Death… and me

Chapter 2168 Alternative

Chapter 2168 Alternative

Spiegel and Waremis were taken aback. “What do you mean?”

Rean didn’t answer. Instead, he asked the system a question. “System, based on the conversation I just had, is there a way to verify whether someone is being controlled or partially controlled.” Rean also thought about maybe using Sister Orb to check if there was something that shouldn’t be there. However, there was no point in being able to help just one or two angels. Besides, Rean wanted them to owe them a favor.

-Based on the information provided, the system would need one specimen of the race being controlled and one similar specimen not under the effects of such outside control. The specimens must be brought to one of the Nanotech Sick Bays, where the equipment necessary for analysis is available. This is the fastest option the system can provide.-

-Slower option consists of-

Rean stopped the system there. “Will the slower options take more than a few hours?”

-That will depend on the gravity of the situation. Generally, work related to mind or soul control takes several days to several years to be properly resolved. The system also has its limits and can’t guarantee a solution.-

“What about the first option?” Rean asked once again. Tanxan was going to jump away with the ship in a few hours, so they didn’t have that long.

-It also depends on the situation. However, when a healthy specimen of the same race is provided, it will give the system the opportunity to compare results. It might take a few minutes to a few hours to a few days. The system can’t give a definitive answer without analysis.-

Roan glanced at Rean. ‘Why do you want to meddle in this shit?’

Rean smiled in response. ‘Isn’t that obvious? There is still at least one fragment in the hands of the angels. The way things are going, we might end up against the entire Angel Race in the future since they all feel like sworn brothers and sisters. But, if we give Waremis’s clan a way to resolve this control, I believe it will make things easier for us in the future. Who knows? We might even get that fragment as thanks for our services.’

Roan narrowed his eyes but didn’t say anything against that plan. They still had a few hours, and the process of returning to the Realm of Gods seemed quite straightforward. ‘Alright, do as you wish. But if it takes more than three hours, we are leaving.’

Rean nodded and then looked at the holographic video once again. “You heard the system, Senior Spiegel and Waremis. What is it that makes you two immune to this control?”

Waremis couldn’t help but feel some hope. “We believe it is our bloodline. The same thing that allowed Aelrie to use that tracker technique you saw. It is very special, even among the many Angels Races. It makes our own souls slightly different from others. However, you saw how it doesn’t exactly make Spiegel completely immune; it just makes him resistant. Only after you reach a certain level of bloodline purity, you could say you are completely immune. At the moment, it would be angels like me and Aelrie.”

Spiegel bitterly smiled after hearing that. “We only have a few hours, don’t we? The angels that came with us inside this place all died in that Reactor Room or whatever the name. The time we need to go out and find another angel, then come back and make this analysis, will be ridiculously high. Definitely much more than just a few hours.”I think you should take a look at

“Hahaha!” Rean laughed out loud. “There is no need to worry. Roan and I just so happen to have the perfect specimen with us.”𝒩𝑜𝑣𝓮𝗅𝓤𝚜𝗯.𝓒𝚘𝑀

“You… have?” Waremis found it hard to believe. “Could it be you captured an angel when you entered this ship?”

Rean shook his head. “It’s someone from the time when we arrived in the Heaven Realm. He is inside our Dimensional Realm.” Who else could it be if not Hastian? The same angel Roan captured during their entrance into the Heaven Realm. The poor guy has been locked inside the Soul Gem DImensional Realm until now. 

“But you can’t open the Dimensional Realm in this place. It is sealed,” Spiegel mentioned.

Rean shook his head as he already had the perfect excuse. “Correction, you guys can’t access your Pocket Dimensional Realms. Roan and I can. That’s because we now have a high rank in this ship’s hierarchic system. That allows us to access it whenever we want.” Obviously, that was a lie, but Spiegel and Waremis didn’t need to know that.

“I see…” Sure enough, the two angels couldn’t confirm if it was the truth, and that really didn’t matter at the moment. 

Waremis quickly made his decision. “Alright, where can we meet? My bloodline is definitely strong enough to get full immunity. Even if I stay right beside that nameless Archangel, I still won’t get affected.”

“System, plot a course to a Nanotech Sick Bay where both parties can meet. Make sure the defense system won’t target them,” Rean immediately ordered.

-Request Accepted. Temporary Guest Rank provided.-

Right after, the holographic arrows changed direction, showing a path where the twins and the angels could gather together.

Meanwhile, in a faraway location, a Spatial Fissure suddenly opened inside a big hall. Right after, two cultivators came out of it like shooting stars, crashing on the ground below. Fortunately, the hall was protected by sturdy formations, so no damage was caused. As for the cultivators, they were in the Space-Time Realm, so they wouldn’t die that easily.

The two slowly got up and rubbed their bodies due to the impact. They didn’t die, but it didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. 

A moment later, an old woman entered the room, looking quite restless. If Soul Gem was here, he would have immediately recognized her. She was none other than Tuana, the leader of the Wafrol Forces, who later took over the Vruve Organization!

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