Death… and me

Chapter 1486 - Should Be Very Fast

Chapter 1486: Should Be Very Fast

At the Mercenary Guild, Luan and Rafatia received their badges. Just as the worker explained to Roan, kids who got their badges wouldn't do the same mission as the adults. They had simpler tasks tailored for their own age and level. Roan knew that Rean would need some time to finish that teleport formation, so these easier missions should be good for the kids. "Alright, we'll be staying in Utari City for a while. You two, go ahead and select a few missions in the kids' mission board. Use this time to train."

Roan then looked at Falangia and told her, "I obviously can't let the two kids move around on their own, so you'll be responsible for them."

Hearing that, Falangia nodded, not minding it. In fact, she would have followed her daughter even if Roan hadn't asked her to. Since Luan would be together with her, she might as well look after him. "Sure, no problem. By the way, Roan, how long will we stay in Utari?"

Roan shook his head as he replied, "I'm not sure. Though, it shouldn't be less than a week at least."

"Mommy! Mommy!" Rafatia suddenly called Falangia's attention, telling her, "Look! Luan and I decided to take this task."

Falangia read the task, and it had something to do with looking for a certain demon beast in the sea. The area of search was quite safe, with just the rare Rank Three Demon Beast every now and then. After reading through it, Falangia understood why they took this task. "So cute…" That's correct. They had to capture an aquatic demon beast that wasn't any bigger than a palm. However, it was fully white, with the exception of two big black ears that made it look like a bunny.

Roan nodded after seeing that. In any case, the mission suited their level. "Go ahead. I'll do some other things. I'll meet you all at the inn later."

Falangia shook her head after that. "It's already dark, so I'll bring Falangia and Luan back to the inn first. They haven't rested yet."

Hearing that, Roan had to admit Falangia was right. "Sure. You can do this mission tomorrow. Anyways, I'll leave them in your care."

With that, Falangia nodded and left with Luan and Rafatia after registering that mission under their names. As for Roan, he obviously went to the counter so that he could deliver materials and inform the worker there about his other completed tasks. "Here you go. All the materials asked in these missions are inside this spatial ring. As for this jade slip, it has the information requested by the other missions."

The worker was surprised to see how fast Roan completed all those tasks. After all, they had the records as to when Roan took the missions. "All of that in a single day? That's crazy fast!"

Roan shook his head as he replied, "It's basically the cultivation difference. At my level, these are very simple tasks. I only got them so that I could be promoted to a Two Stars Mercenary."

"I see…" The worker still found it surprising to have finished those missions very quickly, but he wouldn't complain about it. "Everything matches up to the missions' objectives. Please, lend me your badge for a moment."

Roan passed his badge over in response before waiting as the worker left to upgrade it. Around thirty minutes later, the worker came back and gave the badge to Roan. "Thank you for waiting, sir. Your Two Stars Mercenary badge is now completed. Please, check it."

Roan took the badge back and could see it was basically the same one. The only difference was the added star placed on the right side of the first one. "I can now take Two Stars Mercenary jobs, right? I want to upgrade my badge to Three Stars as fast as possible."

The worker nodded after hearing that. "You can, sir. However, the rules of upgrading the badge change a little after you acquire the first promotion. First, you'll have to complete ten instead of five tasks. Second, these tasks must not be more than one entire realm in difficulty lower than your cultivation. Otherwise, it wouldn't make sense to have ranks."

Roan agreed with the worker, saying, "Indeed. If I could get a Three Stars badge by simply completing missions targeted for Foundation Establishment kids, then there shouldn't be a use for ranks to start with." Well, Roan didn't really mind. Even if the missions were at his level, it was only considering the cultivators' average strength at that point. Roan was obviously much stronger than those at his stage.

Roan didn't waste time and headed straight to the mission board. He didn't care whether it was dark or not. After looking at the board for a while, he quickly took ten contracts that had the right specifications. They were restricted to Two Stars Mercenaries and had a minimum cultivation level of at least Saint Realm Peak Stage. Roan then brought the contracts back to the counter and had the worker there register them under his name. The worker asked if those weren't too many things to do at once. After all, the contracts had time limits. However, Roan didn't mind, telling the worker, "All will be done in three days at most." Without waiting to hear the worker's answer, Roan left the guild.

"Let's see… Rean is using Kentucky to fly to the exit of the Under Sea Desert, so I can't borrow the Minokawa for now. I guess I'll take this mission, then." Roan then opened one of the contracts.

-Looking for an experienced Yin Energy cultivator to help eliminate a few flaws in a cultivation technique. The one who gets this contract must be willing to spend the time necessary to work it out. The contract will be deemed a failure if the result is not up to standard. Cultivators at the Elemental Transformation Realm can be accepted, but the customer would like to have someone at the Transition Realm, if possible.-

-Time: Two weeks from the contract acquisition.-

-Reward: Ten Rank Two Divine Stones.-

-Minimal cultivation level: Elemental Transformation Realm, Initial Stage.-

Roan then looked at the address in Utari City before he moved out, thinking to himself, 'This one should be very fast.'

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