Death… and me

Chapter 81 The Crown Prince's Invitation

Wu Qian Qian walked through the door gracefully as soon as it opened. She wore a blue outfit and looked absolutely stunning in it.

"Oh Chu Yang, it is you." Wu Qian Qian was surprised and looked at Chu Yang with a puzzled expression. She would never have imagined that Chu Yang would appear at the Iron Cloud Citadel. Moreover, he had caught the attention of Prince Bu Tian.

Tie Bu Tian had asked Wu Qian Qian about Chu Yang before. However, she did not think that the Prince Tie Bu Tian was referring to the same Chu Yang which she had met previously at the Purple Bamboo Garden. Wu Qian Qian had just assumed that it was someone else who had the same name.

Surely, somewhere out there, there is a heroic youth also named Chu Yang.

This was because although Chu Yang of Purple Bamboo Garden was quick-witted, his cultivation level was low. She simply thought that he wouldn't have been even worthy of the prince's attention.

However, now that this familiar face appeared in front of her, there was no longer any doubt.

"Elder Martial Sister Wu, why did you come here?" Chu Yang asked, a little surprised.

"What? Am I not allowed to come?" Wu Qian Qian replied, her face slightly flushed. She suddenly recalled the words that Du Shi Qing had said to the prince:

"This youth's life is really pitiful. He loved his martial sister, but his elder martial brother wanted to take her by force. In a moment of folly, as he was overcome with emotion, he had accidentally killed his elder martial brother… What a waste of a talent… Oh, his martial sister was said to be the daughter of the leader of Beyond the Heavens Sect…"

Wu Qian Qian was blushing and her face felt a little warm as her thoughts reached this point.

Daughter of the leader of Beyond the Heavens Sect? My father only has one daughter – me! Does that mean that Chu Yang likes me?

But… This is all too sudden…

"Of course you can come. Please come on in" Chu Yang scratched his head as he took a step back to allow Wu Qian Qian to come in.

"You are no longer a disciple of Beyond the Heavens Sect. My father has already sent out an official notice to everyone within the sect that you have been expelled. Therefore, please do not call me elder martial sister anymore."

Wu Qian Qian pitied Chu Yang. She couldn't understand why he was expelled from the sect for such a reason?

However, Wu Qian Qian used this draw a line and create some distance between them. This was to prevent Chu Yang from using the fact that they were both originally from the same sect to connect with her. This was Iron Cloud Citadel, if something were to happen, there repercussions to the reputation of Beyond the Heavens Sect as she was still part of it.

"Oh, should I call you little sister instead?" Chu Yang scratched his head a few more times before continuing, "But you seem to be older than me. Perhaps I should call you Elder Sister Qian Qian instead?"

Wu Qian Qian's face turned even redder. She scolded, "Stop messing around! Follow me quickly."

"Follow older sister?"

"The prince sent for me to invite you. Although I really can't see what the prince sees in you such that he personally specified that he wanted to invite you." Wu Qian Qian said as she glared at him.

"If it was just him saying my name and wanting to invite me, I will not go!" Chu Yang laughed before adding, "But since older sister specially came to invite me, I shall accept the invitation."

"Meet" and "invite" were two very different things, each holding a different meaning, which reflected Tie Bu Tian's attitude. Chu Yang was successful in setting up his first foundation as a base of power, many different tactics to show off to Tie Bu Tian. First, there was his sharp gaze and agile movements. There would also be Du Shi Qing's endless praises and the irresistible Heavenly Armament Pavilion. And now, there was the addition of Tie Long Cheng's referral.

After careful reflection and contemplation, Tie Long Cheng would tell Tie Bu Tian everything that had happened. Chu Yang had no doubt about this. Tie Long Cheng's description of Chu Yang would affirm another thing: Chu Yang's conjectures and intelligence were unparalleled! That his judgements in worldly events were accurate and his understanding of Diwu Qing Rou was profound.

Everything that they discussed was related to the survival of Iron Cloud Nation and the outcome of the war between Tie Bu Tian and Diwu Qing Rou. It would have been strange if Tie Bu Tian had not asked to meet him!

After Chu Yang left Beyond the Heavens Sect, he joined Du Shi Qing's group. Everything that he had planned and arranged was all in anticipation of this day.

And this day was finally here!

This was a key moment and Chu Yang would not pass up on this opportunity to increase his social status.

