Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 559 No Backbone Giving Up

Seeing the building in question belonging to Idore, it gave Raze a shiver through his whole body. Images of a golden “I” on a cape flashed through his head.

He shook his head violently, trying to forget those images of his younger self.

‘Idore now runs one of the biggest guilds in the world,’ Raze thought to himself. ‘His influence in crafting has helped him gain a large influence in other countries, and he is being seen as a peacemaker for giving everyone the same amount of access to his enchantments.’

‘The guild will own a few buildings here and there, but are they getting their supplies from the Noble Guild then? Is he and Ibarin behind this together then?’

Raze thought about what he could do, seeing the situation, but the wall felt extremely high to climb. It would be hard for him to sneak in, and if Idore was involved, how would he even bring this case to light?

‘I should just forget about everything,’ Raze thought as he turned his head and headed back home.

—— Upon coming home, Raze had walked in and sat by his table with a glass in hand. A strong heavy smell burnt his nose from the alcohol as he lifted it and gulped it down.

He didn’t savor the taste, nor even bothered himself by the slight burn. He was just drinking away, to forget.

How long had passed, he had no idea, but Raze had stayed in the same seat until he saw the door opening and Sabrina entering inside.

“Oh, you’re here!” Sabrina said with a smile, that was until she saw the alcohol bottle on the side and Raze sitting there with a blank smile.

She rushed over and took the bottle, placing it back in the top cupboard.

“You’re doing this again; what happened, I thought we were over this. The fact that you’re finally here before me, what happened.”

For some reason, even though Raze had already drunk half a large bottle of 50 percent alcohol liquor, he was finding it hard to even feel anything.

His emotions were too strong, so instead, he decided to let it out.

“I found a link… the people that were selling the drugs at the school, they got their supply from this random person, who seems to be getting his supply from a large building that belongs to the Noble Guild,” Raze answered.

Now Sabrina understood the problem. The Noble Guild was all the reports could talk about, that was until Raze’s incident occurred.

Not only that, but she had even heard stories of the Noble Guild trying to recruit Raze but he had declined on the spot, saying he cared more about the research of magic than creations.

“You could still do something you know,” Sabrina said.

“What do you mean, how am I meant to do something against the Noble Guild, Idore is in talks with the world government trying to set up some type of super system with them at the moment.

“We’re on the brink of world peace because of him. Even if I was to come up with something, they would just shoot it down.”

“But you don’t have to condemn the Noble Guild, or take down Idore,” Sabrina answered, taking a seat next to Raze and holding onto his hands.

“You know, you’re an important person as well. You’re an 8-star mage, you are even better than the top 1 percent out there. Just because you don’t have the same ambition out there as them you took a humble role as a professor.

“However, you are an 8-star mage with no backbone whatsoever. You can just head into the factory, get enough evidence to at least clear your name, people will support you.”

Raze took his hands away and just shook his head. Getting into the factory would possibly mean hurting others, and he didn’t want to do that.

He had hurt someone with his magic long ago and didn’t want to do the same.

In order to steer the conversation away, Sabrina started to tell Raze about her day, and how she had managed to get a new job of all things.

His face was uplifted as he listened to Sabrina talk about everything that happened. Seeing her smile, seeing her glow, right now it was the only light he had in his life.

‘It’s fine… if things stay like this… it will be fine, as long as I have her,’ Raze thought to himself.


Six months had passed since Sabrina had gotten a job at Green Magic Pharma and she was fitting in well. At first, she was a support for the team developing the magical gear, but after a while she had become the head of the entire department.

She was even more talented for this line of work, compared to just being a tailor as she had come up with a number of enchantments that could help make people’s lives better.

She was fitting in and due to her position, at her meetings, she would still see Gizin once in a while.

In terms of her position and him as her boss, there was nothing wrong. He paid her very well, even giving her royalties for some of the designs she would make.

Gizin was also a good boss, treating his staff well and taking them out on trips, as well as being understanding when things went wrong.

There wasn’t a bad thing she could say about him or the job, but there was still one problem that she had, and that was Raze.

Even though so much time had passed, things weren’t getting easier for him. The attention had gone off him, but still, there were those that would paint on the outside of the house.

On top of that, it was impossible for him to find a job, due to his history. Sabrina would have asked Gizin but she was worried that she would lose her position as well.

With her wage she could allow for the two of them to survive, but she could tell he had lost his purpose in life. He couldn’t even freely enjoy going to the library or get his hands on the most advanced places of magic because they were no longer accessible to him.

Each day she could see him breaking further and further and it was tearing her apart, she just wished that there was something she could do.

“Alright everyone, good work today!” Sabrina said, clapping her hands.

She was in a design studio with her team with multiple drawings and different fabric materials placed all over.

Her team, which consisted of about twenty-five people, turned to look at her, they bowed down saying thank you, and left soon after.

Going to her computer she gave a sigh and was ready to sign off.

“Well, maybe my surprise gift I have for our anniversary will please him,” Sabrina smirked. “I just hope he hasn’t found it, although he hasn’t exactly been snooping around the house.”

While looking at her screen and their orders, she noticed something that caught her eye. As she clicked around a bit she finally got to the page she was looking for.

‘We have the Noble Guild as some of our customers now as well. Some of our supplies they get delivered are to that warehouse that Raze was talking about that time… Maybe… I’ll be able to find something if I head there under the guise of a delivery?’

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