Death… and me

Chapter 211 Brotherhood Formed!

The stranger was momentarily in shock as his eyes beamed with admiration. His strength was incomparable to those adolescents as their strengths were evidently less than that of an ant. Despite all that, their togetherness and pride masked their lack of strength and many people admired and look up to them dearly.

The stranger in blue felt that his presence imposed a certain sense of pressure on them which resulted in some form of teamwork when they were initially some tension between them.

He realized that if he were to deal with them now, he would have to deal with them as a team as they were now unified as one, working together coherently. Given that he was to kill all of them at once, they would all die together without separation. He let out a loud sigh as he felt very overwhelmed by the mysticality of the incident.

He noticed that the six people before him were clearly at a crucial stage of integration. There were still flaws in their character and idiosyncrasy from the level of cooperation of their brotherhood.

These flaws could be easily seen as advantages to enemies as they could easily tackle them in these weak areas and take them down.

It was sheer coincidence that his abrupt appearance caused a wind whirl and unintentionally created a tremendous amount of pressure amongst them, given his immense power.

The stranger heard a faint voice coming from a distance and it immediately piqued his interest. He got up and approached Chu Yang, realizing something even more peculiar. It had come to his realization that these six youths were not any ordinary youths and that fact alone subconsciously manifested a thought in his mind. He was very tempted to test their strengths out.

It was an instinctive reaction of a martial expert to react in such a manner. In addition, his power had already reached a level that is so divine that his power could be activated just by thinking of it. At this very moment, his massive aura burst out. It created such a compelling oppression over the six youths that they were all taken aback.

His oppression also greatly assisted them by providing them an important catalyst in cooperating with each other as a team to conquer the biggest threat to them.

The leader stood in the middle between the three youths who stroke first. At a glance, the person seemed to be the youngest of them all but he played an indispensable role in the team.

As a matter of fact, even Chu Yang was oblivious to the happenings around him. Needless to say, Gu Du Sing and the others were even more baffled.

The sole person that noticed the phenomenon was the stranger that contributed to it. Though all six people seemed to have reacted to the scenarios before them, there seemed to be a great differentiation in their responses.

Gu Du Xing, Cu Yang, and Dong Wu Shang felt an immense pressure at that instance and they decided to take action. Chu Yang was the first to advance and at that very second, Gu Du Xing and Dong Wu Shang both took a step forward. Though it might only be a small action, the stranger in blue felt the terrifying aura that Chu Yang carried and was surprised.

Chu Yang made his move without second thoughts he had only one objective in mind, that is to block the stranger's first move. The fearlessness in Chu Yang gave the stranger second thoughts on picking a battle with them.

Although the stranger was not faltered by Chu Yang's actions, he realized that for Chu yang to take such an action would mean that he never pay heed to the possibility of death. This first step exemplified the decisiveness in him and in the event that this was a genuine battle, it would have provided his brothers a valuable chance at living. Although the chance might be slim, it was worth a try to escape nonetheless.

This first move that Chu Yang made sent a clear message to Gu Du Xing's and Dong Wu Shang's minds that they should not let their big brother face the enemy alone! Following suit, they did not hesitate to take the next move forward. The moment they took the next step forward, Chu yang felt an unimpeded sense of brotherhood amongst them. He unconsciously slowed down to wait for his brothers to catch up.

All three of them touched the ground at the same time and that instant, the indivisibility, and absoluteness amongst them were evident. In the process of uniting six people, half of the group was already completed.

There were simple reasons why they decided to go ahead with the idea despite the chance of death. First and foremost, they did not want their brother to face a supreme enemy alone. Secondly, they had the mentality that if they were to survive, they would all survive together, likewise for dying. Despite the fact that they did not have much time to bond, they subconsciously had the same thought at the back of their mind. Their momentum sent a direct message to the remaining three to escape while they will be the ones blocking for them.

It was a unified consensus amongst the three. However, given the fact that Luo Ke Di, Ji Mo, and Rui Bu Tong were also young and hasty with their decisions, they also stepped up without second thoughts.

Truly being born at the same and dying at the same place made them brothers to the very end. They felt that since their brothers would do anything for their sake, they did not mind risking their lives for them too. Following them side by side, a stronger alliance and brotherhood was formed and they at the frontline, ready to fight at any instant.

