Death… and me

Chapter 198 King Of Hell Chu Roars!

"So this is the Fire Saber Great Master!" The person in black snorted. The momentum of his saber remained unchanged. With a swoosh, it clashed directly against the fire and divided it into two and went right into ground!

Using the force of th rebound from the tip, that person in black did a somersault and shot up into the sky.

At this time, the first batch of arrows began to rush forth like a cascade of water.

The individual in black remained silent as his saber danced in the air. His body was flexible and change directions extremely quickly as he paused at the edge of the wall in order to avoid the arrows which filled the sky. Without even turning back, his body suddenly flashed and he disappeared without a trace.

Gao Wei Cheng maintained vigilant with saber in hand. His ferocious gaze slowly dissipated and turned a deaf ear to the questions from those who were running towards him as though they didn't even exist.

At that moment, a trail of blood ran down from his forehead. The blood slowly diffused and splattered out as Gao Wei Cheng's body unexpectedly and split into two halves. It was like that of a watermelon, chopped in two as it plopped to the ground.

His entire body was extremely evenly split; from head to toe, two parts of the same body appeared exactly the same and if one were to have placed them together, they would have formed one!

Organs were splayed out all over the ground.

In all four directions, terrified voices were heard. Numerous soldiers were scared to the point that their blades fell to the ground. After that, groups of people turned away and retched…

All of Du Shi Qing's bodyguards were dead; Fire Saber Great Master Gao Wei Cheng had died in battle and the saintly doctor, Du Shi Qing had disappeared!

In addition, the most infuriating fact was that this all happened right in front of Iron Cloud royal palace. In fact, the distance was less than a thousand feet from the doors of the palace itself!

Such an incident caused a disturbance in all of Iron Cloud Citadel.

The situation exploded into chaos!

Tie Bu Tian lost his composure and flew into a rage as he gave orders for the entire citadel to investigate what had happened!

King of Hell Chu lost his composure and flew into a rage as he commanded that even if they had to search a mouse's hole, they had to find saintly doctor Du!

Everyone of the officials in the Iron Cloud Citadel flew into a rage as they spontaneously organised for their guards to begin their search!

Tie Long Cheng, who was at the battlefront, also flew into a rage; he commanded the military to put every effort into the investigation!

For the moment, Iron Cloud Citadel was in shock, it was as if the sky had fallen and the ground had split wide open.

They had just finished a mission which involved them surrounding King level masters. Moreover, this resulted in them sustaining a large number of casualties. Iron Cloud Citadel was currently in the midst of chaos…

Among all of the people, the one who was the most frantic was none other than King of Hell Chu, Minister Chu.

During the mobilization of Bu Tian Pavilion, King of Hell Chu's eyes were red under his mask as he fiercely glared at more than two hundred subordinates gathered below. He grinded his teeth as he spoke each word, "Senior Du, Du Shi Qing, is a saintly doctor and he has done many good deeds by me."

"This time, I don't care who took Senior Du! I will make him or her pay an astronomical price for what they have done! I want these gutsy brigands to know that there are some things in this world that you simply cannot do! And people whom you should never ever mess with!"

"Right now, the most suspicious suspects are the remnants of Golden Horse Riders Department in the citadel! These bastards are probably doing such outrageous things just because they have been cornered."

"Right now, my commands!"

"Cheng Zi Ang!" Minister Chu let out a roar that shocked the entire Bu Tian Pavilion. It was so loud and sudden that dust began to rain down from the ceiling.

"I am here!" Having yet to recover from his injuries, Hall Leader Cheng took a step forward.

"I order!" King of Hell Chu's eyes were filled with hysteria and rage that was clear as day. Everyone who saw this could not help but shudder. "Fierce Blood Hall shall cease all activities, and everyone will be mobilized! If you cannot find Senior Du… Cheng Zi Ang! You can just imagine about the consequences on your own!"

"Yes!" Cheng Zi Ang's haggard face secreted cold sweat the size of beans.

"Chen Yu Tong!" Minister Chu roared again, and the great hall once again shook three times.

"I command! Heavenly Secrets Hall shall temporarily halt everything and mobilize all of their forces. The entire spy network will be mobilized as well! All of the connections, exploitations, all of the f*ing what… all of that… all of everything…" King of Hell Chu emotionally slammed on the table, "Do you understand?"

"I…" Chen Yu Tong was on the verge of fainting. The great hall leader really wanted to ask: Minister, all of what… what is it?

However, Hall Leader Chen was not that bold. His entire body stood at attention and he replied with an imposing air, "Minister! I understand completely!"

"Good! If you can't get it done, you will have to think about the consequences yourself." Minister Chu pointed with his right hand, "Act now!"

"Understood!" Chen Yu Tong's countenance was firm and his strides were quick and large as he walked out the door. He thought to himself: Maybe I'll ask the Minister once more what is what when he has cooled down..

