Death… and me

Chapter 303 Gu Miao Ling

Gu Yun Lan remained silent for a long time as he gazed at Gu Du Xing.

He then let out a long sigh.

"What's done is done. I just hope you and your brother can explain your actions in the future." Gu Yun Lan seemed to be at a loss. "How would I have not known… that those two weren't capable enough… They would've destroyed the Gu Clan in no time if it had fallen into their hands… But, they shouldn't have died over this…"

Gu Du Xing remained silent.

"Gu Clan… Gu Clan… haha… Thousands of people wouldn't have been eyeing us like this if the Gu Clan didn't have such a strong ancestral base… Gu Du Xing, I would've killed you right away with my hands."

"Foster Father, please calm down."

The wrinkles on Gu Yun Lan's face deepened as he snorted coldly.

"I shall need some time to consider this matter." Gu Yun Lan sighed deeply, and walked away without saying any other word. Suddenly, he stopped after walking for some distance. He then said in a soft voice, "No one should find out about this matter." He hadn't even bothered to turn back.

"Yes, Foster Father." Gu Du Xing watched his foster father's figure disappearing into the distance. He couldn't help but feel a sour tinge in his heart.

[Was I mistaken about this matter? Perhaps, yes.]

Gu Yun Lan believed that he had always treated Gu Du Xing with kindness, and had raised him to be worthy of something. However, Gu Du Xing had ended-up killing both his foster-brothers – Gu Yun Lan's true born sons.

Gu Du Xing didn't feel any regret even though he had admitted to his mistakes.

[I'm definitely guilty. But, Chu Yang did this for my own good.]

Gu Du Xing had anticipated that he'd have to go to war with Gu Yan Yang and Gu Yan Yue after his foster father's demise. [Either I would've died at their hands or they would've died at mine.]

[We were doomed to be mortal enemies.]

[However, those were the events of the future.]

[At least Foster Father would've been spared from witnessing the results.]

[Now, the situation will be very difficult for the Old Man to bear…]

[An outsider will feel that Brother Chu Yang has killed the Gu Brothers in order to rescue the Gu Clan since it was likely to decline if it ever fell into their hands.]

[But, killing them is still not justified.]

The conflicting views started to hurt Gu Du Xing's mind.

However, he still didn't blame Chu Yang.

[Chu Yang had put himself in great danger by killing my brothers. Moreover, he had also risked breaking our bond.]

[I'm your brother. So, I'd seek to help you even if you blame me.]

[You'll be at war with them sooner or later. And, you'll kill them when the time comes. After that, your guilty conscience will disturb your mind endlessly. It'll probably prevent you from progressing any further. So, I ended the reason behind your guilt before it could torment you. Consequently, it'll not be a problem anymore.]

[I'd do it all over again even if you blame me. I'd do it even if I had to break my relation with you. I'd do it… ah… even if we ended-up becoming enemies.]

[Moreover, it's better that I do it sooner rather than later.]

[I only wish for my brother's safety.]

[I don't mind carrying the burden of this sin on my shoulders till the end of time.]

Chu Yang hadn't spoken these words. In fact, he hadn't said anything.

However, Gu Du Xing still knew it. So, he had taken the accusations for his brother's actions. [I would've shouldered the accusations even if I didn't know this. And, that's because I know that my brother would do the same for me.]

[I'll bear the burden till the very end.]

There was stillness in the Gu Clan for the next three days. And, that's because Gu Yun Lan had disappeared. Gu Clan's army had already been put in order, and was ready to proceed towards the Cang Lan battlefront. They were only waiting for the Clan Lord to issue the orders.

Gu Yun Lan finally showed-up on the third day. His body was upright. However, his hair had turned completely white.

"Gu Du Xing, follow me," Gu Yun Lan said.

"You'll lead the men to the Cang Lan battlefront," Gu Yun Lan said in a deep voice. He raised his head and ordered, "I want you to lead the Gu Clan into the battle with an awe-inspiring authority. I want you to lead the Gu Clan towards glory; so that our Clan can rush into the Upper Three Heavens one day… Can you do that?"

"Yes, I can!" Gu Du Xing roared like a thunderclap.

"Then, go!"

"Foster Father, I want to see Sister Xiao Miao." Gu Du Xing knew that this wasn't the right time for this request. However, he couldn't help but blurt it out.

Her memories had been tormenting him for a long time; he was almost on the point of breaking down.

He had been longing for her since the moment he had left the Clan. This was his only desire now that he had returned to his Clan.

To see Gu Miao Ling again!

It was his sole desire!

Gu Yun Lan stared at Gu Du Xing for a while. "You can meet her. But, you must return quickly."

"Thank you so much, Foster Father."

Gu Du Xing rejoiced in his heart.

Then, he darted away.

Gu Yun Lang kept staring at his disappearing figure for a while. Then, he muttered to himself, "It feels that it genuinely wasn't Gu Du Xing's doing… So, it would've been better if Gu Du Xing hadn't told me the truth. After all, I would've chosen to go to battle with the Xie Clan in all this confusion. Du Xing, you should've known this…"

He walked towards his Clan's troops. The Clan's banner fluttered above his head as he stepped onto a tall platform, and raised his hands.

This was followed by a thunder of cheers.

"Clan Lord! Clan Lord!"

