Death… and me

Chapter 220 I Miss Brother Chu Yang...

Mo Tian Yun took a full breath and did not state anything.

Mo Xing Chen remained for there for some time, at that point he took a gander at Mo Tian Yun with a clashing look and stated, "In a couple of days, I will send Tian Ji to Cang Lan battlefront. Concerning you, proceed to go and acquire involvement in Lower Three Heavens. Utilize the majority of your endeavors to discover the whereabouts of Nine Tribulations Saber's master. Both of you will go isolated ways. Understood?"

"I get it." Mo Tian Yun gestured.

"For whatever length of time that you get it." Mo Xing Chen dismissed and strolled with saber close by.

Mo Tian Yun deferentially bowed and looked at his father withdrew. As of now, he gradually gazed upward and uncovered a delicate grin. He mumbled, "Father, what I comprehend is… my position is a perilous one. The one to make their turn first stays ground-breaking. The one to make their turn last… is done… "

"Cang Lan battlefront may be far, yet… it's still in this world." Mo Tian Yun grinned and shook his head, "Blood relations. Haha… In this world, who isn't blood relations? Isn't everybody offspring of this world? All things considered, isn't there fratricide on the planet consistently?"

"Fratricide (1) … In the event that it is your own particular appendages, at that point, it is thought about fratricide. Be that as it may, as a general rule, with your own particular appendages, how might it be killed?" Mo Tian Yun chuckled delicately, "It is just murder when it isn't your own particular appendages… "

He grinned brilliantly, fastened his hands in the face of his good faith and waltzed out. Before venturing out the entryway, he pivoted, took a gander at the seat his father was perched on… and faintly grinned.

All of Mo Qing Wu's benefits were taken away; she was just left with the benefit of staying in the internal court. In the inward court, she could stay by her mom's side.

This was the main benefit that was given for the trading of Longing for a Gentle Dance Saber.

In the wake of learning of this, Mo Tian Ji gazed toward the sky and chuckled sadly and intensely!

Right now, he all of a sudden remembered.

In Lower Three Heavens, they separated from Chu Yang the night before…

"Try not to constrain me to proclaim war against your Mo clan!" Chu Yang said gently, "In the event that I discover that Xiao Wu endured any grievances, I will influence your Mo clan to pay!"

"Brother Mo is excessively gracious! This saber is, to some extent, my genuineness; however, it additionally has a more profound significance. Not anybody is deserving of such a blessing from me… " Chu Yang answered, to be honest, "As long as Brother Mo comprehends that, I am upbeat."

Recollecting these words from Chu Yang, Mo Tian Ji grinned tragically.

He had an inclination that in taking Longing for a Delicate Move Saber and treating Mo Qing Wu thusly, the Mo clan was welcoming awesome inconvenience!

Considering Chu Yang's words, he was strangely concerned. Mo Tian Ji could feel some swoon peril as yet sneaking in the haziness gradually crawling toward the Mo clan…

Considering Chu Yang's martial brothers, Gu Du Xing, Luo Ke Di, Ji Mo, Dong Wu Shang… Mo Tian Ji moaned. Amid the gathering, he didn't say the names of these individuals. Regardless of whether he let them know, the Mo Tian Yun would simply chuckle and mocking.

These individuals were just second youthful experts! They were not esteemed successors!

Be that as it may, Mo Tian Ji could instantly observe the possibilities of these individuals! In the event that Chu Yang could bring together them, they would turn into a frightening power!

Be that as it may, this power required time to develop.

In the event that Mo Tian Yun thought about them, he would utilize strategies to isolate and vanquish these individuals!

In this way, Mo Tian Ji did not talk about them. He should give them time. Since what Chu Yang's gathering was going for was additionally something he ought to do!

In the previous couple of days, Special lady Mo did not part from her girl. While her little girl's radiant blessing was crushed, the youngster was as yet a fortune in her heart. With the family's choice, Fancy woman Mo was not able to battle back. Also, the Mo family had dependably been remorseless like that. Everybody had become used to this. Be that as it may, this additionally couldn't influence the affection Courtesan Mo had for her little girl.

She was just stressed how her young girl could adapt to such a major blow.

Yet, she found that her little girl had changed.

The exuberant and adorable Xiao Wu who jumped at the chance to talk and giggle and vanished. In her place was a calm little woman of few words…

Throughout the day she would hold that worn out sheath and stayed quiet.

While her age was as yet youthful, a calm distress developed increasingly all over.

Besides, there were times when she would surprisingly gaze into the separation with a thoughtful look. In any case, after each time, her perspective turned into somewhat sadder.

Mo Qing Wu was as of now still youthful; she was, obviously, not equipped for being lovesick. Truth be told, the dominant part of her considerations did not have anything to do with Chu Yang.

Be that as it may, it was a result of this meditation that her heart wound up shut.

"Why is it like this? A Hua may be a hireling, yet I have dependably called her Sister A Hua. At the point when her mom became ill, it was me who stole pharmaceutical from the family and offered it to her. That day, she said that she would treat me well for whatever remains of her life. Be that as it may, after what happened, A Hua does not give careful consideration to me. I even heard her disclosing to Xiao Yue that I am a handicapped individual… "

"Why? Each time father returned, he generally gave me an embrace. Yet, after that day, it's never again like that any longer. Additionally, he promptly dismissed each time he sees me. On the off chance that he didn't dismiss then there would be a glare all over. Did I influence father to detest me?"