Otherwise, he already clearly said that… if I am not successful, then I would be…

"Send out my orders!" From the great hall, King of Hell Chu's voice rang out like thunder, "All the imperial guards in the citadel, all the garrisons in the citadel, all the public security offices in the citadel, all the offices in the citadel, all of the justice department in the citadel, all of the citadel… mobilize! Even if those bastards have turned into bedbugs, we will dig them out and chop them into pieces!"

This murderous aura… this air…

Chen Yu Tong wiped the sweat off his face and quickly stepped out: Better to avoid him for now…

Tie Bu Tian went on his way as he headed towards Bu Tian Pavilion.

Tie Bu Tian's intuition told him that Chu Yang was involved in this. However, other than that, he could not sense anything else…

The moment he arrived at Bu Tian Pavilion's door, he was just in time to see a bunch of fearful people wiping their sweat. The entire compound was filled with people with pale and sweaty faces.

"What happened?" The prince asked.

Before he was done speaking, he heard a roaring voice from within. With a swoosh, a broken table flew out and shattered into pieces in the yard.

It was immediately followed by an angry voice which yelled, "Bastards! This is really a huge joke. The saintly doctor was kidnapped right in front of the royal palace! What were all of you even doing! Motherf*, are you pigs only capable of taking your wages and ignoring everything else? This Iron Cloud needs to be cleaned up! It must be repaired!"

Everyone was standing in shock!

He still wants to purge and cleanse the entire area even more? Do you want to kill everyone…

"It seems that Bu Tian Pavilion needs to be straightened out. Not one by one! Crush all of it!" King of Hell Chu's voice continued to ring out; this was then accompanied by the thunderous noise of things being smashed.

Everyone trembled and hastily ran out…

Cleansing the royal court. If it wasn't too serious it would result in imprisonment. However, cleansing Bu Tian Pavilion… The only path which was left would be death! They had to get to work as quickly as possible…

"What! Motherf*!" King of Hell Chu continued to scold loudly.

Tie Bu Tian calmly listened for a while, before finally walked in.

"Minister, please calm down for a moment!"

"Bullsh*t! Given this situation, how could I possibly calm down?! I am so angry I could die… Ah, Your Majesty?" Minister Chu yelled angrily before discovering that the person he was yelling at was the prince. He was loss for words and incredibly embarrassed.

Tie Bu Tian quietly stood and looked at Chu Yang. Then he said slowly, "Minister, what do you think about the disappearance of saintly doctor Du?"

"I am furious!" Chu Yang said, "For such a thing to happen at the most important place in Iron Cloud Citadel is truly alarming." Chu Yang's tone was grave.

"Unless Senior Du is found, I am afraid that there is no longer any hope for Father's condition." Tie Bu Tian's controlled his voice as best as he could but the deep grief and helplessness that he felt could still be clearly heard.

Chu Yang sighed and immediately looked up. He looked straight at Tie Bu Tian and said, "I am furious about Senior Du's disappearance. However, regarding the emperor's condition, I ask for your forgiveness because I have a different view."

Tie Bu Tian remained quiet as he looked into Chu Yang's eyes without even blinking; then he asked, "What kind of view?"

"These past few days, Senior Du has been here, and I have talked to him about the emperor's condition." Chu Yang sighed, "Senior Du has said that the emperor is currently nearing the end of his life. Every breath that he takes is torture to him. Moreover, Senior Du has essentially no way in order to treat the emperor any longer. The best that he can do is to stimulate the feeling of pain that the emperor will feel and use this pain in order to keep him breathing and conscious…"

Chu Yang said casually, "Senior Du has once said that there were many times during the emperor's lucid state that he would plead with Senior Du to stop treating him and let him die instead! At this stage, living on would be the greatest torture in the world! Therefore, if you continue to keep the emperor alive at this point, you will not be filial to him! You are keeping him in a state of constant torture!"

"Don't say anymore!" Tie Bu Tian suddenly closed his eyes and let out a sharp scream.

His chest palpitated wildly, and, after a long time, two streams of tears ran down from the corners of his eyes. They then continued to roll down his cheeks and the tears formed a steady stream as they dripped onto the ground. However, he never bothered to even wipe them away.

"What you are saying, how could I not know? Each time I witnessed Father struggling in pain, how could I feel comfortable?" Tie Bu Tian muttered, "How could I not know that my father would rather die than live? How could I not know that Father wanted to end his life?"

"Father was a great hero! But, right now, he lacks the strength to even end his own life! How tragic is it for a hero like him?" Tie Bu Tian brutally wiped the tears from his eyes and suddenly said loudly, "Have you people ever even thought about me and how i feel?"

"What should I do? I might be a prince, but I have no friends! My first duty is as my father's son; being a prince comes second. As long as Father is still alive, I still have a father! I would rather not be an orphan!" Tie Bu Tian choked, "How would I have known that each day that Father lives is another day of torture for him? Yet, I continue to dream and hope that one day, there would perhaps… be a chance… that a miracle would appear or Senior Du would be able to figure out a way… or maybe someone would appear with a heavenly treasure capable of turning Father's condition around overnight…"

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