Damn Reincarnation

Chapter 424: The Universe (1)

Chapter 424: The Universe (1)

Eugene’s days in Lehainjar began with meditation early in the morning. He had developed this habit not just from a young age but from his previous life as Hamel. The focus of the meditation was on controlling the flow of mana inside his body.

Until last year, his meditation focused on increasing the number of Stars contained in the White Flame Formula. In his past life, he had meditated to allow the inspection of his severely damaged Core and to delay the inevitable collapse of his Core for as long as possible.

Now, he peered into the cosmos.

The rotation of the Stars that once constituted his White Flame Formula had vanished. The seven Stars, the Core itself, had disappeared. Usually, the loss of a Core would mean an end to handling mana. Without a Core, one would be rendered a cripple for life.

But Eugene couldn’t be judged by normal means. Even without the Stars, he could still feel mana. He was still capable of wielding it. In fact, he governed it much more powerfully and more freely than before.

The cosmos.

Eugene’s very being now encompassed a literal universe. His existence cradled the cosmos.

The number of Cores in his body had previously expanded with his progress in the White Flame Formula. However, the Stars had dissipated and were replaced by a universe that now shimmered with an infinite number of stars. Each tiny component of the universe was shaping the flow of mana and sparkled like celestial bodies.

Eugene couldn’t fathom the vastness of the universe contained within him. An individual’s body was incomparably small compared to the vastness of an entire world, yet paradoxically, Eugene’s body now held mana that far surpassed the capacity of a city, even a nation.

The vessel of an existence.

He began to grasp it bit by bit. Advancing in the White Flame Formula wasn’t just about growing the vessel; it was about understanding the very nature of the White Flame Formula. Despite having the capability to freely wield mana, Eugene’s accomplishments in the White Flame Formula had progressed in stages because his understanding of the White Flame Formula had been lacking. It had nothing to do with increasing his capacity as a vessel.

To be precise, he had not felt the need to necessarily understand it. Even if he did not fully comprehend it and possessed only a few Stars, Eugene had managed to fight beyond the nominal limitations of the White Flame Formula. It had been possible due to his fluency and proficiency in controlling mana.

Yet, at some point, he began to feel a deficiency. He desired power beyond his current capabilities. He craved understanding. And as his craving increased, the White Flame Formula was elevated to higher levels.

His yearning had become far greater when he killed Iris after her ascension to become a Demon King. He felt that his current self was inadequate. He had to transcend the White Flame Formula. He had to transcend Vermouth.

He could cause miracles after attaining divinity.

And this universe was the destination Eugene reached through his yearning. It started from Vermouth Lionheart’s White Flame Formula. However, it transformed into something significantly different from the original White Flame Formula. It was enhanced by the existence of Eugene Lionheart, Hamel Dynas, and the War of God. Agaroth.


‘Mana isn’t the only thing in existence,’ Eugene realized.

Eugene Lionheart first began practicing the White Flame Formula and controlling mana at the age of thirteen. He was now twenty-two, and it had not yet been even a full decade since he started.

Of course, the White Flame Formula stood out as an exceptionally superior method of training compared to all other practices of mana across the continent.

Moreover, Eugene had been at a great advantage with memories of his past life, as well as the extensive support he received from his family. He had also benefited from practicing magic and from the Eternal Hole. Finally, he brought back the World Tree saplings from the Great Forest and obtained the Lightning Flame.

Though his accomplishments in the White Flame Formula had been modest, no one in the continent’s history had accumulated mana as swiftly as Eugene. Currently, he possessed more mana than the prominent elders of the family like Carmen or Gilead.

But even considering such facts, the universe within Eugene was truly astonishing. 𝘭𝘪𝑏𝑟ℯ𝒶𝑑.𝘤𝑜𝘮

‘Divine power,’ Eugene focused his thoughts.

As his divinity grew, so did his divine power. Eugene could feel his divinity expanding, his divine power increasing, his universe expanding, and more stars being added to its vastness.

“It’s only natural for it to grow,” said a voice.

