Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1684: Chapter 1501: Relaxation Time Part 2

Chapter 1684: Chapter 1501: Relaxation Time Part 2

After a period of comfortable silence by the pool, the invigorating effects of the contrasting spa treatments started to wear off. Maria, ever the planner, felt a familiar itch of restlessness return.

"Shall we move on, Luna?" she suggested, her gaze drifting towards the distant hum of activity emanating from the lower levels of the fortress. "There's much to do before nightfall." freeweɓnovel.cѳm

Luna nodded, a hint of amusement lingering in her eyes. "Indeed," she agreed. "Perhaps a more energetic form of recreation is in order?"

A playful smile tugged at Maria's lips. "An excellent suggestion," she replied. "Let's head down to the entertainment venue. I wouldn't mind a bit of friendly competition after all this planning."

With renewed purpose, they made their way towards the elevators that would whisk them down to the lower levels of the fortress. The air grew cooler as they descended, the gentle hum of activity growing louder with each passing floor.

Finally, the elevator doors slid open, revealing a bustling corridor lined with various entrances. A sign above proclaimed it the "Underground Entertainment Venue."

Laughter and the rhythmic clatter of balls drifted from one doorway, the unmistakable sounds of a fierce air hockey battle from another. It was probably the maids playing, it was their day off anyway.

Maria shaking her head, moved forward, she scanned the options, her gaze finally settling on a brightly lit doorway adorned with flashing neon lights and the familiar thump of classic arcade music.

"Feeling nostalgic, are we?" Luna teased, a playful glint in her eyes.

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Maria chuckled. "Perhaps a bit," she admitted, a hint of warmth coloring her usually icy demeanor. They designed this place together after all, Maria, Luna and Sakuya.

"There's something undeniably satisfying about a good old-fashioned arcade game." Maria added.

Pushing open the door, they were greeted by a cacophony of sounds and vibrant sights.

Rows of gleaming arcade cabinets blinked and buzzed, their colorful displays promising hours of pixelated fun. A group of men, their faces lit by the glow of the screens, battled against digital foes with fierce concentration. It was the butlers.

A wave of nostalgia washed over Maria. Memories of simpler times, from Earth, before the war, before the Chaos Organization, flickered in her mind.

"First game's on me," Maria declared, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"What's your poison, Luna? Classic fighting game, or something a little more... strategic?"

A slow smile spread across Luna's face, her dark eyes sparkling with a competitive fire.

"Strategic, you say? Don't underestimate me, Alexia. In matters of both war and virtual worlds, I can hold my own."

She gestured towards a corner of the arcade where a sleek, futuristic cabinet stood out from the rest. Holographic projections flickered around it, displaying a complex grid-based battlefield. It was hard to build everything here but thanks to Sakuya's ingenuity and magic it wasn't too hard

"How about some good old-fashioned tactical conquest? Winner buys the first round of drinks later."

Maria raised an eyebrow, impressed.

"Tactical conquest, is it? Very well, Luna. You're on."

As they approached the holographic cabinet, the projected battlefield flickered to life, a complex grid map populated with miniature figures representing opposing armies. Maria, ever the strategist, felt a familiar spark ignite within her.

"Let's see what you're made of, Luna," Maria said, a playful challenge in her voice.

"Though a fair warning, I haven't lost a tactical game since I was a teenager."

Luna smirked, her eyes gleaming with competitive fire.

"We'll see about that, Alexia. Remember, underestimating your opponent is the first step to defeat."

With nimble fingers, they selected their armies, each choosing a strategic composition based on their strengths and weaknesses. As the game began, the air crackled with unspoken tension, a friendly rivalry blossoming between the two women.

For the next hour, they were lost in the world of the holographic battlefield. Maria, with her precise maneuvers and calculated attacks, mirrored her cold demeanor. Luna, conversely, employed a more unorthodox strategy, relying on surprise tactics and cunning deception, something you shouldn't expect from a Saintess.

The battle raged on, the holographic figures clashing in a flurry of light and sound.

Laughter erupted from Luna's lips as she outsmarted Maria with a daring maneuver.

Maria, in turn, countered with a strategic flanking move, a triumphant glint in her ice-blue eyes.

As the final enemy unit fell, the holographic battlefield shimmered, revealing Maria's victorious army standing tall.


A playful groan escaped Luna's lips, a hint of mock defeat in her voice.

"Well played, Maria," Luna conceded, a smile gracing her lips.

"Seems the Queen still reigns supreme in the digital realm."

Maria offered a triumphant nod, a genuine smile warming her usually stoic features.

"Don't worry, Luna," she teased. "There'll be plenty of opportunities for you to redeem yourself."

Their friendly competition had served its purpose, momentarily pushing aside the burdens their carry. They felt like they're back on Earth playing around after sneaking out.

The vibrant lights of the arcade cast a playful glow on Maria and Luna's faces as they turned their attention to the other games. Laughter still hung in the air, a testament to their friendly


Maria scanned the room, her gaze lingering on a towering cabinet emblazoned with a galaxy

of twinkling stars.

"Spacewar Champions?" she suggested, a hint of a challenge in her voice.

"Remember those epic battles we used to have back in the day when lying to our parents

about some pyjamas party?"

Luna's lips curved into a nostalgic smile.

"How could I forget? Though," she countered, her eyes twinkling with mischief,

"this time, I plan on being the one to conquer the galaxy."

With playful shoves, they settled into their respective pilot seats, the familiar controls feeling strangely comforting beneath their fingertips.

As the holographic display flickered to life, a wave of nostalgia washed over them. Here, in this pixelated universe, they were no longer Ice Empress or the Saintess- they were daring space pilots, ready to blast their way to victory.

The night stretched before them, filled with the promise of friendly competition and shared laughter. They navigated through asteroid fields, their spaceships weaving through a ballet of

laser fire.


Explosions of vibrant colors erupted on the screen as they engaged in epic dogfights, their voices a mix of playful taunts and excited cheers.

Time seemed to lose its meaning as they battled through wave after wave of enemy spaceships. Each victory fueled their competitive spirit, each defeat a chance to strategize and

come back stronger.

As the final boss loomed on the screen, a monstrous space station bristling with weapons, Maria and Luna exchanged a determined look. With a silent nod, they coordinated their attacks, their movements a symphony of honed reflexes and years of shared experience.

The battle was fierce, the holographic space station raining down laser fire. But their teamwork proved to be their ultimate weapon. With a final, well-placed blast, they sent the

space station exploding in a shower of digital debris.

Victory music filled the air as the high score screen flashed, their names displayed in triumphant glory. Maria and Luna leaned back in their seats, chests heaving with exertion, a

mix of exhilaration and exhaustion etched on their faces.

"Looks like the galaxy is safe...for now,"

Maria said with a chuckle, her voice tinged with friendly rivalry.

Luna grinned. "Indeed," she replied.

"But don't think this is over, Alexia. Next time, the galaxy will tremble before the Luna


Their playful banter echoed through the arcade, a testament to the deep bond they shared.

They knew the challenges that awaited them beyond the walls of this haven. But for now, they reveled in the simple joy of friendly competition, a reminder of the normalcy they were fighting to protect.

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