Death… and me

Chapter 1721 Start of Kentucky’s Journey

Chapter 1721 Start of Kentucky’s Journey

As he was part of the Jhiod Sect now, Kentucky could use the sect’s badge to take any teleport formation he wanted. It’s just that he had to pay for them. Then again, that wasn’t really a problem. Rean had given a lot of Rank Two and Rank One Divine Stones for Kentucky to use during his journey.

‘Well, Vurasic Continent is located near Huring Continent. I guess that makes sense since we got information about the Minokawa on our way here,’ Kentucky thought to himself.

“The teleport will activate now. Anyone else?” Suddenly, a worker of a city’s Formation Guild asked.

“Me! Me!” Kentucky quickly paid the Divine Stones and stepped on the formation. Usually, the roundtrip would take much longer than just three years. However, Kentucky didn’t use city-to-city teleport formations like the twins did. Instead, he took long-distance ones that could be paid with Rank Two Divine Stones. With that, he was able to cross many regions inside the continents at once.

Back then, Rean didn’t want to spend that much on teleport formations. However, there was no way Kentucky would travel so many continents if he used the same method. If he wanted Kentucky to come back before eleven years had passed, he would have to spend much more.

In any case, Kentucky already knew most of the continents he passed by. The Jhiod Sect’s badge allowed Kentucky to even ask for the continental barriers to be opened by the experts of each continent. Indeed, there wasn’t a need for him to wait for official openings.

Thanks to that, Kentucky made his way back to Huring in a time record of just one year! Compared to the time it took to arrive in Jhiod, it was ridiculously short.

Of course, Kentucky didn’t stop there. He passed by the Huring Sacred Land to talk with Erithean. After all, Erithean knew about the twins. The best thing was that he didn’t need to alert the others about his presence as Erithean left a way to send a message to him.

Surprisingly, the Huring Continent was quite in a tense state. That’s because after Rean shared his forging method, his Element Absorbing Weapons quickly became the hottest topic. The Huring Sacred Land tried its best to hide this information, but there were just too many spies for them to suppress. It went without saying that the continents on the borders of Huring grew very concerned about this.

“So, is Huring Continent heading into a war against the other continents nearby?” Kentucky couldn’t help but ask him.

Erithean sighed in response, telling Kentucky, “That I don’t know. However, it’s obvious that things can’t continue like this for long. The only reason war hasn’t started yet is that quite a few of Rean’s Element Absorbing Weapons ended up in the hands of the neighboring continents. They’re trying to find the secrets of the Element Absorbing Weapons on their own first. As you probably remember, just a scant few in the Sacred Land were taught by Rean about his method. Thanks to that, the forging secret hasn’t been found yet. The Sacred Land Master has put those who know the method under strong protection. Not even a fly would be able to get close to them.”

Kentucky could imagine what those blacksmiths were doing at the moment, saying, “Now they should be forging Element Absorbing Weapons nonstop to arm the experts of the Huring Sacred Land, correct?”

Erithean nodded in response. “Correct. However, that’s also one more reason for things to get this restless. After all, the longer it takes for the other continents to invade, the more of Rean’s Element Absorbing Weapons will be given to the Huring Sacred Land’s experts. In fact, I already have one myself.”

Kentucky couldn’t help but think to himself after hearing that, ‘If the twins were here, I wonder just how many Destiny Points they would get from all the ruckus Rean’s weapons created. A continental war is going to happen exactly because of them.’ Unfortunately, the monitoring distance was only a million kilometers. On top of that, the system couldn’t check things beyond the continental barriers.

Erithean then decided to change the topic after that. “Let’s not dwell on boring topics anymore. Tell me, how are the twins doing? Looking at the Jhiod Sect badge you have in your hands, it seems like you finally made it there. Have you found more about the demon beast territories and the Minokawa?”

Kentucky smiled and began to recount the story of everything they had done so far. Of course, he left out anything related to the system. “As for the Minokawa, it seemed like his name was Ume. He did go to Jhiod Continent in the end. The reason I’m here is that I’m looking for the place where he first appeared. I’m only passing by Huring in my journey there.”

Erithean was surprised to hear that. “So many things happened, huh? I wish I could use these weapon intents you talked about. However, I don’t even know where to start.”

Kentucky shook his head, saying, “Don’t ask me. I know nothing about intents. After all, I fight with my body. Well, perhaps I’ll awake a beak intent in the future. Hahaha! Anyway, there’s little I can help you with this topic.”

Erithean didn’t mind. “It’s fine. I guess just knowing it exists already gives me a place to start. Now then, I won’t delay you for long. Come with me. I’ll teleport to the border of the next continent with you and open the continental barrier myself.”

Kentucky was happy to hear that. “That’s good. Let’s go.” Kentucky could have used the Jhiod Sect’s badge to ask Huring Sacred Land to do that for him, but since Erithean already volunteered himself, it would be much better.

The rest of Kentucky’s journey made him pass through three more continents, all of which he used the sect’s badge and the Rank One and Two Divine Stones from Rean to teleport nonstop. Unexpectedly, Philip was right about the time necessary for him to get there. It really took Kentucky one year and a half to get to Vurasic Continent. “Phew… finally here.”

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