Eugene opened his eyes after finishing his meditation to find Mer sitting in front of him. She was staring at him with a sly expression.

“You’ve been cooped up in that cave, so you might not realize it, but do you have any idea how famous you are outside?” Mer spoke with a hint of smugness. She was currently conveying Sienna’s words from Aroth.

“The influx of tourists has been so overwhelming that Shimuin had to impose entry restrictions,” she continued.

The news of Eugene’s defeat of the newly ascended Demon King had set the world ablaze, and the dwarves of Shimuin had successfully constructed a statue of Eugene within the time limit he had set.

It was the first statue of the Hero in this era. Tourists would flock to Shimuin even if a hefty entrance fee was imposed, but with it being free, it was only natural that the Shimuin Plaza was packed to the brim with visitors and tourists. It was literally impossible to find a place to take a single step within the plaza.

“It’s not just Shimuin either. The Pope of Yuras also announced a tribute to you by erecting your statue in the Plaza of Light, and Kiehl is also constructing your statue in front of the royal palace,” continued Sienna.

“Shouldn’t they have asked for my permission?” retorted Eugene.

The conversation was taking place as such: Mer was transmitting Sienna’s words from her mind. However, although Mer wasn’t interfering with the actual conversation, she wasn’t barred from making expressions. Right now, she was deliberately making faces by sticking out her tongue and rolling her eyes to provoke Eugene.

“Ask for permission? As if you would say no. You would tell them to go ahead since it’s all in your favor,” commented Sienna.

“Of course, I would. It wouldn’t be bad for me. But even still, since they’re erecting my statues, shouldn’t I have a say in the pose of the statues…?” responded Eugene.

“Why? Did you want them to make the statues with you holding the Holy Sword up high, with your cape flaring dramatically? I can tell you this now, but you were super tacky. What in the world was that? Seriously, a statue like that was tacky even three centuries ago,” said Sienna.

Mer had been pulling her cheek, and upon hearing Sienna’s comment, she quickly interjected, “I have to agree with Lady Sienna on that, Sir Eugene.”

“…Well, statues are supposed to be… you know,… a bit exaggerated, aren’t they? A bit… grandiose,” said Eugene.

“A guy who’s barely had statues made of himself sure acts like he knows a lot,” Sienna muttered, and Mer nodded again.

Unable to contain his frustration any longer, Eugene swiftly reached out and pinched Mer’s cheek.

“Anyway, seeing you revered everywhere across the continent, oh, it’s downright embarrassing for me,” said Sienna.

“Embarrassing? What’s there to be embarrassed about? You enjoyed all that attention back in the day, didn’t you?” questioned Eugene.

“I never reveled in it like you do. None of us did. Why do you think that is? Huh? Any idea?” Sienna asked mockingly.

Sienna pounced like an assassin whenever Eugene gave her even the slightest opportunity. Eugene was unable to come up with a reply, and his lips pursed together.

“Look at you, clamping up again when things aren’t in your favor. You’re a coward,” said Sienna.

“I think launching an attack that can neither be dodged nor countered is far more cowardly,” countered Eugene.

“Why can’t you dodge it? Why can’t you counter it? Go on, you can do it,” said Sienna.

But that would make him the bastard of bastards and the vilest of villains, wouldn’t it? Eugene awkwardly cleared his throat and changed the subject.

“So… how are things on your end? It’s been a few months since those bats started watching you. Did anything interesting happen?” inquired Eugene.

“Nothing. What can a mere bat possibly do to me? They’re just pitifully keeping watch, but I’ve been considering knocking them down a peg,” answered Sienna.

“Is there really a need for that? If they’re not complete idiots, they would have realized that you’re aware of their surveillance,” said Eugene.

Eugene had already investigated who might be behind the surveillance. The culprits were members of a vampire clan operating in the shadows of Aroth. Weak as they were, he hadn’t bothered to remember their names. Knowing they were vampires was enough to figure out the rest.

