Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1663 Chapter 1481: Something to brag out

Chapter 1663 Chapter 1481: Something to brag out

The following morning, sunlight flitted through the white curtains, dappling the room in a playful dance. It landed on the couple's faces, coaxing Silveria awake first.

She stirred, a soft groan escaping her lips as she stretched languidly. Her eyelids fluttered open, revealing a sleepy smile as she met Alex's gaze. He was already awake, propped up on one elbow, watching her with an intensity that sent a familiar warmth blooming in her chest.

"Good morning, beautiful," he murmured, his voice husky with sleep.

Silveria couldn't help but blush at the endearment. "Good morning, love," she replied, her voice a gentle rasp.

The events of the previous night lingered in the air, a sweet aftertaste on their lips and a pleasant ache in their muscles.

Alex reached out, brushing a stray strand of silver hair from her face. His touch was light, but it sent shivers down her spine.

"You were incredible last night," he whispered, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of love and appreciation.

Silveria's cheeks flushed a deeper crimson. "So were you," she admitted shyly.

They shared a smile, a silent communication that spoke volumes.

''Let's move to the bathroom.'' Alex was the one who made this suggestion and naturally Silveria accepted.


Stepping into the bathroom, the sterile white tiles were instantly warmed by the playful glint in Silveria's eyes. Gone was the serene beauty of the night before, replaced by a mischievous sprite. With a playful tug, she shed her sleepwear, the fabric swirling around her before landing softly on the floor.

The air hung heavy with the lingering scent of lavender and something more primal – the musk of their passion. The walk-in shower beckoned with an open door, its steam like a translucent curtain inviting them in. But Silveria had other plans first.

A mischievous grin spread across Alex's face as he watched her. He mirrored her actions, discarding his sleepwear with practiced ease. The cool air sent a shiver down his spine, quickly forgotten as Silveria's playful touch sent another kind of heat coursing through him.

She dipped a fingertip into the cool water of the sink, a playful glint in her eye. With a flick of her wrist, a droplet landed on Alex's chest, sending a jolt of surprise through him. His laugh echoed in the room, a deep, rich sound that seemed to vibrate off the very walls.

"Oh, it's on," he declared, reaching for a nearby washcloth. Before he could retaliate, Silveria danced out of reach, her laughter tinkling like wind chimes. A playful chase ensued, weaving between the sink and the bathtub, the scent of soap and shampoo mingling with the lingering musk in the air.

Their laughter filled the room, a symphony of pure joy that resonated with the playful sunbeams flitting through the window. Suddenly, Alex lunged, trapping Silveria against the cool surface of the sink. His arms encircled her, their laughter dying down into a breathless sigh.

"Gotcha," he murmured, his voice husky with amusement.

Silveria, her eyes sparkling with playful defiance, leaned in close.

"Not quite, love," she whispered, her breath warm against his lips.

With a swift movement, she flipped their positions, pinning him against the sink. A playful glint lit up her eyes as she straddled him, her laughter bubbling up again.

"Not quite, love," she whispered, her breath warm against his lips.

With a swift movement, she flipped their positions, pinning him against the sink. A playful glint lit up her eyes as she straddled him, her laughter bubbling up again.

"Now," she purred, her voice a delicious blend of amusement and desire, "who's winning?"

Alex, caught off guard by her sudden reversal, couldn't help but laugh. But the playful glint in his eyes never faltered.

"Seems the tables have turned," he admitted, his voice laced with amusement.

"But this game is far from over."

Their playful battle continued, a dance of water droplets, laughter, and stolen kisses.

Revitalized and their playful skirmish a secret melody lingering in the air, Silveria and Alex emerged from the bathroom. The morning sunlight seemed brighter, casting playful diamonds on the wet floor tiles.

"Feeling more awake, Sil?" Alex teased, a playful glint in his eyes that mirrored the one Silveria couldn't quite banish.

Silveria smirked, brushing a stray strand of damp hair from her face.

"Wide awake," she countered, her voice a husky purr.

"And suddenly very hungry."

The mention of food brought a rumble to Alex's stomach. Laughter bubbled up again.

"Then breakfast it is," Alex declared, extending a hand towards her.

"Though, the kitchen might be a bit of a battlefield after yesterday's feast."

Silveria took his hand, her fingers intertwining with his.

"Perhaps," she replied, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"But two are always better than one when facing a culinary challenge."

The kitchen, bathed in the warm glow of the morning sun, seemed to welcome them. The remnants of yesterday's scone feast – a basket overflowing with crumpled paper napkins and a few stray crumbs – sat on the counter.

"Let the cleaning commence," Silveria announced, her voice taking on a mock-heroic tone.

Alex chuckled.

"And the baking begin," he added, pulling out a fresh set of towels.

Together, they cleared the remnants of the previous day, their movements fluid and familiar. Silveria feeling this activity to be enjoyable, she was the first one to do this with Alex, meaning she got one of his first, this left her feeling proud. She got something to brag about.

Shaking her head, she decided to focus on helping Alex, so she began wiping down the counters, while Alex, with a mischievous grin, launched a playful attack with a damp towel, sending shivers down her spine in a way that had nothing to do with the cool water.

Their laughter echoed through the kitchen, a symphony of renewed love and playful teasing. The task of cleaning and preparing breakfast transformed into a lighthearted dance, their movements punctuated by stolen kisses and whispered endearments.

In the warm embrace of their kitchen, with the promise of a delicious breakfast and a day yet to unfold, Alex and Silveria reveled in the simple joy of being together. The world outside might hold challenges, but for now, they had each other, and that was all that truly mattered. They continued their cooking.

A few minutes later, the delightful aroma of lavender-infused pancakes filled not just the kitchen, but wafted throughout the house, a fragrant invitation to the table. Silveria, with a flourish, placed a plate piled high with fluffy purple pancakes in front of Alex. A dollop of whipped cream and a drizzle of honey adorned the top, a sweet and decadent finishing touch.

Across from her, Alex mirrored her actions, setting down a plate for Silveria with a flourish that rivaled hers. Laughter bubbled up from Silveria's lips as she noticed a single blueberry strategically placed in the center of her pancake stack, a playful echo of their earlier skirmish.

"A peace offering, perhaps?" she teased, picking up the blueberry and popping it playfully into her mouth.

Alex grinned.

"More like a reminder," he countered, spearing a bite of his own pancake and savoring the unexpected combination of sweet and floral.

"Though, these lavender pancakes are surprisingly delicious. Your 'special touch' seems to be a success."

Silveria beamed, her heart swelling with pride.

"I told you," she said, her voice laced with satisfaction.

They settled into their breakfast, the silence punctuated only by the clinking of silverware and contented sighs. The lavender essence added a subtle, floral note to the pancakes, a unique twist that surprised and delighted them both. It was a testament to their playful exploration, not just in the kitchen but in all aspects of their relationship.

With each bite, the memory of their playful morning lingered, a secret smile playing on their lips. They savored not just the delicious breakfast, but the quiet intimacy of sharing a meal together, a simple act made extraordinary by the love that bound them. Their relationship may have not started greatly but thanks to that it evolved in what it's today. They were both grateful for this.

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