Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1708: Chapter 1525: The Mad Saintess

Chapter 1708: Chapter 1525: The Mad Saintess

The Wyvern King and the Minotaur clashed in a battle of titans. The wyvern, a whirlwind of sapphire fury, tore at the Minotaur with its razor-sharp claws. The Minotaur, a mountain of muscle and rage, countered with its ebony axe, its blows shaking the very ground.

Below, the battle raged with renewed intensity. The soldiers, empowered by Luna's blessing and Saint Gloria's illusionary unicorn, fought with a fervor that bordered on the divine. Their blades flashed with deadly precision, their movements infused with a newfound strength. They pushed back the tide of monsters, their cheers echoing through the ravaged city.

Meanwhile, a mischievous glint sparked in Luna's eyes after ensuring the civilians' safety. With a playful grin, she muttered an incantation. "Instant Strengthening X5!"

A golden aura erupted around her, pulsating with raw power. As the light subsided, Luna herself vanished. In the blink of an eye, she reappeared amidst a group of snarling orcs, a stark contrast to the carnage surrounding her.

The orcs, momentarily stunned by her sudden arrival, bellowed in surprise. Before they could react, Luna's fist, imbued with fivefold strength, slammed into one orc's abdomen. The impact was horrifyingly swift. With a sickening crunch, the orc's body convulsed, a gaping hole torn open where Luna's fist had connected. Death was instantaneous, the life force extinguished with a single, brutal blow. freewebnσvel.cøm

The remaining orc, its eyes wide with terror, lunged at her with a crude axe. Luna, moving with a blur-like speed granted by her enhancement, effortlessly dodged the attack. With a swift movement, she swung her staff, the enchanted wood humming with power. It connected with the orc's skull with a sickening crack, splitting it open like a rotten melon.

Luna stood amidst the carnage, her white dress pristine despite the chaos surrounding her. Her eyes, however, still sparkled with an unyielding determination, a warrior's spirit burning brightly beneath the saintly exterior.

The Mad Saintess had started to unleash her madness on the enemy.

She scanned the battlefield, searching for the next group of monsters who needed the wrath of a five-times-strengthened Saintess.

Word of Luna's intervention spread like wildfire amongst the defenders. They watched in awe as the Saintess, a seemingly ethereal being moments ago, now moved with the lethal grace of a predator. Her movements were a whirlwind of golden light and devastating strikes, a testament to the versatility of her power.

The tide of the battle continued to shift in humanity's favor. The monstrous horde, facing a rejuvenated army infused with divine blessings and now witnessing their own kind fall prey to the Saintess' wrath, began to falter. Doubt and fear crept into their ranks, weakening their resolve.

"Hail the Saintess!"

The cheers of the soldiers grew louder, fueled by Luna's display of power and the faltering advance of the monsters. But Luna knew this wasn't the end. Her golden eyes scanned the battlefield, searching for the commander of this monstrous force.

Suddenly, a guttural roar split the air, drawing her attention to the rooftops. There, perched atop a crumbling building, stood a hulking figure - a twisted amalgamation of orc and ogre, its skin a patchwork of scars, and a cruel glint in its bloodshot eyes. It was a warlord, a monstrous leader who likely orchestrated this entire attack.

Luna narrowed her eyes. This creature, radiating malice and power, was the source of the monsters' coordinated assault. Taking down the grunts was important, but eliminating the head of the snake would cripple their morale and potentially turn the tide definitively.

"Stay strong, everyone!" Luna called out, her voice ringing with authority despite the chaos. "I'll deal with their leader!"

With a burst of speed granted by her enhancement, Luna propelled herself towards the building. She leaped from rooftop to rooftop, her white dress billowing behind her like a celestial banner. The warlord, sensing her approach, roared again, unleashing a torrent of guttural curses in a language that scraped against Luna's ears.

He hefted a massive cleaver, its blade chipped and stained with the blood of countless battles. As Luna landed on the rooftop opposite him, the ground trembled under the warlord's immense weight.

"You dare interfere, little human?" the warlord boomed, his voice dripping with a venomous malice. "This city belongs to us!"

Luna stood tall, her expression resolute.

"This city belongs to its people," she countered. "And I won't let you destroy their home."

The warlord laughed, a harsh, grating sound.

"You? A frail human girl? You think you can stop me?"

Luna didn't reply. Instead, she raised her staff, the wood crackling with restrained power. This wouldn't be a fight of brute force, like the one raging below. This would be a battle of strategy, of exploiting weaknesses, and of harnessing the power within her to its fullest.

The warlord, perhaps underestimating her based on her appearance, charged with a bellow. Luna darted to the side, narrowly avoiding the cleaver's deadly arc. Using the momentum of the warlord's charge, she unleashed a burst of holy energy from her staff, aimed at the exposed back of his knee.

The warlord roared in pain as the energy ripped through his flesh. He stumbled, his massive frame thrown off balance. Luna saw her chance. With a surge of enhanced strength, she leaped forward and slammed her staff into the warlord's chest.


The impact sent him crashing through the crumbling rooftop, disappearing into the building below.

Silence descended for a moment. Then, a plume of dust erupted from the hole in the roof, followed by a muffled curse. The remaining monsters on the ground looked towards their leader's position, their roars turning into confused whimpers.

Luna stood poised on the rooftop, her golden eyes glinting with determination. Below, the soldiers watched with bated breath, waiting for a sign.

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Suddenly, a triumphant roar echoed from within the building. The warlord emerged, covered in dust and debris, but seemingly unharmed. He glared at Luna, his rage burning brighter

than ever.

"You haven't won yet, human!" he bellowed.

"This isn't over!"

Luna raised her chin, a steely glint in her eyes.

"No," she replied, her voice unwavering. "But it will be."

The battle resumed, but this time, the air crackled with a different kind of energy. Hope had solidified in the hearts of the defenders. They had witnessed their Saintess hold her own against a monstrous warlord, and that ignited a fire within them. They fought harder, fueled by a renewed belief in their ability to win.

Luna, her body strained but her spirit undimmed, continued her dance of death across the battlefield. Each blow was precise, each spell strategically placed. She was a beacon of light in the encroaching darkness, a testament to the unwavering strength of the human spirit, and a symbol of hope for a city on the brink of destruction.

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