Damn Reincarnation

Chapter 405: Raguyaran (3)

Chapter 405: Raguyaran (3)

Eugene exited the cave with the Moonlight Sword in his hand. It likely would not have been a problem even if they stayed inside, but if the cave did end up collapsing… he knew Sienna and Anise would tease him about it.

“Why are you saying you want to head to Raguyaran?” Sienna asked. She had been pondering the reasons for Eugene’s sudden declaration.

Raguyaran was a word in the tongue of the tundra natives. In the common language of the continent, it translated to Land One Must Not Cross.

“Are you trying to prove that the world is round?” asked Sienna.

Such a theory, by this time, needed no direct evidence. Scholars of ancient times had already observed and proven it.

Yet — the notion remained unverified. No one had truly confirmed with their own eyes if the northernmost and southernmost ends were truly connected.

Beyond Lehainjar lay Raguyaran.

Beyond the southern Solgalta Sea was a vast, unknown ocean.

It was likely that they were connected, yet no one had ever confirmed it.

“It’s not for a grand reason,” responded Eugene.

“Then what is it?” asked Sienna.

“I want to see it properly,” came his response.

Night had already enveloped the outside of the cave. There was no snow falling from the sky — an unusual occurrence — which allowed the night sky to remain clear and visible. Eugene gazed at the numerous embroidered stars. Here, one could see the sun, the moon, and the stars. But, after crossing the monumental boundary, past the peaks of Lehainjar, the sky would undergo a change. It would become hazy. It would reveal nothing in its cloaks….

The environment would resemble… the void where Vermouth was sitting.

“Agaroth died fighting against the Demon King of Destruction,” Eugene said.

He had disconnected memories as Agaroth. His first memory of Agaroth was seeing him atop a mountain of corpses. And another was a battlefield saturated with the smell of blood, a place where bodies were littered like common trash. He had seen a man staggering due to the weight of despair.

However, he had no such recollections from his memories of Agaroth’s wars. Even as the God of War, Agaroth did not always triumph in battles. He experienced his share of defeats. Yet, for him, defeat wasn’t cause for despair. Both victory and defeat were simply different facets of war.

However, the Agaroth Eugene saw in the Dark Room had been steeped in desolation. Moreover, the battlefield he traversed wasn’t one of mere defeat but of utter annihilation. The battle had long concluded in the place he walked.

Eugene had a vague memory of Agaroth’s death. The Demon King of Incarceration had also mentioned it. Agaroth had not retreated when the Demon King of Destruction descended against the war with the Nur.

That was how he had met his end.

“If I head to Raguyaran, where the Nur come from, I might find my disjointed memories resonating and resurfacing. I might come to understand the blanks between the disjointed memories… or understand how Agaroth fought against the Demon King of Destruction. I might even find out how strong the Demon King of Destruction is,” Eugene explained.

The Demon King of Incarceration wouldn’t answer such questions. Thus, Eugene never asked.

But he might awaken dormant memories if he ventured into Raguyaran — a mere chance, but still worth the attempt. Memories of Agaroth had surfaced during Eugene’s time in the Solgalta Sea. He had come to realize the life before his last one, all due to a confluence of conditions.

The divine relic ring, the sunken city that once worshiped Agaroth, the fierce encounters with Iris, who became a Demon King — all of it combined had evoked distant memories that lay dormant deep within.

Now, what of the present? He had his Divine Sword — an object more powerful than any relic — nestled in his heart. He now possessed self-awareness of his identity as Agaroth.

There was the vast ocean that heralded the end of the Age of Myths after the death of Agaroth.

Eugene had answered Sienna in a deep, monotonous voice.

What would it feel like to remember not just a past life but the life before that as well? It was difficult for Sienna to even fathom. Wouldn’t an ordinary person lose themselves? Would they not experience the destruction of their identity from the confusion?

‘Is it because your ego is… special?’ Sienna wondered.

He had been an existence born in the ancient times of myths. He had ascended to divinity after being born human. He was undoubtedly a special existence. Sienna, Anise, and Molon watched as Eugene walked ahead a few steps before stopping.

“Shall we begin?” Eugene asked.

He raised the Moonlight Sword in his hand. Just that simple motion was enough to cause Sienna and Anise to tense. They took on serious expressions. The three of them, including Molon, prepared themselves for any potential threats or unexpected situations.

