedition.”

“Oh my, truly?” Ciel responded with feigned surprise, her expression not wavering in the slightest.

Ivic nodded his head with a regretful expression as he replied, “Judging from the rumors, Eugene Lionheart seems like quite the wayward young man. And as befitting of the Hero, he also seems to possess a strong hatred for demonfolk. If it was someone like him, I thought for sure that he would ignore the will of the empire and his clan to participate in this subjugation expedition.”

Ciel laughed, “Hahaha. Even though you have yet to actually meet him, it seems that you have a clear understanding of Eugene, Sir Ivic. You’re right. Eugene is selfish and hard-headed. However, this time, it seems that it just couldn’t be helped. The same goes for the Wise Lady Sienna as well.”

“Ah, that’s right. I did hear that the Wise Lady Sienna is also staying with the Lionhearts…. It’s also very surprising that she didn’t choose to come here either,” Ivic said thoughtfully.

“It’s the same case as Eugene; Lady Sienna isn’t preparing for someone like the Rakshasa Princess,” Ciel explained, “because her goal is to slay the Demon Kings. It seems she doesn’t want to provoke the Demon Kings by making any hasty moves.”

‘Ciel has quite the skilled tongue,’ Sienna thought as she tried to keep her expression from changing.

Ivic seemed to have been completely convinced by the smooth flow of Ciel’s speech.

Nodding his head, he turned to look at Eugene and asked, “In that case, young lady, may I have your name?”

Young lady?

Did this bastard just call him a young lady?

Rage boiled up deep within Eugene’s chest. However, having come this far, Eugene couldn’t just come up with a different story. So Eugene could only forcefully keep a hold of his angrily twitching cheeks.

“My name is Eris,” Kristina was the first to break the silence.

It was a different name from the one they had first agreed on. Kristina had decided on the spot that it would be better to give Ivic another name than the obvious alias of Kris.

“Eris?” Ivic repeated quizzically. “And your last name?”

“We have been serving the Lionhearts ever since we were young, so we do not have a family name of our own,” Kristina claimed.

“So that’s the case,” Ivic nodded, accepting the excuse without any doubts.

After checking that Ivic didn’t seem to have any further questions for Kristina, Sienna also immediately introduced herself, “My name is Siein.”

Sierra was the pseudonym that they had decided on at first, but it seemed that Sienna had also decided to change her alias slightly.

Though taking another look at it, all Sienna had done was stick the first and last syllables of her name, Sienna Merdein, together, but once again, Ivic didn’t seem to have any suspicions. In fact, it would be unreasonable for him to suspect that the Wise Sienna might have disguised herself as a servant in the first place.

“…I am Yuri,” Eugene eventually spat out, seeing no need to make any further changes to his pseudonym.

This was because Eugene believed that it would be far too pitiful and miserable if he were forced to go so far as to hide his identity.

Naturally, when he heard that name, Ivic didn’t feel any doubt raising its head. Ivic’s thinking wasn’t flexible enough for him to imagine that Eugene Lionheart might actually crossdress as a woman and disguise himself as a personal attendant of the main family to board this ship.

“If the introductions are over… why don’t we head inside,” Carmen, who had been watching all this take place, cleared her throat and made this suggestion.

For some reason, Carmen felt sorry for how they were lying to Ivic.

“Big sis, that young lady named Yuri seems to be an extremely skilled individual. And that prideful and temperamental look on her face is also very attractive,” Ivic whispered.

Carmen frowned, “What nonsense are you talking about—”

“I’m just giving my honest opinion,” Ivic defended himself. “How old is she? She must be younger than you, right? Big sis, I’m just asking out of curiosity, but the personal attendants of the main family… are they allowed to fall in love with outsiders?”

“Don’t say something so disgusting.” Unable to bear it any longer, Carmen quickly hastened her steps without meeting Ivic’s eyes.

Ivic clicked his tongue in disappointment before turning his head to look back at Eugene.


‘Should I just kill him?’ Eugene thought as his heart was filled with murderous intent.

“Come to think of it, there’s something that I’ve been wanting to ask you for a while now,” Ciel said as she quickly stepped in front of Eugene.

Her action was meant to keep Ivic from seeing how Eugene’s expression was contorting into a scowl.

Ciel asked, “Sir Ivic’s nickname is the Mercenary King, right?”

“That’s what everyone calls me,” Ivic confirmed. “Although it is true that in an era like this, where it’s tough for mercenaries to make a living, there aren’t any other mercenaries as strong as I am.”

