Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1692: Chapter 1509: Erased

Chapter 1692: Chapter 1509: Erased

The Mastermind's skeletal hand slammed down on the obsidian table, the impact echoing through the crypt-like sanctum.

"Eliminate her!" he roared, his voice a guttural rasp that sent shivers down the spines of the shadowy figures lining the walls.

Instantly, the room swarmed with assassins. Hundreds of them, clad in dark leathers and wielding an arsenal of deadly blades materialized from the shadows, their movements a silent symphony of lethality. But to Sera, the Queen of Assassins, they were little more than gnats buzzing around a flame. freё

A flicker of amusement crossed her brown eyes, hidden behind the darkness of her helm. These were the elite of the Shadow Net, assassins honed for years in the art of taking lives. Yet, in the face of Sera's true power, they were nothing but insects.

With a flick of her wrist, Sera unleashed her domain. A wave of inky darkness surged outwards, extinguishing the flickering torches and plunging the sanctum into an absolute abyss.


Screams erupted from the assassins, their senses overwhelmed by the sudden absence of light. This was Sera's world now, a realm where sight was useless and fear became a tangible entity.

Moving with the grace of a panther in the night, Sera became the Angel of death. She was a blur of obsidian armor, her daggers flashing like malevolent fireflies in the darkness. Each strike was precise and deadly, finding the chinks in their armor, the gaps in their defenses. No scream pierced the silence, only the sickening thud of bodies hitting the floor.

Panic, a choking tendril, began to twist through the ranks of the assassins. They were trained killers, yes, but they weren't prepared for this - to fight an unseen enemy who moved like a phantom and struck with the precision of a reaper. Their blades flailed blindly, their movements erratic and desperate.

From the shadows, the Mastermind watched, a mixture of fury and fear twisting his skeletal features. He had underestimated Sera, underestimating the Queen of Assassins. He had thought to use his own assassins against her, a foolish mistake.

One by one, the assassins fell. Their cries for help died in the suffocating darkness, their bodies piling up on the cold stone floor. The stench of blood began to permeate the air, a testament to Sera's ruthless efficiency.

Finally, only the Mastermind remained, a lone figure trembling in the heart of the darkness he himself had commanded. Sera materialized before him, her brown eyes glowing as if ignited by an unholy fire.

"You thought to use darkness against me, Mastermind?" she said, her voice a chilling whisper.

"This... is my domain."

The Mastermind's whimper morphed into a grotesque cackle. Dark tendrils, thicker and more menacing than shadows, erupted from his body, warping the already oppressive darkness of Sera's domain. His frail form bulked, muscles straining against his once tattered cloak. Glowing red eyes, devoid of any humanity, replaced his yellow ones. The forbidden power granted by the enigmatic Number 2 from the Chaos Organization surged through him, twisting his very form into a demonic mockery of his former self.

Sera's brown eyes narrowed beneath her wood. Disgust curdled in her stomach. This wasn't the whimpering coward she'd anticipated facing. This was a monstrous puppet, a pawn empowered by forces far beyond the reach of the Shadow Net.

"You court oblivion, Mastermind," she rasped, her voice laced with steel.

"That power you wield will consume you as readily as it destroys others."

But the Mastermind, now a grotesque parody of a man, seemed impervious to her words. "Growl!"

A feral roar ripped from his throat, a sound that resonated with the very essence of chaos. With inhuman speed, he lunged at Sera, his clawed hands outstretched.

The Queen of Assassins Zero vanished in a swirl of darkness, reappearing behind the reanimated Mastermind. Her daggers, imbued with her own dark magic, sang through the air as she launched a flurry of attacks, aiming for vital points. But the Mastermind, fueled by the chaotic power, was unnaturally fast and strong. He deflected each blow with ease, his dark tendrils snapping at Sera like ravenous vipers.

The clash of darkness against corrupted power echoed through the sanctum. Sera like a shadow, danced around the lumbering monstrosity, her movements precise and calculated. But every attack met with resistance, every strike countered with inhuman strength. Frustration gnawed at Sera. This wasn't a battle she could win with mere skill. The Mastermind, a puppet on the strings of chaos, was a force far beyond anything she'd encountered before. She needed to adapt, to find a weakness in this grotesque tapestry of power.

As they fought, Sera observed the Mastermind's movements. They were powerful, yes, but also erratic, fueled by rage and a warped sense of control. The chaotic power coursing through him was like a fire - untamed, consuming everything in its path.

An idea, a flicker of hope, sparked in Sera's mind. Perhaps she couldn't defeat the Mastermind directly, but she could exploit the very chaos that empowered him. With a renewed determination, she intensified her attacks, not aiming for the Mastermind himself, but for the tendrils of dark energy that surged from his body.

Each time a tendril was severed, a jolt of pain seemed to rip through the Mastermind.


His roars grew more feral, his movements more erratic. He was losing control, the chaotic power tearing him apart from within.

Seeing her strategy take hold, Sera pressed her attack. She danced around the monstrosity, a phantom in the darkness, methodically severing the tendrils, draining the Mastermind of the very power that fueled his monstrous form.

Finally, with a scream that echoed with the agony of a shattered soul, the last tendril snapped. The Mastermind convulsed, the darkness that had warped his form receding into his body. His glowing eyes dimmed, replaced by the dull emptiness of his human form once more.

He crumpled to the floor, a broken husk of his former self. The power of the Chaos Organization, a two-edged sword, had turned on its pawn.

Sera materialized above him, her emerald eyes burning with an intensity that mirrored the chaos she had just witnessed.

"This is your fate," she declared, her voice echoing in the silence, "for all who consort with darkness without understanding its true cost."

With a final, decisive movement, Sera plunged her dagger into the Mastermind's heart. He twitched once, then lay still. The leader of the Shadow Net, the puppet master who sowed discord across the land, was no more.

But as Sera stood amidst the carnage, a tendril of unease snaked through her. The battle was won, but the war against the shadows, against the insidious influence of the Chaos Organization, had just begun. The darkness she had banished here today could rise again in another form, in another place. Sera knew her work was far from over.

The source of this c𝐨ntent is freeweɓnovēl.coɱ.

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