“Hamel, if it comes to it, should I cut your arm off? Or would you rather I just pluck it out?” Molon asked seriously.

“Uh…. I don’t think it will come to that, but if it comes down to it, wouldn’t it be better to cut below the elbow? Or you could make a clean cut at the wrist,” responded Eugene.

“Understood,” Molon nodded gravely.

Frankly, Eugene was more daunted by Molon’s expression than the Moonlight Sword itself.

Eugene invoked the White Flame Formula.

He no longer had the seven Stars. Instead, Eugene’s heart now housed a universe ablaze with countless stars. Even the clear night sky seen from the snowy peaks, laden with innumerable stars, seemed insignificant when compared to the cosmos within Eugene.

Each atom of mana ignited like Starfire. If the original White Flame Formula consisted of resonating and revolving Stars, Eugene’s new White Flame Formula produced flames from the countless stars housed in the universe. The flames it evoked were as black as the night sky.


A black inferno erupted, its flames scattering like tendrils. Sienna and Anise had witnessed this conflagration before, but it was the first time for Molon. Molon couldn’t help but exclaim in awe while clutching his fist at the sight.

“Magnificent,” he commented.

Molon needed no other words to express his admiration for the power he saw.

The impression he got was of… strength and unity. Eugene’s flame felt powerful during their previous clash, but it never felt this cohesive. Back then, it felt as if Eugene was cloaked in flames, but now, it seemed as if Eugene had become the flame.

“Hamel, if we were to battle now… it wouldn’t be as easy for me to win as last time,” commented Molon.

“Sorry to burst your bubble, but if I had my weapon then, I would’ve won,” retorted Eugene.

“Hmm….” Molon gave a noncommittal hum.

“Now, well, if we sparred hand-to-hand without any weapons, something that is completely advantageous to you… I reckon I would still hold my own. So, that settles it, doesn’t it?” continued Eugene.

While he wasn’t particularly eager to boast, the praise he received from Molon was indeed uplifting. However, Molon’s expression seemed somewhat uneasy.

Molon liked Hamel as a friend and admired him as a warrior. Yet, even though he liked and admired Hamel, he never once considered himself weaker than Hamel….

“Then perhaps we should test our strengths next time,” Molon suggested.

“Are you two children? Who cares which one of you is stronger?” Sienna interrupted.

“This has nothing to do with age. It’s important. Even you, Sienna, when the Green Tower Master—” Eugene began.

“The former Green Tower Master,” Sienna corrected.

“Yes, yes…. When the former Green Tower Master underrated you just a little, you instantly freaked out and beat the crap out of him,” continued Eugene.

“Beat the crap out of him? Say it properly! I didn’t beat the crap out of him. I simply provided him guidance as his senior. And in any case, how is that even remotely similar to the current situation? I created the Circle Magic Formula he uses! When someone acts so impudently and shows no respect for an esteemed senior, it’s only right for them to be taught a lesson!” Sienna retorted.

“What’s the difference between the two…?” Anise whispered under her breath after listening to their exchange.

It was the same as three centuries ago, but Hamel and Sienna had remarkably similar personalities. Perhaps that was why they got along so well.

Anise had once envied their resemblance. However, she never once wanted to be as frivolous as them. She imagined that she would have to relinquish a portion of her dignity as a human being if she wanted to become as unsightly and flippant as them.

The Moonlight Sword was drawn from its sheath. In the past, the Moonlight Sword would shimmer with moonlight when drawn, as if it was infused with mana. But no such phenomenon took place this time around.

There was no moonlight. Instead of the usual brilliant gleam, the Moonlight Sword looked almost frail and diminished after being drawn from its sheath. Although the pieces Eugene recovered from the mine in Kazard Hills were still intact and in place, it looked almost as if the blade would shatter at any moment.

“Is it even usable?” Sienna asked without dropping her guard.

Instead of replying, Eugene slowly lifted the Moonlight Sword to his side.


The black flames enveloping Eugene slowly transferred to the blade.

The Moonlight Sword disintegrated. The blade had already looked to be on the verge of breaking, and once the black flame washed over it, the blade shattered silently. The hundreds of blade fragments dispersed.