"It was the prince who sent me to invite you, okay?" Wu Qian Qian continued angrily, "The prince knows that I know you; that's why he especially sent me here. He also sent ninety-nine of his bodyguards. The carriage in front is the one used by the prince. He even sent sixteen armored riders as an extra precaution. These are all formalities reserved for national guests! These past few years, no one had received such a welcome in Iron Cloud Nation!

"Oh?" Chu Yang could not help but be startled. He had anticipated that Tie Bu Tian would send people to invite him. However, he had not expected such a large ceremonious welcome like this.

Chu Yang swayed back and forth as he sat in an extravagantly decorated carriage. There were 8 golden-armoured riders which lead the entourage, each on looked as fearless as the other. They rode on horses which were as white as snow and all of the horses were strong, muscular and incredibly well groomed.

As for the rest, there were two golden-armored riders on either side of the carriage and four golden-armored riders behind the carriage. In addition, there were ninety-nine silver-armored soldiers. Their posture and stature were incredibly straight. Their formation was so orderly that at any angle, one could see a straight marching line with all of their movements smooth and in perfect unity.

The soldiers marched neatly with their figures like statues and their gaze unwavering. Everything was so nicely lined up and orderly that it created a scene which astonished many because of how professional they looked.

Chu Yang slightly squinted his eyes, as he tried to keep his composure and appear calm. Almost as though everything that was happening before his eyes was something he saw every single day. He sat straight in a formal manner. However, in his mind, he was screaming:

Wow, I can't believe it, this is so grand. Once everything is over, I am going to create a team like this. No matter where I go, I want them to put on the same ceremony. This is truly an impressive sight…

Even though he felt powerful, Chu Yan still let the curtains in the carriage down. If Chu Yang showed his face to the outside now, Diwu Qing Rou would probably know that the person invited by Tie Bu Tian was him… That would not be a good thing!

Safety above all else…

"Thank you, Senior Chu for coming. I am grateful. Please take a seat." Tie Bu Tian was refined, draped in an outfit which was pure white, as beautiful as snow. He smiled and greeted Chu Yang warmly.

Chu Yang was a little surprised when he realised that the place Tie Bu Tian decided met him was Bu Tian Pavilion. On the way there, he did not see anyone else. It was as if this meeting was extremely secret.

Their meeting place was a small lake behind Bu Tian Pavilion. In the middle of the lake, there was a small island with a little pavilion.

The guards brought Chu Yang to the pavilion and immediately returned to their positions.

Chu Yang watched Tie Bu Tian, who had a calm and quiet aura around him. However, he seemed slightly distant.

The courtesy that Tie Bu Tian extended to Chu Yang had made him feel warm for a moment. But now it had completely disappeared.

If it was a boy of the same age, he would have cried tears of gratitude sworn his loyalty to the prince for the rest of his life. But Chu Yang was a monster that lived two lifetimes, as such he continued to keep his calm. Tie Bu Tian was pretty good, managing to impress him for at least a little bit.

"Your Highness, what orders do you have for me?" Chu Yang asked leisurely.

"I am not giving you any orders. Senior Chu is talented. I am sure you know why I want to meet with you today." Tie Bu Tian smiled gently.

"This peasant is ignorant. I do not understand the prince's intentions."

Tie Bu Tian sighed and stood up. He clasped his hands behind his back, turning to look at the calm lake surface. He then said, "Senior Chu came from a sect in Jiang Hu. Surely you understand the current view of the world. Although both the royal courts and Jiang Hu are clearly divided, they are both from the same root and should not be separated from one another."

"If the royal court is a circle of prevailing power that envelopes everything, then Jiang Hu is a different circle of power, only slightly weaker!" Tie Bu Tian quietly said, "In other words, Jiang Hu is a secondary force, capable of assisting the royal court's power at crucial periods. For example, when the people fall into hard times, a hero would rise up and rally the people. Thus, creating a new center of power."

"New countries are started by Jiang Hu! Although they might depend on some power from the royal courts, however, most of the power originates from Jiang Hu! After certain changes, these individuals will accumulate their own power, territory and their own laws! The final result of such success is that they will become the leader of the royal court!"

Chu Yang thought carefully and before he nodded, "What Your Highness said is true."

He thought about how things had changed over the past few thousand years. After unexpected changes, numerous countries fell and many new ones rose by that path.

Those new countries were indeed started by people of Jiang Hu. Even though a great majority failed and were destroyed, many also succeeded.

Saying that the royal court was an evolved form of Jiang Hu was not entirely wrong.

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