Demon Lord’s Reincarnation

Chapter 443 - Eva

Chapter 443 – Eva

Lara knew that she had fallen unconscious and was now inside a very realistic dream. In this dream, she was an alchemist called Evangeline, and she was not just any alchemist she was considered a genius and one of the very best. Not only that but she was also a respected swordsman that could rival even the strongest of Sword Masters. She felt proud and thought that she was the best of her generation. That was until she heard a rumor of someone her age that became a Sword Sage.

A Sword Sage was someone at the top of all swordsmen, and the rumored new Sword Sage was the youngest to ever received the title. Unable to believe that someone of her generation was more talented than her. She started a journey to find this so called youngest Sword Sage. She wanted to see just how much better this so called Sword Sage was.

On her journey, she had met many that wished to challenge the Sword Sage, and she has beaten them all. It took a lot of effort to find the youngest Sword Sage since he was hiding, but after a few months, her efforts finally bore fruit.

Evangeline was now finally facing the Sword Sage. He was certainly as young as was rumored and had a huge broadsword as a weapon. The first thing that Evangeline thought when he saw him was that he was pretty handsome. She then approached the young man and knelt to show her respect.

“Sir Gabriel, I’ am honored to be in your presence,” Evangeline spoke with a gentle tone.

“Stand, I don’t need you to kneel before me… So you know my name, but, I do not know yours.” Hearing what Gabriel said Evangeline stood and did a curtsy as she introduced herself.

“My name is Evangeline.”

After the introduction, Gabriel started to assess the woman in front of him. Seeing as this person looked to be the same age as him, he could already tell what she was here for.

“So Evangeline, I’m sure you came here knowing who I’ am. So I’m guessing you want to do something more than just a simple greeting.” Evangeline smiled.

“As expected of the youngest sword sage. Indeed I came here to challenge you to a duel.” Hearing the frank answer, Gabriel sighed.

“Sure, the first to hit wins. Ready your blade.” Evangeline did as she was told and readied her blade.

“Come at me anytime, Evangeline.”

With that as the signal for the start of the duel, Evangeline moved. Using swift movements Evangeline, got behind Gabriel and was about to slash at him with the intent to kill him. Yet with movements that looked like he had used no effort whatsoever, Gabriel blocked the attack.

As if expecting that to happen, Evangeline, took out something from the pocket of her skirt. She threw an unknown bottle toward Gabriel. Yet when she threw it, she noticed that Gabriel was no longer in front of her.

Evangeline felt cold steel by her shoulder. She smiled and asked.

“Since when did you know?”

“Know what, that you were an alchemist? I knew it from the very beginning. It was easy to tell since you had a distinct chemical smell.” Gabriel answered nonchalantly.

“I lost completely.” After saying that Evangeline laid on the green grass. Upon hearing her admitting that she had lost, Gabriel started walking away.

“Where are you going, Gabriel?” Evangeline asked.

“Don’t know, but if you want an answer, ask the wind.” After answering Evangeline Gabriel left. That was how their story of love and adventure started.

Gabriel and Evangeline had many encounters with each other and had various adventures. They had roamed the entire continent, having wonderful and memorable adventures. During one of those adventures, the sky was darkened because of a powerful release of divine energy. Gabriel was heading toward it and of course beside him was his beloved partner Evangeline.

The two have been through a lot of life and death situations together, and have always survived, but this time might be something beyond what they could handle.

Gabriel looked at Eva and wanted her to stay behind. He didn’t know what was to come and felt something wrong might happen, so he wanted Eva to hide while he finds out what was causing all this havoc. Yet as usual the girl never listened to him and just followed behind.

Gabriel wanted to protect her, but at the same time, Eva wanted to protect him. The two with similar feelings wanted to do the exact opposite of what the other wanted.

“Hey Eva, I really think you should sit this one out.”

“Huh, why should I? Also if anyone should not be going it should be you right?”

“Hey if there is danger, aren’t I the stronger one most appropriate to go?”

“You? The one who knows almost nothing about magic or alchemy, wants to solve a problem regarding divine energy? That’s pretty funny, as a renowned alchemist and also an able swordsman I’m sure that I’m more fit for the job.”