The spectacle made Sienna shout in surprise. Anise cast a divine spell in response, and Molon took a half step forward. Although the sudden destruction of the Moonlight Sword startled Eugene as well, he raised his hand as a signal for the group to stand by. He sensed no immediate threat from the Moonlight Sword.

Indeed, the scattered fragments of the Moonlight Sword didn’t fly off as if in an explosion. Instead, the pieces hovered around Eugene and the sword’s hilt as if frozen in time. All of the pieces remained precisely within the range of Eugene’s flames.

Thereafter, the fragments floated following the flow of the flames. Each of the pieces alighted upon a spark.

It was unification, unlike the one achieved during the battle with Iris. The prior unification resulted from Eugene’s anger and irritation materialized by force.

He had crushed the hilt with brute strength and poured out his mana to dominate the moonlight. Though he ultimately succeeded in making the moonlight and his mana coexist, he failed to control the moonlight completely and caused it to run rampant.

But now, they moved in harmony. Eugene observed the floating shards with calm eyes.

The shards heeded his will and gathered at the call of his intent.


Hundreds of fragments adhered to the sword hilt and began to form the blade. The resulting blade was still only half of its original form, but unlike before, it was firmly bound without any fissures.


Moonlight began to blossom within the black flames. The Moonlight Sword was no longer completely devoid of any power but once again revealed its ominous aura as before.

Yet, at this moment, even the terrifying aura of the Moonlight Sword was completely under Eugene’s dominion. His will was not engulfed by the sword’s madness.

“By the gods…,” Sienna uttered, almost unconsciously.

Sienna had been right by Eugene’s side when the Moonlight Sword ran wild. She still remembered the overwhelming, foreboding feeling she had received.

The ominous aura of Eugene’s Moonlight Sword at that time surpassed even that of Vermouth’s. While Vermouth’s Moonlight Sword had remained under his control, even if it could not differentiate its targets, the one Eugene wielded at sea seemed to hunger to consume everything, including Eugene himself.

But now… things were different. The moonlight was still eerie. Its ominous glow was more than sufficient to warp one’s mind and turn one’s stomach. Yet paradoxically, the blend of the menacing moonlight and the black flames resembled a gorgeous night sky.

“Hamel…!” Molon suddenly shouted. He had been observing Eugene with blank eyes until then.

His gaze was fixed behind Eugene, where a monster was rising.

The ranger of the snowy mountain had previously spoken of the Nur. He had described it as being that was a monster, yet not a monster. It wasn’t a demonic beast either, but something else entirely. Although the ranger wouldn’t have known the origin of the Nur, since the term monster was broad and all-encompassing, he had given an apt description.

These monsters, the harbingers of destruction, always appeared suddenly. They weren’t accompanied by any distortions in space or any similar phenomena. Instead, they just appeared. Eugene turned his head after sensing the existence behind him.

He had seen the Nur before. He had seen a creature as tall as a giant with horns on its head. However, not all of the Nur looked like this. Even the Nur he had seen during the ancient times had looked different and uniquely monstrous.

The ones he saw now differed from the ones he had seen. A dozen of them, each as tall as giants, were looking down upon Eugene.

Facing their sinister eyes, rasping breath, and the ominous aura they emitted, Eugene became certain that they were the same as the monsters from the Age of Myths.

“Hamel! Retreat!” Molon yelled from behind.

It wasn’t a cry Eugene understood. How could such creatures be a threat that warranted retreat? Perhaps Molon thought Eugene was too engrossed with the Moonlight Sword to engage in combat.

However, that wasn’t the case. The union with the Moonlight Sword was complete. Eugene was more than ready for battle.

Should he test how sharp his blade was? With such a thought, he held up the half-formed Moonlight Sword and pointed it toward the group of Nur.


He had been expecting them to charge towards him. But contrary to his thoughts, all the Nur simultaneously knelt before him. Fear swirled in the eyes of each Nur as they stared at the smoldering moonlight within the black flames.

There was no madness, bloodlust, and savagery left in the monsters. Although these simple beasts did not possess the capacity to revere nor admire, they felt an undeniable terror towards the Moonlight Sword.

“How could this be…?” Molon muttered incredulously.

It was the first time he saw the Nur on their knees. Molon’s face was colored with disbelief as he approached the Nur.

