Death… and me

Chapter 2579 Black Crystal

Chapter 2579  Black Crystal

In the same way that Turen’s fragment was safe with him in the Temporal Path, Huban’s Fragment was also safe with his level of power. He brought Rean back into the separated Dimensional Realm where the Fragment was located, which isolated the Extinction Sphere’s energy coming from it.

[Rean, remember. I can not open the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm. If I do, the fragments from inside will try to pull this fragment outside. That would end up contaminating the fragments we already have. You will have to do the refinement outside.]

Rean nodded. ‘Don’t worry. Now that I can bring the Blacksmith Workshop out, it doesn’t matter much whether I work inside or outside. Besides, Senior Huban is here, so it is safe.’



Immediately, Rean’s Blacksmith Workshop appeared inside Huban’s Dimensional Realm, landing on an empty field. This Dimensional Realm existed only for this contaminated Fragment, so it was plain everywhere. Immediately after, Rean’s companions appeared one after another.

“Oh! Is that the Universe Foundation Fragment, Rean?” Howard asked with excitement. He was a USA metallurgist who was part of the 1000 people Rean brought from Earth.

Frincan, a blacksmith from back in the Dalamu Sect, also seemed impressed. “This thing was part of the foundation pillar that keeps the entire universe whole, is it?”

An old man then patted Rean’s shoulder. “So I can finally work with this thing. Took you long enough to let us out.”

Rean smiled at the old man. “Master, you aren’t exactly a blacksmith, so you might not have much of a use in this process.” Indeed, that was Rean’s Master, Droman. Well, Rean’s Formations Master abilities had long since surpassed his, though.

Similar voices echoed in the Blacksmith Workshop as everyone tried to make sense of the Fragment.

Rean, on the other hand, was more focused on the Extinction Sphere’s Energy. “What about the foreign energy? As long as we can separate it from the fragment, everything else can wait.”

“Hum…” Galapasan, a previous Formations Master from Lagan Sect in Sunkan Planet, suddenly spoke. “I’m able to at least isolate the Universe Foundation Fragment’s energy away from the Extinction Sphere’s Energy. Of course, I’m only talking about the readings I’m getting. I can analyze both energies separately.”

“Really?!” Immediately, a few other experts in their own fields approached Galapasan, including Rean. “Quick, send the data to our terminals.”

Just like that, all those experts began to work on the Universe Foundation Fragment. It was just a few initial hours out of the several weeks that would come to pass in that place for that group.

Meanwhile, in the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm, Roan was sitting alone on the top of a small mountain while looking at the Dimensional Realm’s sight ahead.

Luan, who was now back with the group, approached him after asking Sister Orb where he could find Roan. “Father, is everything okay?”

Luan couldn’t really remember ever seeing Roan doing nothing. He was always training, cultivating, or comprehending laws now that he was in the Space-Time Realm. An idle Roan? That was a myth.

It was then that Luan noticed a piece of Black Crystal on Roan’s Hand. “Is that…”

Roan nodded slightly without looking at Luan. “It is.”

That was the Black Crystal that Kafan gave Roan. A crystal that could be used to recover his memories from before becoming a Death Spirit on the other half of the Universe.

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