Death… and me

Chapter 1491: How Would I Know?

Chapter 1491 – How Would I Know?

Who was Havek Sasamil? Back in the Sasamil Empire, Rean participated in a competition on formations that involved the main powers of the entire empire. It was there that he met Qia, as well as Havek. After the events that unfolded, Rean ended up inviting Havek to help with the development of the communication system. Havek, who had seen the Circuitry Runes for the first time, obviously accepted.

Havek was truly a genius in formations, but his genius didn’t stop there. He also knew a lot about talismans and was obviously a genius in cultivation. Last but not least, he had access to all the cultivation techniques in Sasamil Empire. When one put it all together, neither Rean nor Roan found it hard to believe that Havek developed that cultivation technique for Magali.

So, when they heard his name, surname, and what kind of person he was, they were at least 99% sure that it was the same Havek they knew. After all, since Rana also became a Spirit, why couldn’t the others? Perhaps even their parents were part of the spirit races now.

Roan then asked something that was bothering him. “Then again, Havek wasn’t known for being the type who helped everyone he saw. Havek only cared about his own development and things that caught his interest. How come he went out of his way to devise a cultivation technique for your daughter?”

Mavo and Sanga looked at each other before answering, “Mavo happened to stumble into a Sacred Water Gem when he was doing a mission for the Mercenary Guild. We don’t know how, but Havek found out about it and came to visit us. From the looks of it, that Sacred Water Gem was very important to him.”

Rean nodded after hearing that through Roan. ‘Havek wasn’t exactly a good samaritan, but he definitely wouldn’t steal someone’s possession. He was way too proud to resort to such ways.’

Mavo, who obviously couldn’t hear Rean, continued, “Magali had just turned six years old at that time. It had been over a year since we found out she couldn’t cultivate because of the issue with her meridians. Havek didn’t want to take the gem by force and asked me what I wanted in exchange after showing his form in front of me. I knew the chances were low, but I decided to try it anyway, so I asked if he could help Magali cultivate somehow.”

Roan didn’t need to hear the rest to understand. “It was then that he decided to create a cultivation technique that could be used by someone like Magali.”

Roan then went back to his previous question, asking, “Anyways, do you know where I can find him?”

Mavo then explained, “I don’t really know where to find him. However, I do know where you can find the Sea Chilling Spirits. As to whether he’s there or not, that I don’t know.”

Roan was more than satisfied with that. “Sure, go ahead. This information is worth a lot more than the Divine Stones in my eyes.”

Mavo nodded after that. “I heard you can find them in the Glacial Corals region. However, it’s as I mentioned before. Spirits don’t appear in front of others unless they have a reason. With your cultivation, you won’t be able to see them. On the other hand, since you know the guy, perhaps you have a chance.”

Roan didn’t really bother about it. Luan was his disciple, so finding the Spirits wouldn’t be a problem as long as they were there. Besides, it seemed like those Spirits were related to Yin Energy. Perhaps he would be able to see them, just like how Rean could see the faeries. ” It looks like you traveled quite a lot. The Glacial Corals region is three times further away than Salt Canyon Undersea City.” Roan found out about this place in the Mercenary Guild as well.

However, Mavo shook his head, saying, “Not really. Quite a lot of cultivators like to go there for training, especially those who use ice-based skills and cultivation techniques. But then again, almost no one’s able to see the Sea Chilling Spirits since they’re located in the center of that region. Add on the fact that they don’t just show themselves to anyone.”

Roan had to admit it made sense. His information clearance was the lowest in the Mercenary Guild, so it made sense that the Glacial Corals region wasn’t anything secretive. “Alright, that’s enough for me. I’ll take my leave now.”

However, it was then that Sanga thought about something. “Wait! How can we contact you again once Magali gets older? Her meridians might change again as the years pass by. If that happens, the cultivation technique might not suit her anymore.”

Roan shrugged his shoulders as he replied, “Unfortunately for you, I’m not planning to stay here for long, so I won’t be able to help. By the time such a thing happens, I’ll be way too far for you to even attempt to contact me. If you really care about her, then force her to study her cultivation technique. No one is born already knowing everything, after all.” Well, the twins kinda did that, but that didn’t count. “If she wants to survive with that mess in her body, the best thing to do is to understand her own needs. Try to let her join some sect or clan so that she has access to their cultivation techniques for studies. That’s the best thing she can do if you don’t want to rely on others anymore.”

Magali couldn’t help but ask, “But would I really be able to create new cultivation techniques? If it was that easy, my parents wouldn’t have put up the request in the Mercenary Guild.”

Roan narrowed his eyes, telling her, “How would I know? Do you think I can predict the future? No one other than yourself can answer that question. Now, that’s all. I’m taking my leave.” Roan didn’t wait anymore and left straight away.

Mavo, Magali, and Sanga couldn’t really do much about it, so they decided it was better to try to do what Roan said. “Well, Magali, you might really have to do what he says.”

Magali nodded, not looking very happy.. “I hate studying, but it’s definitely better than dying, I guess.”

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