Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1746: Chapter 1562: Curse Lifted 1

Chapter 1746: Chapter 1562: Curse Lifted 1

Relief was a fleeting luxury in the Abyss. No sooner had the echo of the demon's demise faded than the ground trembled again. Two more Abysmal Demons lumbered into view, their forms mirroring the one Alex had just vanquished. Their six eyes, devoid of pupils, glowed with a malevolent hunger.

Alex cursed under his breath. He hadn't anticipated reinforcements. But despair was a weapon he wouldn't wield. He straightened his spine, a flicker of steel returning to his eyes. "Two more puppets to play with," he muttered, his voice laced with a dangerous edge.

Silveria materialized once more in his hand, the weight of it reassuring in his weakened state. He wouldn't let these new arrivals deter him. He had faced down one, he could face down two. This time, however, he wouldn't rely solely on surprise.

As the demons charged, Alex raised Silveria, aiming not at either of them directly, but at the space between them. He poured his remaining energy into the weapon, a potent mix of chaotic and his own inherent magic. With a resolute grunt, he fired.

The Void Bullet streaked through the air, a grayish blur, and then, with a sickening crackle, it detonated. Instead of a single portal, a temporal rift ripped open in the space between the demons. Time itself seemed to distort, the air shimmering with an unnatural haze.

The demons, caught mid-charge, bellowed in confusion. One, quicker than the other, attempted to veer away, but it was too late. The rift's pull was irresistible. It yanked the demon into the distorted dimension, its roars echoing as it disappeared into the swirling vortex of time.

The remaining demon, momentarily stunned, froze in its tracks. It let out a guttural roar, a sound that spoke of both fear and fury. This human, battered and bruised, had defied the natural order of the Abyss. This defiance would not stand.

Alex, sweat beading on his brow, knew he wouldn't have the strength for another Void Bullet. But he wouldn't go down without a fight. He channeled the last vestiges of his power into Silveria, imbuing it with a blinding light.

A desperate gamble. He aimed not at the demon itself, but at the runes etched on its torso. These runes, he suspected, were the source of its power, its connection to the Abyss.

With a final yell, he fired. The light from the bullet struck the runes with a deafening crackle. The demon howled in pain, its form flickering as the runes dimmed and sputtered. The connection to the Abyss, severed.

The demon, weakened and disoriented, stumbled back, its once terrifying visage replaced by a vulnerability Alex hadn't expected. This was his opportunity.

With a burst of adrenaline, Alex lunged forward, Silveria forgotten for the moment. He tackled the weakened demon, using his own strength, battered as it was, to pin it to the ground. The Abyss floor trembled under their combined weight as they grappled, a desperate struggle for dominance in the heart of chaos itself.


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A primal roar tore from the Abysmal Demon's throat as Alex slammed it down. The obsidian floor groaned under their combined weight as they wrestled, a monstrous shadow writhing against a battered human form. But Alex, fueled by the draconic power simmering within him, pressed his advantage. This wasn't just a fight for survival; it was a test of sheer willpower.

With a surge of draconic strength, Alex ripped his hand free and slammed his fist into the demon's face. The blow, imbued with a raw power beyond human limitations, shattered the demon's jaw with a sickening crunch. A choked gurgle escaped the creature's mangled throat before it went limp.

Alex slumped back, his own body screaming in protest. Every muscle ached, his lungs burned, and exhaustion gnawed at him like a ravenous beast. But a flicker of triumph ignited in his eyes. He had done the impossible. He had stared down chaos in its most primal form and emerged victorious.

Taking a moment to catch his breath, Alex surveyed the desolate landscape around him. The battle had left its mark - scorched earth and shattered obsidian littered the ground. But through the haze of exhaustion, a strange sense of clarity bloomed within him. He understood now, on a deeper level, the chaotic energy he wielded. It wasn't just destructive; it held the potential for immense power.

With renewed determination, Alex turned his attention to the swirling vortex that pulsed at the heart of the Abyss. This was why he had come. He had to consume more of the chaotic energy, not just survive, but to return to his world stronger, ready to face whatever awaited him.

Closing his eyes, he channeled his remaining energy, focusing on the balance between chaos and control. The air crackled as he drew in the chaotic energy, this time not with the raw desperation of before, but with a newfound understanding of its power. It lashed against him like a tempestuous sea, threatening to consume him, but Alex held firm. He absorbed the chaos, integrating it with his own magic, forging an even more potent weapon within him.

As the last tendrils of chaos entered his being, Alex opened his eyes. A sense of power surged through him, a potent cocktail of chaos and order. He was changed, forever marked by his ordeal in the Abyss. But he was also stronger, ready to face the challenges that awaited him.

"Let's keep going!"

As Alex delved deeper into the Abyss, the oppressive darkness seemed to tighten around him. The chaotic energy grew ever denser, swirling tendrils reaching out like hungry fingers. Yet, Alex pressed on, his newfound understanding of chaos guiding him. He wasn't just here to survive; he was here to devour the curse at its very source.

Each tendril of chaos he absorbed was a battle in itself. The raw power threatened to overwhelm him, to twist him into a creature of pure destruction. But Alex held firm, channeling the draconic strength that slumbered within him. He was a conduit now, a nexus between control and chaos.

The deeper he ventured, the more grotesque the landscape became. Obsidian spires jutted from the ground like broken teeth, and rivers of molten rock flowed through desolate valleys. The air itself seemed to scream with the tortured whispers of countless souls trapped within

the Abyss.

But Alex ignored the chilling whispers. He focused on the task at hand, a singular purpose driving him forward. He envisioned his world, its vibrant landscapes smothered by the curse. He saw the faces of his allies, their strength waning as the curse sapped their power. It fueled his resolve, a steady beacon in the swirling chaos.

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