Gabriel looked at Eva for a moment before sighing.

“I really think you should go back, Eva,” Gabriel said so with a more serious tone than usual.

“Why?! Do you really think that I will be getting in your way?” Eva looked at Gabriel in pain. Gabriel shakes his head and answers while looking directly at Eva’s eyes.

“No, you can never be in my way… It’s just that, if I know my woman is going to be in danger, of course, I want her to stay back.”

Upon hearing Gabriel say that she was his woman, Eva’s face turned crimson. Eva who was now blushing furiously started to stutter.

“Huh? W… Wh…Who is… Your w…w…w…w-ommmm… Woman? Who is? Huh?” Eva was saying things while stuttering, causing Gabriel to smile as he pointed at Eva.

“You are my woman Eva, I love you,” Gabriel said so with a straight face causing Eva to blush even more, if somebody looked at her they can actually see the smoke coming from her head.

“So Eva how about you, what do you feel about me?” Gabriel continued his attack and Eva was caught off guard.

“Do I really have to say it?” Eva asked.

“I told you my feelings isn’t it fair to tell yours?” Gabriel said so teasingly.

“You already know, how I feel. Do I need to say it?” Eva was still trying to evade, but Gabriel nodded his head. Eva started to scratch her head while looking at the ground.

“Fine then, I… I… I lo…love you… too.” Even with all the stops, she was able to say it.

Gabriel approached her and hugged her. “Hey wait Gab…” Without waiting for her to finish Gabriel started kissing Eva, Their lips were interlocked, while Gabriel shares his passion with Eva. After what seems like an eternity to Eva, Gabriel finally let her go.

“W…W…W…WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!” Eva screams. Gabriel tilted his head confused.

“Huh? That was a kiss wasn’t it?”

“I know that was a kiss! What I meant was why did you do it?”

“Huh aren’t we lovers now, isn’t that what lovers usually do?”

“Yes… But… (sigh) never mind.”

“Say, Eva.”

“What is it now? You want to say something more.”

“After we solve this problem, why don’t we get married?” (Gabriel)

“WHAT!? Ummm… W… We just become lovers now you want to marry?” Eva said so all flustered which amused Gabriel even more.

“Well, I have always thought about it. So now that I got the flow going, better say it now. So what do you think Eva, will you marry me?” Eva looked at Gabriel and scratched her head. She sighed, she had always known this guy was always like this. 𝐛𝗲𝗱𝐧𝐨𝘃𝗲𝗹.𝐜𝐨𝐦

“Sure, but you better make me happy.” Eva showed a bright smile at Gabriel, to which Gabriel responded with his own smile.

“Of course, my love.”

This was the promise that will never be fulfilled.

The two had found the cause of all the havoc. It was a divine object that could literally destroy their plane of existence. Gabriel without any hesitation took hold of the divine object before Eva could move. The power within the divine object could obliterate anything that came into contact with it, but Gabriel was able to withstand its power. He looked at Evangeline with a sad smile on his face and spoke.

“I love you, Eva.” Those were his last words before disappearing from Eva’s sight. He had used the only spell he knew off, [Spatial Transfer]. It took Eva a few seconds before she comprehended what happened, and shouted.


After losing Gabriel, Evangeline raged at the very Gods that allowed such a travesty to have happened to one so noble. She then became obsessed with researching how to resurrect someone. Yet despite her efforts, she could indeed revive a body but it was an empty vessel with no soul. So Eva started to research souls.

During her research, she encountered the term the Strongest Mortal Soul. After investigating that term, She finally understood that Gabriel was this so called Strongest Mortal Soul. She tried her hardest to learn more about it and found out that only beings at the level of deities had access to such information.

Eva who was now absurdly powerful was able to capture some world deities to interrogate them. The more she learned the closer she felt to meeting Gabriel again. Yet even with all of her power she was still human in the end and had no way to extend her life. So with her research on souls, she was able to bind her own reincarnation cycle to Gabriels. It took a lot of effort and sacrifice but she was able to do it.

As she did this and as her body started to fail her, she promised with her very soul on the line that she would surely save her love.

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