Noir Giabella had shown him a dream. He didn’t need to pinpoint exactly how all the dots were connected. If they were vampires, they were undoubtedly linked to Alphiero Lasat. Just as Eugene had planned, Amelia Merwin was beginning to make her move.

Currently, Eugene held a wealth of information far surpassing Amelia’s. He knew she was hiding in Ravesta and that Alphiero was collaborating with her.

He was also aware of which demons were behind the dungeons in Nahama.

“Ranked twenty-sixth, thirty-third, and fortieth,” Eugene pointed out.

If he considered those ranked lower, there were over thirty demons in total. However, Eugene and Sienna were focusing primarily on the top three ranked demons.

“I remember the name of the twenty-sixth-ranked demon. He made a name for himself as a brawler among demons even three centuries ago. Even so, he was nothing compared to Gavid,” Eugene commented.

The fight against the demon had provided some degree of entertainment. Considering that the passage of three centuries had strengthened most demons, this particular demon would have grown stronger as well.

However, a demon ranked merely twenty-sixth could never be a match for him now.

“I also remember the names of the thirty-third and fortieth-ranked demons. They hassled me quite a bit with magic,” Sienna said.

Sienna shared Eugene’s lack of concern for these demons.

Three hundred years ago, the high-ranking demons were no easy foes. If she had faced them alone without her comrades, the situation could have proved tricky. But the passage of time since the war had not only strengthened the demons.

“Do you think they will make a move?” asked Sienna.

“Honestly, either way doesn’t matter to me,” responded Eugene.

He was openly luring Amelia out. She was even surveilling Sienna, so she must have grasped his intentions. If she chose not to respond, he would simply destroy all the desert dungeons and essentially sever her arms and legs.

“Balzac suspects that she’s going to make a move. After all, Amelia invested quite an effort in her desert dominion. He said each demon she enticed was insufferable and had a shitty personality,” said Eugene.

“But in the end, he’s a black wizard, isn’t he? Can we trust him?” asked Sienna.

Balzac Ludbeth.

The precise nature of the black wizard’s desires remained a mystery. After making abrupt contact with Melkith, he had retreated into deep seclusion in the desert for a while before… reaching out to Melkith once more.

Balzac had nonchalantly delivered information about the demons contracted with the desert dungeon’s black wizards and shared his conjectures about Amelia’s objectives. 𝑙𝘪𝒷𝘳𝑒𝘢𝑑.𝒸𝑜𝑚

Amelia had obtained the ritual Edmund Codreth had initiated in the Samar Forest, along with Vladmir.

Was Amelia intending to use the spell to transform herself into a Demon King? While such a possibility could not be dismissed entirely, Balzac speculated otherwise, and Eugene agreed with his assessment.

This was because Eugene had seen Amelia’s waning presence in Ravesta. If her aim was to become a demon king herself, why would she hide away in Ravesta? If she feared retaliation from Eugene and Sienna, it would be more prudent to perform the ritual sooner rather than later.

“Amelia Merwin. Whether she desires to become a Demon King is uncertain, but it’s clear she has no intention of using Edmund’s ritual,” Eugene said, moving along within his train of thoughts.

Observations suggested that Amelia had been planning a war fronted by Nahama for a long time. Among all the nations of the continent, Nahama would have suited Amelia’s criteria.

The desolate desert was ideal for breeding black wizards, and the sultans of Nahama had long coveted the fertile territories of other nations. Of all the countries on the continent, Nahama alone yearned for war.

—Amelia Mervin is the oldest black wizard among us, the Three Mages of Incarceration, and she has always taken the most peculiar actions. Edmund Codreth held titles in Helmuth, and I secluded myself in the Black Tower in Aroth…. Well, you might find my actions in Aroth peculiar, too, but think about this: While I did spend time as the Black Tower Master, what did I actually do in Aroth?

—I pride myself on not having done anything significant. I merely immersed myself in my research. I didn’t secretly raise a private army of black wizards in the Black Tower, nor did I infiltrate the depths of Aroth to sow chaos or puppeteer the king.