"Silence!" Gu Yun Lan clasped his hands behind his back, and stood upright beneath the banner. He spoke loudly with a look of arrogance in his eyes, "I'm here to make an extremely important announcement. So, I request everyone to listen carefully."

There was an immediate silence.

"Gu Du Xing is the sole heir of the Gu Clan from today onwards. Gu Du Xing will have absolute authority over the Gu Clan's army at the Cang Lan Battlefront."

"Yes, my Lord!" everyone responded.

"Discontent and detrimental talks against our Young Clan Lord is banned — even in private! Anyone who's found to be involved in such activities will be beheaded along with his entire family. Does everyone understand?" Gu Yun Lan's voice was extremely stern.

"We understand!"

"We shall follow the Young Clan Lord's orders from today onwards."

"Long live the Clan Lord!"

Gu Du Xing's prestige was far higher than Gu Yan Yang's or Gu Yan Yue's within the Gu Clan. Moreover, he had the capability to inspire them. In fact, he was known to be a genius.

Almost everyone was sure of Gu Du Xing's capability. So, they firmly believed that he had what it took to emerge victorious in the battle.

When it came to choosing between following a young genius Clan Lord and a young mediocre Clan Lord — the option for a brighter future was quite obvious.

In fact, everyone was cynical about Gu Yan Yang and Gu Yan Yue. They believed that the actions of those two would've eventually delivered the clan to its doom. However, no one spoke of it.

Therefore, only a few people were grieving over the untimely deaths of the two Gu Brothers. However, the majority of the people were relieved at the deaths of those two incompetent losers.

In fact, the deaths of the two brothers had instilled a lot of hope within the Clan. This was one of the main reasons behind the high morale of the Clan's troops.

Gu Yun Lan waited for the cheers to subside. He then announced, "Everyone, wait a while for the Young Clan Lord's arrival. Then, you'll set-off on the journey."


The response was even louder and clearer this time.

Gu Yun Lan's heart ached as he thought about how his own son – Gu Yan Yang – had never received such a response during his command.

*** ***

Gu Du Xing hurried through the gardens. He took several turns and bends before finally reaching at the back of the Gu Clan residence. The Dragon Prison Cave was located at that place.

The closer he reached to the prison, the slower he got.

In fact, he almost turned his tail and fled at one point.

He was visibly afraid.

Gu Du Xing wasn't easy to scare… He could even face a million people with a straight face.

Gu Du Xing's will was made of iron.

However, he got quite scared as he was about to see his beloved Gu Miao Ling.

[What if Sister Xiao Miao ignores me?]

[If Sister Xiao Miao… ]

[Will Sister Xiao Miao… ]

[What should I say when I see her?]

Gu Du Xing finally halted in front of a puddle which was at some distance from the prison-cave. It seemed that the snowfall from a few days ago had gathered in this puddle in the form of ice.

Gu Du Xing stood beside the puddle while facing the flat and smooth icy surface. He looked at himself as he tidied-up his clothes and fixed his hair. He then looked at his face. After that, he grabbed a chuck of ice, and wiped his face clean with it.

The piercing cold shook his mind awake.

[Why wouldn't I dare if I'm finally here…]

Gu Du Xing calmed his heart down, and started to take huge strides towards the cave.


The guard warned in a loud voice.

"I'm Gu Du Xing. I'm here to see the Young Miss."

"Young Master Du Xing, may I ask if the Young Master Du Xing has the Clan Lord's written order?" The guard's attitude became respectful. Everyone knew that Gu Du Xing was to become the future Clan Lord since Gu Yan Yang and Gu Yan Yue were dead now.

"Yes, I do." Gu Du Xing drew out a medal from his bosom.

"Please wait here for a moment, Young Master Du Xing." The guard turned around, and walked inside in order to notify.

Traces of voices were heard from inside the cave after a while. Then, a magnificent wave of bone chilling air surged out from the entrance of the cave. It turned Gu Du Xing cold to his feet.

He saw the entrance path getting wrapped-up with thick frost as he stood in front of the cave.

This was the Dragon Prison cave… It was terrible to live here. The temperature inside the cave was too cold for any normal person to bear. It became colder as one went deeper inside the cave. In fact, most of the inner stones would often freeze, and turn into ice masses.

The cold air usually couldn't come out since the doors were always closed. However, the opening of the doors had always made it seem as if they could freeze the entire Earth.

Fragmented sounds of footsteps could be heard from the entrance of the cave. It seemed as if something was moving inside the cave.

A young maiden wrapped in hoar frost came out from inside the cave after a long while; she was breathing heavily. She looked at Gu Du Xing and smiled. She then said, "Little Brother, why have you come here?"

Her smile was extraordinarily beautiful despite her condition.

The frost stuck in her beautiful crow-black hair made her look similar to a woman in her seventies. Her complexion had turned purple because her skin had seemingly frozen. Her hands and feet were rigid as well. However, her hair was neat and tidy even though it was frozen.

Her clothing had been methodically arranged over her body.

It was obvious that she had spent a good time inside the walls of the cave to groom herself into looking presentable.

This young lady had clearly put a lot of hard work into her present appearance.

Gu Du Xing stared at her for a long time without speaking a single word. He was visibly enchanted by her appearance.

"Little Brother… what happened? Hehe…" The young maiden lowered her head in confusion, and looked at herself. She then forced a smile as she asked, "Has Sister Xiao Miao become extremely ugly now?"

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