Death… and me

Chapter 1990 Not True

Chapter 1990 Not True

Surprisingly, nothing happened during the next few days. Beelzebub stuck to his word and just hid, not gathering a single soul.

Nevertheless, the time for them to return to Fekis City had arrived, where they gathered with Titia, Doohan, and Salahi. Roan just so happened to be in the Light Devil Clan’s mansion already.

Tapir nodded before looking at his subordinates. “Call Gean, Doan, Fleus, and Fagund here. Let’s get this over with.”

A moment later, everyone was gathered in the same room.

Yet, Titia, Doohan, and Salahi didn’t want to go first. They wanted to see how Rean and Roan did before showing their results. That way, it would be even more humiliating.

Well, Roan simply showed the results of his bracelet without much concern. After all, he at least tried to do it once and got 39 souls. It was obviously the result it showed. As for Rean, his bracelet showed literally zero. He did gather a ton of souls, but he never sent them into his bracelet, so there were no results there.

Fagund and Fleus looked at each other after that. Why did the twins even bother showing their results? After all, it didn’t matter anymore. However, they didn’t say anything and just kept watching.

Fagund bitterly smiled in response. Not for himself, but for Salahi instead. “Just continue…”

-560 Guided Souls-

Rean and Roan glanced at the guy for a moment. In fact, Rean even felt pity for him. ‘Well, he’s tooting his own horn for no reason, so we’re definitely not intervening.’ The twins thought for a moment.

-731 Guided Souls-

Doohan snorted in response. “Hmph! That’s because I studied a lot about the areas in the Path of Reincarnation’s periphery. Not to mention I tried every single day as well. Your results were good, but they couldn’t possibly beat mine. Don’t worry, though. You won’t lose your slot since these guys didn’t get a better result than yours.”

“Enough!” Unfortunately for them, Tapir wasn’t in the mood to watch them bickering. “Titia, you’re last. How many did you get?”

-927 Guided Souls-

Titia didn’t seem that excited, saying, “I spent some time trying to understand my own Soul Guiding Power. That’s all.” Soon after, she looked at Tapir. “Elder, I believe I will do an even better job two years from now.”

Even Tapir had to admit he was impressed with Titia’s result. However, he looked at the twins at the very next moment, who didn’t seem to care about Titia’s result at all. Well, even he wouldn’t have cared if he could do what the twins did. “Very well, the results are clear for everyone to see.”

“The three devils taking part in the Underworld Soul Guiding Contest will be Doan, Gean, and Titia. Salahi and Doohan are out.” Tapir didn’t dwell over it as it was better to tell them straight.

Sure enough, Salahi and Doohan couldn’t accept that. “Elder Tapir!”

“Better?!” Nevertheless, Doohan didn’t relent. “The best one between them was Doan, and he only got 39 souls after five days. His brother didn’t even get a single one! I can’t accept that!”

Fagund sighed before he used his Divine Sense to tell what happened on the first day of the Soul Guiding Test. It went without saying that Titia, Doohan, and Salahi found that hard to believe. “There is no way that’s true.”

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