—But what about Amelia Mervin? Yes, she attempted all that I just mentioned and succeeded marvelously. While driving those endeavors, she maintained a relationship with Edmund. Do you remember the incident in the Samar Forest? The very moment Edmund attempted his long-sought ritual, he had Amelia’s backing. I’m not sure whether their bond could be called trust, but it’s evident they supported each other’s ambitions.

“High-ranking demons would naturally want to become a Demon King,” spat Sienna through Mer.

Whether Amelia had initially presented such an enticing condition to the demons was unknown. Still, it was clear that she would have acted with such intent due to the current circumstances. The destruction of the foundation she set in Nahama over decades would mean that everything she worked for would be turned to dust.

“As annoying as it is to say if I were to think about this as a wizard… the obliteration of what I’ve pursued my whole life is absolutely unacceptable,” said Sienna.

Amelia had nowhere left to retreat.

“We made it so that she would have no choice but to make a move, but we don’t know for certain whether that wretched woman will crawl out of Ravesta or not,” Sienna concluded.

“And if she doesn’t show?” Eugene replied with an aloof expression.

In the end, it was only a matter of time. If Amelia chose not to come forth now, they would simply shatter the ambitions she had pursued all her life and later invade Ravesta to finish her. If she did emerge? The vast desert would become her grave.

What troubled him was the Death Knight.

In Noir’s dream, the Death Knight had been merging with the power of destruction. While he had not been particularly threatening at the time… the unnerving potential within the Death Knight was undeniable.

‘Does he still believe himself to be Hamel?’ Eugene wondered.

If the Death Knight continued to reflect, he might realize the gaps in his memory. Was Amelia’s magic suppressing his recollections? A frown appeared on Eugene’s face as he pondered.

“It’s about time for my juniors to arrive. What about you? Planning to get beaten up by Molon again today?” inquired Sienna.

“Beaten up? Lately, it’s me who’s been trashing him,” retorted Eugene.

“Let’s try not to lie so blatantly,” countered Sienna.

“It’s not a lie. If you want to compare our odds, it’s about six to four,” explained Eugene.

“And who’s the six?” pressed Sienna.

“The past results aren’t what matters,” said Eugene.

“Well, well. Do send my regards to Molon,” asked Sienna.

“Will do.” Eugene finished the conversation and stood up.

It had been over half a year since he had holed up at Molon’s dwelling. Day after day, without fail, he sparred with Molon.

Until a month ago, broken limbs had been a common occurrence… but recently, over the course of the last two weeks, the severity of the injuries Eugene suffered had significantly decreased.

He was achieving what he pursued.

He was becoming familiar with sensations already known to him while discovering new ones. He was recalling the divine nature and intuition of Agaroth and blending it with his identity as Hamel and Eugene. He was fusing the skills he possessed as Hamel and Eugene with the combat skills of Agaroth. He was merging and harmonizing everything within his thoughts into a sublime unison.

He had repeated this process for months. He had honed the self. Over time, he had become certain that he would be growing stronger.

And the results were evident.

He had fine-tuned the insights gained with each brush with death in his fights with Molon. He understood how to move and how to fight. Every day, he would duel with Molon, and after dusk, he would meditate deep into the dawn while reviewing the battles.

And with each new day, he felt stronger than before, more powerful than yesterday.

“Thank you,” said Eugene.

Molon was already waiting at the summit of Lehainjar.

“Without you, I could never have become this strong,” he continued.

“That’s where you’re wrong, Hamel,” Molon shook his head as he lifted the axe that rested on his shoulder. The cleaved edge from months ago brought a broad smile to Molon’s face. “Hamel, even without me, you would’ve found a way to grow stronger. You’ve always been like that.”

He remembered Hamel, the mercenary from three hundred years ago. Back then, Hamel had been the weakest among Vermouth’s comrades. He had been an insignificant presence.

Yet, in just a few years, Hamel had become the second most vital member after Vermouth.

“I am different from you, Hamel. Without you, I… ha, I wouldn’t be standing by your side like now,” said Molon.

