Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 554 Raze's Past Secret?

Although Raze had been in Pagna for a while, there was always something that surprised him. It was how arrogant these people were about their techniques.

Most of it was due to the clans having a long history of trying to perfect their techniques. Part of being in the clan was learning those special techniques so if those techniques and skills got out to the world, then that clan could lose power.

‘It makes me think of patents in our world.’ Raze thought. ‘Although I couldn’t imagine how that would work in Pagna? If there was a dispute, would they have to fight it out to see who really invented the technique?’

Shaking his head, he needed to resolve the situation that was possibly about to get out of hand. Anna was his partner after all, and it could easily end up reflecting on him as well.

“Calm down,” Instructor Dil said, a middle-aged well-groomed man with a perfectly cut beard that made his jaw even more chiseled, as he came over.

“But sir, I’m saying this for the sake of our clan. These outsiders could have stolen technique books or anything. We have no idea why they are even here in the first place!” The student complained.

Dil stroked his beard ever so gently, making sure he just touched the edge to not ruin his beard.

“You are right, it’s certainly strange that you were able to perform that technique with such precision. You are clearly not a member of the clan after all, you will have to inform us how you came across this technique or why do you know such a thing?” Dil asked.

Anna let out a small laugh.

“I wasn’t taught this by anyone. I simply just did as you had been instructing the others. I watched you and your students perform it, and then performed it of my own.”

To demonstrate this, Anna performed the punch again, making the loud sound ring out. Now that the other students had stopped practicing the punch, they could hear it clearer than they could before.

“That’s impossible,” Dil said. “Otherwise, you would be some well-known genius that is spread throughout the land. If what you say is true, then perform this.”

Dil readied his fist and pulled his arm back over his shoulder with his elbow pointed out toward Anna. He then swung with full force, performing a chopping strike.

The movements looked simple, but to produce great sound and place Qi into the attacks, this was a deadly technique that could be used in fruitful situations.

‘This is quite good to watch this.’ Raze started to think. ‘It might allow me to increase my own arsenal of skills as well.’

The Dark Edge Sword Arts couldn’t always be used and they weren’t general techniques to be used in a fight either.

Right after Dil demonstrated it, Anna got into the same position, and swinging her arm down, the same snapping sound was heard echoing in the room. She had performed it perfectly.

“This proves it!” Dil shouted and pointed. “You really have gotten your hands on our techniques. You must have stolen them and been practicing them in secret, and now you dare to show it to us in this place.”

“If you won’t admit to your mistakes, or tell us who told you all of these, then both of you will just have to be placed in the cell, and suffer! Students take them away.”

Anna’s fingers were twitching. The students were approaching her, and she was ready to grab onto their hands and take them out when possible.

That was until Raze moved to her side.

“Don’t attack them,” He whispered. “We can just stay in the cell until Rayna or someone else comes and explains the situation. Things will be easier this way, and remember you’re not on an Alter mission.”

At times, through his age, Raze realized that sometimes it was best to just go through the path with the least amount of resistance.

He was sure the misunderstanding at some point would be cleared up.

The students came over and grabbed both of Anna’s wrists, leading her. She could easily break out but listened to Raze.

“I can walk myself, I have no reason to run away,” Raze said as he lifted his hands before they would touch him, and continued to walk along with the others.

A short while later, the two of them found themselves in a lower part of the Abyss of the Neverfall Clan. They were behind solid iron bars and led down a hallway until the two of them were placed behind even more solid iron bars.

There was only one cell, and there was no one else present in the cell. It was stationed in the corner of a cave down a hallway that led them up a staircase leading them to the main part of the Abyss.

There was where a guard stood as well.

An hour later after the events with Raze had occurred, Rayna had returned to the base. The only reason she had done so was to find Raze in the first place.

The moment she got there, she started to ask around if anyone had seen them, and it eventually led her to the round training room.

The others were continuing practicing their techniques time and time again, and she had eventually approached Dil.

“Young Lady, we welcome you!” Dil said, bowing down and all of the other students followed as well.

“Rise,” Rayna said immediately looking around. “I heard that two guests of the Clan were here not too long ago, have you seen them around?”

“Ah, those two?” Dil said with a smirk on his face. “It seems that we have caught a couple of thieves, young miss. They have been stealing our clan’s techniques, so we decided to place them in the cellar for the time being.”

Rayna was frozen for a moment.

“You… placed them in the cellar… you placed my guests in the cellar!” Rayna repeated and raised her voice, then raised her hand and swung it right across Dil’s face.

It crashed, causing Dil to spin in the air before he landed on the floor.

“Do you have any idea who you just imprisoned!” Rayna shouted.


Back in the cellar, Raze was sitting up against the rock, trying to get some rest before he would study his Dark Edge Sword Arts again.

A cell wasn’t bad, especially after he had spent several days underground for the assessment before, this felt like child’s work. Yet there was always something on the back of his mind.

“I… need something else to wear,” Raze mumbled. As he tugged on his Blazer.

“What’s wrong?” Anna asked. “And don’t tell me nothing is wrong, you know I can tell the details in your facial expression.

“Ever since you were made aware of this wedding, you keep having the same look on your face again and again,” Anna asked.

“If I told you the truth, you wouldn’t believe me,” Raze replied.

“Did you forget who you were speaking to?”

“Good point,” Raze said, letting out a sigh. “The wedding has brought up memories for me… because before this, I was married once as well.”

Anna looked carefully as she heard Raze’s answers; she looked for every detail she could and could tell. He wasn’t lying at all, but how could that be?

How could someone so young have been married before?

At the same time, down the hallway, having just entered the place, yet to reach the cell, Rayna was there.

‘He was married before…’

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