Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1758 - 1564: Curse Lifted 3

Chapter 1758 -1564: Curse Lifted 3

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The dragon's voice, a guttural rumble that echoed through the Abyss, carried an unexpected intelligence. It recognized Alex's purpose, a glimmer of respect flickering in its otherwise vacant eyes.

"So it was you running amok in my turf. You're here to undo the curse, I presume?" it asked, its voice carrying a strange melody.

Alex returned the stare, a flicker of respect mirroring the dragon's. "Nice deduction," he replied, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins. "Let us begin and not waste time."

The dragon inclined its serpentine head, a gesture of acceptance. Without further preamble, both lunged simultaneously.

Their bodies collided with a force that shook the very foundations of the Abyss. Alex's fist, infused with the power of chaos, met the dragon's scaled hide with a thunderous impact. The dragon retaliated with a swipe of its clawed limb, a strike that carried the weight of centuries of malice.

The clash was a symphony of destruction. The air crackled with the raw energy of their confrontation, the ground trembled beneath their weight. The dragon's scales, impervious to most attacks, shattered under the force of Alex's blow, revealing a layer of shimmering black energy beneath.

Alex, in turn, felt the full brunt of the dragon's power. Its claws, imbued with the essence of the Abyss, tore through his defenses, leaving deep gashes that bled a strange, otherworldly liquid. Yet, he pressed on, his resolve unwavering. This was the final battle, the ultimate test of his strength and will.

The clash between Alex and the Abysmal Dragon was a spectacle of raw power. Their bodies, both honed through endless trials, collided with a force that shook the very foundations of the Abyss. But the dragon, born from the heart of chaos, possessed a physicality that transcended mortal limits.

Alex, despite his enhanced strength, found himself slowly but surely being pushed back. The dragon's blows, each one imbued with the weight of the Abyss, sent him reeling. Its claws, sharper than any steel, raked across his body, leaving deep, bleeding furrows.

Yet, Alex refused to yield. Every retreat was a tactical maneuver, a chance to study his opponent's patterns. The dragon's strength was immense, but its movements were predictable, bound by the laws of its monstrous form. Alex, on the other hand, was a master of chaos, capable of adapting and evolving in the face of overwhelming odds.

As the battle raged on, Alex began to find openings. He ducked under a sweeping claw, his body a blur of motion as he closed the distance. His fist, a weapon honed through countless trials, connected with the dragon's underbelly. A guttural roar echoed through the Abyss as the dragon staggered back, its monstrous form momentarily destabilized.

Alexpressed his advantage, a flurry of blows raining down on the stunned creature. His fists, infused with the power of chaos, cracked against the dragon's scales, sending shockwaves through its colossal body. The dragon roared in defiance, its tail lashing out, but Alex was too quick, dodging the attack with a practiced ease.

The battle raged on, a dance of titans in the heart of darkness. The outcome hung in the balance, the fate of the world dependent on the strength of a single man.

Alex knew he couldn't afford to play defensively any longer. The dragon's raw power was overwhelming, and he risked being crushed if he continued to rely on speed and agility alone. With a deep breath, he activated his ultimate form, the Asura Mode.

Crimson light erupted from his body, engulfing him in a fiery aura. His body elongated, muscles bulging with unnatural strength. His black hair stretched, morphing into a crimson mane that flowed behind him like a banner of war. His eyes, once a familiar brown, now glowed with an intense crimson light, capable of piercing through the darkness of the Abyss. Silveria, his trusted weapon, transformed as well, its silver sheen replaced by a crimson glow. It elongated, morphing into a longsword, its blade shimmering with a deadly energy. "Time for round two!" Alex declared, his voice a low growl, a stark contrast to his usual calm demeanor.

The Abysmal Dragon, momentarily stunned by the sudden transformation, lunged forward, its monstrous form a blur of shadow and muscle. But Alex, empowered by his Asura Mode, was ready. He activated his temporal ability, slowing down the dragon's attack just enough to create a window of opportunity. With a swift movement, he parried the dragon's claw, his crimson longsword clashing against the monstrous limb with a deafening clang.

The battle had entered a new phase, a clash of titans where the very fabric of reality seemed to tremble. The Abyss itself became a battleground, the chaotic energy swirling around the combatants in a frenzy of destruction.

The Abysmal Dragon, sensing its opponent's growing strength, unleashed the full extent of its power. It commanded the winds, whipping them into a frenzy that sought to disorient Alex. Simultaneously, it shrouded itself in a cloak of darkness, a void that swallowed light and hope.

Alex, unfazed by the onslaught, moved with a grace born of chaos and control. His crimson longsword, a weapon of pure defiance, sliced through the wind and darkness with ease. Each strike was a calculated blow, a testament to his mastery of combat.

But the dragon was relentless, its attacks growing in ferocity. The wind whipped around Alex, seeking to dislodge him from his footing, while the darkness tried to blind and isolate him. Yet, Alex held firm, his mind a fortress against the onslaught.

"Ah, silly me," Alex muttered, a touch of amusement coloring his voice. "I have so many skills and I often forget to use them all."

With a flick of his wrist, he released his grip on the crimson longsword. The weapon, imbued with his chaotic energy, hovered in the air, a sentinel against the encroaching darkness.

"Nemesis's Domain!" he declared, his voice carrying a chilling resolve.

The world around them seemed to freeze. The wind stilled, the darkness dissipated. The very essence of the Abyss, the chaotic energy that fueled the dragon's power, was suppressed. A bubble of silence and stillness enveloped them, a stark contrast to the maelstrom they had just endured.

The dragon, its power stripped away, let out a roar of frustration, its form shrinking slightly as its connection to the Abyss was severed. It was a creature of chaos, and without it, it was merely a wounded beast.

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