Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 335 This will stop him...

335  This will stop him…

“Keep your eyes closed until I say you can open them if you want to stay alive!” Raze shouted back again.

Whether one closed their eyes or opened them, it didn’t matter. Either way, Raze’s lightning magic spell would still hit them.

The reason why he was telling the others to keep their eyes closed was that no one was to know about magic, so all of those who had seen Raze use his magic, well, it meant now he had more than one reason to get rid of them.

From above, Alba and Froma had seen everything leading up to this moment.

“That move, it’s exactly the same as what the Light Faction Elder used when we were fighting him, and he can use it as well, why didn’t he use it before?” Froma asked.

There were strange things that happened in the world of Pagna. Things that Alba didn’t know about, but in order to keep her relationship up with the Dark Magus, she didn’t ask.

Both of them, they were using strange things. Powers she had never seen before.

“Maybe back then, he couldn’t use it, but now he can. Couldn’t you tell from that strike before as well? It looks like he’s grown in Stages as well. He’s getting stronger at a fast rate,” Alba commented.

On the ground, Raze lifted up his sword and slashed it down on one of the paralyzed opponent’s heads. He quickly used more footwork to go to the next, stabbing the man right in the chest, killing him in a single hit.

All of these people wouldn’t hesitate to kill him, so he needed to do the same. Lower their numbers as quickly as possible before the effect of the spell wore off.

“What is this!” Fin said as he was trying to fight against the shocks that were going off in his body. “What could have happened that made us all like this? It was as if lightning struck the floor.

“Are the gods looking out for this person?”

“You still don’t get it,” Graft said, as he glanced up with his eyes at the man with the iron mask.

One of the warriors further back, the effects were wearing off, and his body was starting to move, but it didn’t go unnoticed.

Raze had held out his other hand which was free, and in that moment, dark magic started to swirl into the palm of his hand.

“Dark Pulse.”

A beam of energy shot out, piercing right through the warrior’s chest, causing him to fall to the floor.

“It wasn’t some lightning from above; didn’t you see, all of this is his doing,” Graft commented.

Fin saw Raze place his hand on the ground, but he couldn’t relate it to what had happened to the rest of them. It seemed unbelievable, but there was one fact that he couldn’t deny.

It was that the iron-masked man was the only one that was moving, while the rest of them had been affected by this.

“The lightning is wearing off a bit; I guess it’s time for me to speed things up a bit,” Raze stood in the center of the group of people.

Placing both of his hands on the ground again, he said the words. “Recreate.”

The dark magic swirling from his body was starting to form into the same beasts they all had been dealing with while they were here.

Quickly as they formed, they went out, biting and chewing down on their targets, moving from side to side.

Now that they could finally move again, they were swinging their swords at the beasts, that was until Raze placed his hand out once again.

“I’ll be hit in the crossfire as well, but I’m protected. Expand!”

The wolves, having been rounded up, they started to grow in size until they exploded. Dark magic went swirling in all different directions.

The dark magic went through the bodies of the attackers, causing them great pain, causing them to lose limbs while some had been dealt a fatal blow to the head.

Diving through in the middle of it all, Raze went through swinging his blade, slashing down the warriors, one after the other.

As for some that were injured, he had grabbed them, pulling them forward, and the energy from their bodies was being extracted on the spot.

It was drawing into him until he eventually let go as the explosion from the wolves died down and the lingering dark magic disappeared.

Raze was unharmed; he was still wearing his special Blazer that had blocked the power of the attack; there wasn’t a scratch on him.

However, after those that had died, there were now only four left, all of them belonging to Fin’s group. Graft and the others were still alive and they could move, yet they held the weapons in their hands, with shaky hands. They were holding tight as if the weapons were the only things that could protect them.

“Suddenly, you’re not so confident?” Raze asked.

“Hey, you know, we’re from the Necroshade clan! If they find out about this, they won’t leave you alone. They’ll hunt you down.”

“Just because you’re a high initial stage warrior, do you think you could deal with a middle stage warrior!” Fin shouted.

Raze shook his head as he swung his sword down, allowing the blood to splatter against the floor.

“So rather than apologizing or begging for your life, instead you decide to threaten me even more? Do you think I would be afraid of your clan?”

“I am not afraid of any clan. Because the enemies I have chosen to go after are at the very top. Their power is beyond anything you could imagine.”

“I’ve already decided to take on the whole world if I have to, so who cares if I add one more clan to that list,” Raze claimed.

He moved in closer, not wanting to waste his magic on the last lot; he was planning to use his Qi.

While taking a step back, Graft reached into a side pouch of his and pressed on something.

Right at that moment, on Raze’s body, in his chest pocket, he felt something vibrate. It continued for a few moments.

Raze had completely stopped in his tracks and eventually pulled out the device that was vibrating. It was small and round in his hand, but the icon on the top, the icon of an “I” on it was lit up.

Seeing the iron-masked man frozen, Fin and the others didn’t do anything to agitate him further. They didn’t try to strike him by surprise because they saw what happened to the last person.

“I knew it,” Graft said as he pulled the device out of his pocket. It looked identical to the one Raze was holding, and his was lit up as well.

“You’re… an agent then?” Graft asked.

“You’re… an agent as well?” Raze replied.

A while ago, Raze had been promoted within the group of Alter. Himmy had invited him to be part of his squad, giving him the role of Field Agent.

In turn, he had received this communicator. When switched on, it would light up, and vibrate if there was another member close. The two could then communicate through it, but there was a limited range.

As for why it didn’t react before, it was because Graft didn’t turn it on.

“Well,” Raze said. “This means, I now definitely have to get rid of you.”

Mass release goals below

1000 Golden Tickets = 1 Extra chapter historical

1 caslte gift and Above = 1 Extra Chapter

4000 Power stones = 1 extra Chapter



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