Coming from a group of misfits, it was very impressive that they came this far, forming an impervious fortress. Though it was challenging to analyze the thoughts of their brothers, they still managed to do it subconsciously as they were racing against time. Although it seemed like they were at a disadvantage as they did not have time for considerations, it was this very factor that allowed them to be honest with their actions and deriving at the decision of forming a united front. It was seen that the bond of brotherhood had formed and the stranger was very impressed.

Though interpersonal interactions might be confounding at times, it was not surprising that a mere glance could create hatred and enemies between men where they could end up starting a fight. Likewise in such situations, a sudden action could create a bond of brotherhood between a group of people that were once so distant. Some phenomenon is mysterious as of such and they cannot be explained.

The stranger in blue let out another sigh as he did not realize that his actions would result in such a massive reaction. Moreover, it was not any normal group, it was the formation of a very odd group!

He did not give any thought to his stance, and how it might trigger an adverse reaction like this, Such an impact was truly a rare scene even in Middle Three Heavens. Appearing out of nowhere was indeed giving stress to people.

He noticed that Chu Yang was probably the leader of the team as all gazes fell upon him, awaiting his next course of action.

The stranger's gaze averted and Chu Yang made contact with the stranger's. At that instant, Chu Yang felt very dizzy. He felt as if he was dragged into the stranger's limitless universe and realized that he had to snap out of it as fast as possible or his mind will be oppressed by his opponent. All he needed to was to look somewhere else or close his eyes and everything he was experiencing would stop.

Chu Yang tried but to no avail. The stranger's gaze seemed to be emitting a strong pull at Chu Yang that prevented him to look away or close his eyes. Chu Yang felt very faint and in his mind, he had already fallen countless times to his opponent's mental power.

Luckily, the stranger suddenly let out an "Oh!". At that instant, Chu yang felt his mind returning to his body and his gaze escaped from the godly force of this opponent. At this moment, Gu Du Xing, Dong Wu Shang, Luo Ke Di, Ji Mo and Rui Bu Tong enraged in anger and pulled out their blades all at once. The five of them charged in the direction of the stranger without any hesitation. They realized what the stranger had been doing to Chu Yang and they were infuriated!

Initiating an attack at such a powerful opponent was just like asking for death. What was amazing was that the five of them did not let that thought stop them at all and they all attacked the stranger simultaneously.

"Stop!" Chu Yang yelled desperately as he knew the predicament that all five of them would face. It was all too late. Gu Du Xing and the others were aware that their opponent was not to be undermined and they asserted full force onto him without any reservations of sympathy. Their moves struck hard and fast and there was no turning back. The stranger's gaze fell upon Chu yang's eyes again but this time, the penetrating pull was no longer there. He carelessly waved his right arm and said, "Leave, just leave!"

At that instant, it started snowing outrageously. There was not only snow I the air, but also the ground and the forest! They all flew up and formed a wall that pushed Gu Du XIng and the others out. They flew far and landed with a thud on the ground.

"Senior, please I beg you, have mercy!" Chu Yang pleaded desperately as he tried to fight for his teammate's lives. He instantly pushed his legs hard and pulled his right arms into his sleeves and the Nine Tribulations Sword's point appeared on his finger tip.

"You do not have to worry, they will not die." The stranger said it was a tinge of emotion that was obviously suppressed with a considerable amount of effort. The stranger then continued casually, " They just merely suffered a small amount of pain, you do not have to worry much."

Chu yang was relieved as he wanted to escape initially in the event all his brothers were dead. He felt that though it might seem like he waa being a coward escaping, he would want to live as long as the stranger was alive so that he could seek vengeance for his brothers when he became more grew stronger.

He retracted the Nine Tribulations Sword and took a step back as a symbol of retreat.

The stranger glided forward and looked at Chu Yang's face asking, " What is your surname?"

It took Chu Yang a moment of realization before answering him absent-mindedly, "Chu!" as he was trying to hear for any movements coming from Gu Du Xing and the others. There were loud thumping sounds, as things were falling onto the ground…

Subsequently, a painful cry could be heard from within the wind. It was then followed by thunderous curses, "Motherf*cker, my clothes… Oh, hey… My buttocks…" It was the voice of Luo Ke Di…

Finally, Chu Yang was relieved. Ultimately, Luo Ke Di's strength was the weakest of them all. If he was not harmed, the others would surely be safe as well.

"Your surname is Chu?!" Suddenly, the stranger's face displayed some emotion. He continued, "What is your full name?"

Chu Yang was now assured, hence he could finally concentrate all his efforts in dealing with the peculiar man that was standing right in front of him. Eventually, he rolled his eyes and asked nonchalantly, "Why do you ask?"

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