Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1679: Chapter 1497: Incursio’s Successor

Chapter 1679: Chapter 1497: Incursio's Successor

A chilling voice sliced through the air, the echo of Maria's challenge resonating in the chamber long after the words themselves had faded. Her arms, clad in shimmering ice armor, were defiantly crossed, her posture radiating an icy authority. Then, as if responding to a summons, the shadows writhed and coalesced. From the swirling darkness, a figure materialized, solidifying into the silhouette of a human.

But this was no ordinary human. As the darkness receded, revealing the figure in its entirety, a gasp escaped Maria's lips. Standing before her was a girl, seemingly no older than a teenager. Her hair, the color of freshly fallen snow, cascaded down her back in a mess of untamed curls that defied gravity. But it wasn't the color that sent shivers down Maria's spine, it was her eyes. They were a startling shade of violet, devoid of the usual white iris, leaving nothing but a mesmerizing vortex of pure amethyst.

The girl's attire was as striking as her appearance. She wore a dress tailored from a midnight black fabric, its elegant gothic style a stark contrast to the white of her hair. The bodice hugged her slender frame, adorned with intricate silver embroidery that shimmered with an otherworldly glow. Lace sleeves, diaphanous and flowing, trailed down her arms, their edges trimmed with thorns sculpted from dark, obsidian ice. Around her neck, a choker of polished bone gleamed with a faint, malevolent light, completing the unsettling yet strangely alluring ensemble.

As the girl took a graceful step forward, bowing low in a gesture of respect, her voice echoed in the chamber, a curious mix of reverence and something else, something deeper and far more complex.

"Greetings, Ice Empress," she said, her voice soft yet strangely powerful.

"It is an honor to finally meet you. I am Number Two."

Maria stared at Number Two, the unsettling familiarity gnawing at her. The name, the power, the chilling aura - it all coalesced into a horrifying realization.

"So you're Incursio's successor," Maria finally managed, her voice tight with barely controlled fury. Incursio, the previous Number Two, had been a formidable opponent, a chaotic entity that reveled in destruction but after switching side and becoming Alex's woman it stopped, making her switch side and become his woman might be Alex's greatest achievement, however this girl, however, was something else entirely.

Number Two's lips curved into a sly smile, as unsettling as a predator baring its teeth. "Seems so," she purred, her voice dripping with a honeyed malice.

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"Did you enjoy my little... presentation? Consider it a welcome gift, Ice Queen."

The confirmation sent a wave of icy fury crashing through Maria. This girl, this beautiful, enigmatic monster, was responsible for the devastation surrounding them, for the death and suffering that permeated the air. The fallen city, the monstrous infestation - it was all a twisted plaything, a "gift" for the Ice Queen's arrival.

"A gift?" Maria spat, her voice low and dangerous. "You call this... this carnage a gift? You've condemned countless souls to a horrifying fate!"

Number Two tilted her head, her violet eyes gleaming with a chilling amusement.

"Oh, but don't they say a little chaos can be refreshing?" she countered, her voice laced with a hint of mocking innocence.

"Besides, it provided such a lovely stage for our little meeting, wouldn't you agree?"

The girl's flippant attitude only served to stoke the fire of Maria's rage. This wasn't just destruction; it was a deliberate act of cruelty, a twisted performance designed to intimidate her. But Maria, the Ice Queen, wasn't one to be cowed.

"You underestimate me, child," Maria growled, her voice hardening with resolve.

"I may have dealt with your pet shadow, but I'm not finished here. The Chaos Organization will answer for its crimes, and you, Number Two, will be at the top of the list."

A flicker of surprise, genuine this time, crossed Number Two's face. The amusement in her eyes dimmed, replaced by a flicker of something akin to respect.

"A firecracker, aren't you, Ice Queen?" she chuckled, a low, melodic sound.

"Very well. Perhaps you'll prove to be more entertaining than I anticipated. Consider this just the first act, my dear. The real performance is about to begin, struggle as much you can."

With a final, enigmatic wink, Number Two's form shimmered and began to dissolve. The shadows in the chamber writhed once more, welcoming her back into their inky embrace. The air crackled with a chaotic energy, a chilling portent of things to come.

Maria stood alone in the epicenter of the chaos she had quelled. The air, once thick with the oppressive chill of the formless entity, now held the sharp tang of ozone, a byproduct of her own immense power. The shattered remnants of the bone throne lay scattered like broken teeth, a grotesque monument to the evil that once resided here.

Frustration gnawed at her. Number Two, the true architect of this devastation, had slipped through her grasp, vanishing into the shadows like smoke on the wind. The anger was a foreign sensation, a flicker of heat within her typically icy core. But it fueled her resolve. This wasn't over. This was merely the first act of a much larger play, and Maria, the Ice Queen, would not be a pawn in their twisted game.

With a flick of her wrist, she summoned a wave of frost, mending the shattered walls of the chamber with shimmering ice. It was a temporary fix, a symbolic act of defiance against the encroaching chaos. As she surveyed her handiwork, her gaze fell upon a single, scorched scroll partially buried beneath the debris.

Carefully, she brushed away the ice and ash, revealing a tattered inscription that seemed to writhe and pulse with a faint, malevolent energy. It spoke of a ritual, a ceremony designed to usher in an era of unending chaos. The final line sent a jolt through her:

"The ritual commences with the sacrifice of a Queens, but true power lies in claiming the heir."

Maria's breath caught in her throat. An heir? They knew about one of Alex's women being pregnant?

A surge of protectiveness, fierce and primal, washed over her. They would not touch Kuina. Not while she drew breath.

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