The sparring that had gone on for months hadn’t just benefited Eugene. Molon had spent over a hundred years hunting only the Nur. That time hadn’t made him stronger or more skilled with the axe. Instead, it poisoned him and wore him down.

“Your company has helped me recall much. How I used to wield my axe and how I wanted to swing it. I remembered the sensations and memories buried under the festering madness,” said Molon.

“It’s only been half a year,” Eugene smirked, lightly bumping Molon’s arm. “Without you joining me, it would’ve taken much longer than half a year,” continued Eugene.

He turned around and saw Kristina holding Raimira’s hand. He said, “I owe you two more thanks than I could ever express… Anise, Kristina.”

“I didn’t want to heal you because I thought I was raising you wrong,” Anise complained. “But unlike me, Kristina has a soft heart. Every time she healed you, she put so much effort into aligning the bones…. Setting the bones backward once in a while would have taught you a lesson.”

“Ehem… I’m just glad I could be of help to you, Sir Eugene,” Kristina interjected, pushing Anise aside and clasping her hands together.

“After descending the mountain…” Molon started. A rare glimpse of worry filled his eyes as he looked at Eugene. “Are you truly planning to go… to that… whore’s city?”

“Why worry? I’m not going to fight, just a light reconnaissance. And if I show up there… it might just coax Amelia Merwin out into the open. She might become relieved with my absence,” said Eugene.

“I heard that whore fancies you, Hamel… but for me… of all the demons, she was the hardest to face. I even thought she was unbeatable,” admitted Molon.

“Your compatibility with her was the worst,” replied Eugene while wagging his fingers.

“But I have several contingencies in place. And it’s not like I’m going to fight, so don’t worry too much this early on,” assured Eugene.

“I understand,” Molon nodded with a heavy expression.

“And I might not even go today,” said Eugene.

“What do you mean, Hamel?” asked Molon.

“I have to win our last sparring match before I go,” Eugene said, looking serious. “If I lose today, I’ll descend the mountain after I win tomorrow.”

“…..” Molon didn’t say anything to this declaration.

“I can’t go down after losing to you,” said Eugene.

“Hamel,” Molon hesitated for a moment before speaking. “Then… when you descend the mountain victorious, what am I supposed to do?”

“…..” This time, it was Eugene’s turn to be struck dumb.

“Hamel, your actions are no different from winning and running away, aren’t they?” Molon said.

“Hey, where do you get that from!? Winning and running away? If I’ve won, why would I run? But if I lose our last match and then leave the mountain, it’ll feel terrible!” shouted Eugene.

“Hamel, you’re saying something selfish. You may feel at ease descending victorious, but I will not be at peace when I’m left behind defeated. Hamel. I never considered such a thought before, but your words now make me conscious of it,” said Molon.

“Idiots,” interjected Anise. Her disbelief after listening to their conversation was evident. “What are you trying to do then? Fight until you draw?” she asked sarcastically.

“That would be ridiculous.”


Anise’s brows furrowed even deeper upon hearing Eugene and Molon’s responses.

“You know, sometimes, looking at you lot, including Sienna, I really wonder where all your years have gone. None of you have matured,” commented Anise.

“Speak properly, Anise. I am younger than Molon and Sienna,” said Eugene.

“Anise. Neither I nor Sienna were this childish without Hamel,” retorted Molon.

“Is that my fault, too?” Eugene retorted while feeling wronged. Molon averted his gaze and offered no reply.

“When are you going to fight?” asked Anise. She pounded her chest with her fist while feeling utterly exasperated. “When? Exactly when are you planning to fight? Are you just going to quarrel with your mouths? After fighting yesterday and the day before, after half a year of fighting, why do you have to fight today, too? Why can’t you just consider yesterday’s fight as the last one?”

“I’ve become a bit stronger than yesterday…,” Eugene said.


The flail’s iron ball fell from within the folds of Anise’s robe.

“Let’s go, Molon.”

Without another word, Eugene patted Molon’s back and signaled it was time to leave.

This chapter is updated by 𝑙𝘪𝑏𝓇𝑒𝑎𝒹.𝘤𝑜𝘮

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