The world was at peace without any major wars. The only battlefields where mercenaries had room to ply their trade were the territory disputes between nobles.𝑙𝒾𝒷𝘳𝑒𝑎𝘥.𝒸ℴ𝓂

So if any mercenary wanted to make a lot of money, their only real option was to go to Helmuth, where there was a plethora of battles to take part in — after all, how many jobs for a mercenary could there be that were both easy and made a lot of money? At the very least, for jobs with harsh requirements on the body, like being a mercenary, higher pay also came with a higher risk of injury.

That was precisely what Helmuth’s battlefields were like. It wasn’t easy for human mercenaries to survive on a battlefield where both demonfolk and demonic beasts were roaming around. In other words, in this current era, the mercenary world could be said to be going through a recession.

But even in such an era, Ivic was still called the Mercenary King.

Ciel finally asked, “What do you think of Sir Hamel, Sir Ivic?”

Ciel had asked this question to bring some comfort to Eugene’s current mood. From what Ciel had seen of him, it seemed natural that someone like Ivic Slad would respect Hamel, who had made a name for himself as one of the great heroes three hundred years ago.

Ivic frowned, “Hamel? Are you talking about the Stupid Hamel?”

Ciel nodded, “Yes, wasn’t he also a legendary mercenary?”

Ivic paused, “Hm… as you say, Ciel, it is true that Hamel was a legendary mercenary. Throughout history, there shouldn’t be any mercenary as impressive as Hamel.”

Eugene’s expression lightened up slightly due to Ivic’s response.

Ciel nodded, “As expected, that means Sir Ivic also looks up to Sir Hamel, right?”

Ivic shrugged, “Not really?”

Eugene’s face slowly hardened as he listened to Ivic’s following explanation.

“I do regard him as a great… even legendary mercenary, but I don’t look up to him. No, honestly speaking, I’m not sure that Hamel should even be considered a mercenary,” Ivic argued.

Ciel gasped, “Huh? But didn’t you just say he was a legendary mercenary…?”

“Well, I did say that, but Hamel… the Stupid Hamel, he…,” Ivic hesitated. “I’m not trying to disregard his accomplishments. However, those accomplishments weren’t achieved during his time as a mercenary, now were they? They were accumulated during his time as a companion of the Great Vermouth.”


It felt like a thick spear had just been thrust into Eugene’s chest.

Ivic continued, “Of course, I’ve heard that Hamel was quite an amazing person even as a mercenary, but… well, he rarely ever received a good evaluation from his fellow mercenaries, you know? Hamel was known to hate other mercenaries, and the mercenaries also hated him back.”

It was Ciel’s turn to hesitate, “Ah… um, well, so that’s the case.”

Ivic nodded, “You see what I mean, right? How should I put this…? Hamel was someone who had no love and respect for his own profession. He harassed the other mercenaries by forcing them to cooperate with him, and many mercenary companies ended up being crushed because of Hamel. That’s why I don’t really look up to Hamel.”

Eugene’s shoulders shook as he restrained the urge to say, “What does a bastard like you know?” and “How dare you mouth off like this…?”

But was he really in a position to say this? There wasn’t actually anything factually wrong in what Ivic had just said….

However, sometimes, a person telling the truth without any omissions was more annoying and infuriating than a blatant liar.

“If you want to know who I look up to, then… rather than Sir Hamel, I actually look up to Sir Molon,” Ivic confessed. “The Brave Molon, just how manly is that title? If I had to pick one thing I feel the most regret and disappointment about in my entire life, it would be not attending the Knight March. I didn’t even think about going because I heard that it was going to be held in the distant and chilly northern end of the continent, but… to think that Sir Molon would actually make an appearance there.”

This bastard must just carry his head around as a decoration. Even though Ivic bore the title of the Mercenary King, instead of looking up to Hamel, he actually admired Molon? And what else did he say? He said that stupid bastard was more manly? Fools of a feather really do flock together.

Eugene ground his teeth as he walked behind Ciel.

“Lady Yuri, may I ask why you keep grinding your teeth?” Ivic asked in concern.

“It’s a habit,” Eugene snapped back.

As a personal attendant, shouldn’t she pay more attention to her appearance?

This question ran through Ivic’s head for a moment, but he didn’t think about it for too long. It must be that Yuri’s skills as a warrior were so good that some measure of flaws were overlooked. So, instead of putting him off, this affirmation of her skills made Ivic’s heart pound even harder.

