Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1687: Chapter 1504: Peaceful Morning

Chapter 1687: Chapter 1504: Peaceful Morning

The somber mood that had initially settled over them in the vast dining room had completely dissipated. The air now crackled with a renewed sense of purpose, fueled by their shared meal and quiet conversation.

Maria saw the shift in Luna's eyes - a steely determination replacing the earlier shadows of doubt. She leaned back in her chair, a satisfied smile gracing her features.

"There's something truly comforting about a good conversation with you, Luna," she admitted, her voice softer than usual.

Luna chuckled, a genuine warmth radiating from her.

"Indeed, Maria," she replied. "Even the most complex problems seem a little less daunting when shared with a friend."

With their bellies full and spirits high, they lingered at the table for a few moments longer, savoring the quiet camaraderie. But as the night deepened, the weight of their impending challenge returned.

Rising from their chairs, they exchanged a determined look.

"Tomorrow," Maria declared, her voice echoing in the vast room, "we train."

Luna nodded, a fierce glint in her golden eyes.

"Together," she confirmed.

Stepping out of the grand dining room, Maria and Luna made their way through the echoing corridors, a comfortable silence settling between them. Unlike Luna's white room, Maria's room exuded an aura of cool serenity.

The door swung open to reveal a spacious chamber, bathed in the soft, ethereal glow of moonstones embedded in the high ceiling. A large plush rug, woven in shades of icy blue and silver, covered the polished obsidian floor. The centerpiece of the room was undoubtedly the king-sized bed, its deep blue velvet sheets and comforter inviting rest after a long day.

Above the headboard, two ornately framed portraits hung side-by-side. One depicted a younger Maria, her icy-blue eyes sparkling with youthful determination, her hand resting on the shoulder of a man with a mischievous grin and black hair - Alex.

The other portrait showcased a different kind of love. In it, Maria stood beside two other women, their smiles radiating warmth. Luna, her golden hair cascading down her shoulders, exuded a fierce loyalty, while Sakuya, her long black hair adorned with intricate braids, held a hint of gentle wisdom in her eyes. These were her sisters, not by blood, but by the unbreakable bond forged in hardship and shared victories.

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The room itself was a reflection of Maria's personality. Simple yet elegant, it conveyed a sense of order and control, with every object meticulously placed. Yet, the portraits hanging above her bed revealed a softer side, a glimpse into the deep well of love and loyalty that resided within her. freēwē

Stepping into her room, a wave of tranquility washed over Maria. The cool serenity that permeated her space felt like a welcome balm after the day's competitive spirit and weighty discussions. Shedding the day's attire, she opted for a simple nightgown, the soft fabric a stark contrast to the heavy armor she was accustomed to.

But before surrendering to sleep, Maria knew a ritualistic cleansing was necessary. She made her way towards a large, ornately carved bathtub tucked into a secluded corner of the room. Moonlight streamed through a high window, casting silvery reflections on the surface of the water that was already beginning to steam.

With a sigh, Maria added a handful of fragrant herbs and shimmering crystals to the water. These weren't just for bathing; they were imbued with ancient magic, known to sooth the body and sharpen the mind. As the herbs steeped, releasing their calming aroma, Maria sank into the warm water, letting out a relieved groan.

The scent of lavender and chamomile filled the air, a fragrant tapestry woven with the invigorating scent of mint and rosemary. The warmth of the water seeped into her muscles, easing the tension that had built up throughout the day. Her mind, usually a whirlwind of strategies and plans, began to quiet, lulled by the gentle lapping of the water and the soft glow of the moonstones.

As she soaked, Maria couldn't help but glance again at the portraits hanging above her bed. Each face held a memory, a reminder of the love and support that fueled her strength. A smile graced her lips as she envisioned the playful banter with Luna during their games, Sakuya's annoying habit of always teasing her, the unwavering loyalty of her sisters, she really loves them.

Renewed and revitalized, Maria rose from the bath. Wrapping herself in a plush white towel, she felt a sense of calm settle over her like a gentle snowfall. Tonight, sleep wouldn't be a struggle. In this haven of serenity, with the moonbeams dancing on the surface of her bed and the portraits of loved ones watching over her.

A sliver of pre-dawn light peeked through the high window, catching on the moonstones embedded in the ceiling of Maria's chamber. The room transitioned from its cool, moonlit serenity to the soft glow of morning. The rhythmic chirping of birdsong replaced the silence of the night, a melody that drifted in from the fortress gardens below.

Maria stirred, the sound of the birds gradually pulling her from the depths of sleep. As her eyes fluttered open, she was met with the peaceful scene bathed in the golden hues of sunrise. Unlike the usual urgency that accompanied the start of a new day, a sense of calm settled over her.

The playful banter and shared competition with Luna had rejuvenated her spirit. The worries of the impending battle still lingered, but they were now laced with a newfound confidence. A knowing smile played on her lips as she glanced at the portraits above her bed. Each face held a source of strength, a reminder of the love and friendship that would see her through any challenge.

With a deep breath, Maria threw back the covers, the crisp morning air a welcome change from the warmth of the bath. Today, they trained. Today, they honed their skills, pushing each other to their limits. But today, they did so not with the weight of the world solely on their shoulders, but with the unwavering support of their bond, a bond forged since they were child, a bond that grow stronger each day, a bond so strong that they were even willing to share the same man.

Rising from her bed, Maria stepped onto the cool obsidian floor, the sunlight warming her skin. The melody of the birdsong grew louder, a joyous symphony that filled the room.

"What a peaceful morning!"

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