"A day or two ago, I went to the clan's natural stockpiling to get some drug, however, they didn't offer it to me. Despite everything I recall at whatever point I needed anything previously, they would offer it to me. Why? Is it since I transformed into a debilitated individual?"

"That day, in the considerable corridor… second brother did not set out to take a gander at me… "

"The saber Brother Chu yang gave me… hoo… "

Mo Qing Wu had thought that way. At such a youthful age, her heart had suddenly turned out to be so troubled… With respect to her body, it had developed more fatigued by every day that passed…

It tormented Escort Mo to see her little girl so.

One day, Mo Tian Ji got to see from the clan that he would need to go to Cang Lan battlefront. Before leaving, he went to state farewell to his younger brother.

Around then, he saw with his own eyes how Mo Qing Wu sat at the entryway with her jaw laying on her arm as she gazed vacantly into the separation with no soul.

With a tormented heart, Mo Tian Ji tenderly strolled before his younger brother and sat down.

"Xiao Wu, your second brother is here."

"Uh… "

"Xiao Wu… what's off-base?"


"Xiao Wu, I need to go to Cang Lan battlefront."

"Uh… "

"Before I leave, I am a little stressed over you. What do you need? Second brother will bring it back for you."

"Uh… "

"Xiao Wu!" Mo Tian Ji distressingly held Mo Qing Wu's delicate shoulder and shook it tenderly, "Say something." He was all of a sudden stunned, "How are you so fragile?"

An indication of life at long last showed up in Mo Qing Wu's unfilled look, "Second brother."

"Uh, I am here!"

"Second Brother… did I transform into a debilitated individual?"

"Nonsense!" Mo Tian Ji wound up furious, "Who disclosed to you that?"

"They all say that. Is it valid?"

Mo Tian Ji quietly embraced his younger brother, "Younger brother, you will be fine! You won't turn into a debilitated individual!"

"None of you require me!" Mo Qing Wu cried.

Mo Tian Ji was dazed.

"I don't have anything left. Uncle Cheng Yu left, and you are likewise taking off."

"… "

"Second brother, would I be able to at present recover my saber?" Talking about the saber, a look of yearning flashed in Mo Qing Wu's eyes.

"… "

"Second brother, for what reason did you not recover my saber that day?" Mo Qing Wu gazed upward. She was youthful, her eyes should be guileless and enthusiastic; however, there was presently an unforeseen hint of alert…

Mo Tian Ji was speechless. What would he be able to state? How might he clarify?

"You took my saber out, and it was promptly taken away." Mo Qing Wu's voice was so delicate, it was relatively faint.

Mo Tian Ji moaned profoundly.

At that minute, he recognized what he fouled up.

On the off chance that he didn't take out the saber, Mo Qing Wu's circumstance would not be any superior to anything it is currently. With that saber, she would, at any rate, get a more tranquil condition. In the direst outcome imaginable, this was as yet the inward court. With the strict standards here, the workers challenged not state anything. Mo Qing Wu would likewise be exceptionally sheltered. Furthermore, she additionally had her mom close by.

With her mom's care, Mo Qing Wu would not be abused.

This was the best pick up.

Yet, Mo Tian Ji had neglected a certain something. After every last bit of her benefits were taken away, in Mo Qing Wu's psyche, there was just a single individual she could trust; that was Chu Yang.

Since it was that Mo family who chose her destiny. They had set her into a powerless and abandoned state.

Be that as it may, it was Chu Yang had once spared her life from the verge of death. In addition, he played with her and gave her that saber…

When she was managed this real blow, in this young lady's heart, the time she lived with Chu Yang appeared to be significantly merrier.

Looking at between the two, Chu Yang was, obviously, the better one.

Given such a major blow, Mo Qing Wu esteemed those recollections and that saber. That saber alone that could give her glow.

In any case, Mo Tian Ji had utilized it in return for this living condition.

The minute that saber was taken away, the last asylum of her little personality was detracted from Mo Qing Wu! This made her be both physically and mentally harmed; something she couldn't deal with.

This was Mo Tian Ji's greatest mix-up!

Since Mo Qing Wu was still exceptionally youthful, regardless she didn't comprehend the estimation of the trade. Such a trade, to her, had no significance. Since she had been living here was all the while living here…

She could just feel that she had lost her most darling saber!

Furthermore, that saber was lost in view of Mo Tian Ji.

Maybe she would comprehend Mo Tian Ji's torment sometime in the future, however, at the present time, she unquestionably did not…

Mo Tian Ji remained there in stun. As of now, even with his sublime insight, he was defenseless…

With coarseness in his voice, he said, "Xiao Wu, rest assured! One day, second brother will reclaim that saber for you! Furthermore, hand it to you myself!"

"You will?" Mo Qing Wu looked into; her eyes sparkled as she took a gander at Mo Tian Ji. Sooner or later, those eyes became diminish once more, and she said tragically, "Second brother, I am worn out."

At that point, she dropped her head and did not pay any psyche to her second brother any longer. She groggily took a gander at her feet with an unfocused look and mumbled, "I miss… truly miss… Brother Chu Yang… "

At the point when Mo Tian Ji left the little court, even he didn't know how to depict his emotions.

He just realized that he needed to slaughter somebody!

Also, the best target was none other than Mo Tian Yun!

(1)It means murdering one's limbs.

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