Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1724: Chapter 1541: Pursuit bellows the surface of the Endless Ocean

Chapter 1724: Chapter 1541: Pursuit bellows the surface of the Endless Ocean

A collective gasp ripped through the control center as Maria's desperate cry echoed in the room. All eyes were glued to the screen, where the drone, a valiant speck against the vast expanse of the ocean, launched itself towards the shimmering portal.


The drone's engines screamed in protest, pushed beyond their limits. The portal pulsed with a strange, otherworldly energy, beckoning the drone towards a perilous unknown. Behind it, the monstrous entity, a golden beast, pulsed with an even brighter malevolent light. It had sensed the drone's desperate maneuver, its speed increasing in a monstrous burst that defied the very laws of physics.

The chase continued, but the scene had shifted. Both the drone and the entity were now swallowed by the swirling chaos of the dimensional rift. The portal flickered, its edges fraying like burnt paper, before collapsing with a bang, leaving behind only an unsettling stillness.

Silence descended upon the control center, thick and heavy. The scientists and engineers exchanged nervous glances, their faces etched with a mixture of anxiety and a flicker of hope. Had the drone made it through? Or had it been caught in the dimensional turbulence, lost forever in the folds of reality?

Emperor Julius, the weight of the world on his shoulders, finally broke the silence. "Can you establish a connection? Any signal from the drone?"

A young scientist, his brow furrowed in concentration, shook his head. "Nothing, Your Majesty. The dimensional rift severed all communication channels. We can't track it, not yet." A wave of despair threatened to engulf the room once more. But Maria, ever the pragmatist, stepped forward, her voice steady despite the churning emotions within.

"We need to find a way to stabilize the rift," she declared, her gaze sweeping across the room. "If the drone made it through, we need to provide a way back."

The elven sorceress, her emerald eyes gleaming with renewed purpose, nodded in agreement. "We can combine our magic with the existing technology. It will be a delicate operation, but perhaps..."

The room buzzed with renewed activity, a flurry of brainstorming and calculations. The initial shock had given way to a desperate determination. They wouldn't give up. They couldn't. Humanity's last hope, the Supernova-wielding drone, might be lost in another dimension, but they would find a way to bring it back, to deliver the weapon that could potentially turn the tide of this war.

Meanwhile, in the unknown expanse beyond the collapsed rift, the drone continued its perilous journey. Had it truly escaped the monstrous entity? Or had the King of Monsters followed it, its essence adaptable enough to navigate the treacherous currents of the dimensional sea?

The answers remained veiled in the swirling mists of the unknown, a mystery that would soon be unraveled, for the fate of humanity hinged on the outcome of this desperate gamble.

Relief washed over the control center like a tidal wave. They had found a way! A method to track the colossal life force of the monstrous entity, even within the murky depths of the unknown dimension. The news, delivered by a scientist with a hint of triumph in his voice, sparked a renewed flicker of hope in the room.

"It's faint," another scientist chimed in, her brow furrowed in concentration as she adjusted the readings. "But there it is. A massive energy signature, unlike anything we've ever detected."

Emperor Julius leaned closer to the screen, his heart pounding in his chest. The image was blurry, distorted by the dimensional interference, but a faint golden glow pulsed in the distance. It was the King of Monsters, its essence a beacon in the inky blackness.

On the screen, the monstrous entity, its golden form a stark contrast to the swirling chaos of the dimension, surged forward. Its speed had doubled compared to before, a testament to its otherworldly nature. It was a creature of sheer power, fueled by a primal rage.

4200 meters below the ocean's surface.

The distorted image on the screen offered a glimpse into the monstrous entity's transformation. Its wings, once powerful, were now even larger, the scales shimmering with an otherworldly light. The intricate golden engravings, pulsating with a strange energy, seemed to be the key to its increased speed. It was a terrifying adaptation, a testament to the creature's ability to evolve in the blink of an eye.


The word seemed to emanate from the screen itself, a palpable emotion radiating from the monstrous entity. The attack from Project Hyperion, while a setback, was a mere pinprick compared to the current agony coursing through its being. This injury, unlike any other, had awakened a primal fury within the beast, a rage that threatened to consume all it touched.

Suddenly, the monstrous entity's speed faltered! freё

A collective gasp rippled through the control center. On the screen, a startling development unfolded. The severed horns, floating ominously above the golden form, pulsed with an intense light. The long horn, in a flash of golden brilliance, transformed into a beam of energy, shooting upwards with incredible speed.

"What is it doing?" Maria muttered, her voice laced with confusion. The others in the room echoed her sentiment, their faces etched with concern.


A collective scream ripped through the control center. The image on the screen, distorted but undeniably real, depicted a scene of utter devastation. The monstrous entity's severed horn, transformed into a golden beam of energy, had erupted from the unknown dimension with terrifying speed.

It pierced through the 4,000 meters of ocean above it in a blink, leaving a shimmering trail in its wake. The target? Not the city, not the control center, but the drone - the lone beacon of hope for humanity.

The drone, its sleek obsidian form a stark contrast to the churning ocean, had no chance to react. Its metallic hands, still grasping the Supernova cannon in the midst of preparation, were rendered useless. The golden beam slammed into the crystal core of the weapon, shattering it like fragile glass. A blinding flash erupted, followed by a deafening bang that echoed through the control center despite the filtering mechanisms.

The drone itself wasn't spared. The golden beam, its power undiminished, tore through the orichalcum metal hull like a hot knife through butter. A deep gash ripped across the drone's body, sparks flying as electrical systems overloaded.

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Despite its incredible sturdiness, the drone was no match for the monstrous entity's fury. It was flung backwards like a ragdoll, a shooting star of black metal streaking across the sky. Tens of kilometers it flew, its trajectory dictated by the monstrous force of the impact, before plummeting back into the ocean with a bone-jarring crash.

Silence descended upon the control center, a suffocating weight pressing down on everyone present. The elven sorceress slumped into her chair, tears welling up in her emerald eyes. Maria, her face pale and drawn, stared blankly at the screen, the image of the shattered drone seared into her memory. Emperor Julius, his imperial bearing shattered, let out a strangled


The scientists and engineers, their initial shock fading, began muttering amongst themselves, their faces etched with despair. The drone, their creation, their hope, was gone. The Supernova, their only weapon capable of harming the monstrous entity, lay in pieces at the bottom of the ocean.

The King of Monsters, its rage seemingly appeased by the destruction of their weapon, vanished from the screen. But the victory, if it could be called that, tasted like ashes in their mouths. They had lost their most powerful weapon, their best chance at stopping the

creature's rampage.

The question hung heavy in the air: What now? How could they face a seemingly invincible enemy with nothing left to fight back with?

It not that they hadn't thought of fighting the beast directly but none of the otherworlders, meaning Maria and the other two could appraise the golden beast, only question mark appeared above its head, without knowing its level they couldn't really strategize, it was why they decided to test it using another method. They could decide what to do from now on.

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