“So then, Ivic, what exactly did you want to talk to me about?” Carmen asked as they arrived at her spacious cabin, and she took her seat.

“If possible, I was hoping that this talk would be kept to just the two of us. Hm, oh well, I guess it would be strange for you to be suspicious of your own family,” Ivic said with a shrug as he sat across from Carmen.

Carmen picked up something from his words, “You’re uncomfortable with Lord Ortus? But you’re not the type who would try to skirt around Lord Ortus’s authority for such a simple reason.”

“You should already be aware of this, big sis, but at first, Lord Ortus turned a blind eye to the Pirate Empress’ plundering,” Ivic said accusingly.

“But that wasn’t Lord Ortus’s arbitrary decision, now was it?” Carmen countered. “It was the royal family as a whole that condoned the Pirate Empress’ actions.”

“Of course, that might be the case, but it’s not like Lord Ortus has a clear conscience when it comes to this issue of the Pirate Empress, does he? Over the past year, the Pirate Empress has mostly plundered merchant vessels while avoiding all official vessels,” Ivic said with a snort as he clenched the fingers of both hands together. “Did you know? It’s not widely known to the public, but a distant relative of Lord Ortus runs a merchant firm. Haha, in this regard, Lord Ortus is quite thorough. He has actually managed to clean up all the traces so that the firm appears to have no connection back to him.”

Carmen frowned, “What are you trying to say?”

“Isn’t it obvious what the full story is? The merchant firm connected to Sir Ortus not only served the Empress’ plundering, but it actually prospered. Coincidentally, the amount of tribute being offered to Lord Ortus also increased around that time. And if that’s just what can be seen on the surface, what’s being hidden in the unseen depths?” Ivic asked suggestively.

“How did you find out about this matter?” Carmen questioned.

“If you want to do well at the top and keep your footing, you need to know how to make good use of your mercenaries,” Ivic stated smugly.

Instead of replying, Carmen chewed the cigar held between her lips. She didn’t really enjoy talking about matters like this. This was because such matters that dealt with dirty reality were far distant from her own sense of chivalry, and there was little romance[1] to be found in them.

“I understand what you’re trying to say,” Carmen eventually responded. “However, doesn’t such an issue exist because the royal family thought they could tame the Pirate Empress? Now that the Empress has turned against the royal family, no, this whole country, they can only be enemies.”

“That might be the case, but we still can’t be sure that all of the dirty deals between the Empress and Lord Ortus have been fully settled,” Ivic warned.

“Deals?” Carmen repeated suspiciously.

Ivic replied, “You might think of it like this: what if Sir Ortus had designs on a higher seat than the one he is currently sitting on as the Grand Duke?”

“Are you suggesting that Sir Ortus might have joined hands with the Empress in order to plot a rebellion?” Carmen fiercely demanded with narrowed eyes.

In response to Carmen’s blatant intimidation, Ivic quickly shook his head.

“I’m just raising my suspicions with you because I’m usually quite cautious. Though I don’t think something like this is all that unlikely,” Ivic insisted.

“That means you don’t have any proof,” Carmen pointed out.

Ivic sniffed haughtily, “Heh, isn’t the fact that he had dealings with the Empress in the first place proof enough?”

While silently listening to the ongoing conversation, Eugene recalled what he had seen of Ortus during the Knight March. At that time, Ortus hadn’t denied that some kind of deal had been arranged between Iris and Shimuin.

However, that being said, he hadn’t revealed that he had also made a deal with Iris.

‘Well… it could be that he just didn’t want to expose his shameful behavior. That was also my first time meeting him,’ Eugene conceded.

That said, Ortus’ goal had been clear. He wanted to enlist Eugene’s help in subjugating Iris. Was it all for Shimuin’s sake? Or was it just because they had failed to tame Iris? Those might be some of his reasons, but….

‘If Ortus really has joined hands with Iris, he might have been trying to lure me into a trap,’ Eugene realized.

He couldn’t be sure of this, but it was still something to be wary of.

“Since you don’t seem to like hearing about such uncertain topics, big sis, why don’t we talk about something different?” Ivic suggested as he leaned forward. “The Empress is actually digging up the seabed.”

Carmen raised an eyebrow, “Digging up the seabed?”

“It seems like she’s looking for something buried deep below the sea,” Ivic revealed.

1. Romance in the sense of ‘a quality or feeling of mystery, excitement, and remoteness from everyday life.’ ☜

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