Demon Lord’s Reincarnation

Chapter 417 - My Friend

Chapter 417 – My Friend

As Ren and Valdel were sprinting towards the eternal forest, Valdel suddenly spoke.

“Now that I think about it since the Primordial Demons are out and about, that would mean that something happened to that hero in the cave. You know the one who called himself Shin.”

“You only now realized that? The moment I spotted Nyarlom, I immediately figured that out. As expected of a dog, thinking really isn’t your specialty.”

“Why does it seem, that ever since you found out that I was formerly Kir, you started acting like this towards me?”

“I thought you wanted to be true friends, I’m just acting in an open way. Since you know my secret, and I know yours, we’re pretty much as close as can be as friends. This is just me being me. The last time when you didn’t know who I truly was, I could never show you my true self since I was trying to control your actions in a hidden manner. Now that I know you’re the old man, then you pretty much should know what I’m like, making it harder to fool you. So if I can’t fool you, then why should I bother acting, I’ll just be myself.”

“Even before I got a clear picture of my past life memories, I did guess that you weren’t honest with me. Still, I kinda wanted to believe that you weren’t playing me for a fool.”

“Well, don’t worry about it, you were a fool before as Kir and you’re still a fool now. Nothing much has changed in that regard, so don’t sweat it.”

“Hmph, so says the one who foolishly pursues the greatest of battle. You would do so many foolish things in that pursuit of yours.”

“When did ever say I wasn’t a fool? I was a fool back then, and I’m a fool even now. Even my past incarnations were just as foolish as I, which is to be expected since we’re all one and the same.”

“Wait, alright, I will concede to that point of yours, but we’re getting off-topic here. Aren’t you worried about your hero friend?”

“Hero friend?… Isn’t that you?”

“Not me the other one.”

“Hmmm, If you’re talking about Shin, then I never treated that guy as a friend. So in that regard, you truly were my only hero friend. That guy was more like a rival to me. He among all the other beings I have fought in this life and the last, the so called fourth hero, Shin, was the only one who was able to survive an encounter with me. I have met him in battle numerous times, and each time we fought he grows stronger than the last. He was truly a worthy rival, that kept me going.”

“Wait, the way you’re talking seems like you’re implying something… How about me wasn’t I your rival as well?”

“Hmm in our past lives, you were more of a kindred soul, rather than I rival. You were like a mirror of what I could’ve been. Actually, in the end, I did end up the same as you. As you said, the moment I reached the top it got really boring, real fast. At the time, the days became longer as nothing ignited my excitement, my passion, the thrill of battle was lost. There were no more battles to be had. Those that were stronger than me, did not want to face me in battle. Back then I thought it was because they feared the ridicule they would receive if they lost. Well, that’s what I thought back then, but now that I know more about my own hidden secrets, I guess those people knew the truth about me. They knew that I was the Strongest Mortal Soul. So they didn’t want to risk having a fight with me.”

“I see…” Valdel was going to ask Ren, that what about now, was he still not considered as Ren’s rival? Yet when Valdel remembered that in this current life of his, Ren was the one who taught him how to fight. So Valdel no longer bothered to ask the question.

“So you’re not worried about that rival of yours?”

“Worried, why should I be?”

“Oh… Knowing you, I thought you would’ve wanted to settle the score between the two of you, or that you wanted to see how powerful he had become?”

“Of course, I want to settle the score and I also want to see how powerful he is now, but what does that have to do with me being worried?”

“Then if you do feel that way, why aren’t you worried about his safety or whether he’s alive or dead?”

“Why should I worry about that, obviously he’s alive which is why I can beat him down and learn how powerful he is when I meet him later.”

“How can you be so sure he’s alive?”

“That guy when I was at the peak of my power and had an army of powerful demons and undead serving under me. Even with all that odds stack up against him, even while he was protecting other people he stood and fought against me. At the time he was already powerful enough to escape from me, and know that a few millennia have passed he’s obviously more powerful than before. Even if he’s being surrounded by an unknown number of Primordial Demons, that guy would still find a way to survive. That’s why I’m not worried, because I believe in him.”

Valdel was rather shocked to hear what Ren said. “You… believe in him?”

“Yeah, I do.” Ren unconsciously smiled as he thought about that old rival of his.

“I see…” 𝒃𝒆𝙙𝙣𝒐𝒗𝒆𝙡.𝙤𝒓𝙜

“So what is it you truly want to ask, Valdel? I’m sure that you didn’t start this conversation because you just wanted me to talk about Shin.”

“How could you tell?”

“Hmph, you might have the memories of the old man, but you’re still that naive childhood friend of mine, Valdel. I could easily see through you.”

“Heh, as expected of you. As per usual it’s like you could see through my own thoughts, that not even I know about.”

Ren stopped running and Valdel did the same. Without turning around to look at Valdel, Ren spoke in a more serious tone.

“… Is it about Lisa?” When Valdel heard Ren’s question he was truly surprised this time. Valdel who was stunned for a few seconds started to chuckle as he answered.

“You really do see through everything… Yeah, it’s about Lisa. The reason why I was trying to test you with my questions, was because I wanted to see how you’ll answer knowing that your friend was dead. But as I should’ve expected from you, the answer you gave was out of my expectations. Unfortunately, I cannot use the same answer, since even if I believe in her, we both know the truth about Lisa.”

“So what are you planning to do now?”

“I thought about it for a very long time now. Once we’re done with the Primordial Demon crisis, I will head out to the underworld and I will speak with the God of Death.”

“That journey will be a tough one, even for someone like you.”

“I owe Lisa that much.”

“Of course, you’re telling me this because you want me to join you, right?” Valdel shook his head before responding to Ren.

“No, I wasn’t expecting you to do that. This is a journey I must make on my own.”

“You fool, did you really think I will allow you to go to such a fun place without me?”

“Like you said to me, even if I said no, you would still go anyway, so why do you bother asking?”

“Good that you understand… Of course, you’ll tell Lara about it as well.”

“If possible, I wanted to go either by myself or with just the two of us. I don’t really want to endanger Lara’s life for this.”

“You really are idiotic sometimes. What do you think Lara would feel if we go by ourselves? How about what she would feel if we fail to return without telling her?”

“… Heh, I guess you’re right. I was being unfair to her… When we return I’ll tell her the plan as well.”

“You better prepare for the worst, before going to the underworld… Unlike the time we dealt with the underworld of Grenton, this underworld is literally guarded by the God of Death.”

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