Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1690: Chapter 1507: Training~Final

Chapter 1690: Chapter 1507: Training~Final

The air crackled with anticipation, the playful banter replaced by a focused silence. Luna hefted her staff, its polished wood gleaming in the blue light. Maria unsheathed her ice sword, the blade radiating a frosty aura. The two women stood poised, a storm brewing in the vast training ground. They weren't just sisters or friends anymore; they were opponents, locked in a dance of skill and strategy. The playful sparring had ignited a fire within them, and the true training session was about to begin.


They disappeared together and their weapons meet midair.


The clang of steel against wood echoed through the training ground as Maria and Luna launched into their next duel.

Maria, a whirlwind of controlled fury, wielded her ice blade with deadly precision. Each swing was a calculated strike, aiming to exploit any opening in Luna's defenses. The blade, imbued with her magic, left trails of frosty mist in its wake, chilling the very air around them.

Luna, on the other hand, was a whirlwind of raw energy. Her staff, a blur of motion, danced around Maria's attacks, blocking and deflecting with practiced ease. She fought with an almost reckless abandon, her movements fueled by her light magic that crackled around the staff's tip. The ground trembled with the force of her blows, each one powerful enough to shatter stone.

The initial exchange was a blur of strikes and parries.

Bang! Bang!

Maria, the strategist, probed for weaknesses, searching for an opening to land a decisive blow. Luna, the brawler, relied on her raw power and unpredictable movements to keep Maria off-balance.

Neither women gained a clear advantage. Maria's ice magic, while powerful, struggled to pierce Luna's constant barrage of staff attacks. Conversely, Luna's overwhelming strength couldn't overcome Maria's defensive maneuvers and the reach of her blade.

The stalemate wouldn't last long. Sweat began to bead on their foreheads, and their breaths grew ragged. They were pushing each other to their limits, their bodies screaming in protest. But neither woman would yield. This wasn't just about winning; it was about respect, about proving their worth.

A change in the rhythm of the fight signaled a turning point. Maria, sensing an opportunity, launched a feint with her ice sword, drawing Luna's staff upwards in a defensive block.

With lightning speed, Maria spun on her heel, her blade flashing in a horizontal arc aimed for Luna's legs.

Luna, anticipating a potential trick, wasn't fully committed to her upward block. With a flick of her wrist, she angled her staff downwards, deflecting the icy blade just as it grazed her shin. The impact sent a jolt through her arm, but it bought her precious time.

Capitalizing on the momentary opening, Luna unleashed a spinning attack with her staff. The tip, wreathed in crackling light magic, whipped through the air, aiming for Maria's chest. This time, Maria was caught off guard. She barely managed to raise her ice sword in a desperate block, the force of the blow sending her stumbling backward.

The clash of concentrated light and ice filled the training ground, the air shimmering around them. Maria, her chest heaving, glared at Luna from behind her ice blade. Luna, staff held high, a triumphant grin on her face, mirrored the intensity.

Neither had landed a decisive blow, but the tide of the battle had shifted. Maria, forced on the defensive, was starting to show signs of fatigue. Luna, fueled by her fiery spirit during battle, seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment.

The fight continued more beautiful, more intense.

The clang of steel and wood morphed into a relentless rhythm, a song of exertion sung by two warriors pushing their limits. Maria, her initial fury tempered by the demands of the fight, adopted a more measured approach. Her ice blade became a shimmering extension of her will, each movement precise and economical. She weaved a web of defense, deflecting Luna's relentless staff attacks with minimal effort, conserving her energy for a decisive counter. Luna, fueled by the thrill of the fight and the slight advantage she'd gained, pressed the attack. Her staff, a fiery comet in the cool air, blurred with each swing. But with each deflected blow, a flicker of frustration flickered in her golden eyes. She knew brute force wouldn't win this fight. She needed a new tactic.

A momentary pause in the fight offered a window of opportunity. Luna, feigning another powerful staff swing, dipped low instead. Maria, anticipating a full-frontal attack, raised her ice blade in a vertical block. But Luna, using the momentum of her dip, spun on her heel, her staff aimed not for Maria's upper body, but for her legs.

The surprise attack caught Maria off guard. Though she managed to twist her body slightly, the staff connected with a solid thud on her left calf.


A yelp of pain escaped her lips as the force of the blow sent a jolt of searing pain up her leg.


Luna seized the momentary advantage. With a renewed burst of energy, she unleashed a flurry of staff attacks, aiming for the injured leg. Maria, gritting her teeth against the pain, fought back with a desperate flurry of her own. Sparks flew as ice met concentrated light, the clang of steel echoing through the vast chamber.

But the pain in her leg was a relentless foe. Maria's movements grew slower, less precise. She stumbled back, her ice blade dropping slightly. Seeing her chance, Luna launched a final, overhead strike with her staff.

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Maria, fueled by a warrior's pride, refused to yield. With a surge of adrenaline, she raised her ice blade just in time, deflecting the blow with a bone-jarring impact.


The force of the clash sent tremors through both women, pushing them back several steps.

"Huff! Huff!"

Luna, chest heaving, staff held precariously in her hand, stared at Maria. The Ice Empress, pale but resolute, stood firm, her ice blade trembling slightly. The fight had reached a stalemate, both women exhausted, their bodies screaming in protest.

A tense silence descended upon the training ground. Sweat dripped from their brows, their breaths echoing in the heavy air. Neither Luna nor Maria would admit defeat, but they both knew they couldn't continue at this pace.

Finally, Luna lowered her staff, a grudging respect shining in her golden eyes.

"Alright, Alexia," she panted, a hint of a smile playing on her lips.

"Looks like a draw this time."

Maria, after a moment's hesitation, lowered her ice blade as well. A ghost of a smile touched her lips.

"Indeed, L?," she admitted. "Perhaps another day we can settle the score."

Relief, as well as a healthy dose of admiration, washed over them both. They had pushed each other to their limits, a testament to their unwavering will and skill. The playful sparring had evolved into a fierce dance of combat, a display of the deep bond that existed between them. It was truly a beautiful fight where they both gauged each other progress. Next time they would do a group battle with the others. Everything was to be prepared for the war growing closer, they must use every opportunity to strength themselves. Honing their skills is a must.

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