Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1672 Chapter 1490: The Flame Goddess

1672 Chapter 1490: The Flame Goddess

In Highfront, the knowledge of this wider catastrophe only fueled the defenders' resolve. They fought not just for the survival of their beloved city, but also for the flickering hope that somewhere, somehow, others were holding the line against the encroaching darkness. Their struggle was not in vain, for they fought for a future that seemed increasingly bleak—a future where the world might not be consumed entirely by the monstrous wave.

The city army together with the Adventurers continued to fight the horde of monsters. The clash of steel on steel became a horrific symphony, punctuated by the guttural roars of ogres and the panicked shrieks of goblins cut down. Magic spells, dazzling bursts of light and searing bolts of energy, rained down on the attackers, momentarily turning the tide.

Anya, a young archer with nerves of steel, perched atop the battlements. Her muscles screamed in protest, but her eyes remained laser-focused on the enemy below. Each arrow she loosed found its mark, a goblin crumpling to the ground or an orc clutching a feathered shaft protruding from its chest.

Beside her, Captain Brennus, a veteran whose weathered face bore the marks of countless battles, fought with the ferocity of a man half his age. His broadsword swung in a deadly arc, carving a path through the throng of attackers.

Overhead, the air crackled with the sound of leathery wings. Anya glanced up to see a griffin rider, her crimson cloak whipping in the wind, unleashing a volley of arrows from her perch. It was Elara, a powerful mage known for her mastery over the elements.

Despite their valiant efforts, the sheer number of attackers wore on them. The tide of monsters seemed endless, a relentless wave threatening to engulf the city walls. Yet, the defenders fought on, fueled by a desperate hope of survival.

Suddenly, a flicker of movement on the horizon caught their eyes. A solitary figure emerged from the swirling dust, growing larger with each passing moment. As it drew closer, a gasp rippled through the ranks of the defenders. It was a young girl, no older than eighteen. Her long crimson hair, tied into twin tails, defied gravity as she floated effortlessly towards the battlefield. Pointed ears hinted at her elven heritage, and her mismatched eyes – one gold, the other a fiery red – held an intensity that belied her youthful appearance. A spotless white robe, seemingly too large for her slender frame, billowed in the wind.

A hush fell over the battlefield. Friend and foe alike watched in stunned silence as the girl descended. Then, a single voice broke the stillness. A grizzled archer, recognizing the distinctive features, let out a shout, "Gracier! It's the Flame Goddess!"

The name echoed through the ranks of the defenders, igniting a spark of hope that had begun to dwindle. Gracier, Alex's adoptive sister, the youngest ever to achieve the coveted SSS rank – a title reserved for only the world's most powerful adventurers. Legends whispered of her prowess – her mastery over fire magic earning her the moniker "Flame Goddess."

A thunderous cheer erupted from the defenders. The tide of the battle might be turning. A single, slender figure stood between them and oblivion, and for the first time since the onslaught began, a flicker of genuine hope ignited in their hearts. The monsters, momentarily taken aback by this unexpected arrival, hesitated. But their hunger for carnage quickly overcame their surprise, and they surged forward, a renewed wave of fury aimed at the lone figure floating above the fray.

This chapter is updated by freēwē

A mischievous grin spread across Gracier's youthful face as she murmured, "Time for some fun!"

The world seemed to hold its breath as she raised her hand, a single crimson ember crackling to life on her outstretched palm. It pulsed with an intensity that seemed to devour the surrounding light, a tiny sun waiting to be unleashed. Then, with a flick of her wrist, the ember surged outward, transforming into a fireball unlike any they had ever witnessed.

This wasn't the fiery orb they were used to seeing from lesser mages. This inferno throbbed with a malevolent life of its own, growing to an enormous size that dwarfed even the lumbering ogres. A gasp of shock rippled through the defenders, quickly replaced by a mixture of awe and morbid curiosity. Many braced themselves for the inevitable inferno, wondering if friend or foe would be consumed first.

But Gracier wasn't done. With a silent incantation whispered on her lips, the colossal fireball didn't detonate. Instead, it shimmered and fractured, splitting into twenty individual fireballs, each a miniature replica of the original and radiating an almost sentient heat. Onlookers' jaws slackened, some dropping their weapons entirely. This wasn't just power; it was a terrifying display of control.

A mischievous glint twinkled in Gracier's mismatched eyes as she grinned. "Boom!" she declared, her voice ringing out over the battlefield.

In a synchronized burst, the twenty fireballs shot towards the massed ranks of monsters on the ground. The air crackled with raw power as they streaked through the sky, leaving trails of incandescent light. Then, in a cacophony of deafening explosions that shook the very foundations of the city, the fireballs detonated.


The earth shuddered with each blast. The once orderly line of monsters was engulfed in an inferno. Fire and debris rained down from the sky, turning the battlefield into a hellscape in an instant. Screams of pain and terror were cut short as monstrous bodies were incinerated, leaving only smoldering ash in their wake. The remaining monsters, their advance faltering in the face of this unexpected onslaught, recoiled in primal fear. The defenders, initially stunned by the sheer power of Gracier's attack, erupted into thunderous cheers. Hope, rekindled and blazing brighter than ever, roared through their ranks.

The monstrous horde recoiled in terror, their advance halted by the devastating display of Gracier's power. Seizing the opportunity, Gracier raised her hand once more, and the lingering flames on the battlefield writhed and danced to her silent command. With a flick of her wrist, they coalesced, morphing into a magnificent serpent of fire. Its scales shimmered with an infernal light, its maw glowing with an intensity that threatened to melt stone. It was a creature of pure devastation, a monstrous embodiment of Gracier's will.

"Devour!" she cried, her voice ringing with power that echoed through the canyons of the city.


The fire serpent surged forward, a living inferno unleashed upon the enemy ranks. It moved with unnatural grace, its body a sinuous wave of molten flame. The panicking monsters were no match for this fiery beast. Those unfortunate enough to be caught in its path were instantly consumed, their screams echoing for a heart-stopping moment before being silenced forever.

The remaining monsters recoiled further, their once-ferocious roars replaced by whimpers and terrified shrieks. From the parapets above, the defenders watched in awe as Gracier, floating amidst the carnage like a vengeful deity, unleashed her power with terrifying precision. The battlefield had become an apocalyptic scene, a twisted tapestry of fire and ash where the stench of burning flesh hung heavy in the air.

Yet, amidst the devastation, hope blossomed anew in the hearts of the defenders. With Gracier at their side, perhaps, just perhaps, they might yet survive this onslaught.



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