Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1659 Chapter 1477: The End

Chapter 1659 Chapter 1477: The End

Capitalizing on the split-second opportunity, Alex transformed into a whirling vortex of motion. His leg unfurled like a coiled spring, launching a perfectly executed roundhouse kick aimed at the doppelg?nger's vulnerable side. The impact was fierce and resounding, threatening to send the monstrous clone hurtling into oblivion.

The last dance, the end of the game had begun.

The resounding echo of the failed punch faded away, leaving behind an eerie stillness in its wake. Alex's heart pounded in his chest, a wild rhythm urging him into action. Without hesitation, he seized the opportunity. Bahamut's clone shifted, its monstrous figure crackling with residual energy, and Alex swiftly unsheathed his weapon. With a dramatic flair, he revealed a longsword bathed in a deep, mesmerizing crimson glow. The red hue seemed to pulsate faintly, as if possessing a life force of its own.

Across from him, his enemy mirrored his every move. A pitch-black spear materialized in its grasp, the obsidian tip capturing the last remnants of light within the cathedral. The air buzzed with anticipation as they circled each other, predator and prey engaged in a silent, deadly dance. Then, with a thunderous roar that reverberated through the crumbling halls, Bahamut's clone lunged. Steel clashed against obsidian, producing a deafening clang.

Alex skillfully parried the spear thrust with his crimson longsword, the blade emitting a piercing melody as it diverted the attack. The impact shook the fractured floor, causing a fresh shower of dust and debris to rain down upon them.

Bang! Boom! Boom!

The clash of weapons transformed the cathedral into an arena of chaos. Alex, a blur of crimson with his fiery longsword, engaged in a lethal ballet against the relentless assault of the obsidian spear.

Bahamut's clone fought with a primal rage, each thrust of its weapon aimed to impale Alex with deadly accuracy. Sparks erupted with each collision, momentarily illuminating the decaying murals on the walls with an ethereal radiance. The very air crackled with the raw intensity of their strikes, resonating through the empty halls like a symphony of torment.

Their movements were a whirlwind of offense and defense. Alex, relying on his agility and expertise, skillfully maneuvered and parried Bahamut's clone ferocious onslaught. The crimson longsword flickered in his grasp, serving as a lethal counterbalance to the relentless aggression of the black spear. It was a clash of opposing styles: precision versus brute strength, a dance in which the slightest misstep could prove fatal.

The clash of metal abruptly ceased, replaced by an eerie crackling of dark energy. Bahamut's doppelganger, its eyes emanating a sinister glow, unleashed a concentrated bolt of lightning at point-blank range. Alex, ever watchful, instantly recognized the imminent danger. With a surge of his extraordinary temporal abilities, the world around him seemed to falter. Time slowed to a crawl, the echoes of their duel fading into a distant hum.

The lightning projectile, a jagged spear of pure power, hung suspended in mid-air, mere inches from Alex's chest. Seizing this fleeting advantage, Alex contorted his body with inhuman quickness. He propelled himself backwards, leaving behind a shimmering trail of afterimages. As he moved, the world snapped back into its normal rhythm. The lightning bolt, released from its temporal stasis, streaked past where Alex once stood, harmlessly sizzling into the remnants of a shattered stained-glass window. A faint ringing echoed in Alex's ears, a side effect of his manipulation of time.

The crimson longsword in Alex's grip shimmered and disintegrated, replaced in an instant by a sleek silver Desert Eagle. With a fierce snarl, he aimed the transformed weapon, Silveria was aimed at the Bahamut's clone.

Bang! Bang!

Two sharp cracks reverberated through the grand cathedral as magical bullets, infused with potent energy, erupted from the barrel.

Bahamut's clone, fueled by its unnatural reflexes, contorted its form with astonishing agility, narrowly evading the enchanted projectiles.

However, its respite was short-lived. In Alex's other hand, a surge of darkness manifested, coalescing into a menacing black pistol. A single, silent shot burst forth from this newly acquired weapon, the bullet itself shimmering with a captivating blue hue. It streaked towards the enemy, devoid of the deafening crack characteristic of the Desert Eagle, but possessing an eerie silence of its own.

The blue bullet found its mark, enveloping Bahamut's clone in a radiant aura. Its once frenzied movements, a blur of monstrous rage, became sluggish and hindered by an unseen force. Seizing this golden opportunity, Alex swiftly snapped his wrist, causing Silveria to materialize once again in his hand. With a chuckle, he discharged a final, specialized bullet.

''Ice Bullet!"

Unlike its magical counterparts, this bullet pulsed with a faint blue light, emanating an unmistakable icy chill from its tip. It hurtled towards the now-slowed doppelganger, a projectile promising a far colder fate than mere temporal confinement.

Just as the ice bullet was on the verge of impact, a horrifying transformation took place. Bahamut's clone remained unflinching, as its form rippled and disintegrated, morphing into a swirling vortex of inky-black smoke. The cathedral descended into an even deeper darkness as the smoke pulsed with a malevolent gray mist. Simultaneously, a chilling dread washed over Alex, his connection to mana, the very essence of his magic, abruptly severed - a clean cut.

With a resounding laugh that reverberated through the shattered halls, Bahamut's voice, distorted and menacing, emanated from the swirling vortex.

"You ignorant mortal! You dare to underestimate the power of the Chaotic Realm! Victory is mine!"

In a swirl of smoke, the doppelganger materialized once again, its eyes burning with a newfound intensity. With a malevolent aura, it lunged towards Alex, cloaked in a hungry veil of darkness, intent on delivering a final, devastating blow.

"Not so fast," Alex retorted, raising Nyx in the direction of Bahamut's replica, mere inches away.

"It has been an interesting encounter, but it's time to bid farewell. The end!"

With those words, a jet-black bullet shot forth from the ebony revolver. Bahamut's clone, to his horror, discovered that he was immobilized, unable to transform into smoke or tap into his chaotic powers. Nyx, the goddess of death, claimed his life, and he vanished into thin air, just like that. The game had come to an end..

As Alex finally found a moment to catch his breath, he knew it was time to tie up loose ends before departing from the Infinity Maze to reunite with his beloved ones, whom he had missed dearly. He fervently hoped that they were safe and sound.

Sinking down onto the ground, Alex allowed himself a moment of respite. With Bahamut's clone defeated, the war had reached its conclusion. He had given his all, and whether this world would fade away or endure was of little consequence to him now. All he desired was to return to where he truly belonged.

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