Death… and me

Chapter 1872: Drugo Organization Territory

Chapter 1872: Drugo Organization Territory

Rean and Kentucky then flew back to the nearest city before Rean took the teleport formation. Since he knew the name of the city, it didn't take too long for him to find the right teleport formation. In just a few hours, Rean had already reached his destination.

Ransvite City was an enormous place. However, what caught Rean's attention the most was the huge tunnel going through the Gods' Dividing Barrier. He could see many demon beasts, spirits, and humanoid race beings entering and exiting it. 'Well, the Gods' Dividing Barrier is very calm, so keeping a tunnel open between both sides shouldn't be anything hard. Perhaps they're using the Divine Energy from the barrier to keep it open.'

Rean then left the tunnel on the side for the moment and asked where he could get permission to enter the spirit races' territory.

"Oh... you can get it in the Race Exchanging Office. You'll need to register and pay a fee for that, though," replied the Formation Guild worker. "Are you planning to head there for trading?"

Rean simply nodded in response, replying, "That's the idea. I've heard of a few items that only spirits can make that can be used for forging. I plan to gather as many as possible and bring them back here to sell."

"That's a good idea." The worker nodded in response to his words. "Anyways, just head to the city center, and you'll find the office."

Hearing that, Rean didn't waste time and moved out. Sure enough, as he walked through the city, he could see many pictures of him, Roan, and other important members of the System Sect. He then stopped in front of one of those boards with the posters and took the one with his image in it as he thought, 'Hmm... they didn't capture my best side. Such a shame...'

It was then that someone called his attention. "Hey, you."

Rean looked to his side and saw a man looking at the poster in his hand. "Errr... a member of the Drugo Organization?"

The man was indeed part of the Drugo Organization. Rean traveled quite a lot in the center of the Realm of Gods already. Thanks to that, he came to know what kind of badges each of the top powers used. The badge on the man's clothes was definitely from the Drugo Organization.

The man nodded at Rean before pointing at the poster, asking, "Could it be that you know the guy on the poster? Our Drugo Organization is giving a huge reward for any information regarding them."

Rean obviously shook his head, telling the man, "As if!" Right after, he looked at the other posters. "I was just curious as to what these people did for the top powers at the center of the Realm of Gods to be all looking for them."

The man narrowed his eyes after hearing that. "That's surprising. This is the Drugo Organization's territory, so we're the only ones looking for them in this place. How did you know that the other top three were looking for the people in the poster?"

Rean was taken aback for a moment but didn't show it on his face. "How else? I'm not from here. What? Could it be that I can't use this city's passage since I'm not from here?"

"No one said anything like that," the man answered with a smile. "Well, I guess it makes sense as we receive people from all over the humanoid races' territory. Was there a need to be that hostile, though?"

Rean shook his head and put the poster back on the board. "This is the Realm of Gods, so I'm used to this kind of treatment. Anyways, I'm not going to bother a member of the Drugo Organization anymore."

Rean turned around, preparing to leave. However, the man suddenly held him by the shoulder. "How about you tell me more about your reason for being here? Don't worry. We'll just ask you a few questions. Everyone in the Drugo Organization received the order to stop anyone we find suspicious."

Rean couldn't help but ask in response, "That doesn't make sense. Did I become suspicious just because I looked at the posters? If that's the case, everyone passing through the board should be suspicious as well. How come you're only stopping me?"

The man didn't care, though. He wasn't just looking for the twins' group. Instead, he was also told to look for any allies of the demon beasts in their territory. When he saw Rean, he simply thought Rean was paying way too much attention to the poster and decided that he might as well check. Then again, there were rewards for anyone who found clues about the twins or the demon beasts connected to the demon beasts' territory.

"The more you complain, the more suspicious you look in my eyes. Are you sure you want to resist?" asked the man.

Rean looked at him and could tell that the guy was only in the Initial Stage of the Transition Realm. If he wanted to leave, it would be an easy task. However, thanks to his Divine Sense bending skill, Rean could tell that there were quite a few powerful Divine Senses scanning everyone. He could escape the guy, but it would be another story against the stronger ones. "Sigh... and here I thought I would get my crystals without many problems. Fine, fine... let's go wherever you want me to."

The man finally nodded in satisfaction. "That's a lot more like it."

Rean then followed the guy to the Drugo Organization's site. Since this was a Traversal City, the Drugo Organization obviously paid special attention to it. The fact that they were looking for Rean and Roan helped increase the security over the city even more.

There, Rean was sent into a room where he would be interrogated.

'What do you plan to say?' Roan asked through the Soul Connection. Obviously, he could see everything that was happening. 'You better hope no one too strong comes to see you. Otherwise, they'll feel the presence of our Dimensional Realm. If that happens, that would be the end for us.'

Indeed, they were still in the Transition Realm, so having a Pocket Dimensional Realm should be almost impossible.

However, Rean wasn't that worried. 'Don't worry too much. Even the Drugo Organization can't send top experts for every small task in their territory.'

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