Death… and me

Chapter 1524 - The Tests

Chapter 1524 – The Tests

The Core and Soul Fusion Realm participants from the sect were taken aback. They came here expecting to represent their sect in the challenge, so why were they dismissed out of nowhere? Of course, they weren’t the only ones. The elders and the teams for the other cultivation levels were also surprised by the Sect Master’s words.

“Sect Master?”

“Why did you dismiss us?”

“We’re ready to fight, Sect Master.”

“Indeed, we might not have ten Peak Stage Core and Soul Fusion Realm disciples like the Hura Clan that’s challenging us. However, we can make up for it with Late Stage ones. We still have a good shot at winning.”

“That’s right. Why should we give up on the Core and Soul Fusion Realm challenge?”

Ormo shook his head in response. “Enough! We aren’t giving up the challenge for that cultivation level. It’s just that there’s no need for all of you to take part in this exam anymore. Rean and Roan will take it alone.”

Not many knew who Rean and Roan were since they had just recently appeared. However, it didn’t take long for all the sect’s eyes to land on the twins. Naturally, they could see that Rean and Roan were in the Peak Stage of the Core and Soul Fusion Realm.

“Only the two of them?”

“How come?”

“Sect Master, that’s the same as giving up straight away.”

“What those two can do alone?”

Ormo didn’t give in, though. “All you need to do is believe me. Now, step back since the rest of you would most likely get in their way. You have no idea how strong they are.”

Although the disciples and elders weren’t satisfied with that answer, they could only follow the Sect Master’s orders and trust that he had some plan in mind.

As for Rean and Roan, they didn’t mind how the Sect Master arranged it. In fact, even if the Sect Master had told them that he wouldn’t take the others out, the twins wouldn’t care. It’s just that it would be easier without others bothering them. As for the eyes of doubt and anger that they received, the twins were used to that kind of thing already, so they simply ignored it.

The twins, instead, decided to pay attention to the Foundation Establishment kids in the Foundation Establishment test. Sure enough, only brats would still be in that cultivation level. The same could be said to the Hura Clan on the other side.

Naturally, that wasn’t all. There was a need for a judge for the tests, and the old men and women in charge of it weren’t part of either power. From what Xuve said, they were part of the same organization that purged cultivators and demon beasts once the number surpassed ten million every hundred years. That was the only power in the Upside Down World that was jointly commanded by everyone and could be said to be truly neutral.

As for the test ongoing at the moment, it wasn’t a battle. In total, the challenges had five groups with five cultivation level differences. Tests could be anything, and each side had the right to decide the content of two of those challenges. It’s just that there was a list of acceptable tests that one could choose from.

In any case, it made sense. After all, one side could come up with some bullshit test like which side has more women cultivators or something like that. Such information could be easily acquired, and the result would be determined even before the test. Thus, there was a need for a list of acceptable tests one could choose from.

At the moment, it was the Hura Clan who selected the Foundation Establishment Test. As for the test, it was simply cultivation! There were formations set in place that measured how much Divine Energy each side gathered over a certain amount of time. Once time was up, the results would come out. Simple as that, which was good since it was a test being taken by a bunch of kids.

Then again, there were five tests, but each side could only select two subjects. That meant one last test was left. Neither side could choose what it would be, though. That was a job for the judges of the neutral organization.

“Time is up!” Suddenly, an old woman shouted. As soon as she did that, the formations of both sides turned off, stopping the measurement of the kids inside.

Both powers’ disciples then left the field and returned to their sides as the judges verified the formations. Of course, a few elders of each power were also there to check the results. After a few moments, the elders of the Tranquio Sect seemed to show a dark expression before the old female judge announced the result.

“The Hura Clan wins the Cultivation test. The next contest for the Core Formation Realm disciples will be selected by the Tranquio Sect.”

Although the people of the Tranquio Sect seemed unsatisfied with the results, none of them contested it. They knew that complaining would lead to nothing.

Ormo quickly calmed down and immediately selected something that his sect excelled at, Soul Power Manipulation. As mentioned before, Soul Power wasn’t anything new in the Realm of Gods. It’s just that some focused only on Divine Energy while others put more emphasis on Soul power. Ormo’s sect just so happened to be the second type. As for body cultivation, there would rarely be any power that focused on that.

“Our Tranquio Sect chooses Soul Power Manipulation,” Ormo announced without thinking twice.

The Hura Clan head snorted after hearing that. “Ha! Just as I thought.” He didn’t seem to mind it at all. In fact, that was a test that the Tranquio Sect was famous for always selecting. With that said, he already gave up that one and only sent his disciples so it could be dealt with.

Sure enough, the results didn’t surprise anyone. “The Tranquio Sect wins the Soul Power Manipulation test. The next test for the Core and Soul Fusion Realm disciples will be selected by the Hura Clan. Both sides’ disciples come forward.”

With that, Rean and Roan stepped into the field.

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