He had slain countless Nur for over a century. He had made various attempts to gain a deeper understanding of the Nur. He had left them broken but alive, tortured them, and even taken some of them hostage on the off chance they possessed some tribal consciousness.

But none of his attempts had proved fruitful. It was impossible to communicate with the Nur or to understand them. They seemed neither to feel fear nor pain.

Yet now… the emotion in their eyes was unmistakably terror.

“Hamel, what did you do just now?” asked Molon.

“…Hmm,” Eugene hummed thoughtfully. After briefly glancing at the Moonlight Sword, a hint of distaste surfaced on Eugene’s face. Indeed, he wasn’t very pleased.

“It seems they sensed their master in this light,” Eugene responded.

The Moonlight Sword was the Sword of Destruction. The malevolence it held was immense, and now, its wickedness seemed to be suppressed by Eugene’s flame. In a way, the blade’s malice could be said to be melded with the flames Eugene produced. Eugene swung the Moonlight Sword while clicking his tongue.

It left behind a smooth arc of moonlight. The flowing strike severed the necks of all the Nur present. But even as their heads fell, none of them screamed nor flinched. Their heads were removed and fell to the ground, but no blood flowed from the incisions.

The moment the heads of the Nur touched the snow-covered ground, the atmosphere suddenly shifted.

In the blink of an eye, they were no longer standing in the same place. Rather, they stood on the other side of Lehainjar, where Molon had discarded the corpses of the Nur for over a century.

“What’s going on?” Eugene asked with surprise while turning his attention towards Molon. “You should have said something before opening the barrier!”

Even in death, the Nur emitted a dreadful aura of malevolence. Burying or burning them wouldn’t rid them of this malevolence. If more of these monstrous corpses accumulated, the snowy mountains and the world would be affected. Hence, the bodies of the Nur had to be buried in a realm separate from reality.

Molon seemed to have opened the gateway to the other side to discard the bodies, or at least, that’s what Eugene thought.

“No, i-it wasn’t me.” But Molon responded with a perplexed expression. Eugene’s eyes widened in shock after hearing Molon’s words.

If Molon wasn’t the one responsible, why had they suddenly been transported to the other side?

‘The Moonlight Sword?’ Eugene thought.

During their initial search for Molon, Eugene had used the Moonlight Sword as the key to enter the other side of Lehainjar.

But wasn’t the phenomenon now different from then? Eugene scanned his surroundings with a confused expression.

The flip side of the Grand Hammer Canyon in Lehainjar was a place where everything was grotesquely warped, much like Helmuth from three hundred years ago. It was a place of human nightmares, a land of jagged ground and sharp, sodden mountains twisted in agony.

If a child with poor artistic ability had depicted hell, it would look something like this.

All of it had been corrupted by the miasma emanating from the corpses of the Nur. Originally, this space mirrored the snowy mountains, but over a century, the toxic emanations from the piled-up corpses had morphed the landscape into a hellish scene.


The Moonlight Sword was vibrating. Eugene flinched before staring at the sword.

It was consuming it.

That’s how it felt. The moonlight from the sword was absorbing the toxicity and malevolence of this world. It was feasting and growing its mass.


Moonlight began to swirl around Eugene.

“I knew this would happen!” Sienna screamed while lifting Frost high. 𝓁𝑖𝑏𝑟𝘦𝒶𝘥.𝒸𝘰𝑚

Molon grasped his axe with a similar thought. Eugene still found their reactions terrifying. He raised the Moonlight Sword and shouted vehemently, “No! I’m fine!”

“Fine, my foot! You don’t look fine at all!” shouted Sienna.

“No, I’m truly okay! Put down your axe Molon, you son of a bitch!” Eugene begged.

It was no lie. Eugene’s sense of self was clear, and the Moonlight Sword was still under his control. It was just — the miasma and malevolence fused in this space were swirling around him of their own accord.

“Then why is this happening—” Anise wasn’t given the opportunity to finish her question. Instead, her eyes widened in astonishment at the sight before her.

The swirling moonlight began flowing into the Moonlight Sword.

Then, the moonlight began to form the missing piece of the bisected blade.

This content is taken from 𝓁𝑖𝑏𝑟𝘦𝒶𝘥.𝒸𝘰𝑚

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